tdc → eight
the death cure
chapter eight
❛❛ but i did what i thought was right ❜❜
It was nearly curfew, Gally claimed that Teresa should be getting off work soon and she'll be walking home. He has been observing her on when she leaves home to work, and when she leaves work to home. He knew which streets she takes, which bus she takes, or her usual train ride time, and which restaurant she goes to.
To walk and stand around in a crowded area was strange, somehow it felt normal, there was a moment where Poe thought that the world was fine and this place was merely a normal city as if there's no WCKD, no Flare and no Cranks in the world. He stood and walk like a normal civilian who is probably walking back to his home. Will the world ever feel that again?
He glanced to his right while he was leaning back against a pillar, catching the sight of Gally, Nico and Thomas walking down the empty subway before they disappeared into the corner. He checked the time the third in the last five minutes, he brought his breath in then mutter out as he exhaled sharply, "Shit" He pushed himself forward, then turned to the left direction toward the main street. There was no turning back at this point.
He wanted to get this over with, get it over with so he can get back to Newt and be with him. The thought of Newt made him feel anxious, he cannot let Newt wait for him any longer.
Poe just walked ahead, as Gally told him to because the street that Poe was walking on is the same where Teresa will be walking on her way home from work. Regardless of what he thought of Teresa, the part where he never wanted to confront her, but he had a lot to say to her. Nothing of any rage, but rather ask questions and get answers. Teresa knows him, she held the answers to his questions, about his past. He knows he was once WCKD, but he needed more answers.
Poe came to a halt by the street light as many pedestrians walked by him, he saw her. There she was, Teresa, walking towards his way, but stopped at the red light in the middle of the street. That pang in his heart hit him again, that same feeling when he sees her, he wasn't sure if it was hurting him, or maybe it was a relief of seeing her again. Has he's been longing to see her again all this time?
Her gaze shifted to her left, watched WCKD guards apprehending a man who's been exposed. She didn't see Poe until her gaze shifted front, it took a moment when she noticed a familiar boy standing across, looking at her. She took a long look until she realized who it was. Poe?
When Poe knew that she had seen him, he had to go, he turned around and walked back where Gally, Nico and Thomas were waiting. He took a quick glance back over his shoulder and saw Teresa hurrying to follow him. He turned and entered a large hall that was almost empty, he kept going ahead.
"Poe?" Teresa called, she walked fast to catch up, he turned right, he met her glance before disappearing around the corner before she jogged after him.
When she turned around the corner, the boy was gone, there was no one around, she looked left and right for Poe. She glanced left, anxiously and almost desperate to see him again. Then she heard footsteps approaching behind her. She slowly turned around, thinking that it's Poe.
But it's not Poe. She stood in stun and stared in shock when she saw who it was, "Thomas"
"Hey, Teresa"
She was confused but still worried. "Wh—Where's—"she paused, took another quick look around for Poe before looking at Thomas again. "You shouldn't be here. If Janson finds out you're here—"
"I'm not staying," Thomas said, he stepped forward, close enough to her. "It's just . . . I had to see you . . . I had to ask you something . . . Do you regret it? What you did to us?"
Teresa didn't respond briefly, "Sometimes" she answered, there was guilt in her tone. "But I did what I thought was right . . . I'd do it again"
There was silence momentarily, Thomas, feeling mostly disappointed before responding, "Good"
The response from Thomas confused and shocked Teresa. Thomas looked over Teresa when he saw Gally coming up behind her. Before she could see Gally, he put a cloth bag over her head, and everything was dark for her.
Poe and Nico went on ahead while Gally and Thomas guided and dragged Teresa. Poe and Nico looked around to see if the streets were clear, they'd signal Gally and Thomas if the coast was clear. The trip back to the Crank Palace was long and almost difficult.
Newt couldn't contain his relief when Poe came back and couldn't really let go of him from a long and tight hug.
Shortly after they arrived at the Palace, Gally led the group to an old abandoned church. On their way there, Newt told Poe about Jorge who planned on leaving to head back to the Right Arm. "What?" Poe uttered and looked over at Jorge who was walking with Brenda as they were about to walk by them. "Jorge, is that true?"
"I'm getting as many help as we can. Anyone is welcome to join me, I can try and persuade Vince to help"
"We tried that, didn't we?" Nico said who had heard him. "We know the guy, he's not much a persuasive type"
"If he doesn't, I'll might as well steal a ride from him" He flashed a smug before walking off to follow Gally who was dragging a blinded Teresa ahead toward a large church.
Nico sighed, "Tempting, honestly"
"He could use some company" Brenda pat Nico's back.
"And you're not going with him?"
Poe, Newt, Nico, Brenda and Leigh stood together as they all looked ahead. "And miss all the fun?" Brenda raised her brows as she looked at Nico, "Nah, not me. But I may have someone in mind who could keep the old man in company"
"I would, but—" Nico said, he took a long look at Leigh, she didn't return her gaze. "Can't leave these shanks hanging" he nodded at Poe and Newt.
"I wasn't talking about you," Brenda remarked, she glanced down toward the ground between Newt and Poe. They all followed her gaze, stood between Poe and Newt was Bark. His ears lowered, let out both a whimper and a groan. Brenda then walked away to follow the rest to the church.
Brenda was right though. There was no possibility that Bark can go on during the rescue mission into the city, he has to go with Jorge to the Right Arm, it was better that way. That means Poe has to let Bark go again, say his goodbyes in case he doesn't make it out.
As everyone was in the church, Gally sat Teresa down on a chair, everyone else sat and stood away from her. Poe seated on a chair by a table with Brenda, Nico and Leigh. Thomas gave a nod to Newt who was near Teresa, he grabbed the bag off her head before taking a seat next to Thomas.
Teresa was shocked to see Gally, the same look that the Gladers expressed when they first saw him yesterday. "Gally?"
Poe glanced to where Gally was sitting, and tight away, Gally responded, "Here's how this is gonna go. We're gonna ask you some questions and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. We'll start off simple. Where are Minho and Anton?" Gally got up, grabbed a chair and approached Teresa.
Teresa's gaze shifted from Gally to Thomas then to Poe "You guys don't seriously think—"
Gally set the chair down in front of Teresa, breaking her gaze from Poe. "Don't look at him. Why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not gonna help you"
Teresa's eyes shifted again, meeting Poe's glance, Newt glanced back at Poe, he broke his gaze away from her, and so did she.
"Now, we know you have Minho and Anton in the building. Where?" Gally demanded.
Teresa hesitated. "Minho's with the others in the holding. Sublevel three. And Anton is . . . in a different floor, level twenty"
"How many others?" Newt questioned.
Twenty-eight more kids. It was also planned that if there were others, they have to take them as well. Twenty-eight, so many. They turned to Brenda and Leigh, they were playing cards together. "We can make that work" Brenda replied.
"No" Teresa objected, "No, you guys don't understand. Every level is restricted. You can't get in without a thumbnail ID"
"That's why you're gonna come with us," Thomas told her.
"Well, I don't know" Gally shrugged, "We don't necessarily need her. Right?" he got up, pulled his chair away and approached the table. He grabbed a scalpel, "Not all of her. We just need her finger"
"Gally, back off," Thomas said.
"What, are you squeamish? I guarantee you, she's done a lot worse to Minho and Anton"
"That's not the plan" Thomas stood and grabbed the scalpel from Gally, "Back off"
"It won't make a difference" Teresa stated, "Do whatever you want to me. You still won't go through the front door. The sensors will pick you up the—"
"We know" Thomas interrupted, "We're tagged" he approached her, crouch down to her level as he looked at her. "Property of WICKED. You're gonna help us with that too" he raised the scalpel to her.
First, it was Newt who volunteered to have the tracker taken off. Then it was Nico's turn, followed by Leigh and Frypan. After him, it was Poe.
Poe and Teresa didn't speak right away in the first five minutes. The pain sharply stung him when Teresa began to cut his back neck. She tried to be gentle when she dug to remove the tracker slowly.
"You seem well," Teresa said, finally breaking the silence between the two.
"Disappointed?" Poe murmured. This is the first time in months they've talked. It was awkward and strange surprisingly.
Teresa didn't respond right away, "No, I'm . . . relieved"
Poe had an urge of turning around to look at her. But he had to keep his neck still. He glanced forward, meeting Newt's gaze, sitting at the table ahead with Gally and Nico. It's like Newt was keeping an eye on Poe.
"Is that Bark?" Teresa asked, the dog was laying on his belly beside Gally's feet.
"Yeah, can you believe that?"
Poe felt Teresa's soft breath against his skin, feeling the coldness within the cut. It was a very soft and quiet chuckle she let out. For some reason, she smiled a little, a little that no one noticed. "How?"
"Gally" he answered. "Somehow they both survived"
It was quiet between the two again. For a long moment, he shut his eyes, gripped on the chair when a sharp pain hit him when he felt something in his neck. "I don't see . . . Teo here. Is he—?"
"He's okay," Poe said, "He got shot when we robbed the train couple days ago so, he had to stay behind"
Teresa did hear of what happened to the train. She knew. She knew it was the Right Arm, she knew it was Poe, Thomas and others. She took a quick look ahead and spotted someone that she was surprised to see as well before.
"I'm surprised she came" she was looking at the girl, Leigh.
"Who? Brenda?" Poe asked.
"No . . . I meant . . . Leigh— it's just that—" she paused. Unable to explain at all.
"Why does that matter to you?" Poe asked, curious and also confused.
Teresa sighed, "Nothing, never mind . . . But anyway, I'm done, I got your tracker out" she grabbed a gauze from the stand, reached it around Poe to take.
He reluctantly took it then pressed the gauze against his back neck. It stung almost badly. He stood up and moved away from the seat.
"Poe, listen—" Teresa stood up, "there's something you should know—"
But Gally came forward after seeing that Poe was finished and interrupted, "Are you done with him?" He asked her, stood next to the two and stared at her.
Teresa agape, looked at Poe, she gave a look as if she was saying 'please', whatever it was she wanted to tell him, it can wait. Maybe afterwards, maybe when this is all over.
Poe brushed her off, "Good talking to you again," He said almost coldly then walked away to join the others.
"What did she say?" Newt turned around as he kept his voice low, Poe took a seat on the table that Nico, Leigh and Brenda were sitting.
Poe looked at the gauze, a small line of blood smeared on it before pressing it again on the cut. "Nothing much. She just wanted to know what she's been missing out" he shrugged.
"You told her that you and Newt have been sharing the same bed the last six months too?" Nico said loudly and flashed a smirk.
Both Poe and Newt glared at him before Leigh punched him on the arm, "Shut up" she hissed.
"Seriously?" Newt furrowed his brows, infuriated by Nico.
Poe can't help to look over where Teresa was, the moment he looked at her, her eyes dropped and focused on Gally as she began to get the tracker out of the boy's neck.
"Hey, Newt, Poe?" Thomas turned to the two, "How about you two go to the warehouse and find us the suits? The ones that WICKED's soldiers wear, Gally said there should be a pile in the locker room. Won't be hard to find, he said"
"Yeah" Poe nodded, he got off the table, nudged Newt to follow.
He and Newt left the building and made their way back to the warehouse. "Well, I think you and Teresa have a lot to talk about," Newt said, as they were walking to the warehouse straight ahead.
"I don't think so" Poe shook his head. "She said enough already"
"Well, maybe it's a good thing she's here" Newt's tone was off like there was a hint of rage. "She's Immune and you're Immune, I'm not, you two might live happily ever after. By then I'll probably be in the ditch somewhere dead" he sounded annoyed. But Poe knew this wasn't Newt, it's the Flare talking.
"Newt—" Poe grabbed Newt's arm, turned him to look at him, reached his other arm. But Newt wasn't looking him, his eyes narrowed as he looked infuriated. "Hey," Poe's hands were on Newt's cheeks, to get him to look at him. "This isn't you talking, all right? Come back to me . . . please"
Newt's eyes closed shut, dropped his head, his chin pressed against his own collarbones, trying to get his mind back, fighting off whatever that was consuming his mind and emotions.
"Come back to me" Poe's voice was soft and kept his hands on the boy's cheeks.
Newt took a long moment before finally raising his head up, opened his eyes and looked at Poe. There were tears in Newt's eyes, he reached Poe's hands that were still on his cheeks. "I'm sorry"
"It's okay" Poe reassured, he pulled him into a long and comfort hug. "It's okay"
It's scary to think that Newt will get worse, as it grows worse, he'll grow angrier and more aggressive. Time was counting down for Newt until he goes fully Gone. He didn't have much time.
The serum, like the one Lawrence, has been using, should be in WCKD building, Gally knows where he'd find it. Get the serum, then they save Newt. It will delay the inevitable.
After Newt and Poe got the WCKD suits, for both of them, also for Gally, for Thomas, Frypan and Nico. Poe already had one of the jackets on. Brenda told Poe that Jorge was about to leave any moment with Bark. Meaning it was time to say goodbye to Bark. Thomas was on the chair, getting his tracker taken out.
"Here, see if these fit" Newt handed the jackets to Frypan, Nico and Gally.
Jorge and Brenda were talking before Jorge leaves. Poe stood over Bark before getting down on one knee, "Hey, boy" he pat him once more, "You and I will be away from each other again. You'll be okay, I'm sure Teo will be happy to see you and he'll take good care of you if I don't come back"
The dog panted as his jaw was down and his tongue sticking out as he looked at Poe. Newt came to say goodbye to the dog as well.
Moments later, that's when Jorge whistled, signalling the dog that it was time to go. "We'll see you soon again, okay?" Poe stroke Bark's head, he responded with a whimper.
"Time to go, boy" Gally ordered, "Go, go with him"
The dog reluctantly obeyed, he walked away rather slowly and followed Jorge out of the building. Poe and Gally watched Bark until he disappeared around the corner. Poe couldn't help to think about that day when they escaped the Maze when he left Bark to die, and now Bark is leaving Poe behind. Poe was glad, he was glad that Bark is going because he'll be okay if Poe doesn't make it, Teo will take care of Bark. He knows that.
"Good shucking dog" Gally murmured before breaking his gaze from where Bark disappeared to.
Poe's attention shifted when Thomas and Teresa talking tensed up. He saw Thomas up and she did too. "You don't believe me?" She uttered.
"Do you really expect me to?" Thomas responded harshly. Teresa stared at him, speechless.
Gally approached them, "Everything okay over here?"
Thomas responded before walking away from her.
Newt nudged Poe's arm, grabbing his attention, he turned to him. Letting Newt adjust Poe's WCKD jacket, and closed the zipper as well. "Nervous?" Newt looked at him, placing his hands on Poe's arms.
"I'd be an idiot if I said I'm not" Poe admitted, "but . . . it's Anton and Minho. You save Minho and I save Anton" and you, he wanted to add but he couldn't say it.
Newt nodded in agreement.
It was almost time. Time to head back to the city, to the WCKD building and get Anton and Minho out. What awaits the Gladers in the building?
Excited or nervous?
Well, I'm both tbh xD
Hope it goes well for them :)
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