pre-tmr → nine
pre-the maze runner
chapter nine
❛❛ i expected nothing from the greenbean ❜❜
At that end of the day, Gally excused Poe and he was finished for Builders. Gally stated that he'll let him know how he did Builders at the Gathering. Poe had doubts he'll become a Builder, he didn't want to be a Builder, Builder seemed a much harder job in the Glade and it was a lot of work.
Poe had to go to Med-jacks for his arm, he couldn't move it, he hold it against his chest to keep it still because it was painful to move it even just an inch. When he arrived and Jeff was the one treating him. When the Keeper of Med-jacks finished examining Poe's arm, he claimed that Poe will need a cast and a sling which made him feel disappointed.
While Jeff was putting cast around Poe's arm, Nick came in, "Dude, what happened?"
Poe sighed, "Had an accident during Builder Trials" he didn't want to tell him that it was no accident, he knew Nico had caused it and was probably the one who pushed Jack toward the ladder that Poe was on.
"Was it an accident?" Nick frowned, folded his arms on his chest. Of course he would know something like this would happen when Poe reached Builders because of Nico.
Poe looked at the leader, giving him a stern look and an honest look, "Yes, it was an accident. Jack just tripped, ask him or Gally about it"
Nick looked at Poe like he was lying. He knows, he knows Poe is lying. It would be ridiculous and pathetic if he told Nick what happened, even if he did, they'll be punishing Nico and that would make him and Poe even. But no, for some reason it's stupid to tell the leader and have Nico in trouble. It's like telling your parents that someone is bothering you and they want some justice or something. It'd make Poe feel like a little bitch who tells his parents about someone tormenting him.
"An accident, huh?" Nick stared at Poe.
The boy nodded in response. "Yeah" he looked down at his arm and watched Jeff was putting cast around it.
"You know, Poe?" Nick took a step closer, "If anyone— anyone gives you trouble, don't be afraid to tell me, alright?"
When he said anyone, Poe was sure he meant Nico. Instead of rebuffing or scoffing, he nodded and said, "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind" Poe didn't promise at all.
"Okay—" Nick nodded, dropped his hands to his sides, "see ya both around"
"Later" Jeff waved and Poe waved bye as well.
Poe didn't say anything for another long moment until he made sure Nick was really gone. He let out a sharply exhale, "Is he always this caring?"
"Well, he's the leader" Jeff shrugged, "it is his sort of job to care as well"
Once Jeff was done putting cast on Poe's arm, he went to a drawer and pulled out a white sheet for a sling.
"Nick's no idiot—" he said, he was folding the sheet to make a sling. "He knows it wasn't an accident. I mean, after what happened two days ago, and you just left Builders, it's obvious this was no accident" Jeff chuckled.
"Well, I don't wanna be some little bitch who runs to his momma for help, so—" Poe shrugged.
"Yeah, you're a big boy" Jeff was finished making a sling and then he put it on Poe over shoulder. "You look like a tougher guy who doesn't cry much"
Poe scoffed then laughed softly. Jeff helped to put Poe's arm onto the sling and then he was done.
"Don't know how long until it heals but give it a few weeks" Jeff implied.
"Thanks, man" Poe stood up then walked to the exit. "See ya around"
Over the following few days, the Trials were finally finished and Poe had done trying out every job within the Glade. Those days had been still odd and all the same but he was getting used to it. Poe had met the rest of the Gladers but unable to remember all of their names. He could only remember every Keeper's name. It has been a week since he started this strange new life.
Today is the day where the Keepers have a Gathering where they decide where to put the Greenie in a job. Poe was actually nervous about it.
It was right after breakfast when Nick announced the Gathering and called out the Keepers to head to the Homestead then called Poe to follow.
"Shit" Poe breathed out then looked at Anton and Teo.
"Look, it's no biggie" Anton said, "every Keeper is just going to talk about how did well and all then in the end, they're going to have a vote and then you got yourself a job"
Poe exhaled sharply then got up and went to follow the Keepers to the Homestead. In the Homestead was a large room, large three steps used as seats and the bottom ground was where, Poe assumed to be seat. A chair sitting in the middle of the room that faces the Keepers. He waited everyone to sit down or someone to tell him what to do.
Once everyone were seated, Nick was on the floor, standing then gestured at Poe, "Come on down here, Greenie" he then gestured at the chair beside him.
Poe reluctantly walked forward, every eyes were on him and watched him until he sat down on the chair. He was facing the Keepers of the Glade and it made him more anxious.
"Let's begin, shall we?" Nick announced, he moved to the nearest wall and leaned back. "So, we're here to decide where we should put the Greenie... as usual, we go around and let the Keeper talk about how well he did on the jobs then at the end, we vote. Greenie, you're not allowed to speak until we tell you to, understand?"
Poe merely nodded in response.
"Lets start the usual; Winston, go"
Winston heaved his chest then exhaled sharply as he gave a light smack on his lap, "Well, I'll have to say that Poe did great in Slicers. I think he's perfect fit for the job, he showed no hesitation when he killed. Unlike most Greenies, he lasted to the end, no vomit and all. So... yeah, I like him, I could use another pair of hand in the Blood house... and Bark really likes him too" Winston finished.
There were soft chuckles from almost every Keeper in the room.
"Good, good—" Nick was impressed, he took out a notepad from his pocket and also a pen, "okay uhmm... Newt, your turn"
It seems they're going by the jobs Poe tried in order. He knew what he expected it from Newt.
Newt crossed his arms on his chest, gave a slight smirk and a soft laugh. "Unfortunately, I gotta say that I expected nothing from the Greenbean—" he was looking at Poe, he wasn't surprised at all. "He showed lack of determination or enthusiasm on the job, it was obvious he wasn't interested in the job, I figured I could give him... less work. Still, he didn't work hard and showed laziness."
Poe leaned back against his chair, craned his neck as he stared at Newt and gave a stern look. Poe wanted to say something, about why Newt doesn't like him that much, why he hates him that much and how he sort of treat him almost poorly.
"Needless to say, I don't think Track-hoes is best for him. Let anyone else take him for their job" Newt finished.
Poe smiled as he broke his gaze from Newt. Nick didn't look so disappointed or impressed. "Jeff? You got something?" He asked.
The Keeper of Med-jacks sighed, "I like him as well, he did great as a Med-jack. Doesn't complain much. He didn't need to ask for help, he was a little sloppy at first but he managed. But if he gets few more training, I think he'd be perfect as a Med-jack" Jeff paused a moment as if trying to find more words to say, "And I'd like to have him as a Med-jack, even though it's unnecessary to have another guy in the job. I'm fine if he ends up in another job"
The Keeper of Med-jack finished, Poe shifted his glance to Nick, who raised his brows, "Alright. Frypan, you're up"
Poe calls Frypan "Siggy" instead like Anton. Everyone else calls the Keeper of Cooks "Frypan". The boy cleared his throat before he began, "I can't say the same as Winston and Jeff unfortunately. Never had a Greenbean who almost burned down the kitchens, not once"
Most Keepers let out chuckles and laughs as Poe flushed in shame and slid down his chair.
"Sorry, buddy but you were terrible, probably the far worst I've had so far" Siggy shrugged as he smiled, "He's better off in another job" he finished.
Nick was writing something on the notepad and seemed to be scribbling a line. "Tim?" He called.
The light brown haired boy didn't have any negative comments about Poe's trial on Bricknicks. But said it was unnecessary to get another Glader in the job since they have enough Bricknicks.
Then it was the Keeper of Builders' turn. Gally exhaled sharply. Like Newt, Poe did have expectations on what Gally will say. "I don't know honestly, I have mix thoughts on him. He'd definitely make a pretty good Builder, no lie. He's best I've seen in month... but— its a shame he and one of the Builders aren't getting along very well, they'd probably kill each other within a week if they work side by side. Wouldn't want that to happen, do we? Can't have another Banishment soon, right? I don't mind him being put to another job" he was finished.
They moved onto the rest of the Keepers and that went on for less than half hour. Poe received positive compliments about his trials and only a few had negative comments. Poe thought that the Gathering was going well for him and he felt good for himself about how the Keepers' comment were actually well.
Then it was Nick's turn, but it would be different, he's the one who gets to choose the jobs then everyone will have a vote.
"Okay then—" The leader paced around the room as he read what he wrote on the notepad. "So, we have a lot of jobs for him, I don't think we ever had a Greenie who is actually good at almost everything in the Glade... we got a Slicer... Med-jack... Bricknick, a Builder, Bagger... Slopper and... Map Maker... so, Poe— which job do you think it's best for you?"
Poe clocked his tongue, straightened up onto his seat, scratched his wrist under the cast. He gave a shrug then gave it a momentarily to begin. "I don't know, man. I mean, I like Slicers to be honest" he glanced at Winston who smug then winked and gave a slight nod. "Med-jacks would be cool, but Jeff says they don't need another pair of hands"
But to be a Med-jack, he might have to treat the Gladers he doesn't like and he wouldn't want to be bothered by them.
"Bricknicks is alright, but Tim says it's unnecessary to have another Bricknick." Poe went on, "as for Builders, I like to be a Builder but after what happened—" he gestured at the sling around his arm, "—it left me all shook up to be honest" he was being sarcastic and received soft laughters from the Keepers. "I think I would have my neck broken next time"
Poe was looking at Gally, Poe was actually saying like Nico will kill me this time for sure and it seem Gally knows that just by the way he looks at Poe.
Then Poe was finished talking about the rest of his potential job positions. That's when Nick spoke, "Alright, I think I'll decide on... Slicer—" he looked at his notepad again, eyes scanning from top to bottom, "and Med-jack, let's vote, shall we?... Anyone who thinks the Greenie should be a Slicer?"
Winston was the only one who raised his with an instant meanwhile more hands were raised rather slowly. The Keeper of Slicers was glancing around to see how many hands were raised before turning his head front then raised his other hand. Kept his two hands raised up. Newt was one of them who raised his hand rather half-heartedly, Siggy was one of them who raised a hand and so did Alby. It looked to be enough for Poe to be a Slicer. Newt was the one who slapped Winston's one hand down and murmured "Really?"
And Winston just flashed a smile.
"Alright, how about Med-jack?" Nick asked. The rest of the hands were raised, the leader counted the hands then his brows raised as he checked the numbers again, "We have a tie— but I guess I'm the one who gets the final decision"
Poe looked over at Nick.
The leader took a moment before he made the decision. "I'll say that Slicer is best for him"
Winston let out a hush "Yes!" and clapped his hands together.
Poe was surprisingly relieved that he ended up as a Slicer. He get to spend his days with Teo and Winston and even Bark the dog.
"This Gathering is over, now everyone get to work—" Nick declared, "and Poe, you're now officially Slicer, you're starting now, go"
Poe nodded. Everyone got up and begin to leave the room to head to work. Poe followed Winston out of the room. Poe is now a Slicer, he was glad and glad it was all done and over with.
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