"Peter, I'll be fine. Our son won't be here until a week or so. Even though he is late, I really don't think he'll come anytime soon. Go on your mission." MJ said, wiping the applesauce from her chin.
"Yeah, that's what makes me nervous. What if you go into labor while I'm gone? What if I'm not here to take you guys to the hospital? What if I call someone to come and take care of you?" Peter paced around the room.
"If that'll make you feel better, go ahead...but you honestly you have nothing to worry about." MJ sighed. "I feel great."
Peter stopped to look at her. "I'm calling Betty." He left the room to make the phone call.
MJ chuckled, looking over at Rosemary. "What do you think, Rose? You know we never got your opinion on what we should call your baby brother."
"Woody." She smiled.
"Yeah, like, Woody from Toy Story." She said, taking another spoonful of her applesauce.
"Well," MJ said, moving a strand of Rose's hair away from her face. "It's better than any name your Daddy came up with."
Rosemary gasped, which scared MJ. "Forky!"
"Oh, no, no, that's where you crossed the line. I thought you were different from Daddy! I guess we should just call him Boy because we're all not going to agree to one name. I didn't think this was going to be so hard, Rose." MJ said, lying back.
Peter came back in, smiling. "She said yes, she's coming over in twenty minutes. I should probably wait until she comes before I leave, right?"
MJ tilted her head. "Peter, I don't think I'm going to go into labor in the next twenty minutes. Go."
She could tell that Peter seemed more relaxed knowing that Betty was going to take care of her so he agreed. "Okay. I'll go change in the other room since...you know."
MJ nodded. "Please, be safe. Remember don't text and swing!"
Peter smiled. "You know I always am. I'll be back before you go to sleep, okay?" He kissed her as she nodded.
"Bye, princess." Peter said, tickling Rosemary as she squirmed while laughing. "I'll see you two later."
"I won, again." Rosemary smiled as she put her game piece on the CandyLand gamboard as she had made it to King Kandy's castle.
They have been playing for almost two hours, with no sign of Peter.
Betty pouted. "Well, I would've won if I hadn't gotten the peanut card...but, good game, Rose."
MJ laughed. "I guess that made me in second place." She got up with the help of Betty as she headed into the bathroom while the girls picked up the cards for another game.
Just as MJ was going to do her business, she felt a small trickle go down her leg. She widened her eyes, as she stood there in shock. "B-Betty?" It came out as a whisper. "Betty!" She screamed, leaning against the sink as she felt a contraction hit her.
"MJ? What's going on?" Betty knocked on the door. She opened it as she heard MJ breathing heavily.
"I-I think my water just broke."
Betty widened her eyes. "Oh. We have to go to the hospital. We have to-how far are your contractions? This could be another false labor. Remember how you and Peter thought were you going into premature labor last month? This could be another one, right?"
"Betty, these contractions keep on coming no matter what I do! It's time, he's coming." MJ said as she felt another contraction.
"I'm going to take you and I'll call Peter on our way there, okay?" Betty grabbed ahold of her before turning around to see Rosemary. "What are we going to do about Rosemary? We can't take her with us."
"The neighbors. The neighbors next door, they'll take care of her." MJ said in between breaths.
Betty called for Rosemary to follow them as Rose was worried for MJ. "Mama, what's wrong? Where we going?"
"You're going to Carla's house, remember her? She's going to take care of you while Betty takes me to the hospital-" She couldn't finish her sentence as another contraction hit her.
"Em, I'm going to drop her off while you wait in the car, okay?" Betty said as she unlocked her car.
"I don't want to leave Mama." Rosemary said, tears in her eyes.
"Rose, I'm going to be okay." MJ affirmed. "Please go. I love you."
Betty scooped up Rosemary up in her arms so Betty would have enough time to take MJ and call Peter at the same time. She ran back to the car as MJ put her seatbelt on.
"MJ, just breathe, okay? I'm going to get you to the hospital as safe as possible." She said, turning on the engine. "Everything is going to be okay."
MJ noticed as Betty frowned at the dashboard in front of her when she suddenly got out of her car. MJ took off her seatbelt to figure out what was wrong before Betty came back on her side.
"What's the problem?"
"My tires have been slashed. I'm not going to be able drive like this. I'm not going to be able to. Where are your car keys?" Betty said.
MJ shook her head. "I don't know. Peter hid them from me because he didn't want me to drive while pregnant."
"What are we going to do now? You're about to give birth and I still need to call Peter." Betty ran her hands through her hair as she noticed MJ get out of the car. "What are you doing?"
"You're an obstetrician, aren't you? Betty, there's no other way. He's coming and he's coming now." MJ walked up to her door.
"Michelle, are you crazy? I'm not an obstetrician yet, I'm studying to be one. I don't think I'll be able to do this-"
"Do you at least know something about giving birth to a baby at home?"
"Yeah, but-"
"Then we can do this."
"MJ, what if something goes terribly wrong?" A million terrible thoughts ran through Betty's mind. "Fuck, I still have to call Peter."
"Betty?" MJ said, holding herself up from the car. "Betty, I need you. There is no transportation and this baby is coming. Please, please help me."
Betty looked at MJ, apologizing as she really didn't know what to do as she waited for Peter to answer his phone.
"Peter? Peter! I-"
"Is everything okay, Betty?"
"No, I-uh, MJ is about to give birth!"
"WHAT?! NOW?!"
"Yes! I can't drive her to the hospital, somethings wrong with my car, I don't know what to do. She doesn't look too good and-"
"Where are you guys? Are you with her?"
"We're at the house, of course I'm with her."
"Try to get her to remain calm, I'm on my way!"
Betty put her phone in her pocket as she led MJ inside of the house. She helped her lay on the couch as she stepped back.
"MJ? Try to breathe and stay calm while I get the supplies ready just incase, okay?"
MJ did as she was told as she rested her head back, trying to ease the pain. She wished Peter was with her through this as she remembered what she told him about him staying home. Gosh, she should've just told him to stay.
She felt another contraction as she moaned from the pain. "Betty?"
"I'm here." She said, with a bunch of supplies in her arms. "Just stay calm."
They both suddenly heard a thump upstairs as Betty widened her eyes, looking up. "What was that?"
Peter ran downstairs, still in his suit, as Betty stood up from comforting MJ to suddenly see Spider-Man in the living room. He went up to MJ to comfort her as she cried.
"What the fu-"
Peter wanted to know why Betty freaked out when he entered the room when he finally looked down at himself as he noticed that he still had the suit on.
"Betty, this isn't what it looks like-"
"You're Spider-Man? You, Peter, the guy I've known since sophomore year of high school, is Spider-Man? How did this happen?" She gasped. "Everything makes sense now."
"Betty!" Peter screamed at her. "MJ is in about to go into labor! Help me help her up, I'm going to drive us to the hospital."
"No!" MJ screamed. "I don't want to. I'm having him right here."
Peter frowned. "MJ, are you crazy? You're not having our son in the living room, it's not safe here."
"Betty knows what to do. Her training has trained her for something like this, right?" MJ said, looking up at her. "Right?"
Betty nodded. "I know what to do."
Peter looked up at her with pleading eyes. "Betty, I'm trusting that you know what to do and help them get through this safely. Do you know what you're doing?"
"Yes, Peter, don't make me more anxious than I already am, alright? Now, if you can, I'm going to need you to carry her up to the bedroom so she can have enough space for the four of us and so she could at least be more comfortable. You're going to help me through this and I also need to trust that you can help me with them.."
Peter nodded. "You got it, Betty."
It's been only three hours since MJ has been in active labor and her contractions had only been minutes apart.
"MJ, I'm going to need you to pant in between contractions, okay?" Betty sighed, getting in between her legs. "Don't just keep pushing or else you are going to tear something apart."
MJ nodded as she did what she was told. "Peter, where did you go?"
"I called 911." He said, coming back from the kitchen with a tub of warm water. "Did you even plan to call them?"
"Well, I freaked out and the only person I thought to call was you. It's great you did, anyways, come help MJ to calm down or else this is going to take longer than necessary."
Peter sat beside MJ, holding her hand while he was reassuring her that everything was going to be okay.
"Betty, I-I need to push." MJ cried out.
Betty nodded. "Try to gently push. You need to remember to pant and stay calm."
"Just calm down, Em." Peter pushed the hair away from her face that were sticking to her forehead from all the sweat. "Everything's going to be okay. You're doing great, I'm right here-"
"Shut up right now, Peter." MJ gasped, laying her head back as she pushed again. "I don't want to hear you."
"Pant and push when you can, I can see his head." Betty called out.
MJ squeezed Peter's hand again as she felt the next urge to push. Peter looked over to Betty who had something in her hands. He turned back over to MJ. "You're doing great, baby."
"Push, push, push!" Betty yelled out.
Peter was now crying as he knew how much pain MJ was in without any epidural. MJ cried out, giving her last push as they all heard a small cry.
Betty quickly wiped the baby off as she brought him to MJ's bare chest. MJ cried, while she wrapped her arms around his small body. Betty quickly made it to the other side of the bed to clean most of the baby to drain the amniotic fluid. She helped MJ bring the baby to her breast as she wrapped the baby up in a clean towel.
"Hey, baby." MJ smiled down at him. She looked over to Peter who looked up at her. He stood up to kiss her. "You did amazing."
MJ smiled, wiping the tears from his face. "We're parents to two now."
Peter nodded, staring at him. "Yeah, we are."
They waited until the EMT's came who let Peter cut the umbilical cord. As soon as the placenta was pushed out, they transported her to a hospital nearby.
MJ was now all cleaned up as Peter and her both admired their baby.
"He has your eyes." MJ said.
"He has your nose." Peter smiled at him.
They both heard the door open as they both saw Rosemary with Betty and Ned behind her.
"Look who Ned brought to meet their baby brother." Betty smiled.
"Hey," Peter smiled, bending down to hug Rosemary. "We're so happy you're here. Do you want to meet your baby brother?"
Rosemary nodded as Peter picked her up. MJ smiled up at her. Rosemary stared at the baby in MJ's arms. "He's so tiny."
Peter laughed. "I know, right?"
"Who does he look more like, Mama or Daddy?"
"Daddy." Rose whispered.
They all laughed as MJ looked over at Betty. "Hey Betty? Thank you being there with me through the whole birth. I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there."
"No problem." She smiled. "My training has prepared me for this and I'm glad I was able to get him out safely and that you two were fine afterwards. By the way, Peter, I think you need to tell me about something."
"What?" Peter frowned.
"About you being Spider-Man?" She whispered. "What was that all about?"
MJ chuckled. "When I saw him walk in with his suit still on, I was like, oh no, he's an idiot Betty is right there and he didn't take it off! I didn't want to say anything so I kept my mouth shut."
"I was freaking out over MJ," Peter laughed. "I completely forgot to take it off...I guess we don't have to keep this a secret from you anymore."
"You're saying you both knew?" Betty said, looking at MJ to Ned. "Everything makes sense now when I think back to why you always run off to places when we were all together, I can't believe it's taking me this long to figure it out."
"Just promise to not say a word because not everyone knows, obviously. Including, this one." MJ said, referring to Rosemary.
"I won't." Betty smiled.
The nurse had come in to take the baby away from them so they could weigh him and all the other things they needed to do to him.
"What are you going to name him?" The nurse asked.
"Malcolm." Peter smiled. "Malcolm Parker."
"No." Michelle smiled up at him. "We're naming him Nathan Miles Parker." The nurse wrote the name down on her clipboard as she left the room once again.
Peter frowned at her. "I thought we were going to name him Malcolm?"
MJ scrunched her nose. "I didn't like that name anymore. One night when I couldn't sleep, I was going through the names we had said and I really liked the name Nathan. So, I picked Nathan from your list of names. I decided on Miles from my list of names for his middle name. Do you like it?"
"I love it." Peter said, kissing her forehead. "Nathan Miles Parker, it is."
author's note:
i think this has been my longest chapter yet😳 i really enjoyed writing it and finally having Nathan be born in this chapter. I apologize if there's any mistakes throughout the story, I tried to do as much research as I could!
anyways, i hoped you guys really enjoyed this chapter. please don't forget to vote and comment! thanks for reading♡
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