"How do you think I'm going to survive high school without you?" Sienna asked as she kicked the ball across to Rosemary from the other side of the field.
Rosemary ran for the ball, kicking it back to her. "What do you mean? We've been together throughout all our years of school. How is this going to be any different?"
"Maybe because we don't have any classes together? It's so unfair. Do you think it's because I'm smarter than you?" She smirked and Rosemary shook her head.
"In your dreams, S. Well, at least we'll see each other during lunch right? Since you decided not to join the soccer team, you loser." Rosemary yelled, waiting for Sienna to kick the ball back to her.
"I thought baseball was better," Sienna shrugged. "At least-" She kicked the ball but ended up kicking it farther away from Rosemary.
"Really, S?" She groaned as she was about to run to get it but ended up being kicked back by an old friend.
"What are you guys doing here all alone?" Rosemary looked up to see Lorenzo, smiling at her. "Hey Rose."
"Hey." She smiled back.
"The most important question here is, what are you doing here, Lorenzo?" Sienna said, running up to them. "How did you know we were here?"
"Maybe because I know you guys always come here on the weekends? I just wanted to stop by and say hey." He said, turning back to look at Rosemary.
"Well, hey. Now can you give us the ball back? We were kind of in the middle of something."
Rosemary gave a look to Sienna in which she knew to give them some time alone. Sienna walked off to the bleachers.
"You ready for the first day of school tomorrow?" Lorenzo spoke up after none of them had said a word after she left.
"Kind of...how about you?" Rosemary asked, kicking the ball gently between her feet.
"Me too. It's a good thing we have some classes together, it must suck that you don't have any classes with Sienna." He chuckled, looking down.
"I know," Rosemary bit her lip. "It's crazy, we were in classes together all throughout grade school and middle school...so it's going to be weird when we walk in tomorrow."
Lorenzo nodded. "Well, you two see each other almost everyday, a whole eight hours without seeing each other isn't going to kill you, is it?"
They both laughed as Rosemary shook her head. "I don't know."
"Rose!" Lorenzo and Rosemary both turned their heads to see Sienna trying to get Rose's attention. "Megan asked if you need a ride home!"
Before Rosemary could get a word out, Lorenzo spoke up. "I can walk you home if you want."
Rosemary looked up at him, not believing what he had just said. "Really?"
"Yeah, I mean, if you want."
Rosemary bit her lip, trying to not show her excitement. "I'm walking home!" She yelled back.
Sienna stood there before raising a thumbs up. Rosemary smiled, turning back to Lorenzo. "We should get going."
"You are going to get run over if you don't stop playing in the middle of the street, I swear-" Rosemary laughed as Lorenzo smiled over at her.
"You know, maybe I shouldn't have walked you home if I knew how far you lived." He laughed when he saw Rosemary's reaction. "I'm kidding. How could I let you walk by yourself after hearing about what happened to you the other night?"
Rosemary stopped in her tracks. "You heard about that?"
Lorenzo nodded. "Sienna told Ashley and Ashley told me. You must've been scared, huh?"
"How did it feel to be saved by Spider-Man?"
"I'm just glad he was there when he was or else something terrible would've happened, you know? I probably wouldn't be standing here talking to you if he didn't make it in time."
Lorenzo walked up closer to her, so there was barely little space between them. "Yeah, I'm glad he was there when he was too."
"Rosemary!" She heard someone yell and immediately backed away from him. Rose turned around to see Nathan in the upstairs bedroom, looking over at them. "You're in trouble, Dad said he wants you inside now!"
Rosemary cursed at herself and hid her face in embarrassment. "I'm sorry about...him."
Lorenzo chuckled. "It's fine. I better go now before my Mom starts to worry. I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?"
"Yeah," Rosemary nodded. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."
She watched him go as he turned around to give her one last smile before he turned the corner. Rose turned around to see Nathan along with Peter, staring down at her.
"Who was that?" Peter asked.
"A friend." Rosemary answered, walking up to the house. "We went to middle school, remember?"
"He was a little bit too close, wasn't he?" Peter frowned.
"No, Dad-"
"It looked like he was going to kiss her," Nathan said to Peter. "Good thing I looked out the window before he had the chance-"
"Nate, seriously...shut up. We're just friends. We were just talking, he wasn't planning on kissing me. He's only my friend and that is it."
They both stared at her before Nathan spoke up. "I'm not buying it."
Peter shook his head. "Yeah, me either. Get inside, Rose."
Rosemary rolled her eyes as she walked up to the front door.
author's note:
i'm so happy that you guys are loving this story so far and just showing alot of love to it and it means the absolute world to me 😭💖
i really hope you guys liked this chapter and hopefully...maybe even noticed something 👀
anyways please don't
forget to vote and comment! ♡
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