𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰.
Peter's Interview------------
Interviewer: We're here with Peter Parker about his character in Spider's Girl. Peter, thank you for joining me and letting me interview you.
Peter: *smiles* It's a pleasure, thank you for having me.
Interviewer: Alright Peter, I guess we'll just get started with the questions. This question is from @/BooksnBlue...What is stopping you from listening to MJ about Megan?
Peter: Nothing. I really don't see a problem with Megan? She's a nice girl, even though I've only known her for like, 3 months. I haven't seen her act any different when I'm with her. She's cool.
Interviewer: Alright...another question from @/eddiet36...Why don't you tell your daughter you're Spider-Man and that you saved her all those years ago?
Peter: Um...I think she may be a little too young to understand? The whole me saving her part, I don't want to tell her about that..at least not now. I was thinking of waiting for her to be a little bit older so I can talk to her about this, you know?
Interviewer: *nods* No, yeah that's understandable. We have a question from @/Rabiablueskies...How many kids do you want?
Peter: *blushes, turning to look at the door* Wait, can the rest outside hear us talking?
Interviewer: Oh, no. The room is completely soundproof.
Peter: I want at least two more kids after we have our son. I know MJ doesn't want anymore kids after this one...but *shrugs* I definitely want more with her. Like even if she doesn't want to go through with the whole...that whole thing, adoption is also the option. Hey, that rhymed!
Interviewer: *laughs* That's true. You also have wait for your son to be born, you know? Before you even think of having more, but that's just me. @/oopitsemma asks, what is your favorite color?
Peter: Easy, blue.
Interviewer: No way, that's mine too. Anyways, we have a question from @/loganster...have you thought of any names for your son?
Peter: Uh, I have actually. Benjamin...after my uncle. I also thought Adrian, Mateo, Nathan...MJ and I have thought of names but she doesn't like the ones I have.
Interviewer: Those are all great names. Mateo is the name of my son, actually.
Peter: Really? How old is your son?
Interviewer: He's eight months...he'll be a year old on October twelfth.
Peter: Oh, really? That's so sweet.
Interviewer: Alright, back to questions about you! Ooh, this is an interesting one by the same person...At what age would you let Rosemary date?
Interviewer: Oh, c'mon! It's going to happen at some point anyways so-
Peter: Nope. No, it's never gonna happen.
Interviewer: Whatever, Peter. Come back to me when she finds herself a boyfriend.
Peter: Can we move on to the next question, please?
Interviewer: No, that was all the questions that were sent in. Thank you for your time.
Peter: Oh. *pouts*
Interviewer: Kidding...ha. What's the number one played song on your phone?
Peter: It changes everytime but...right now, it's Only Human by The Jonas Brothers.
Interviewer: No f*cking way, you like the Jonas Brothers...OKAY BUT HAVE YOU HEARD-You know what, we'll just cut here-but don't leave yet, we'll talk more about this later. Thank you so much Peter for your time. I hope we could do this again soon.
Peter: *laughs* Thank you for having me. This was alot fun, I hope we could do this again soon as well.
MJ's Interview
Interviewer: Ladies and gents, I've had the amazing opportunity to interview Ms. Michelle Jones. MJ-can I call you that?
MJ: *smiles* Yeah, go for it.
Interviewer: Thank you for taking the time out of your day to do this, it really means alot. I know you must be tired so I'll try to make this as quick as possible-
MJ: It's fine. I'm feeling quite energetic at the moment and I'm ready to answer any question you have for me, take your time.
Interviewer: Alrighty then. @/oopitsemma asks...How much do you love Peter and Rosemary?
MJ: With my whole heart. They're my family, they keep me going and they make me laugh...alot. I'd die for them if it came to it...but, I really hope it doesn't because...you know...I'm not trying to die yet.
Interviewer: Got it. She also asks what do you miss most about being a kid?
MJ: I think spending some time with my Mom. We used to go to the lake for a picnic or draw on our spare time together when I was like eight years old. That all changed when I got older and we barely see each other but I hope to do the same thing with Rosemary.
Interviewer: That's really sweet. We have a few questions from @/loganster but we'll start with the first one...Have you thought of any names for your son?
MJ: I have, actually. I haven't told Peter but I really like the names Grayson and Malcolm. They sound cute, don't they? I don't know if he'll like them though.
Interviewer: Those do sound really cute...but hey, you two still have time to think about them, right?
MJ: Exactly.
Interviewer: Would you like to have more kids?
MJ: I don't think so..but I also said that before and now look at me. Before Rosemary came into our lives, I really disliked kids but...she changed all that. She changed my perspective on children but who knows if Peter and I will have more children even though I know he definitely does but, I guess we'll have to read the rest of the book to find out...right?
Interviewer: You're absolutely right. *winks* Now last one from her...At what age would you let Rosemary date?
MJ: Oh, no.Wait, was Peter asked the same question? Did you ask me the same questions he got? No? Oh, but he got this question? Wow, what did he say?
Interviewer: He avoided the question!
MJ: I knew it. Um...Peter is going to be pissed at me but...I guess I'll let her date like at, 15? 16? I think that's a good age, right? Whatever Peter says, he's going to get over it, I mean...he has too. Yeah, I'll let Rose date at 15 or 16. We won't even tell Peter, it could just be between us. *grins*
Interviewer: I can't wait to see his reaction when she brings a boy home, what do you think he's going to do?
MJ: I know he's going to FREAK but I'm also going to have my popcorn ready for whatever else he does.
Interviewer: *chuckles* Alright, sadly this is the last question-
MJ: Aw, really?
Interviewer: @/Rabiablueskies asks, how does it feel carrying a human being inside of you?
MJ: It feels weird, trust me. But it's a beautiful feeling to be able to have the opportunity to bring another human into this world...I also miss my coffee so I can't wait until this is over with.
Interviewer: Well MJ, this was the end. Thank you for letting me interview you.
MJ: Thank you for having me!
Rosemary's Interview
Interviewer: Thank you for coming, Rose. I know you're such a busy girl so it's an honor to have you here.
Rosemary: ...The chair is too high for me.
Interviewer: Oh! Don't worry, I'll help you. I forgot to bring a chair just for you, I apologize.
Rosemary: It's okay. It makes me feel like a big person. *grins*
Interviewer: Alright, Rose. I'm going to ask you some questions that people sent in and I want you to answer as best as you can, do you understand?
Rosemary: Yes.
Interviewer: Alright, this question is from @/oopitsemma...Do you like reading?
Rosemary: Yes. Sometimes when I don't want to read Mama and Daddy like to read to me.
Interviewer: And what is your favorite book?
Rosemary: The Rainbow Fish and How to Babysit a Grandma.
Interviewer: Those sound very interesting. @Rabiablueskies asks, Who is your favorite hero?
Rosemary: Spider-Man. He's the best. *grins*
Interviewer: I could tell by the plush doll you have of him...why do you think he's the best?
Rosemary: Because he helps people who need to be saved. Daddy said Spider-Man beats people up when they do things they shouldn't...that's bad but it's what they deserve.
Interviewer: Well, it's a good thing that we have Spider-Man, don't we? What would you do if you met him.
Rosemary: *blushes* Give him a hug and tell him that I love him....and I'll tell Mama if we can keep him.
Interviewer: *laughs* You're the cutest person I've ever interviewed, you know that?
Rosemary: Really?
Interviewer: Yes! Are you ready for some more questions?
Rosemary: *nods*
Interviewer: @/loganster asks, How do you feel about being a big sister soon?
Rosemary: I don't know.
Interviewer: Do you feel happy? Sad? Excited? Angry?
Rosemary: Yes.
Interviewer: You feel all those things?
Rosemary: Mhm.
Interviewer: Alright. Next question...What chores do you absolutely hate doing? This question is from @/oopitsemma.
Rosemary: Put dirty clothes where the dirty clothes go. One time I picked up my Daddy's dirty underwear, it was gross. Mama now picks up his, I don't wanna do that anymore.
Interviewer: Um...ew.
Rosemary: I know right?
Interviewer: This question is from @/loganster...this may be hard for you so just take your time on it, okay?
Rosemary: Okay.
Interviewer: The question is...Iron Man or Spider-Man?
Rosemary: Spider-Man...sorry Grandpa.
Interviewer: Well...that was fast. We have another question from @/oopitsemma...What are your opinions on Megan?
Rosemary: She's pretty but she scares me.
Interviewer: Why does she scare you?
Rosemary: *shrugs*
Interviewer: Okay, next question. What do you do when you're bored?
Rosemary: I like to play with Mama and Daddy with our dogs, Noon and Tessa.
Interviewer: Noon and Tessa? Who is your favorite?
Rosemary: Both because they both like to cuddle with me.
Interviewer: Well, Rose, this is the end. Thank you for coming and letting me interview you. Did you have fun?
Rosemary: Mhm. Can I go now?
Interviewer: Yup.
Rosemary: Can you help me again, please?
Megan's Interview
Interviewer: Hello, Megan. Thank you so much for coming. How are you?
Megan: I'm sick, can you tell? *laughs* I've been sick for the past week. Thank you for having me, I'm excited to be here. How are you?
Interviewer: I guess I'm going to start with the first question that came in from @/oopitsemma, What are your plans for July 3rd?
Megan: Oooh, are you taking me out on a date or something? *winks* I'm gonna have to cancel because I'm going to busy that day.
Interviewer: Does it have to do with the 4th of July? *chuckles*
Megan: *shrugs* Can't say.
Interviewer: Keeping secrets, eh? We're all friends here. I'm joking, that's none of my business. Next question is from the same person...If you could choose to stay a certain age, what age would it be?
Megan: Mmm, probably 8 years old. I had no responsibility and I wouldn't do anything else but just play.
Interviewer: Sweet. Question from @/SlientWhisper asks, are you in anyway related to Norman Osborn?
Megan: Um...no.
Interviewer: @/loganster asks...Who is your father?
Megan: Well, if you haven't picked up the clues already...you would've known but if you haven't....make sure to read on to find out. *winks*
Interviewer: Oooh, I can't wait to find out who he is. Will we be knowing more about him as the story goes on?
Megan: Uh, I don't want to give out too much but he's someone people should have known by now or have known about for awhile.
Interviewer: Got it. Well, Megan that was all the questions that were sent in.
Megan: Are you serious? Oh well, this was alot of fun. Thank you for having me on here.
Interviewer: Thank you for coming.
Sienna's Interview
Interviewer: Sienna! It's so nice to see you today, how are you?
Sienna: Good.
Interviewer: Are you ready for the questions I'm going to ask you?
Sienna: Yeah.
Interviewer: Okay, first question is from @/oopitsemma, what is your opinion on Spider-Man?
Sienna: He's amazing. My sister and I really like him alot.
Interviewer: Really? What do you like most about him?
Sienna: That he cares alot about people in order to save them.
Interviewer: That's really sweet. From @/Rabiablueskies...Can you please not talk to your sister ever again?
Sienna: I can't, she's my sister. We live in the same house and I need someone to play dolls with.
Interviewer: *laughs* Alright last question...How do you feel about your sister being a liar?
Sienna: I don't like it. I wish she would stop.
Interviewer: I'm sorry to hear that. That is the end, Sienna. Thank you for joining me.
Sienna: You're welcome. Bye-Bye.
Author's Interview
Interviewer: We're here with the amazing author of Spider's Girl, Gabby. How are you today?
Gabby: I'm doing pretty good, how are you?
Interviewer: I'm great. Now before we get started I just wanted to say congratulations on you reaching 10k on your book! That must've been amazing to see.
Gabby: It was! I was really shocked, I didn't expect it and when I saw it I was like NO WAY! I got so excited...I was just really happy.
Interviewer: Well so far the book is really amazing.
Gabby: Thank you, it means alot.
Interviewer: We have a few questions that were sent in by a couple of readers, are you ready to answer them?
Gabby: Yeah, go ahead.
Interviewer: First question is from @/oopitsemma...what is your favorite chapter?
Gabby: Hi, Emma! My favorite chapter actually hasn't been published yet but my favorite chapter so far has to be the prolgue if you even count it as a chapter? Just because that's where Peter met Rosemary.
Interviewer: Aw. Next question is from @/UwU-Gigi-UwU...how old are you?
Gabby: I'm 19.
Interviewer: Question from @/loganster...is there going to be a sequel?
Gabby: Um, who knows?
Interviewer: Next question...Have you planned on writing a sequel? From @/Rabiablueskies.
Gabby: I have, actually. But I don't really know. It depends on how I am or where I'm at in the future, you know?
Interviewer: Got it. The same person asked...How long will this book drag on?
Gabby: For awhile so expect me to keep updating this book and include lots of chapters. Rosemary is still a child where I'm at at the moment and I still want her to become a teenager in my story, so this book will keep going until I say it's the end. Did that make sense?
Interviewer: I think people will understand. *chuckles* We got another question from @/oopitsemma...how many chapters do you think you'll have?
Gabby: Lots. You all just have to know that this story is far from ending so soon. I still have alot of ideas in my brain that I want to share with you and I can't wait for you to read it.
Interviewer: We can't wait for your next update. When do you think you will?
Gabby: Um, hopefully tomorrow? I'm so sorry guys, like I said, I've been really busy. I'm trying my best.
Interviewer: Don't stress yourself out. I know you won't make us wait too long.
Gabby: Oh no, I could never.
Interviewer: Well, Gabby. This was fun. Thank you for letting me interview you.
Gabby: Thank you for having me here.
author's note:
this was so much fun to do & i really hoped ya'll enjoyed it !! ♡
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