Rosemary and Sienna hadn't seen each other since Sienna had found out about Rosemary's secret. They were currently on facetime and Rose knew Sienna wasn't acting herself.
"Why is your face so close up to the camera? It's so close I can see up your nose." Rosemary laughed.
Sienna simply shrugged, changing the conversation. "What are you doing tonight?"
Rosemary returned her attention back to her as she looked away from what was happening on the television. "Guess what me and Nate are doing? We're babysitting Ned and Betty's baby. My parents and them are going on a double date or whatever and we have to babysit."
Sienna nodded. "Sounds fun, you're great with kids."
"He's so cute, Betty says he's calm so hopefully he doesn't cause us so much trouble. You know you're welcome to come over if you want to help, I'm sure they'll pay you too." Rosemary smirked.
Sienna sighed. "I can't. I have to stay with my Mom tonight...for something important. You and Nate will do great without me."
Rosemary fake cried, pouting. "Boo, you're lame."
Sienna laughed. "I'm sorry but I can't cancel this."
Rosemary suddenly looked away, hearing her name being called from downstairs. She turned back to Sienna. "Hey, I gotta go. Baby Aiden is here. If you change your mind, you're always welcome. Do you think you're still coming tonight?"
"I don't think so," Sienna shook her head. "Good luck with the baby." She smiled at her before quickly ending the call.
Rosemary frowned at her phone before Peter shouted for her to come down again. She got off the bed before running out the door and headed downstairs.
She saw Ned talking with Peter while she saw MJ with Aiden while holding the baby. "Hey guys." Rosemary waved at Ned and Betty.
"Holding him is kind of making me want another one," MJ pouted, looking over at Peter. "Parker, what do you think?"
Peter chuckled. "I've been wanting another one since Nathan was three. I'm ready for another one."
They all laughed as Nathan disagreed. Rosemary walked up to MJ, grabbing Aiden's small hand while making funny faces at him.
Betty was quickly going over the instructions that she had specifically for Aiden as Rosemary tried to memorize them all. "He's a very calm baby, so we don't think he'll be a problem to the both of you...but if he does, just call Ned or me and we'll both be home right away."
Rosemary nodded, cradling Aiden in her arms. "Got it. You guys enjoy your dinner, Nathan and I got it under control."
"If we don't have it under control by the time you guys get back, are we still getting paid?" Nathan raised an eyebrow at her.
"Yes...you guys are still getting paid." Betty smiled at him.
They said their goodbyes as Rosemary walked them to the door. She held Aiden close to her as he tried to escape from her arms while trying to reach for Betty.
"Mama is going to back, okay? We're going to have a great time! Aren't we going to have a great time, Nathan?"
Nathan eyed her. "Not if you're going to keep doing that baby voice we're not."
Rosemary ignored him as she sat on the couch with Aiden on her lap. He started to become fussy as he slipped from her arms as she carefully placed him on the floor for him to crawl.
He began to crawl away from her as he stared up at Nathan. Rosemary laughed at the way they stared at each other before Aiden looked away. "Ha!" Nathan grinned. "I won."
She followed him closely from behind as Aiden crawled all over the place. "Hey, Nate?" Rose called out. "Do you think Mom was serious about her wanting another baby?"
"Hopefully not." He shouted back.
"I don't know, I think it would be nice to have a baby in the house, a baby sister would be nice wouldn't it?" She smirked.
"If they wanted to have another baby, they would've had another baby already don't you think?" Nathan sighed.
Rosemary grabbed Aiden before he got upstairs as she tickled him making him laugh. They came back to the living room. "I don't know, they could also adopt too."
Nathan swallowed, avoiding eye contact with her. "Why don't we take the baby outside?" He quickly put the controller down as he stood up.
Rosemary shrugged, following him out the door that led to the patio. Nathan saw Noon and Tessa as he led them both into the part of the backyard that was meant for them.
"Look at the doggies." Rosemary said to Aiden pointing to them. She got closer to them as she called out for Noon. Aiden tried to pull himself higher away from the dog as he cried. "Aiden, it's okay." Aiden buried his face in her neck as he was pulling on her hair.
Nathan laughed. "Looks like someone's afraid of Noon."
Rosemary pouted walking off as she showed him the flowers that both her and MJ planted. Nathan was suddenly behind her. "We're just going to show him some flowers? This is boring."
"Well, what do you think we should do?"
"Here comes baby Aiden!" Nathan yelled out, making car noises as he pushed Aiden in the laundry basket. He screamed in excitement as he clapped.
Rosemary smiled. "Nate, be careful with him." She watched him push him around again while spinning him a couple of times.
"I could do this all night," Nathan laughed. "Can you believe we're getting paid to push him around in a basket? We should start a babysitting business."
Rosemary raised an eyebrow. "A babysitting business? Do you really want to do that? The same person who doesn't want Mom and Dad to have another baby..."
"We're going to be taking care of other people's babies, not our own sibling. I'm all for it."
"Yeah," Rosemary grabbed Aiden from inside the basket. "No thanks. Can you hold him while I prepare him a bottle?"
Nathan carefully grabbed him from her arms as he headed upstairs to his bedroom. Rosemary went into the bag that Betty had prepared for them as she took out the bottle with the formula.
She shook the bottle, waiting for it to mix. "ROSEMARY!" Nathan screamed out making Rose jump. She ran upstairs, walking into Nathan's bedroom.
"Oh my God-"
"HE POOPED ON MY BED!" He screamed.
Aiden cried as Rosemary walked up to him. "Jesus Christ, how does this happen?" She carefully picked him up, avoiding the rest.
Rosemary covered Aiden's ears. "Can you shut up? You're scaring him. He must've done it before and we didn't even check if his diaper was full. Get the sheets off and throw it in the dirty laundry and check if he didn't get any on the clean laundry."
"Heck no! I'm not touching that!" Nathan said, making a disgusted face.
"Would you rather bathe him?" Rosemary asked.
He groaned. "I'll never forgive you for this, Aiden. I thought we were buddies."
Rosemary laughed, walking out the door and across to the bathroom. She came back, smirking. "Do you still want to do that babysitting business?"
author's note:
lmao guess rosemary and aiden did the same thing to peter and nathan 🤷🏻♀️😂
anyways i really hope you guys liked this chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment!! ♡♡
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