{ please don't forget to vote and comment! your support makes me update frequently ♡ enjoy reading! }
Megan was flipping through channels on the Tv as she tried to look for something to watch to kill some time.
Sienna walked up to her. "Megan, wanna play dolls with us?"
Megan sighed. "Not really."
"Sienna, I said no."
"Do you want to piss me off? Is that what you're going for? Sienna, I play dolls with you every day...you're with Rose tonight, why don't you go play with her?"
Sienna stood there staring at Megan, waiting for her to look back at her. Megan frowned at her. "What's wrong with you?"
Sienna shook her head, walking off back Rosemary.
Megan groaned as she turned off the TV as she stretched her arms and legs. She got up from the couch as she walked past the girls in the middle of the living room and walked upstairs without any of them noticing.
She walked into Rosemary's room as she was curious to know what was inside. She noticed the room was painted in baby pink with her first name written just above her bed. She walked closer to her lamp table as she picked up the frame that was on it. There was one of Peter and MJ as MJ was taking a photo of them together. She looked closely at the one of Peter and MJ before she smiled. She put that one down as she noticed all the other pictures of all the people Rosemary loved.
She backed away, looking around again as she spotted the Spider-Man plush doll on her bed. She chuckled, picking it up. "Cute."
She threw it back down on the bed as she left the room, obviously finding nothing. She scanned Peter and MJ's room before realizing that it was best not to go in.
She headed back downstairs and turned around to go down the hall. One door led to the bathroom, one to the laundry room, and one to the garage as she laid her eyes on the last door.
"This has to be it." She whispered. She walked up to it, trying to turn the knob but noticed it was locked.
She looked around for the key anywhere around it, but there was nothing.
"Um, Rosemary? What's in here?" She yelled out to her. Rosemary got up from the floor and walked over to her.
"Daddy said we're not allowed go in there."
"Why not?"
"He said there's stuff in there that's not for kids."
Megan bit her lip. She was dying to know what was behind this door. "So you don't know where the key is?"
Rosemary shook her head. "Sienna and I are hungry."
"Are you?" Megan sighed.
"Mhm." Rosemary said, running off.
Megan cursed at herself before walking into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator to find the supplies for a quick sandwich. She quickly grabbed the peanut butter and jelly and closed it behind her. She headed for the pantry where she found the bread.
She quickly prepared the sandwiches and put them on two plates before setting them down in front of them.
"You guys want juice?" Megan said, opening the refrigerator again. They both nodded as Megan was already pouring them in two sippy cups. "Enjoy."
She quickly headed upstairs and into MJ and Peter's bedroom now, looking for the key. She looked inside dressers, but found nothing so she looked somewhere else in the room.
"Megan!" She heard Sienna scream.
She rolled her eyes. "What do you want, Sienna?!"
She suddenly heard her little feet running up the stairs. She turned around. "What do you-"
"Something's wrong with Rosemary." Megan could see the fear in her eyes as she frowned at her before running downstairs.
She noticed Rosemary in the chair, breathing rapidly as Megan walked up to her. "Spit it out, Rose, spit it out!"
Megan quickly looked inside the sandwich before realizing what she had done. She noticed that Rose was sweating like crazy as she picked her up. "Rose, honey? Breathe, okay? I'm right here. I'm going to help you, okay? You're going to be fine."
Sienna was hysterically crying as she looked up at Megan. "Sienna, follow me. We're going to the hospital."
"Can you believe we finally got to go on our date after so many years?" MJ smiled up at him.
"I know." He said, taking a sip of his wine.
She frowned at him. "Are you okay? You seem a bit worried."
Peter cleared his throat, looking around before leaning forward. "My spider senses are tingling."
"What?" She frowned, looking around her. "Like, in here?"
"Well, I don't see anything that could be a danger to us. I don't know, I don't know but it just won't go away." Peter said, rubbing his forehead.
"Do you want us to leave? I know you're missing Rose as much as I am and it feels weird without her-" She got interrupted by an incoming phone call. It was Megan.
"Hey, MJ...sorry to interrupt your guys date but something happened."
"What's going on, Megan?"
"I had to take Rosemary to the hospital because she got an allergic reaction...I-I don't know how it happened-"
"Rosemary had an allergic reaction?What hospital are you in?" MJ noticed Peter's eyes widen as he jumped out of his chair and headed for the exit.
"Peter!" MJ yelled after him. "But is Rosemary okay? How was she? How is she now?"
"Lenox Hill Hospital. She couldn't breathe when I approached her and she was sweating like crazy. The doctors won't tell me if she is okay now, that's why I called you."
"Peter, it's Lenox Hill Hospital." She yelled to him as he already had the car running. "Thanks for calling, Megan. We'll see you soon."
MJ got in the passenger seat as Peter waited for her to put on her seatbelt. He quickly got out of the parking lot, heading off into the street.
"What happened to Rosemary?" He said, making a sharp turn.
MJ grabbed the handle above her. "Peter, can you slow down? She had an allergic reaction. She couldn't breathe and she was sweating like crazy."
"This was it, MJ. I knew something was wrong and it was this. Fuck!" Peter stepped on the brake as stopped for traffic.
"There's no way around this." MJ said, looking at her surroundings. "There's a collision up ahead-wait, what are you doing?"
"I'm not sitting in this traffic while my daughter is in the hospital while neither of us are there with her. She's probably scared to death." He shut the door behind him as he walked past cars that were honking their horn as he made his way into an alley.
MJ sighed, getting out as well and and following him.
"What do you think you're doing?" MJ stopped in her tracks as she noticed Peter already in his suit.
"This is the only way we'll get to the hospital fast enough, are you coming?" He said.
"Peter, I'm not doing that." MJ said, crossing her arms.
"Em, it's not like it's your first time. We've done this before, don't you remember?"
"Yeah, well, last time I wasn't pregnant! Why don't we do this-you go swing to the hospital while I'll take the bus and meet you there? I think that's a very good idea." MJ smiled, ready to leave.
"MJ, I know you're scared but we're wasting time. Rose, she needs us right now. I promise I won't go too fast." MJ could hear it in his voice that he was scared and just wanted to be with Rosemary.
She sighed, walking up to him. "Fine, let's do this...but you better not drop me or I swear-" She said as he picked her up while she wrapped her legs around his waist.
Peter chuckled. "I promise I won't."
author's note:
it's 100 degrees here &
i'm dying 😫😫😫
btw i hope you guys liked this chapter ? it was really hard for me to write but it's really important 🤭
anyways, thanks for reading and please don't forget to vote and comment ( esp. comment since i love reading your guys comments sjsks they make my day ♡♡ )
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