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Rosemary and Peter entered the classroom together, seeing all the students with their parents as they were showing them all the amazing things they had done were hung on the wall.
"Daddy, look, this is where I sit...and Sienna sits right next to me and my friends Max and Carlos sit over there." Rosemary smiled, sitting in her regular seat.
Peter nodded as he bent down next to her as he looked around the room, seeing as Megan entered the room along with Sienna.
"Sienna!" Rosemary gasped, jumping out of her chair.
Megan smiled at Peter as he stood up to greet her. "Hey, Parker."
"Hey." He smiled at her. "I didn't know if you were actually going to come or not."
Megan grinned. "Are you happy I did? By the way, you look great. Red really suits you."
She made her way around him as Sienna began to show her around. Rosemary followed, with Peter following closely behind her. "Um, you look great, as well."
"Thanks." Megan smiled at him before turning her attention back to Sienna. "Are you alright, Parker? You seem a bit down." Megan said, eyeing him.
Peter chuckled. "Is it really that noticeable?"
"Kind of. Is everything at home okay?" She walked up to him.
"Yeah." Peter nodded. "It's just...I still haven't found MJ's ring yet. I've looked everywhere and I just can't seem to find it. You know, I really wanted to propose to her as soon as we found out we were going to have a boy."
"Is it valuable?"
"Somewhat...but the thing is, that really doesn't matter to me. I just wanted to see the look on her face as I got down on one knee, you know?"
Megan nodded. "Maybe it's a sign...and I'm not saying it's a sign that you shouldn't propose to her but maybe it wasn't the right time to propose when you wanted to, you get me?"
"You think so? I thought it was a great idea for me to do the proposal the same day of the gender reveal."
Megan shook her head. "Trust me, it wasn't. What happened to the options I gave you about marriage proposals? I did not mention you proposing at a gender reveal, it's already been done before. I'm actually glad you lost the ring, imagine proposing at a gender reveal party? I would've said no."
"You know you seem to know alot about marriage proposals, have you been proposed to at all?" Peter smirked.
"Nope. I'm just on the internet alot and there's ideas everywhere on there. You should check them out...or come to me when you want any ideas on anything else."
Peter smiled. "I think I'll go with the second option. Thanks alot, Megan."
"Anytime." Megan smiled, having her arms open for him to go into in which he did. She layed her head on his chest as he wasn't actually able to let go.
"Ahem," Peter suddenly stopped hugging Megan as she pulled away as they both looked at the woman in front of them. The lady smiled, saying a quick sorry. "I'm guessing you're Mr. Parker..Rosemary's father?"
Peter smiled up at her. "Yes, I am."
Megan and Sienna sat in the car as they watched Peter and Rosemary leave the parking lot, with her waving them goodbye.
Megan sighed, looking up at the rearview mirror to see Sienna staring at her. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You promised me that you would give the ring back to Rosemary's dad...you didn't." She whispered.
"Listen, I'm going to alright? I just need to do a few minor touches to it."
Sienna wiped her eyes, sniffling. "I know you're lying."
"I'm not. I'll give it back to him the next time I see him, okay? I promised you and I'm keeping my promise. Now, stop crying before Mom asks what's wrong...she can't know about this, understand?"
Sienna let out a shaky breath as she nodded to her, looking out the window. Megan bit her lip, still staring at her before putting the car in reverse.
author's note:
i'm dying at the fact that gwyneth paltrow didn't know she was in spider-man homecoming, she was like spider-man who? lmaoo
anyways i hope you guys liked this chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment! ♡
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