Peter Parker: 21 years old
Rosemary Parker: 5 years old
Michelle Jones: 21 years old
Aunt May: 35 years old
"You're pregnant?" Peter whispered.
"I don't know, I took three of them but two came out positive and one came out negative but-" Peter interrupted her by closing the door behind him. "MJ, this test has two lines. That means you're pregnant, doesn't it?"
"Peter, did you not listen to me? One of them came out negative...I really don't know if I'm pregnant or not! That's why I tried to hide it from you, just incase I'm really not pregnant...I don't want to get your hopes up, you know?"
"When are you making your appointment?" Peter said. "Oh, God, I really hope you are pregnant. Do you know how awesome this is? Rose is going to be a big sister. We're going to have a baby of our own. This is amazing, MJ." He pulled her in his arms, kissing her forehead.
"Let's keep this between us, okay? I know you, I know when you get excited about something, you want to tell the whole world...just don't tell anyone. Please." She said, sitting on the toilet.
"You want me to keep something this huge a secret?" He said, leaning on the door. "I don't think I'm going to be able to."
"Peter," MJ looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Please just try to."
Peter went over to her, leaning down moving a strand of hair away from her face. "Okay, I won't. I hope you know that whatever happens...if you're pregnant or not, I love you and I'm not leaving you, alright?"
MJ nodded, wiping her nose. "I know."
"We should go downstairs before Rosemary starts to freak out." Peter said, standing up grabbing MJ's hand.
"Right." MJ chuckled, following him out the door. The headed downstairs only to find a nasty surprise.
Rosemary stepped back from the couch, trying to clean up the ice cream all over it. MJ noticed by the kitchen table that she had managed to grab the paper towels while also managing to knock her and Peters ice cream.
"I dropped it...sorry." Rosemary pouted. Peter quickly rushed up to her. "Don't cry, it's okay. It was an accident."
"It fell, when I tried to get down.." Rosemary said, looking down at herself as she had ice cream all over her shirt and pants.
"It's okay, Daddy will clean up this mess while I'll clean you up, okay?" MJ said, grabbing Rosemary's hand. She nodded while wiping away her tears.
Peter yawned as he looked over to MJ, seeing that she had fallen asleep in his arms while Rosemary was also asleep on her lap.
He gently pulled himself away from the couch, laying MJ's head on the pillow. He stretched, groaning while leaning down to grab Rosemary to carry her to her room.
He gently pried her hands off of MJ and grabbed her into his arms. He quickly made his way upstairs and into her bedroom, pulling the covers off and gently putting her down.
He was getting ready to leave when he heard her small voice.
He slowly turned around to see her sitting up. "What?"
She tilted her head, rubbing her eyes. "Where's my Spider-Man toy?"
Peter went up to her, moving her hair away from her face. "Don't worry, I'll go and get it for you." Peter hurried downstairs, looking over to see MJ now awake holding up the Spider-Man toy.
"Where did you get this?" She frowned, looking up at him.
Peter smiled. "Rose saw it at the store so I bought it for her. Crazy, isn't it? That she likes Spider-Man, I mean."
She sat up, holding it against her. "I know, it is crazy. I don't remember falling asleep at all. I thought I had pushed Rose off the couch, so that's why I woke up."
"I was gonna carry you to our bed as soon as I gave her the toy-" Peter said, grabbing the toy from her hands. MJ pouted. "I should've waited a couple of minutes then."
Peter chuckled. "I mean, I could still carry you..."
She shook her head, smiling. "No go give Rose her toy, I'm going to take a shower. I'll see you inside?"
Peter smirked. "Yeah, I'll be there in two minutes." He hurried up the stairs as she went into the bathroom downstairs. He entered her bedroom to see her trying to keep her eyes open.
"Here you go, Rose." Peter said, handing it to her as he bent down to kiss her. "Goodnight, princess, I love you."
She smiled, burying her head underneath the covers. "Night Night, love you."
"Aunt May? We're here!" Peter said, closing the door behind him as MJ and Rosemary entered the living room.
"Rose, go find out where grandma is!" MJ said, smiling down at her. Rose did as she was told, roaming around as Peter and MJ both sat down on the couch.
They both watched as Rose tried finding her, a worried look on her face. Peter laughed, knowing this was a little game that Aunt May loved playing with her. He noticed that she entered the kitchen, scratching her head as she looked for her.
"Where is she?" Peter said, standing up to be beside her. She shrugged her shoulders, opening the dishwasher.
Rosemary suddenly heard a noise coming from the laundry room as she stared wide eyed at Peter.
"What was that?" He whispered to her. Rose smiled, slowly walking up to the door.
She pointed to it but made sure to stay as close to Peter as possible. They heard the noise again, which made Rose reach out to Peter. He picked her up, opening the door.
"Surprise!" Aunt May shouted.
"I thought you were a monster." Rosemary said.
They all laughed while Aunt May grabbed her from Peter's arms as she welcomed them here.
"I thought you two were going to drop her off later tonight?" Aunt May said, letting Rosemary go into the living room to watch TV.
MJ sat down next to Peter. "We were, but..." MJ looked over at Peter. "Something came up."
Aunt May frowned. "What?"
"Look, we don't know forsure but...Michelle might be pregnant."
Aunt May raised an eyebrow. "Pregnant? Are you two kidding with me right now?"
"Well, we really don't know. The reason we came here was for you to watch Rose, while Peter and I go to the doctors. We would take her, but, she gets cranky. You don't mind taking care of her, do you?" MJ said.
"No, no, of course not." May frowned. "You both know I love to take care of her." Aunt May smiled, looking over to see Rosemary who was very entertained on what was on the television.
author's note:
hi, i hoped you guys loved this chapter! thank you sm for reading and please don't forget to vote & comment ♡
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