Rosemary smiled at herself in the mirror as she was now ready for the date tonight. MJ came up behind her, wrapping her arms around her. "You look beautiful, yet you always do."
"Thanks," Rosemary grinned. "The dress is so pretty. I love it."
MJ grabbed her hand. "Sienna is downstairs waiting for you." They got out the door and headed down the hallway as Peter was having a conversation with Sienna. "Guys!"
Peter, Sienna, and Nathan all turned their attention to Rosemary who was awkwardly standing at the top of the steps. Rosemary sighed, smiling. "Alright, that's enough staring please."
She walked down the steps as she walked up to Peter. "Do I look okay?"
Peter laughed. "You look absolutely beautiful."
"Beautiful?" Nathan snickered. "You know it's not okay to lie to your daughter like that, Dad."
Rosemary rolled her eyes at him. "You're not going to ruin my mood tonight, Nate."
She headed over to Sienna who was admiring her, but tried not to show it. "You look amazing."
Sienna laughed. "I don't think so. This was Megan's dress when she was my age and she thought it was best for me to wear. But you...wow."
Rosemary laughed, looking down at herself. "Thank you."
They suddenly all heard the doorbell ring as Rose widened her eyes. "Oh my God, he's here." She turned around to head for the door before Peter stopped her.
He placed his cup down and cleared his throat. "Em, grab my gun. You know where it is."
MJ frowned, taken aback. "You don't have a gun...Honey, please be nice to him."
Peter waved at her. "Yeah, yeah." He ran a hand through his hair as he opened the door to reveal Lorenzo standing there with two bouquets of flowers. "Hey, Liam."
Rosemary groaned, laying her head on Sienna's shoulder. "He did not just-"
Lorenzo laughed, quickly holding the two bouquets in one hand as he stuck out his hand. "Good evening, Mr. Parker, I'm Lorenzo."
Peter gently smiled at him as he took his hand, squeezing it tightly as he watched Lorenzo's face twist in pain. "It's nice to meet you, Liam, come on in."
Rosemary quickly walked up to him. "Hi, Lorenzo. Dad? That won't be necessary, we really have to go."
"Don't you want to introduce him to your Mom and brother?" Peter frowned. "I thought it would be nice to know a little bit about him before he takes you out too, don't you think?"
Rosemary sighed. "Lorenzo..that's my Mom and my little brother Nathan-"
"It's Mr. Parker to you." Nathan said, giving him the side eye.
MJ smiled at Lorenzo. "Hi, it's nice to finally meet you."
Lorenzo smiled back. "These are for you," He said handing her the flowers. "And these are for you...roses for Rose."
Rosemary blushed. "Thank you."
Peter crossed his arms. "If you knew her well, you would know that those are not her favorite flowers. My wife likes dahlias and Rose likes lilies and these are not it."
"Oh!" Lorenzo surprisingly said. "Well, if I would've known I would've-"
MJ waved her hand. "Ignore him, they're beautiful and I really love them. Thank you, Lorenzo." She eyed Peter as she made her way into the kitchen.
"So, what made you go out with my sister anyway?" Nathan frowned. "Why her?"
Lorenzo smiled at him. "Um, well, I just really liked her. I've been wanting to take her out on a date but I've just been so nervous to actually do it."
"And where are you planning to take her? Actually them-Sienna is apart of this, as well. Where's her date?" Peter got closer to him.
"He, uh, we're actually going to go pick him up. We're going for a nice dinner and then to the movies."
Peter raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? What movie?"
"47 Meters Down."
"You want to take them to a PG-13 movie? They're fifteen, may I ask how old you are?"
"I'm almost sixteen but I have a family member who works there and he'll get us in there, it's no problem." Lorenzo nodded. He looked away as Peter kept eyeing him. "O-Or, we could watch The Lion King...I've been wanting to see that anyways."
Peter sighed. "Talking about family, did your parents drive you here?"
Lorenzo shook his head. "No, I can drive. My adoptive parents knew I was going out, though."
Rosemary frowned up at him. "You're adopted?"
He nodded, returning his attention back to Peter. "Yes. They adopted me when I was just a newborn after my Mom gave me away and I've been with them ever since. I still get to see my biological Dad and he's really great but...I've been wanting to meet my biological Mom but we haven't been able to get in contact with her."
Peter nodded in return. "I'm sorry about that."
"You don't have to apologize. My adoptive parents are great, amazing actually. They raised me as their own and they've given me everything so, I appreciate them. I would just like to ask my Mom why she would ever give me away or why she never reached out?"
Rosemary noticed that the room got quiet as she cleared her throat and looked up at Lorenzo. "We should probably get going? Sienna, let's go."
"Aww, why? I was really enjoying this." She groaned, getting up from the couch. Rosemary shook her head at her as she looked from MJ and Peter. "I'll be back soon, okay?"
MJ came to Peter's side. "You guys have fun." She said, giving Rose a hug.
"It was nice to meet meet you all." Lorenzo said to them, waving goodbye as he held the door open for the girls.
"Did you know that Rose snorts when she laughs really hard? Did you know that she wouldn't stop wetting the bed until she was twelve? Did you know that she's really allergic to peanuts? Did you know-"
Rosemary came back and shoved Nathan inside. "That's enough, Nate, don't you think?!"
Peter grabbed the door before they had the chance to leave. "Liam, I want her back by eleven or else I'm going to have to bring my gun out!"
MJ came after him, slamming the door. "Peter! Can you stop saying you have a gun? The whole neighborhood heard you! You don't have a gun!"
"Well, he doesn't have to know that." He laughed. "Em, c'mon, that's the guy we let our daughter go out with. I had to scare him even just a little bit, did you see his reaction?"
"Both of you embarrassed her, that wasn't okay." MJ said frowning at both Peter and Nathan.
"Well, at least we know a little bit more of Liam." Peter shrugged.
"It's Lorenzo!" MJ groaned, walking upstairs.
Nathan and Peter both laughed as they high fived each other. "He was so nervous. He was sweating like crazy! It was great."
Peter laughed again, messing up Nathan's hair. "Hey, you stay here with your Mom while I go out, okay?"
Nathan frowned. "Where are you going?"
"I'm just going out to do a small errand." He winked at him.
"I'm sorry about my Dad and brother." Rosemary told Lorenzo as they were now seated at the chinese restaurant.
Lorenzo laughed, shaking his head. "Don't apologize. I think I kind of expected something like that to happen."
Rosemary looked over at Sienna and Sam who were seated two tables away from them. "Wow, they're really having fun." She chuckled, seeing that Sienna was picking at her food while Sam was almost done but there was no talking. "I've never seen Sienna so happy."
Lorenzo looked over at them. "Yeah, Sienna doesn't look miserable at all."
They both laughed as Rose tried to catch her breath. She kept calm until she suddenly spoke up. "I'm actually having a really good time with you."
He smiled at her. "Me too."
"It's crazy, I would've never-"
"This is Breaking News, there has been a massive fire in Queens, New York where a huge building caught on fire earlier this evening. NBC 4's Wilfred James is there live at the scene-"
Rosemary tensed up, staring at the screen as Lorenzo tried getting her attention.
"Rosemary?" Lorenzo waved his hand in front of her face. "Hello?"
She blinked, staring at him. "Hm?"
He chuckled. "You were going to say something until you got cut off by the news...what were you going to say?"
"Oh," She suddenly stood up. "I just wanted to say that I really needed to use the restroom, can you excuse me for a second? I'll be right back."
"Yeah, Yeah, go ahead." He nodded as he watched her leave.
Rosemary hid behind the wall that was near the kitchen as she looked down at her necklace. "This is finally your chance, Rose." She quickly turned around to see Lorenzo eating alone and decided on going or not.
"I'm sorry." She whispered before leaving the restaurant from the back door.
author's note:
hi! i hoped you guys liked this chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment! thanks for reading! ♡
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