"WHAT THE FUCK!" Nathan screamed, backing away from her. "ROSE, WHAT IS THIS?!"
Rosemary's mask slid off her face as she smacked his mouth. "Language, did you learn nothing from uncle Steve?! I told you not to freak out, now look at you! You're looking at me like I'm some kind of monster. Nathan, can you chill? Please?"
"How do you expect me to chill when you just changed out of nowhere? How did you do that? How are you like this? Why are you like this?" He said, trying to steady his breathing.
"Tony helped with the suit. He had it made for me because he knew I would need it incase Mom and or Dad were ever in danger-"
"Mom and Dad are in danger?!" He widened his eyes as he stopped pacing the room.
Rosemary sighed, shutting her eyes. "If they were ever in danger, I'm not saying they are. Listen-Can you stop freaking out, please? I need your help before Mom and Dad come home."
"Help?" Nathan frowned. "With what?"
"You know?" Nathan said as they walked. "I think it's really unfair that you had an iron suit made when I got this handmade suit from Pepper."
Rosemary looked over at him. "It's still kind of cool though."
"Yeah, right. It's like I'm wearing pajamas. Can you believe Tony-a billionaire, genius inventor, and a hero-gave me a handmade suit instead of one like yours or Dad's? I know how much time and love she put into the suit...but still!"
She laughed as she threw her arm over his shoulder. "You know why, right? It's because you're just a kid. You won't be able to handle this stuff." She frowned at the place where he had stopped. "Where are we?"
Nathan sighed. "This is where Dad brought me to help me when he knew I had powers. The place seems scary but it's away from the people. No one passes by here anyways."
Rosemary looked at the surroundings being disgusted by the smelly dumpster and all the flies. "Nate, are you sure this is where Dad took you? This place is giving me bad vibes."
"Do you want me to help you or shall we find out how Dad feels about you doing this?" He smirked at her.
"Don't you dare." Rosemary rolled her eyes. "Fine. What are we doing first?"
"Follow me." Nathan stood in front of the wall as he suddenly began to climb up to get to the top.
Rosemary watched him as climbed slowly but carefully. She pressed the button on her necklace as the suit spread throughout her body. "It's that easy, huh?"
She prepared herself to climb up the wall as she took a few deep breaths. She pressed her hands against the walls as she copied Nathan's same movements. "Nate!"
"There you go, you're doing it!" Nathan clapped from at top of the building. He bent down, lending out his hand for Rosemary to grab. "Grab my hand...I got you."
Rose grabbed his hand as he pulled her to the top with him. "Good thing I didn't look down. What else?"
Nathan nodded as he looked ahead of him. "I don't know if it'll work but we'll give it a try? Watch what I do, okay?" He shot a web onto a pole as he pulled himself from up the ground.
Rosemary watched on as he swung from pole to pole like Tarzan from branch to branch. He landed on the fourth building ahead from hers.
Nathan turned around to face her as he swung back to her. Rose stood there shocked. "You make these things look so easy...how?"
He shrugged. "It takes practice. Dad used to take me here everyday after school and I got used to it. Are you ready?"
"What if I fall face first on the ground, hm?" Rose eyed him. "This is dangerous."
"You'll be fine, I won't let anything happen to you. You have to know where you're aiming, did you see how I did it? You go from the pole to the right, to the left, to the right, to the left...blah blah blah. Do you get me?" Nathan looked up at her.
"I think so...Let me just try." Rosemary backed up as she got ready to run. Her mask slid on as she sprinted forward.
"Thwip and release, remember that! Know where you're aiming at." Nathan yelled as Rosemary jumped off.
"Wait, wait, Nathan!" Rosemary screamed as she was falling, trying to get herself to stick to the walls. She shot a web out but it ended up only shooting straight up.
Nathan watched in horror as he suddenly looked to his right. Rosemary knew she was close to the ground as she shut her eyes to get ready for the hit as she suddenly felt herself flying back up.
She opened her eyes in shock that she hadn't yet hit the ground as she felt arms wrapped around her waist. She was put down as she looked away in embarrassment.
"What do you think you're doing?"
author's note:
who do you think saved her?👀
thanks so much for reading and please don't forget to vote and comment! ♡♡
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