Time For More Questions
September 21st, 2003
// Sam //
He was barely tall enough, but Sam kept glancing out the window of the silent police car. He could see unfamiliar houses with fallen bicycles in the yards. Now, he saw an old warehouse, likely it's been abandoned for decades. Then, the police station came into view. As Sam saw this, he blindly grasped for Dean's hand.
"What is it, Sammy?" Dean whispers.
"The...police station..." Sam utters, terrified.
"Sam, you shouldn't be worried. They're just gonna ask some questions or something like that. Anyways, I'll be right there with ya."
"Oh yeah...thanks Deany!" Sam says, suddenly rid of fear.
"Of course lil' bro."
Sam moves closer to Dean so that he could have a hug. Dean wraps his arm around his brother and chuckles. Sam doesn't know why he chuckles, but it's a positive sound for him. It sounded like he was home and not in this car. Only, anywhere with Dean felt like home. His brother was the only person he had besides his parents. Which, he didn't know why they weren't with him. Sam didn't get to think about this for long, however, because at that moment the car pulled into the parking lot.
"Alright boys, time to go inside." the cop declares.
Both Sam and Dean get out of the car and grumble a "Yes sir,". They were still sore from running and being in the rough shed. Even adding to that, the boys had only been able to get three hours of sleep the previous night. Which didn't do any good for Sammy, he needs sleep more than Dean does. Of course, that means Dean was perfectly fine with little sleep.
"Good. Follow me, you two."
"Okie sir.." Sam says. He has a habit of saying "okie" instead of "okay", but since he's only five, no one notices. Except Dean, he always notices. He is Sammy's older brother after all.
"Yeah, okay sir..." Dean quietly spoke.
Once the boys had been led into the building, a blonde woman came up to them.
"Hiya, boys!" the lady said in a thick accent. "My name's Donna, what are your names?"
"Hi!! I'm Sam!" Sam said, always overjoyed to meet anyone.
"Hi, I'm Dean." he mumbles. Unlike his baby brother, he hates seeing new, random adults.
"Well Sam and Dean, I need to ask you some questions. However, I think you need some snacks first, yes? Is that okay with you two?"
"Yes, that's fine," the boys say at the same time.
Sam noticed that Dean wasn't all excited about meeting Donna, which was sort of normal to him. He leaned on Dean's side to show that it was fine, and Dean seemed to get the message.
A short while later and the boys have been given a few snacks and waters. They were enjoying them, even though it was just a couple packs of cinnamon Scooby snacks. Well, Sam could tell Dean enjoyed them, his older brother loves that show with a weird passion. When they finished eating, Donna came back into the room with a pad of paper and a pen.
"Well boys, time for questions."
"Okie!!" Sam yipped. Sam could tell that Dean was dreading this. Only, he couldn't tell exactly why.
"So, the couple that found you in their shed said you, Dean, had said both of you were still awake late into the night?"
"Yes, Sammy here couldn't fall asleep, so we stayed up and played a game for a little bit."
"Oh, can I ask what game you played?"
"Yeah, sure. We played with Sammy's moose and squirrel stuffed animals."
Sam piper up at that moment and said, "Those are my favorite stuffed animals! One of our uncles gave them to us for Christmas last year!"
Sam saw Donna smile when he said that. Right after that, Donna spoke again.
"So, were you still playing moose and squirrel when you heard the loud noises?"
"Yeah, we heard the door and then two quieted bangs."
"Oh," Donna grimaced. "Well, what did you do after that?"
"Can I just say it all right now? It would be easier for me." Dean questioned.
"Sure, that's fine, hon."
"So, we went downstairs and hid so we wouldn't be seen. We saw momma and dad on the floor, "asleep".
Sam saw that Dean looked at him with a look of pity when he said that.
"Then we heard a crash in the kitchen, and that's when I grabbed Sammy's wrist and ran. We ran until I found a tree to catch breath under. Then I found a shed for us to sleep in for the night. That was when we fell asleep ourselves. Then the kind couple found us and gave us cocoa and asked some questions. After that, they called you. Now, here we are." Dean huffed, that took a lot to not break down. He didn't want to keep retelling this, it was getting old.
"Okay, thanks for telling me, buddy."
"Welcome, ma'am."
"Well, now that I have that written down, I say that we find a next of kin or relative for you to live with."
Sam was confused. Very confused. So he mumbled, "Why are we going to a relative's house, Deany?"
Dean heard this and instantly said, "Sammy, you know about Heaven, right?"
"Yeah, you go there when you pass, if you've been good and stuff."
"Uhh...well, momma and dad are in Heaven now."
"Oh, I, okie. I hope they like it." Sam said. He hoped they were happy up there.
"They do. I'm sure of it, Sammy."
As he said that, Sam could feel Dean leaning to give him a reassuring hug. He accepted, and the boys started to talk about whose home they would go to.
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