Time For A Party
January 24th, 2004
*bit of a time skip, as you can see.*
He was turning ten today. Finally! Being in Aspen for almost four months had been a bit tiring. He was ready to just let loose and have his party.
"Dean! Sam! C'mere, boys!" Uncle Crowley yelled, fixing breakfast for his nephews and mother.
"Okie! C'mon Deany,"
"Alright Sammy, I'm right here, don't yell."
"Fine. Happy birthday, big bro!" Sam chirped, giving his brother an unexpected hug.
They headed down the stairs and could immediately smell bacon. That sure had Dean's attention.
"Uncle Crowley! Yes! Best uncle ever!"
Crowley chuckled, glad that Dean was enjoying his birthday. He then went to get four plates from the cabinet before saying, "Dean, Sam, do both of you want toast and eggs along with the bacon?"
"Yeah. For me at least, I don't think Sammy's gonna want any toast." Dean murmured, knowing his brother too well.
"He's right, Uncle Crowley, I don't want toast."
"Alright boys, that works for me. Now get over here and get your breakfast before your grandma takes all the eggs." Crowley laugher again, and it seemed that Rowena heard him.
"Fergus, I would never!" She scoffed, then giggled.
Time for the brothers to start laughing along, too. Somehow, during this, the four had been able to get their breakfast and start eating. In between munches, the two Winchesters said thank you and that it was delicious.
// *three hours later* //
The knock on the door sent Dean bolting to it. Fumbling with the lock, he saw who was at the door. "Cas! Hey! Oh, and hi, Gabe." He said, but was stopped as Gabriel once again had a lollipop in his mouth.
"Sorry about that, Dean. Although, I think you're already familiar with Gabe and his antics." Cas huffed, knowing Gabriel would hate him saying that.
"Nah, it's fine. I'm actually used to it by now, Cas. Anyways, come in, it's not like you haven't been here before." Dean commented, seeing that Mr. Novak was keeping an eye on the three at the door from the car. He waved to their father, and shut the door as he did so.
"Boys, you're here! Good, we were just about to do presents." Rowena smiled, they were the only guests. Not because Dean and Sam didn't make friends, but the neighborhood was, as the Novaks had stated before, "secluded and no other kids but the four of us".
Gabriel stood, waiting on Cas to put down the present for Dean. As soon as he did, the four found spots at the table. It was Rowena and Crowley standing next to Dean's chair, Cas to his left, and Sam and Gabriel sitting directly across the two. Dean reached for the bag that his uncle had set on the table and opened it. It was full of flannels, which to most would've been lame, but to Dean? Not in the slightest.
"Here, Dean. Open it!" It was Sam talking, handing Dean a small box.
He took it and opened up the lid. It was a small amulet, and he didn't quite know why, but he immediately knew he wasn't going to take this off. It seemed too special for that.
"Last one, from Gabe and I. Hope you like it." Cas added, grinning slightly.
Dean took off the red wrapping paper and dumped it into the trash can next to him. Inside were two records and a couple random chocolate bars. Dean knew the candy was from Gabe, so he thanked him. He then looked at Cas, ready to jump up and squeal.
"You got me RAMBLE ON and TRAVELING RIVERSIDE BLUES?! Cas, how did you- how did you know? When did I say these were my favorite songs?"
"Dean, you mentioned that four times in a span of a week. Also, you kept saying that you didn't have a record to these two. Which I took note of, for your birthday. Oh, and you're welcome." Castiel beamed, thankful that he remembered correctly, and that Dean was happy. He didn't get to think about that for long, however, because soon he couldn't breathe. It was Dean, hugging him.
"Dean! Dea-" he croaked, thumping Dean on the back to signal he needed air.
"Oh, shoot! Sorry, buddy. I didn't mean to,"
"No, no. It's fine, just, I might have been a little low on air." Cas breathed.
"Well, boys. I think now is a good time for pie." Rowena whispered, striding back to the kitchen.
"Pie? What about cake?" Gabriel asked, looking at Dean with a questioning look written all over his face.
"Gabe! Did you forget? Dean loves pie, only pie. He'll take cake, but not if pie's an option." Sam groaned, all the while looking at Dean.
"Yeah...I think we've only said that once, but it's okay," Dean said, looking at Gabe and his brother form across the table.
Oh no. Dean could hear Rowena and Crowley starting to sing "Happy Birthday". He was delighted that his party was going so well, but he hated the song. He just didn't like all the eyes on him and the out of tune singing. Thankfully, the song was over. Now the real time for pie! Crowley gestured at Dean to blow out the candles, so he did. Rowena went to start putting slices on plates after that.
"I hope everyone likes cherry pie. This one here sure does." Rowena teased Dean.
The six ate in silence at the table. Dean, being the first one done, asked his uncle a question. "Hey, Uncle Crowley? Could Cas and Gabe stay over? They live so close anyways."
"I don't see why not, so sure. I'll call Mr. Novak and see if it's okay. If the boys want to, anyways."
"Uhh, of course we want to to stay!" Both Novak brothers chirped.
As the two said that, Crowley went to the phone to call Chuck Novak. He agreed, and said he would pack a couple small bags for the boys and bring them over.
(Probably going to be one of these at every chapter's ending)
I don't have much to say for this chapter, but I'll repeat some things:
-please comment, vote, share, whatever you want, it would be good for my story.
-don't ever hesitate to message me if you need to talk or just want to say hey. I'll try my best to respond as soon as I can.
-have a good day/night/week/year/everything.
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