Just Like My Own
November 14th, 2015
(Time skip and hopefully I'm not reusing any dates, I try not to. Also- sorry for the complete focus on destiel and Dean + Castiel's povs at the moment. I will try to do a couple Sabriel ones in the mix if I can.)
// Dean //
Falling asleep in the new house wasn't easy. Whether it be the unfamiliar walls or the nonexistent yells from neighbors, he didn't know. The apartment would've always had someone talking, playing music, or partying, so it seemed unnatural for the home to be so quiet.
Cursing out the silence, Dean managed to get up out of the bed. He could hear Castiel groan in annoyance. It was difficult for him to sleep, too.
"Sorry, Cas. I'm just gonna grab a snack or something."
"S'okay." Cas turned to face Dean's side of the bed, which was now empty.
Dean stumbled in the dark of the home, trying to make his way to the pantry. Once he did, he pulled on the cord of the lightbulb. "Uggh. That's freakin' awesome." Somehow, the bulb had burnt out. "Forget it, I'll just take this and be done." He had taken a small roll of crackers, desperate to just get some sleep.
He thought he heard something skitter across the floor. It sounded like shoelaces that were too long to tie properly, causing them to drag the floor once in a while.
But no, Dean thought. No one could be in their house, they'd locked the door, as usual. The windows were always latched, mainly since it was getting colder.
Another sound on the wood floor.
It was too close to just brush off and ignore.
Dean couldn't move, it would give him away.
Thank whatever god was watching, he was lucky enough to be standing behind the door to the pantry. Except, Castiel wasn't. He was in the bedroom, probably asleep now. Dean knew had to do something, because if Cas was attacked or hurt by this thing...
So he did the possibly life-threatening thing. He slipped out from the door and followed the pitch black mass. The man was walking towards the guest room, the one right next to the master bedroom.
He stood next to the master bedroom's door, glad that the bed was out of view, even from the open door. Dean went to the bedside table, grabbing the pistol he told Cas to keep near in events like this. To his relief, Castiel was awake, but with a look of terror on his face when he saw the figure pass by. Dean just lifted a finger to his lips to make sure Cas stayed quiet, turning his face to the door at the same time.
But what he saw wasn't just an empty hallway. The man was in the doorway of the bedroom. To no one's surprise, he held a rifle in both hands.
That rifle was aimed at Dean, since he was the only clear shot.
A sound pierced the air, a bullet fired and trying to find its next target.
Good thing Dean had quick reflexes, or else the man would've fired again. He didn't kill the man, he just fired the pistol and hoped to strike his kneecap.
His reflexes couldn't stop the bullet from making a home out of his right shoulder, however. "Son. Of. A. Bitch!" He seethed, pulling his now blood-coated hand away from his arm.
The man tried to flee, but Castiel had rushed past Dean to try and attack the guy himself. That ended with a broken arm or incredibly severe strains, but Castiel couldn't tell which one it was at the moment.
With Cas on the ground, no longer able to fight back again, the man was able to leave for real this time.
"Dean! Dean, he's gone! I might be a bit scratched up, but we need to call 911 or something," Castiel ran into the bedroom, horror coating his facial expression. "you're bleeding heavily from the bullet wound, Dean. We really need to call someone."
"Then call 911. Or Sam. I don't care. But now I'm just like my own parents, shot by some low-life guy trying to steal from us."
Castiel ignored this, even though the words pounded in his head, trying to reach a 911 dispatcher. "Uhh, yes, my house was just broken into. My fiancé and I were hurt. I might have a broken arm, but h-h-he was s-shot. In t-the shoulder." He was trying to not sob, even though he knew Dean would get through this.
Only three minutes later, there was an urgent knock on the door. Castiel rushed to it, Dean having to stay in the bedroom and keep pressure on the wound. Cas opened the door and hurriedly ushered the EMTs to their room. The men took Dean out the front door and onto the ambulance, leaving Castiel to rush after them.
"It's family only on the ride there." One of the men said.
"I'm his fiancé, goddamnit! We're getting married in a little more than two months! I'm not driving like a bat out of hell to a hospital if I can be with him." Castiel angrily replied, trying to force his way into the back.
"Well, you're hurt too, right? So you have to go. And yes, we'll let you be with him for the ride there."
"Right, good." The numb and aching feeling from his arm was just a thought in the back of his head on the way to the hospital.
"The bullet hit WHAT?" Cas screamed, shock in his eyes.
The doctor sighed, leafing through the papers in his hand. "The brachial artery. It barely nicked it, but it was enough to know that he'll need a small surgery."
"Cas, I'll be fine. He said it was just barely hit. It'll be okay." Dean cut in, glancing at Castiel in the harsh and bright white lights of the hospital room.
"Yeah, yeah. You'll be fine, I know. I'm just worried."
Just before the nurses took Dean to prepare for surgery, he reached up and kissed Cas. It was mainly in the hopes that he'd be less worried, because Dean would really be fine.
Don't hate me for this chapter!
I feel like I needed drama or an event before the wedding, so here's what I came up with!
I think I probably should've done a Sabriel thing before this...oh well! Too late now! Maybe I can make it a visit to the hospital for the two? (Spoiler- I do.)
I think that's all for today.
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