21 | Muscle Mania
"Bae! Baby get up. Get up Amari I need help." Trinity shook him awake just twenty minutes after he finally dozed off for his routinely scheduled nap, and the urgency in her voice made his eyes pop open.
"They in there fighting. He hitting my sister! Get up." She pulled him up by his arm, and he pushed her out of the way before quickly getting himself out of the bed, following behind her towards the front of the house.
He could hear a bunch of yelling coming from the living room, and he saw Miri trying to pull Terrance off of Leila, who was shielding her face as the ground. He pushed Miri back and snatched Terrance back by his shirt, throwing a powerful punch directly at his jaw.
Amari swung both of his fists even after knocking him over, clearly unfazed by the fact that Terrance was 6'3 while he was only 5'11. Height didn't matter over strength though, and Amari very obviously wasn't lacking in that department.
Terrance kept up with him for a minute but it took no time for Amari to get the upper hand, and as soon as he caught him good in his nose, he slammed him against the coffee table which made him groan out in pain. Then, Amari stood over him and continued to swing.
"He done—aye, you got it bruh, let him go." Jermaine tried pulling Amari back, and he turned around just to punch him in his face as well.
"Bitch ass nigga you seen him hitting on her and ain't stop him?! Fuck wrong wit' yo' goofy ass?" Amari swung again, using his right hand that was surprisingly as skilled as his left, and that was saying something since it was his non-dominant hand.
"Nigga they always get to fighting! She hit him first." He gestured to where Terrance now laid bloody on the broken glass table, not wanting to be Amari's next victim.
"It don't fucking matter! That's a girl!" His next punch was stopped by Trinity when she wrapped her arms around both of his, holding him still.
"You got it baby. The police here. Stop it." She backed him away from the scene just as Miri opened the door to let the three police officers inside before they could kick it down.
"Put your hands above your head, now." One of them automatically pointed their gun at Amari, and he did as told, getting down on his knees. He was too familiar with this process.
"It wasn't him. He was beating on my sister. We called because of him." Trinity stood in front of him and pointed to Terrance who was groggily trying to stand up.
"That's understandable ma'am but at the moment we need to detain all of them. He's not being arrested right now, we just have to figure out what's going on. Step out of the way." The man lowered his gun but still held it near his stomach, reaching on his waist to grab a set of handcuffs.
"Watch out ma. Ion want them to touch you." Amari spit blood out of his mouth and onto the ground, licking over his teeth. She moved to the side and the officer walked around her to put Amari in handcuffs, pulling him up from the floor.
Both Jermaine and Terrance were put into handcuffs as well, and Trinity and Miri sat on the couch with Leila to comfort her while a female officer approached them with a notepad, pen, and a few napkins in her hand.
"Would you like an ambulance sweetheart?" Officer Thorne kneeled in front of her, holding the napkins out for her to clean her face.
"No I just want him out of my house." She cried, using one of the napkins to shield her swollen eye. She was so embarrassed.
"Of course. Can you tell me what happened?"
"He came over a few minutes ago and I told him he had to get his stuff and leave. We were just arguing at first but then he got in my face, so I moved him out of the way and he punched me. Then we started fighting but I'm literally 5'4. I barely got to touch him." She gestured to her face that was now messed up, bouncing her leg with her foot elevated from the floor.
"Ok, no worries. Who's your sister, the one who called us?" She asked, and Leila pointed to Trinity who was bringing her a cold pack from the freezer.
"Are you two able to corroborate this statement?"
"Yes." The two girls spoke in unison.
"And which one of them was it? The one who's bleeding?" She pointed with her pen as the sound of the ambulance sirens filled the space.
"Ok, thank you. And what happened to him? Did you do that?"
"No. My boyfriend did, the one who got cuffed first. He was taking a nap in our room and I went to go wake him up 'cause the other one, Jermaine, wasn't trying to help me and her get Terrance off of Leila." Trinity explained, talking a bit slower than usual so that she could jot it down on her notepad.
"Ok. I'm gonna go talk to the other officers and get the rest of the statements. Would you like to press charges, Leila?"
"Yes. And we have it on video for proof." Leila grabbed Miri's phone from the couch since she didn't know where hers was, going to their security feed.
The police stayed at the house for about an hour or so, gathering everyone's statement that all laid out the same story, and also tended to Terrance who had a concussion and a severely swollen face. He pressed charges on Amari but it didn't result in an arrest since it was self defense of another person.
After reviewing the video evidence, Terrance was handcuffed to the stretcher in the ambulance and taken to the hospital where he'd be treated for his injuries, and later, he'd be booked into the county jail for domestic violence, destruction of property, and an assault charge.
When the police left, Amari made Jermaine leave, too. He didn't allow him to get his things, he just sent him off. Jermaine knew better than to challenge his directions, so he left without a fight.
"That bitch ass nigga can't come back over here either Miri. You understand me?" Amari unintentionally slammed the door behind him once he finally walked into the house, finding her gaze first.
"Yeah. I got it." She had already decided that a few minutes ago.
"Leila, you good?" He then asked her, pulling his bloody shirt from over his head.
"I'm fine. Thank you." She sniffed in an attempt to conceal her cries, still sitting on the couch with her knees now to her chest. It was upsetting seeing her like this. He'd rather listen to her be mean to him.
Amari went back to the bedroom to calm himself down and to take a shower, irritated with all of Terrance's blood on his clothes. He'd also cut himself on the glass coffee table, so his arm was bleeding, too. That made him make a mental note to order a replacement table. He didn't intend to break it, it just sort of happened.
When he got out, he analyzed his face in the mirror to see if he had any injuries. He hated when his face was bruised up; he would hate for anyone to mistake him as the one receiving an ass whooping instead of being the one to hand it out. But, he was glad to see that he was just fine, besides a small cut on his top lip that was also from a piece of glass.
After getting dressed in lounge clothes, he went into Trinity's closet and grabbed his duffel bag from the corner where all of his shoes were resting on a rack. He dug in it for a moment before pulling out a wad of cash, thumbing through it to count out a few bills.
He then walked in the living room to see Trinity and Miri cuddled up against Leila, consoling her while she tried to get herself together. Thankfully, she was no longer sobbing, so he hoped it was a sign that she was feeling better. He interrupted the conversation they were having with his presence, walking to stand in front of them.
"Buy a new TV and table. Stop crying over that bitch ass boy. You look like a punk." He held out the small stack of money to Leila, and Trinity playfully rolled her eyes at the sound of her sister's laughter. They could never be nice to one another.
"Shut up. I still don't like you so don't think shit sweet." She snatched the money from him and stuffed it in her shirt, making Miri and Trinity laugh.
"Finna get that 86 inch we been wanting sista?" Miri asked her, and she nodded her head without missing a beat. They'd been talking about switching out their 75 inch LG TV anyway.
Trinity got up from the couch to follow Amari into the kitchen, watching him lean over to grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator drawer. He turned to face her after hearing her footsteps, trailing his eyes to meet her gaze.
She loved everything about her man. The way he protected not only her, but her sister as well, made her heart so full. He didn't even think about what to do when she mentioned what was happening to her sister, he just got up and did it. Then, for him to come and bring Leila money to replace the TV on his own—just, whew. What a man.
"You okay?" She asked, walking around the counter to be near him.
"Fasho. You? He touched you?" He returned a question, and his eyebrows lost the tension they held once she shook her head.
"Good. I'm straight then." He shrugged his shoulders, completely unbothered. His new meds were really doing the damn thing.
"You care about him pressing charges? I can get an attorney."
"Nah. I got some niggas in county that ah' make him drop 'em and make sure he don't fuck wit' Leila again. That shit ain't nothin' ma. Don't worry 'bout it." He leaned forward to kiss her forehead, and her arms slid around his torso for a hug.
"You da' best. Thank you for being there for her. And, you finally got your wish. They both out the house now." She chuckled, tilting her head back to look at him.
"Miri mad I said she can't have that nigga over here?" He asked.
"No. She said she gon' break up with him 'cause she didn't like how he just stood there and watched us literally struggle tryna get Tee off my sister. We kept telling him to push him or something. I think he was scared though. That's why he ain't hit you back either."
"Yo' sisters got the worst taste in niggas. Nothin' but pussies." He shook his head in disappointment, making her laugh.
"Shut up. Everybody wasn't lucky enough to find a Mr. Armed and Dangerous like I did. You one of one." She pushed his shoulder while her smile spread further across her face at the sight of his smirk.
"You right. It's in me, not on me." He shrugged, twisting the cap off of his water bottle. Trinity rolled her eyes with another laugh, turning around when she heard footsteps.
"Lei went to go shower best. She said to tell you to order door dash for dinner 'cause she don't feel like cooking. I'm finna go call my mama right quick." Miri told her on the way to her room, and Trinity held her thumbs up as a response, blowing her a kiss afterwards.
"What y'all tryna eat ma? Tacos?" Amari asked, following behind her to their room.
"No. I'm craving Panda Express. And they always eat whatever I eat anyway so I'll just order them a plate from there too."
"Use my card. Don't pay with yours." He climbed on top of her when she laid down in the bed, and she laughed as he leaned over her shoulder to watch her type on her phone to make sure she listened to him.
She ordered each of them a bigger plate bundle that included three choices of meat, a side and a fountain drink, which brought their total up to a little over eighty dollars with a tip included. She paid with Amari's card that was linked to her Apple Pay, and it assigned her a driver within a few seconds because of how big the tip was.
Trinity then turned her phone off and laid her head on her arms, and thinking that something was wrong with her, Amari moved to lay on her side and wrapped his arm around her torso.
"You good ma?"
"Mhm. Got a headache from earlier. No biggie." Her voice was muffled from having her face pressed against the mattress, and he reached over to grab a remote from the nightstand to turn the light off.
"Thank you baby."
"You welcome. I need to go beat that nigga ass again for making my baby head hurt. Ion play like that." He could barely finish his sentence before she laughed again, shaking her head at him. He was so unserious.
Trinity's mouth watered in the midst of her laughing, and she could feel the contents of her stomach rushing up her throat before she could even process what was happening. She grabbed the trash bin by the side of the bed and let her head hang into it as she began vomiting.
Hearing the sounds coming from herself caused her to gag harder, squeezing her eyes shut in exasperation. She'd never been able to be around anyone while they threw up. She had the weakest stomach—which was quite a downfall since she was literally a nurse.
"I got you ma. Damn, Trinity." Amari frowned with concern as he held her hair out of her face, having jumped out of the bed to be in front of her within seconds.
"You good?" He asked when he grabbed the trash can, trying to make sure that she was done.
"Yes. Shit." She let him help her up, then she led the way to the bathroom while wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand. She went over it with a wipe and cleaned off her tongue with it before brushing her teeth to get rid of the taste.
Amari went to toss the bag of vomit into the garbage can in the garage and grabbed a water bottle from the refrigerator while he was out. She was already back in the bed by the time he brought it to her.
"Wassup ma? You ain't feeling good?" He watched her drink most of it before sitting it on the nightstand, lying down against the pillows again.
"That shit came out of nowhere. I was fine." She felt her own forehead but was always naturally warm, so she grabbed his hand and placed it there. "Am I hot baby?"
"Not really. You feel normal. Want me to go get the thermometer?" He asked, and she nodded her head, moving to sit up against the headboard.
After checking it, she saw that she was reading a normal temperature so she thankfully wasn't running a fever. Her stomach felt terrible though. She'd already thrown up and it was still bubbling like it was about to happen again—which she prayed it wouldn't.
"You know how to make tea?" She put herself under the blankets while staring up at him, and he nodded, still frowning with concern.
"Can you go make me some? Please?" She asked, and he leaned down to give her a kiss before going to do as told.
When he left, Trinity got out of the bed and went into her medicine bucket that was under the sink. There was Tylenol, DayQuil, NightQuil, Acetaminophen, cough drops—basically she had something for any type of sickness. Inside the box was also a few emergency pregnancy tests that she usually kept for her sisters because her sex life hadn't been as active as theirs until she got with Amari.
She peed on two sticks and wrapped them up in a napkin, and she could hear the doorbell ring just as she washed her hands at the sink. It literally took less than a minute for both tests to show two bold red lines, and she covered her mouth in shock as soon as she seen it as if she hadn't been finished in every time they had sex.
"Bae I lied. I thought that shit would be common sense but it ain't." Amari walked back into the bedroom, and his head turned to where she was in the bathroom when he saw that she was out of bed again.
"What's wrong?" He frowned at the sight of her tears, grabbing her face in his left hand.
"I hope you changed your mind about wanting to wait because I'm pregnant right now." She held up the two sticks for him to see, and his frown immediately disappeared as he looked between her and the positive tests.
"Aw, damn baby. It's okay. Don't cry, it's okay." His arms wrapped around her and she sniffed as he picked her up, sitting her on top of the counter.
"I got you ma. You know that? Huh?" He tilted her head back for a kiss, and she smiled when she noticed his eyes watering as he left kisses all over her face.
"Yes. I know baby. I'm so excitedddd." She wrapped her arms around his neck and raised up from the counter a bit for a hug, laughing at him pretending to bite on her neck.
"I love the fuck out you man. I swear to God I do." He stared at her as if he couldn't believe she existed, causing her cheeks to fill with blush. She loved him the most.
*scratches head* so y'all know what this mean
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