12 | Turn of Events
Trinity kicked her shoes off and face planted in her bed, groaning in annoyance at how she still had to undress, take a shower and make herself something to eat. She wished she could just get off of work and fall asleep in her car. She didn't even feel like driving home most days.
Plus, her man wasn't here to greet her so her day was going terribly. She tried calling him on her lunch break but he was in the middle of meeting with his supplier so he couldn't talk. And although they woke up together this morning, she missed him already and wanted him to come home.
He texted her to tell her that he was supposedly on his way now and was stopping to get her tacos so she guessed she could forgive him. When it dinged with another message from him, she laughed out loud at his response to her prior text.
She tossed her phone on the bed with a smile on her face, clearly no longer upset. She decided to go ahead and unwind so that she wouldn't smell like a hospital when her man got home. He swore she still smelled as good as she did before she left for work but she refused to believe that.
After showering, she put on a cropped muscle tank top and a random pair of black biker shorts while mentally reminding herself to do laundry today. Amari literally brought all of his dirty clothes over for her to wash them as if there wasn't a laundromat two minutes from his apartment. She didn't mind though; she loved doing duties like that for him.
"Sista! Bitch, Sean is outmotherfuckingside!" Leila screamed from the living room, and Trinity's eyes went wide as she dropped the basket of clothes to run to the front of the house.
"Oh my god, no. No, no, no, no, noooo. Oh my god." She quickly unlocked the door just as Sean made it up the steps, ironically at the same time that Amari pulled into the driveway.
"Wassup Trin? You been aight?" He reached for a hug but she ducked under his arms and quickly approached Amari who was basically running towards the front door.
"No baby, please? Pleaseee don't do anything. Just let me handle it." Both of her arms wrapped around him just as he reached for the gun on his waist, forcing his arms to remain at his side.
"The fuck?" Sean frowned in confusion, looking over at Leila who just pursed her lips together in shock.
"Sean please leave. I didn't ask you to come here and I haven't spoken to you in weeks. Can you go? Please?" Trinity turned her head to look at him, causing his eyebrows to furrow further.
"It wasn't even like that. You could've just told me you had a nigga and I would've m—,"
"Bitch she telling you now. Get the fuck on 'for I do somethin' to you." Amari freed one of his arms from Trinity's grip and pulled his gun out, flipping the safety off.
"Aight. You got it." Sean raised his hands up, shaking his head in disbelief as he walked towards his car that was parked on the street.
"I didn't know he was coming, I swear. I haven't talked to him." Trinity looked up at him with a small frown on her face, and he lowered his head to give her a kiss.
"Where yo' phone at?" He asked without saying anything else.
"On the bed."
"Go get yo' stuff out my car." He let her go and headed into the house, passing by Leila without saying anything to her which was unusual. They normally always took a jab at each other in unserious insults.
"Nigga tryna get me caught up when I'm actually innocent this time! Like what the fuck. Almost lost my man again." Trinity frowned as her and Leila walked to Amari's car.
"Bitch you are so unserious." Leila laughed.
"Foreal though. Hell. My heart beating fast as fuck. You know these neighbors already nosy. HOA gon' send a letter and ask if I'm okay, watch." She shook her head as she opened the passenger door, making Leila laugh again.
Trinity's expression dropped into a pout when she seen the two bouquets of yellow sunflowers in the passenger seat with specialty wrapping paper around them, feeling her heart melt. She'd casually mentioned to him that although she loved roses, her favorite flowers were sunflowers which were very hard to come by unless they were fake.
There was one store that she went to a few times a year to buy them for herself but it was almost an hour away from her house in Naperville, in the opposite direction of going towards Chicago. She recognized their logo on the wrapping paper and almost started crying.
On the floor was a white styrofoam box that she knew contained her quesabirria tacos because she could already smell the wonderful scent, and there was a pink card in on top of the box with two Kurt Geiger boxes next to it.
"He so in love with yo' baldheaded ass. I love to see it." Leila said to her before turning her head to see Jermaine's car pulling the driveway with Miri in the passenger seat.
"Why y'all hoes outside?" She got out of the car with a confused frown on her face, holding her purse on her shoulder as she approached them.
"You missed it sista. Sean just pulled up over here at the same time as Mari and Mari pulled his gun out. Then Sean left and Mari went in the house to go through Trin phone but told her to get her gifts out his car." Leila said all in one breath, and Trinity laugh when she dramatically exhaled to regulate her breathing.
"Damn. All before five o'clock? Hell must've froze over." Jermaine carried two to-go boxes of food, making the girls laugh at how he eavesdropped.
"My man love me so bad. Close that door for me Mir." Trinity carried everything towards the house, and they all walked inside at the same time.
"Bae you missed it." Leila headed over to the living room where Terrance was playing the game to go be messy again, and Trinity smacked her lips on the way to her bedroom.
She walked inside to see him scrolling through her phone while standing near her window that faced the backyard, and she sat her gifts on the bed before quietly approaching him from behind, wrapping her arms around his torso.
"I trusted you, I just wanted to make sure." He said to her before she could say anything, holding her phone out for her to grab.
"So in other words, you didn't trust me." She chuckled, tossing the phone on the bed.
"On O I did. I just second guess myself when I feel played. Who the fuck that nigga feeling like, popping up over here when you ain't talked to him since the 17th?" He frowned, the current date being February 4th.
"I don't know stink. I'm sorry. You okay?" She rubbed his sides, noticing that his gun was still in his hand.
"I'm good. You good?"
"Yes. You gon' put your gun down now?" She playfully asked, and he looked down to see that he indeed was still holding it. He'd forgotten that he even pulled it out.
He flipped the safety back on and sat it on the nightstand, then pulled his sweatshirt from over his head, tossing it in their dirty clothes bin in the closet. She watched him maneuver around the room, emptying his pockets at the dresser and pulling out clothes to put on after his shower.
"Thank you for my flowers. They are so pretty." She said to him, watching as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion for just a moment.
"Shit. I'm sorry ma. I forgot all about this. You read my card?" He asked.
"Not yet. Have you took your medicine love?" She returned a question, picking up on his irregular behavior, and his eyebrows softened as the tension left his face.
"I couldn't 'cause I went to get a tattoo. I'ma take 'em right now." He went in the bathroom and grabbed the pill box from underneath the sink, swallowing them dry like he always did.
"I got 'em for you 'cause I want you to be my girlfriend. Like, officially." He leaned down to kiss her cheek when he came back in the room, over to where she sat near the foot of the bed.
"Are you asking me or telling me?" She laughed.
"Asking. So now I can tell bitches ion want them 'cause I got a girlfriend." He smiled in her face, making her laugh harder.
"I love you so much." She kissed him wherever her lips reached, holding his face in her hands. "Yes. I'll be your girlfriend. You been my man though."
"I know it. Look at this mama." He turned his head to the side and pointed to his collarbone where saniderm was covering his newest tattoo.
"Stop! You didn't! Oh my goddddd, I'm exactly who I think I ammmm!" She did a little happy dance at the sight of her name, making him laugh.
"You so delusional bro I love it so much. Why didn't you take me? I would've got yours too." She smiled up at him as he climbed on top of her, resting between her legs.
"It was unplanned. Scoota asked if I wanted somethin' and I was just like fuck it." He shrugged.
"He's such a good influence. And I loveee my flowers. You always thinking of me. I love that." She wrapped her legs around him, rubbing lightly over the new tattoo.
"I really am. Ion think about shit else; not even me half the time. My girl, my world." He picked her up from the bed, and her cheeks filled with blush as he moved her to sit near the Kurt Geiger boxes so that she could open up her gifts.
It took her ten minutes to open both of them because she pointed out each detail in each bag that she liked and fussed about him constantly buying her things when he could be saving his money for himself. She loved them, though. These were the first Kurt bags that would be added to her collection of purses.
When she finished, she ate her tacos for a late lunch which she was also so thankful for. She didn't eat at work today and was already internally complaining about having to make something for herself, and it was like he read her mind. He knew her like the back of his hand.
"You just so damn nasty." Trinity picked up her second to last taco, seeing how intently Amari stared at her foot as he rubbed it to ease the pain of her nine hour shift.
"You say shit like that when I be doin' the most vanilla shit ever. Niggas can't look at they girl feet now?" He reached over to grab his phone from the middle of the bed, listening to her laugh.
"I be forgetting you a real freak. I damn near be scared to fuck you. Never know what's gon' happen."
"You cum every time though." He turned his head to look over at her, and she bit her bottom lip as she fought a smile.
"Who taught you all that stuff anyway? I can't believe you fucked other girls before me." She dramatically sighed like that really broke her heart.
"I did but I ain't do nothin' I did wit' you, wit' nobody else." He chuckled, standing up to grab the other half of his blunt that was on the ashtray on the dresser.
"How come?" Her head tilted curiously.
"When I'm fuckin' you, I be fulfilling my own fantasies that I want you a part of; shit I been wanting to do to you. Any other bitch, I just fucked to fuck. Being a dumbass. You know—tryna prove that I got bitches." He shook his head at his younger self.
"You have fantasies of meee? Oh my god. That's so romantic." She bit her lip again with a smile on her face, now lying across her pillows at the top of the bed.
"Mhm." He stared at her as smoke came through his mouth, and she could see his print that was visible through his sweats—though it didn't look like he was hard yet. It was just that big.
"Tell me about them." She propped her hand up to support her head, returning the eye contact.
"I'm blanking. Ain't nothin' coming to mind right now." He smirked, very obviously lying.
"Yeah ok. Now you wanna play scared."
"Have you not learned yo' lesson 'bout calling me scary?" His head mocked hers and tilted the opposite direction.
"Nope. Anyway..what's with the breathing thing? Do you fantasize about killing me?"
"Maybe." He shrugged.
"Oh hell no. We not doing that no more. Get somebody else to do it." She frowned at the sight of him laughing, not finding that funny at all.
"I'm a lil' off mama. You know that. I get off to shit like that wit' you. I would never hurt you doe' folks, don't be scared." He leaned over to give her a kiss, grabbing her butt at the same time.
"Too late. I already am." She said, watching him lay across the bed in front of her so that he could face her.
"Ion care. Don't change nothin' for me. Matter fact, it ah' probably make it better. It's like, seeing you look at me like you begging me for somethin'—even if it's to breathe...that shit do somethin' to me man." He moved closer to her and then laughed when she moved backwards.
"You need to go see the lady. Seriously."
"I have. She was no help." He chuckled, turning to lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling as his blunt began to burn slower.
"You want me to stop doing that, for real though?" He asked her, trying to see if it made her uncomfortable.
"Nope." She answered quickly, making him laugh again.
"I like it, it just gives me a headache. But you make me feel safe and I trust you a lot so I'm down to try anything with you, if you ever wondered that. Whatever you want. I'm yours." She leaned over to give him a kiss, feeling him groan softly in her mouth.
"You so nasty. I would fuck the shit out you right now if I wasn't sleepy. Remind me to do it when I wake up." He said with his eyes closed, earning a laugh from her.
"C'mon baby, lay right." She pulled the covers back so that he could lay against the pillows, and she helped him remove his sweats and his shirt to prevent him from becoming hot in his sleep.
She grabbed her iPad to occupy herself as he began to doze off, going to TikTok. She put one AirPod in and tucked herself underneath the covers with him to allow him to cuddle with her since he swore that was the only way he could fall asleep.
"Baby," He quietly called out, making her head turn in his direction. "I'm sorry for getting mad earlier."
"It's ok love. It didn't bother me."
"And I do trust you." He told her.
"I know." She smiled, pausing for a moment. "Had to get that off your chest before you went to sleep?"
"Mhm. Ion like to go to sleep without saying my peace 'cause you never know when you won't wake up. And I gotta make sure my baby know I love her."
"I love you more Amari. You so sweet baby." She moved his dreads out of the way so that she could see his face, falling in love with him all over again.
"You want some kisses 'til you go to sleep?" She asked, and he nodded his head before she could even finish. She smiled, leaning over to kiss him softly all over his face, and her warm scent engulfed him and caused sleep to come a bit faster.
Trinity kissed his jawline and down his neck, near his collar bone and behind his ear, over his nose and under his chin; wherever she could reach. He would groan here and there but his snores came within a couple of minutes and his bottom lip separated from his top one, meaning that he'd finally fallen asleep.
Sometimes it was hard to believe that such a tough and aggressive man favored being babied and cuddled with over anything else. He would literally throw a child-like tantrum if he could cuddle with her, even being the small spoon sometimes, but could go and beat a man senselessly as if he was two different people.
The story he told her the other day of him beating that man while his daughter watched had been playing in her mind lately but she hadn't said anything to him about it. She wanted to suggest that he slow down with moving drugs and just leave that life alone in general so that he could finally begin the process of overcoming his childhood trauma, but she knew what she signed up for when she got with him.
She knew that was a life he couldn't leave until he was forced out of it, and that scared her so much. She didn't want him dying or getting hurt to be his only way out. She constantly prayed that God would give him guidance to get away from the streets as soon as possible, but it was taking some time and she had to learn to be okay with that.
Trinity loved moments like this where he was soft, which was literally all of the time when he was around her. She saw a side of him that no one else did and she wished everyone could see it so that they would realize that he wasn't a bad person at all.
He was just misunderstood.
"I love you so much. My sweet baby.." Trinity whispered quietly to him before leaving her last kiss on his ear, and her eyes glossed over with tears when his arms tightened around her waist.
She was going to pray so hard over him tonight.
Trin is such an angelllll
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