xi. Last Supper
━━ chapter eleven
last supper
SLEEPING in Tartarus was a mistake Fiona won't ever make again.
As a demigod, she was no stranger to horrible dreams━most of which, recently, have been seriously degrading to her self-esteem from her own grandmother. But in Tartarus? Even sleeping in the shine to Hermes couldn't save her from the dark, horrifying images she was met with as soon as she drifted off.
When her eyes opened, Fiona was somewhere different━a place she's heard of, seen in glimpses of the screen on the Argo II. But never in real life. Fiona's eyes were wide, taking a three-sixty turn of a place she wanted to go to, but not like this ... not in a dream.
But here she was. Hills of grass and trees━the smell of the ocean just at the tip of her tongue across the branches of woods at Long Island. She seemed to be standing at a camp fire, centred in a 'U' of strange personalised buildings. Behind them, were much more━all of which were unique in colour, style and representation.
These were the godly cabins, Fiona knew. Percy had told her about them━how each demigod had a family within the camp. A cabin with siblings that they trained with, sat with, slept alongside━a home within a home away from a home.
At Camp Jupiter, they were sectioned off into cohorts━like a military camp. They were soliders, disciplined and trained to be such, as their ancestors of the original Twelfth Legion had been. But as Fiona glanced around, there was something about this place that made her heartache━it was calm, it was homely. You weren't soldiers here, you were family.
But it also made her miss the comfort of her own way of life; her own routine. It made her miss stupid Dakota and even prissy optimistic Gwen who was probably making her way through university at New Rome. But Fiona understood why Percy missed this place. It made her wonder why he'd want to leave it for New Rome ... but maybe unlike Camp Jupiter, Camp Half-Blood was almost temporary. Either you died, or you were trained to survive to try and live a normal life. But if you were Percy, such a dangerous demigod that wouldn't be able to go a day without a monster attack, he needed security. He needed to be able to know he wouldn't put his mother in danger.
Fiona started to understand Percy in different ways now.
She didn't even know why she was sent her, but Fiona took this time of no problems to explore. Her feet carried her up the hill towards a small cabin beside the twinning grand halls that she was sure was supposed to be Jupiter and Juno. The third cabin━looking more like a fishing boat rather than anything.
Fiona walked straight to it, her heart pounding. This was Percy's second home. This was where he slept during the summer━she almost felt like she was intruding, but that didn't stop her, because at the same time, she also felt like she wasn't.
The door creaked, and instantly, she was met with the smell of the ocean━almost as if it was going to rain, except it was salty. A constant due that wasn't humid or heavy, but like she was taking a long walk on the shore.
It was cozy inside. Only a few bunks with green pillow cases and sheets. The floor was wood, and bleached as if constantly covered with sand despite being away from the ocean. Fiona's breath hitched, peering around and looking for what she wanted, until she saw it.
She couldn't stop the smile on her face as she stepped over to a bunk on the right. Her fingers reached out to a hoodie just thrown over the edge, and chuckled at the other stray clothes kicked under the bottom. There was a chest to which she peered inside. She saw camp shirts, she saw a barely opened overnight bag with a Goode High swim sweatshirt, jean and cargo shorts, even a pair of blue boxers that she closed the chest at, hiding her snickers.
From here, she saw pictures. Almost as if planted right there for her to see, settled on a little bookshelf. No books, just pictures and sea shells. Even a Minotaur horn. Fiona picked up one picture and her heart swelled, seeing what seemed to be a twelve-year-old boy with messy black hair, sea-green eyes grinning next to a much taller curly-haired blonde girl with sun-kissed skin. She made a face, glowering at him, although Fiona could see that twelve-year-old Annabeth was trying not to smile.
Fiona looked at another, sitting down on his bed and trying to figure out who the other person was. They were a little older in this one, maybe fourteen. Percy had his arms flung over Annabeth and another boy with wild curly hair and two horns poking out of the tip. A satyr with a goofy sort of look to his freckled-face.
Turning the photo over, not even framed, she managed to read handwriting that she was sure wasn't Percy's after a short while. Purposefully not cursive to make it easier, like this person put effort to help Percy read with his dyslexia. It was even a good dark colour pen. You, Annabeth and Grover, honey! I got them printed for you! Happy birthday, honey, I'll see you soon. Stay safe; love Mom.
Fiona's beam turned sweet and sad. She wanted to get Percy out so he could see his mother again. He hasn't seen her since he lost his memory, and that thought gave her a surge of determination. They were going to survive Tartarus. They will get back. They will win.
It was after then that Fiona's dream took a dark turn.
As she turned the photo back over, Fiona gasped and dropped it when she saw dark, horrible shadows encasing the faces of her boyfriend and his friends. She stepped away from it, very confused. Around her, the entire room seemed to close in on her, getting darker and darker like the shadows were calling to her, desperate to reach the souls of her feet and touch her skin.
Fiona hugged her stomach, heart begginning to race. "What's happening?" she asked, her voice in a terrified whimper.
She spun on her feet, trying to figure it out, but soon, the room was so gone, she could only see a small circle floorboards in which she stood on. Everything else of Percy's cabin was swallowed in complete and utter darkness. Her fingers snatched up to her necklace, a sudden fear washing over her━could her father no longer ignore her. Was she finally being taken back to the dead? Was her life over again after she barely just got it back?
Do you really think you can stop the inevitable? Fiona recognised her voice as soon as she spoke. Every monster in Tartarus cannot be returned, your powers, Fiona Midgrass, are nothing in His domain. Your father's gifts will give you no help. You and Percy Jackson will be my sacrifice.
And like that, Fiona felt the ground grumble, as if turning to nothing but dust.
She fell into the abyss, screaming.
When she woke up, she still thought she was falling. Fiona gasped, jolting upwards with her head spinning. Almost immediately, arms grasped her own, keeping her steady and a voice told her, "It's okay, it's okay. Bad dreams?"
Fiona glanced up at Percy, remembering the way those shadows encased the picture of his younger self. The dreaded words Gaea taunted. Her stomach twisted with dread. "Is it━is it my turn to watch?"
"No, no," Percy shrugged, "we're good. I let you sleep."
She scowled at him, "Percy━"
"Hey," he rubbed her shoulder, "it's fine. Besides, I was too excited to sleep. Look."
Fiona looked to where he nodded, and she blinked in surprise. Bob the Titan sat cross-legged by the altar, happily munching a piece of pizza.
She rubbed her eyes, wondering if she was still somehow dreaming. "Is that ... is that pepperoni?"
"Burnt offerings," explained Percy. "Sacrifices to Hermes from the mortal world, I guess. They appeared in a cloud of smoke. We've got half a hot dog, some grapes, a plate of roast beef, a package of peanut M&M's━"
"M&M's for Bob!" said Bob happily. "Uh, that okay?"
Percy just smiled. He left Fiona to the small bout of food, grabbing a plate with a familiar smell. As soon as she saw what it was, she felt stupid to suddenly want to cry. "And a plate of adobo."
Fiona didn't protest. She grabbed the plate and immediately was warmed with the smell━making her feel as though she was home, and with her mother. She scoffed it down, unable to stop her chuckle of disbelief.
Percy ate his roast beef, eyes bright with sudden thought at the taste of his own. His face seemed to light up a giddy homesickness. Not even completely swallowing his food, Percy spoke with his mouthful, "Hey, I think this is from Camp Half-Blood..."
Fiona remembered her dream, and for a second, her smile faltered. She pushed those thoughts away for Percy's sake, just in seeing the way he ate his food with a new relish. "Every meal," he told her as he did, voice wistful, "we'd burn a portion of our good to honour our godly parents. Apparently the smoke pleases them, or whatever, but━" he chuckled, shaking his head, "━Peanut M&M's. Connor Stoll, son of Hermes, he always burned a pack for his dad at dinner."
She watched him eat, that fear she held disappearing for a short moment━just enamoured by the sheer happiness on his face. She hasn't seen him really like this at all. It made her ask, even with Bob there, "Tell me more?"
Percy met her gaze, confused. Then, he realised. He wiped stray sauce off his top lip with his hand. "Canoe lake," he went on. "I love the canoe lake. The water nymphs? Terrible flirts. We have canoe races with them━they always win. I let them, otherwise next thing I know I'm completely drenched in water before I can take the chance to keep myself dry."
Fiona chuckled. "What else?"
"Every night? We have a campfire sing-a-long with the Apollo Cabin and roast marshmallows."
"You roast marshmallows?"
Percy gaped at her, pretending to be horrified, "How dare you judge roasted marshmallows."
"I'm just trying to imagine you singing at a campfire."
"Horrible voice, believe me."
Fiona nudged him lightly, happy to hear him laugh softly at her. They continued to eat with little stories here and there of Camp Half-Blood. Percy told her about Chiron, and how he once accidentally shot a stray arrow into his horse tail. He told her about satyrs chasing the wood nymphs, and Capture the Flag. He told her about the fireworks on the Fourth of July, and how they got a camp bead after every summer to commemorate whatever happened that year.
But once they finished their small meals, the conversation faded. It was like once the food was gone, so was the light-hearted memories━they were faced with the reminder of where they were, and how survival and getting to the Doors of Death was their top priority.
Bob chomped down the last of his M&M's. "Should go now," he said. "They will be here in a few minutes."
Fiona sat up, alert. "A few minutes?" she reached for her knife, only to remember she didn't have it.
"Yes ... well, I think minutes ..." Bob scratched his silvery hair. "Time is hard in Tartarus. Not the same."
Percy stood up and crept to the edge of the crater. He peered back the way they'd come. "I don't see anything, but that doesn't mean much. Bob, which giants are we talking about? Which Titans?"
Bob grunted. "Not sure of names. Six, maybe seven. I can sense them."
"Six or seven?" Fiona felt sick. "What ... And they can sense you, too?"
"Don't know," the Titan smiled despite the situation, and she tried to not let it infuriate her. "Bob is different! But they can smell demigods, yes. You two smell very strong. Good strong. Like ..." he took a whiff and nodded, "hmm. Like buttery bread!"
"Buttery bread ..." muttered Fiona, not feeling better at all. "That's ... that's great ..."
Percy climbed back to the altar. "Is it possible to kill a giant in Tartarus? I mean, since we don't have a god to help us?"
He glanced at Fiona, as if she would have an answer. Her shoulders fell, suddenly feeling quite anxious. "I━I don't know," she admitted. "Percy ... I mean, we're travelling in Tartarus, fighting monsters here━it's never been done before. Maybe Bob could help us kill a giant? Maybe a Titan would count as a god? I━I'm sorry, I just don't know."
"Yeah," he nodded. "Okay."
She could see the worry in his eyes, as if he had depended on her for answers. Fiona didn't know how she felt about that━she was sure to know everything she could, but that didn't mean she knew it all, even if she wanted to. There were no documents of demigods surviving and fighting giants in Tartarus ... they would be the first.
But what she did know was that they should keep moving. They couldn't be caught by six or seven hostile immortals.
So, she stood. Still a little disorientated from her nightmare, but Fiona managed. Bob started cleaning up, collecting their trash in a little pile and using his squirt bottle to wipe off the altar. Fiona turned to Percy and took his hand.
"Where to now?" she asked.
He pointed at the stormy wall of darkness. "Bob says that way. Apparently the Doors of Death━"
"You told him?"
She didn't mean to sound harsh, she hoped Percy understood that. After realising, she squeezed his hand as quick apology, but her thought still stands. Could they seriously trust a Titan even if he lost his memories?
"While you were asleep," admitted Percy. "Fiona, Bob can help. We need a guide."
"Bob helps!" the Titan agreed. "Into the Dark Lands. The Doors of Death ... hmm, walking straight to them would be bad. Too many monsters gathered there. Even Bob could not sweep that many. They would kill Percy and Fiona in about two seconds." The Titan frowned. "I think two seconds. Time is hard in Tartarus."
"Right," Fiona had an edge to her voice. "You said that. Is there any other way?"
"Hiding," answered Bob. "The Death Mist could hide you."
"Oh ..." she didn't know what that was ... but her gut gave her a feeling that told her that it wasn't good. She remembered those shadows encasing her, making her unable to see. "Um ... and what is Death Mist?"
"It is dangerous," said Bob. "But if the lady will give you Death Mist it might hide you. If we can avoid Night. The lady is very close to Night. That is bad."
"The lady," repeated Percy, incredulous.
"Yes," Bob pointed ahead of them into the inky blackness. Fiona held Percy's hand tighter, her dream hitting her like a wave of that inky velvet, making it sort of hard to breathe (Or ... well ... harder). "We should go."
Percy glanced at her, hoping for guidance. But Fiona had none. She just kept staring, that feeling of the shadows attatching to her, begging for her skin like parasites.
"Okay, then," he decided. "I guess we'll see a lady about some Death Mist."
So dark that even for the daughter of Pluto, she was not comforted.
All rational creatures fear the dark━because they fear the unknown. But it was worse than that. A creature fears the dark because what lurks in the dark because they didn't know whether a predator lurked. Humans━mortals, demigods━they fear the dark because it was the unknown to themselves. What lied before them? Death? Despair? A monster? Or was the monster they were imagining themselves?
The only thing that lit their way was Percy's Celestial Bronze sword and Bob, who glowed faintly in the dark like he was a ghostly neon janitor. Even still, Fiona could only see about five feet in front of her. She felt as though she was walking through black pages of ink; swallowing her and choking her. Shadows that were worse than shadows; they were tangable, they felt weird on her skin, stuck to her hair.
Rocks loomed out of nowhere. Pits appeared at their feet. Fiona only barely avoided falling in. Monstrous roars echoed like vicious breaths down the back of her neck, making her wonder how close they were, what monster they were, and whether they could see better in this inky black━enough to attack when they least expected it.
They were heading downwards, she knew that. A subtle slope deeper and deeper into the abyss's depths. That was the only direction here: down. You don't go up, you never go up. You fall, and you fall, and you keep falling until the toxic atmosphere, the deadly inhabitants or your own mind drove you to a painful death.
And so, Fiona didn't notice the ledge until it was too late.
Percy yelled, "Whoa━!" he grabbed for her arm, but she was already falling.
Fortunately, the depression was only shallow. Quickly, Fiona landed on a warm, bouncy surface surrounded by monster blister. She wanted to thank some god━until she realised exactly what she had landed on. Fiona's scream was stuck in the back of her throat to see another, much larger face staring back at her through a glowing gold membrane.
She scrambled. Fiona's limbs jerked with a desperation to get off, and she toppled sideways off the mound, landing roughly on gravelly, burnt grass.
Percy raced to her side, helping her to her feet. Fiona clung onto him, her fingers pale and trembling. "You okay?" he asked her, rushed.
She couldn't speak. Her eyes were fixed on the edge of that membrane, seeing that thing shift inside ... alive and reforming inside a blistering blood bath as large as a house. Fiona knew it was a Titan━a fully formed Titan in golden armour and skin like polished pennies. His eyes were closed, but he scowled so deeply he appeared to be on the verge of a bloodcurdling war cry, bellowing with heat and fire.
Percy saw who she was staring at inside, and his worry dropped to a dark scowl. "Hyperion," he recognised the monster. "I hate that guy." Knowing she was confused, he added, "I fought him. But Grover killed him. He's supposed to be a maple tree in Manhattan ... guess it died, and he's back here."
"Hyperion," croaked Fiona, trying to remember his name in her jumble of thoughts right now. "Fire."
The look on Percy's face was starting to scare her. His explanation might be simple, but the scars left were not. She was about to suggest that they burst Hyperion's bubble before he woke up. He looked ready to resurface at any moment. Or maybe so they could move on, and she didn't have to think how the dark glint in Percy's eyes sort of scared her.
But then, she glanced at Bob. The Titan was studying Hyperion with a thoughtful furrow of his brows━maybe recognition ... their faces looked so much like ...
Of course, Fiona cursed herself. Of course they looked alike. Hyperion was his brother, Titan of the east, while Iapetus (or Bob) was lord of the west. Take away Bob's broom, his janitor clothes, put him in armour and cut his hair, and he'd look like an exact silver replica of Hyperion.
"Bob," she tried to stay calm, "we should go."
"Gold, not silver," murmured the Titan. "But he looks like me."
"Bob," Percy suddenly stepped away from Fiona. "Hey, buddy, over here."
Reluctantly, the Titan turned.
"Am I your friend?" asked the son of Poseidon.
"Yes," Bob sounded uncertain━and Fiona clenched her fists to try and stop her racing heart. "We are friends."
"You know that some monsters are good," went on Percy, "and some are bad."
"Hmm ... like ... the pretty ghost ladies who serve Persephone are good. Exploding zombies are bad."
"Right," there was something about Percy's tone that Fiona couldn't describe. She didn't want to think it was manipulative ... but that was exactly what it was. "And some mortals are good, and some a bad. Well, the same thing is true for Titans."
"Titans ..." Bob loomed over them, glowering. Fiona involuntarily took a step back, but Percy kept his ground.
"That's what you are," he said, freakishly calm. "Bob the Titan. You're good. You're awesome, in fact. But some Titans are not. This guy here, Hyperion, is full-on bad. He tried to kill me ... he killed a lot of people."
Bob blinked his silver eyes, "But he looks ... his face is so━"
"He looks like you," Percy cut him off, agreeing. "He's a Titan, like you. But he's not good like you are."
"Bob is good," his fingers tightened on his broom handle. "Yes. There is always at least one good one━monsters, Titans, giants."
"Uh ..." Percy grimaced. "Well, I'm not sure about giants."
"Oh, yes," nodded the Titan earnestly.
Fiona glanced behind them into the darkness. They'd already been here for too long. Their pursuers would be closing in.
"We need to go," she urged again. "What do we do about...?"
"Bob," Percy didn't even glance at her. He kept his gaze on the Titan, "it's your call. Hyperion is your kind. We could leave him alone, but if he wakes up━"
Bob's broom-spear swept into motion. If he'd been aiming at Fiona and Percy, they would've been cut in half. Instead, Bob slashed through the blister━bursting his own brother in a geyser of hot golden mud.
Fiona flinched. After a short moment, she wiped the mud out of her eyes. Where Hyperion had been, there was nothing but a smoking crater.
"Hyperion is a bad Titan," Bob announced. He looked tearful. "Now he can't hurt my friends. He will have to reform somewhere else in Tartarus. Hopefully it will take a long time."
Her eyes widened at the tears in his eyes, as if deep down, Bob knew what he had just done.
She felt a twist to her heart━a serious guilt. She glanced at Percy, wondering if he felt the same way, but his face was blank. "Thank you, Bob," he said.
Fiona felt uneasy. The way he talked to Bob━if he had been serious about leaving the choice to him, then she didn't like how much he trusted the Titan. But deep down, she knew that hadn't been the complete truth. Percy's words had been calculated, calm ... precise in where he was leading Bob's mind to do what they needed━to make him basically kill his own brother without even realising who he really was. And for Percy to do that after what he went through ...
He finally met her eyes, but she couldn't read his expression. It bothered her.
"We'd better get going," he said.
She and Percy followed Bob. Fiona stared at the golden mud flecks from Hyperion's bubble glowing on the janitor's uniform, rather sick to the stomach.
we read house of hades for the plot.
the plot: dark!percy
fiona's learning a lot more about percy in tartarus--a different side to him. i'm super excited to write that side. i always like the darker side of percy. i love his happy side, but people often forget that while percy loves his blue pankcakes, and makes jokes, he's not some dumb smart ass. percy's a lot more manipulative, intelligent and dark than some readers realise.
some people are like, his fatal flaw is loyalty! he literally cannot have a dangerous dark side.
until those people are reminded of the truth as to which if he to pick between the world getting destroyed and those he's loyal to? we'd know he'd pick his loyalty. if someone betrayed his trust? he wasn't sad of luke's possible death in the titan's curse (at least that i remember, don't quote me on that part), he was only sad after luke showed himself to have a redemption arc. this kid literally laughs as he kills monsters with his achilles heel. a sixteen-year-old. he basically sorta got michael yew killed ... he erupted a volcano. and let's not get started on that poison scene in house of hades, we'll get there soon enough.
leo practicaly compares percy's look to jason when he's about to summon a storm ...
just sayin ...
and i absolutely love it whenever i get the chance to write that side.
(on a different note, fiona seeing young percy and happy when he talks about camp half-blood <3)
anway, minimal editing. i love you guys!!! see you in the next one!
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