One month later.
"You lame." Jayda said without looking up from her phone, currently laying in the bed with Von.
"You can't be mad at me cause you baldheaded." He shrugged, laying at the other end of the bed, and she smacked her lips.
"Yes I can be and I am." She retorted, and he laughed, his eyes closed as he rubbed her feet.
"Kyzeir don't go to sleep please." She frowned, and he chuckled, opening his eyes.
"I'm up baby." He mumbled, and she smiled as he turned his head to watch Cars that was playing on the TV.
Jayda recorded him as he rubbed her white painted toes between his fingers. He slid her toes in his mouth, before looking up and laughing.
"Bruh hell nah delete that shit." He reached for her phone, and she laughed, posting it on her Instagram story.
"Jayda stop fucking playing." He laughed, trying to grab her phone and she sat on it.
"Yo lil nasty freaky ass." She grabbed his hands once he tried to grab his phone.
"Bruhhhh you tryna play me man." He frowned, and she laughed, shrugging.
He felt his phone buzzing, and he groaned in frustration, making her laugh again as she held around his neck.
"Ima still suck yo toes cause I'm a gremlin." He shrugged, and she laughed as he kissed her lips.
She pecked his lips, smiling as he trailed his kisses to her neck, before laying next to her.
"You steady tryna go to sleep Ky. Stay up." She frowned as he rubbed her stomach while his eyes were closed.
"I'm tired ma." He mumbled, and she rubbed his face, holding him to her chest. The pace of his fingers rubbed her stomach slowed down, letting her know he was dozing off.
She kissed his forehead, and his hand stopped moving, resting between her legs.
Jayda grabbed her phone from under her, chuckling at the story replies to her video.
She swiped over to the live, starting a stream and waving in the camera.
"Hey y'all." She looked at the comments, rubbing her nose.
"He sleep. Look." She pulled her camera back to show Von asleep on her chest.
"This the shit he be doing when he not threatening Tooka and shit." She chuckled, rubbing his scalp as she read the comments.
"I'm two days past my due date. I'm supposed to be getting induced tomorrow. My baby so big it's starting to hurt." Jayda showed her stomach in the camera.
She read the comments, furrowing her eyebrows before laughing.
"Who gone be just another rapper babymama? If anything he a model babydaddy. Don't play with me." She bucked at the camera, laughing at herself.
"He gone leave me after I have my baby?" She pinned a comment, before looking down at Von.
"Baby you gone be with me forever right?" She rubbed his face.
"Mhm." He hummed in his sleep, laying his face in her neck, and she chuckled.
"See bitch get yo mad ass off my shit." She smiled, unpinning the comment.
She held the camera to see her and Von as she turned her head, kissing his lips in his sleep.
"My baby tired." She mumbled, rubbing her thumb over his lips.
"He so handsome y'all. Look." She brought the camera closer, and she felt his hand slide down her slit and she laughed, grabbing his hand.
"Turn that shit off." He rasped, and she chuckled, turning to lay on her side, and he opened his eyes, looking at the camera that was between the two of them.
"Hi." He mumbled, and she smiled as he pulled her closer to him.
He closed his eyes, and Jayda held his face, pecking his lips as she held the camera to see them.
She waved, before ending the live and putting her phone down.
She sat up, and Von frowned, holding her waist.
"I'm thirsty. I'm just going to get a caprisun." She chuckled, and he sat up.
"I got it." He mumbled, standing up out of the bed, and she smiled as she watched him walk out of the room.
She rubbed her stomach, looking up at the TV and yawning.
She let out a low groan as her stomach cramped up, before she felt a thick liquid seeping out of her, her muscles contracting.
"Fuck." She groaned, and Von rushed back in the room with her juice pouch in his hand, a frown on his face.
"He's coming." She scrunched her face up, spreading her legs, and his eyes widened.
"Shit baby." He dropped her juice, rushing to her side to pick her up.
"No, hm shit this hurts. Get off me." She sniffed, grabbing his hands and taking them off of her.
"Ma I need to get you to the car." He said, and she shook her head.
"Aw fuck! Oh my god." She cried out, and Von picked her up, carrying her out of the room and to the garage.
He opened the door to his truck as she cried in his arms, letting the seat all the way back and sitting her down.
"Hold on baby. I got you." He kissed her forehead, before closing the door.
He rushed in the house, grabbing the duffle bag she packed and their phones, putting his slides on and going back to the garage, getting in and pulling off.
"Kyzeir something's wrong." She cried, and he looked over between her legs that we're spread, not seeing anything out of the ordinary besides her vagina slightly spreading.
"I don't see nothin'. Ima get you to the hospital ma." He told her, and she hissed in pain, her legs on the dashboard as tears streamed down her face.
Von grabbed his phone, dialing Ari's number and putting it to his ear.
"Armani coming and I don't got time to call Dess. She don't want everybody there. You and Dess, that's it." Von glanced between the road and Jayda, hearing Ariana scream, and he pulled the phone from his ear.
"Ariana damn." He frowned, holding Jayda's hand.
"Oops, sorry. I'm on the way and I'll call Destiny." Ariana told him, and he nodded, hanging up.
"Jayda I'm almost there mama." He rubbed her stomach, and she threw her head back in pain as she lifted her lower half off the seat.
"Baby there's som-something wrong." She panted, and his eyes widened as she passed out.
He pressed his foot down on the gas, hitting 200mph on the shoulder lane of the highway as he tapped her face.
"Jayda get up. Jayda." He tapped her harder, before cursing under his breath, swerving through the lanes to exit, then pulling in a parking spot, the car jerking from the abrupt stop as he turned the car off.
He quickly got out, picking Jayda up and rushing inside the hospital.
"She pregnant. She passed out in the car I don't know what's wrong." Von called out as a few nurses with a stretcher rushed over to him.
"That's King Von!"
"Oh my god that's Jayda." He heard a few people murmur as he laid Jayda down on the stretcher. His heart dropped seeing blood leaking from her opening.
"We need an IV and a pre-med now! BP 40 over 120 and dropping. Get her to a room, let's go!" A nurse called out orders as Von stood frozen.
"Sir you can't come back here." Another nurse stopped him once he tried following her.
"Man get the fuck out my way that's my wife man move." Von shoved past him, following the nurses who were carrying Jayda.
He watched as they pushed her in a room, and he pushed past three other nurses who tried to pull him back, walking inside Jayda's room.
"Tell me what's wrong with her. Why the fuck is she losing so much blood?" His voice cracked as he stood on the side of the bed, watching as a few doctors did different things.
"S-sir we can't really tell you anything for certain as of now. W-we need a few minutes." A lady nurse stuttered, seeing his gun in his hand.
"So do your fucking job and quit looking at me." He gestured with his gun, and she quickly rushed away from him, pulling a hair net on and gloves.
Von's phone rang, and he wiped his face, looking down and seeing Jayda's blood on his muscle shirt, making his stomach clench.
He grabbed his phone, seeing Ari calling him and he cleared his throat, putting it to his ear.
"What the fuck is these bitch ass blogs talking about? Where is my best friend Von?" Ari said as soon as the call connected, and he could hear her and Destiny crying.
"Man I ain't seen no fucking posts I don't know what you talkin' about. She passed out in the car and she was bleeding when we got here and they working on her now." He looked away from Jayda, his heart breaking as her heart machines began to go off.
"Where y'all at?" He rasped, wiping his face and sticking his gun in his waistband.
"I'm the waiting room and these dumbasses won't tell me shit. Bitch I'll beat yo fucking ass." Ariana bucked at the lady behind the computer as she smacked her gun loudly, and the lady instantly went quiet.
Von hung up the phone, sticking it back in his pocket as he looked at Jayda.
He walked out of the room, wiping his face as he walked out of the doors to the waiting room.
"Azjhenae." He called, and Ari turned her head, before pulling a crying Destiny towards Von.
"What fucking post is you talkin' about?" He said as he led them back down the hall.
Ariana showed him her phone, and he rolled his eyes as he read the post.
Liked by its_onsite and 1,102,270 others
theshaderoom : #TSRPrayersUp : According to fans inside Grady Memorial Hospital, #JaydaCheaves was rushed into the hospital by her fiancé #KingVon a few minutes ago, allegedly bleeding out. The fans stated she was passed out and #KingVon was being aggressive and emotional with the nurses. #JaydaCheaves is pregnant. Our prayers are with them and their families 🙏🏼.
View all 29,892 comments
random193 : Omg she was probably so stressed from him!
lamebitch22 : Doing too much while pregnant. 🤦🏼♀️
usernak101 : Prayers!!
"Man them bullshit ass fans all in my business." Von gave her the phone back, shaking his head.
"What happened to my sister?" Destiny asked as they followed him.
"I don't know. She was-well she wasn't fine, but nothing seemed wrong when her water broke. Then we got in the car and she was saying something was wrong, and she passed out. We got to the hospital and when they was taking her back I saw she was bleeding." He explained, and Destiny sighed.
"The same thing happened to mama when she was giving birth to Jayda. That's how she passed away, she chose Jayda over her own life." Destiny mumbled, and Ariana wiped her face as Von's eyebrows furrowed.
His heart wrenched as he led them to Jayda's room, hoping he wouldn't have to make that decision. But when he opened the doors, the look on the nurses faces let him know that he would have to make that exact decision.
"Her baby is caught in between important organs of hers. Before y'all arrived she tried to push too early due to painful pressure on her cervix, but without the proper guidance he did not take the oath that he was supposed to. We can only save one or the other. We can t-." The nurse was cut off by Von.
"Jayda. I don't give a fuck bout nothing else, Jayda better walk out of this room alive." He blinked back tears, and Ariana wiped her face, overwhelmed.
"My baby." Jayda's soft voice rasped from the bed, and Von immediately looked over at her, rushing to her side.
"I choose my baby." She mumbled with her eyes closed, and he frowned.
"Jayda I need you. We have time to make more babies but I c-I can't find another you Jayda." His voice cracked, and tears flowed down her face.
"I have to give my baby a chance Kyzeir. Get hi-awn fuck get him out of me." She cried, and Ariana frowned.
"No, Jayda he's right. You still have your whole life Azuni." Destiny sniffed, and Ariana covered her mouth to silence her cries.
Jayda passed out again before she could answer, her heart machines going off.
"We have a 14 over 170 BP. Pump her fluids." A doctor called, and another nurse looked at Von.
"She's made her decision sir. I'm sorry." The lady spoke softly, and Von shook his head.
"No. She don't get to make that fucking decision. I said save her. If she dies, you die." He pulled his gun out, putting it to her head and taking it off safety.
"Dayvon y-." Ari started, and he cut her off.
"No. I don't give a fuck about what she said or what these bitch ass doctors think. I said save Jayda." His voice cracked, a mug resting on his face as his finger rested on the trigger.
He could see her physically shaking in fear, and he slowly lowered his gun.
"You don't fucking understand. I need her. Jayda is my whole life and I canno-I will not fucking lose her. We can make more babies. I can't make another her. She is my baby. My everything. You don't know what it's fucking like for somebody to literally be the reason you fucking wake up and live another day in this cold ass world."
"I'm nothing without her, I can't fucking lose her. You hear me? If she die I swear to god I'll kill everybody in this fucking room. I put that on my life. You hav-you have to save her. Please." He spoke through his cries, tears streaming down his face.
The lady nodded, rushing to Jayda's side, everybody in the room now crying or at least close to crying.
Von leaned against the wall, watching them work on Jayda, and he didn't even bother to wipe his tears.
His eyes widened as her heart machine flatlined, and everybody in the room went still.
"What happened? What the fuck happened?!"
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