Five days later.
Jayda sniffed, her nose stopped up as she laid in her bed, wearing a pair of boxers and a bra.
After going to the doctor two days ago, she found out that she had a minor stomach virus, which was the reason she'd thrown up.
She had been in bed all week, feeling too tired and too sick to move. She missed Von. She was so sad, she just wanted to sleep her life away.
She didn't even feel like crying, she didn't have the energy for it. She hadn't been talking to anybody, just telling her friends that she was okay and taking a break from work because she was sick.
This was the exact reason why she didn't do relationships. She was so afraid of them failing, of all the disadvantages of them.
Relationships to her, were entirely too much of a commitment. It wasn't just about calling someone your girlfriend or boyfriend.
You now shared apart of your life with that person. Everything you did, affected your significant other. You committed more than just having a title, your body, energy, your heart, all went to the one person.
And once that person leaves, your left to deal with the aftermath alone. It was too much of a commitment that Jayda wasn't sure of ever making.
She thought she would finally take that step with Von. She trusted him with her entire life. But everything just isn't what it seems to be.
She blowed her nose for like the 100th time of the day, throwing the tissue in the trash. There was a knock on her front door, and she chuckled, knowing Ari was dropping off medicine and food for her again.
She sniffed, getting out of her bed, sluggishly walking to her front door and yawning. She unlocked her door, opening it, before her heart slightly dropped.
"T-Tremani? What are you doing here?" Her eyebrows furrowed, seeing him dressed in sweats and a tee shirt on the other side of her door.
"I don't know, to be honest." He said, and she stare at him, before opening her door wider and gesturing him inside.
Tremani walked inside, and Jayda closed and locked her door behind him.
"I'm sick as hell. Put a mask on." She mumbled, about to grab a new one from her 60 pack, and he stopped her.
"That's a risk I'm willing to take." He chuckled, and she laughed, making him smiled as she sniffed.
She walked back to her room, and he followed her, sliding his slides off.
She laid in her bed, holding the cover up for him, and he laid next to her, his arms wrapped around her.
Jayda laid her head on his chest, closing her eyes as he rubbed her back. The two of them laid in silence, and Jayda slowly began to doze off.
Tremani closed his heavy eyes, melting into Jayda's body warmth, before the two of them fell asleep.
3 hours later.
Jayda felt Tremani turning in his sleep, making her stir in hers, before her eyes fluttered open.
"Stop moving." She mumbled, and he chuckled, now facing away from her. She sniffed, sitting up in her bed and blowing her nose.
"Damn you sick foreal?" He asked, and she smacked her lips.
"Nah. For fake." She stale faced him, and he laughed as she stood up.
He followed her into her bathroom, both of them brushing their teeth. He watched as she reach in her cabinet to grab some medicine, taking two capfuls.
"You don't need no water?" He chuckled as she gagged at the grape flavor.
"I'm a real nigga." She coughed, and he covered his nose, stepping back.
"Hell nah you got corona and shit." He scrunched his face up, and she waved him off, walking to her mini fridge.
She sat on the floor, grabbing a caprisun and biting a hole in the pouch.
"Sit down." She mumbled, patting the spot in front of her, and he sat down, his legs on the side of her and pulling her feet in his lap.
"Is this the part where we have makeup sex or what?" She sniffed as he rubbed her feet.
"I mean we can, when you not sick." He shrugged, and she chuckled.
She pulled her feet out of his lap, scooting closer to him.
"I'm sorry Taurus." She mumbled, holding his hands, and he avoided her gaze.
"I know you was telling the truth but that hurt my feelings Zuni. You made me feel like I wasn't enough for you. You was all I wanted Jayda." He told her, and she blinked back tears as she sniffed.
She didn't even know what to say as they sat there in silence.
"Taurus sometimes people just aren't meant for each other. Just because we aren't compatible for a relationship doesn't mean you're not enough. You're more than enough, and you shouldn't let anybody, especially me, make you feel like that. I know how that feels and I hate that feeling. So I'm sorry. I said that out of frustration, it came out harsher than I intended." She mumbled.
"Even though I won't admit it to myself, I did want a relationship with you-eventually. If I didn't, I would've been cut you off because I wasn't just using you for dick. I was building something with you rather I wanna come to terms with it or not. I'm sorry for hurting your feeling Taurus. I was harsh and unnecessarily rude, and I'm sorry." She looked up at him, and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in his lap.
She hugged around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder.
"You are so perfect T. Somebody gone marry you one day for it. I'm sorry that couldn't be me. But we were friends before anything, and I missed you. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings Tremani them wasn't my intentions. I love you a lot, I would never hurt you on purpose." She mumbled, and he laid his head in her neck.
"You keep it real regardless and that's what I love about you. It take a real nigga to apologize in depth." He kissed her face, and she laughed as he smiled.
"And you the realist I ever met. I love you more than you know boo. I missed you." He rubbed her back, and she smiled.
"I missed you too. What made you come over?" She rubbed his face as she met his eyes.
"Well I seen that shit with yo 'bestie', then you ain't been active on social media in like a week, so I knew something was wrong because you disappear when you sad." He shrugged, and she chuckled.
"Yeah I'm a lil sad. I'm still a bad bitch though." She mumbled, and he laughed.
"On god. Look good even when you sick." He stood up with her, placing her on her feet.
"Thank you. What's new with you?" She pulled him to lay down, laying next to him and pulling her covers over them.
"Same shit. I been traveling more. I went to Cancun." He said, and her jaw dropped.
"Tremani!" She frowned, and he laughed.
"I know, we was posed' to go together. But we was beefin' and shit." He chuckled, and she smacked her lips.
"You so fake and opped out like wow. I would've still went." She rolled her eyes, and he laughed, holding her tighter once she tried to push away from him.
"I'll take you still. If it's cool wit' yo boyfriend." He smirked, and she looked over at him.
"I ain't got no boyfriend. And if I did I don't need permission to do nothing, I'm big Wayda nigga." She tilted her head, and he laughed.
"What was that?" He asked, and she shrugged.
"Nothing. Me and him just friends." She rubbed her nose, scratching the inside of her throat.
"Y'all fucked?" He asked, and she nodded, sniffing as she grabbed her orange Gatorade off her dresser.
"So why you say it ain't nothing, you know you feeling a way Jayda, talk about it-don't hold shit like that in." He rubbed her hips, and she shrugged.
"I don't really feel a certain way. My feelings hurt-yeah, but I'll get over it. It's just crazy like I did so much and that shit still wasn't enough. But sometimes you just can't satisfy people." She mumbled, and he kissed her forehead, making her smile.
"Or-some people just never had certain shit before. They don't know how to react to it. I know cheating ain't something people can come back from, but people make mistakes Jayda." He told her, and she rolled her eyes.
"A three week mistake? And never once thought 'hmm, maybe this ain't something I should be doing?', nah, I don't think so." She chuckled, and he shrugged.
"Yeah, you right. So what's yo next move?" He asked, and she looked over at him.
"I don't know. Ima focus on myself and be a bad bitch." She said, and he laughed, nodding.
"I know that's right. Big Zuni and nothing less." He smirked, and she smiled.
rm i said i love y'all? i lied. i hate y'all hoes 🙄😍🙏🏼 cause if i was a roach, my books would still be fire! tf 🙄🙄🙄🙄😒😒😒😒
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