young! carlson young as...
Cora McQueen
The devil was a teenage boy.
Cora figure that out her first year of high school, when things started to progress and she realized what guys wanted. The problem was, she wanted them, regardless for what they came to her for. Cora had craved the need to be wanted, to be loved, to be cared for, for someone to focus on her and only her, for anyone just to be close to her. She didn't get it much as a child, never having affectionate parents nor knew how to express it to her friends without them finding it odd in some way.
That why when boys wanted to use her for sex, she'd let them just to feel some form of closeness.
Cora always knew that every guy that would send her a text, would come up to her in school, that bothered to talk to her, were all doing what all the ones before had. Maybe she blamed herself for that, because she knew that no matter how rude he was, no matter how aggressive he was, he matter how stupid, smart, hateful, sweet, arrogant, terrible, ugly, attractive he was, she was always gonna say yes. Cora never knew exactly why she did it, she never took the time to stop and realize that the lack of love she received portrayed itself in a weird way when she reached teenage years.
They'd always leave her after too, they'd always ghost her and gossip about it to their friends. If she sent nudes, they'd be spread across school, if she sent dirty messages, they'd be read out loud, if she let someone do something overly kinky, they'd all know. That's all she was in the eyes of people at school, because when they saw her, they just saw her leaked nudes or pictured her doing what the guys would say she did. It was like she wasn't even a person anymore, and Cora knew that's what they saw her as.
She fell in love with every single guys she'd ever slept with. No matter if they leaked her nudes, videoed her without her knowing, gossiped about her, she longed for them so badly. She'd wake up, do her makeup, wear whatever she could to catch their eye again, to have them back in her arms, to have them close and completely focused on her like they had the night before. Almost every guy never wanted her after, not because she was a horrible person to actually get to know, but because they were either just wanting to have sex with her or cared too much about their reputation to date the easy girl.
Cora had gotten use to the endless loop by now. Meet a guy, have sex, fall in love with him, do anything she could to get his attention again, cry when they didn't want her back, lock herself in her room when her pictures would leak. And maybe you're thinking she shouldn't be so stupid to fall for it every time, and you might be right, but it just wasn't that easy for Cora. It wasn't that easy when she felt so lonely and loveless all the fucking time.
Hawk and Cora never really talked before that one day, only ever when he asked if he could borrow a pen, which he never gave back, for English.
The single guys in his friend group had all slept with Cora, and they made it known around the cafeteria table one day. Hawk picked up on it, tossing around a soccer ball and listening to them talk about all the kinky things she was into, how she liked to be choked, how she always went down. When they got to him to ask if he'd ever gotten with Cora, it was a no. Of course he hadn't slept with Cora, he didn't even know her and he'd never even had sex before.
After Dough pulled up a twitter thread on his phone, showing all the leaked photos and nudes of Cora that had ever made it to the internet, the entire table were encouraging him to head over to her. They told him how he just needed to pretend to show an interest in her for a few minutes and she'd give in, giving him her address and her number for a chance to hang out one day. So, he did, and just like they said, it went exactly as it was described to be. He had Cora's number, and they'd planned on hanging out later that night.
Little did he know, all he'd heard about Cora wasn't exactly accurate, and he saw straight through the easy girl they all said she saw, all he saw was a gentle, lonely girl who just wanted someone to hold her. And maybe, if he could put his reputation aside, he could be that for her.
important: if you're one of those people that throws a fit in the comments when a ship isn't slowburn, this book is not for you. hawk and cora move extremely fast and that's in order to portray who she is as a person and literally part of the entire issue i'm trying to portray in this book. speaking of, i feel like i can basically smell the comments by now. the girls that get cora will get her, the ones that don't, won't. i don't wanna see any "she's pathetic" "she's ridiculous" "i could never" THATS THE ENTIRE POINT OF WRITING THE ISSUE OF TEENAGE GIRLS DOING WHATEVER THEY CAN TO COPE WITH THE LACK OF PARENTAL AFFECTION!
now, please enjoy:)
kylie speaks
ready to cry every chapter
bc i relate to this chick a
little too much, ALSO! THIS
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