ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4: ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪɴᴀʟ ᴘᴀʀᴛ
Jimin shot open his eyes as he felt cold liquid all over his face. He sat up straight with wide open eyes. His travelled through the room and he realised it wasn't his room. He looked at the person infront of him who had a bottle of water in his hand. A young man with a sky blue shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbow and black formal pants. His hair neatly pushed back and veiny hands perfectly complimenting his manly look. But his expressions weren't much appealing. He looked serious.
Jimin: W-Where am I? A-And who are you?
He asked as his eyes roamed around the dull dark room and then got fixed at the man.
Sehun: I'm Sehun and this is the police station.
As soon as he said the last word, Jimin froze at his spot. He couldn't process what was actually happening. Last night he slept with Y/n and now he woke up at a police station?
Jimin: W-What? You must be kidding, r-right?
He asked with a shaky voice as Sehun chuckled sarcastically.
Sehun: Unfortunately not.
He said as he he brought a chair kept nearby and sat infront of Jimin who was lostly observing his actions.
Sehun: Tell me.
He said with a serious tone as his eyes suddenly turned dark.
Jimin: W-What?
Sehun creased his eyebrows as he asked
Sehun: Tell me why did you kill your own aunt?
Jimin froze at his spot and chills ran down his spine. His hands turned cold and body went pale. He was way too shocked.
Sehun: TELL ME!!
He yelled getting impatient not knowing that the younger was himself confused.
Jimin: I-I? W-When- I don't know. I d-did n-
He stuttered badly as Sehun shut his eyes annoyingly.
Sehun: Look at your hands.
He said as Jimin was still for a second but then his gaze went towards his hands and his eyes nearly popped out. At this point, his whole body was trembling.
B-B!ood? -He thought.
Sehun: Today, Approximately around 3:10 am, infront of the victim's husband, Mr. Park Lee, you brutal!y st@bbed her wife Mrs. Nina Williams for 5 times. We have found her blood samples on your hand and we have a witness too who saw everything. So, tell m-
He was cut off by Jimin gesturing him to stop with his shaky hands.
Jimin: I-I...I-I didn't do it. I-It was n-not me...I-I was w-with Y-Y/n.....
He said while taking deep breaths in the middle. Tears were already streaming down from his eyes as he had a blank expression.
Sehun furrowed his eyebrows as he inquired.
Sehun: Y/n? Who's that?
Jimin looked at him as he breathed heavily because of the millions of emotions inside him.
Jimin: M-My g-girlfriend.
He said as Sehun raised his eyebrows and nodded.
Sehun: Great. Give me her address. She'll be interrogated too.
He said as Jimin panicked. He didn't want you to be involved in this mess.
Jimin: N-No. P-Please.....N-No-
Sehun: It's okay. Don't worry. She'll be treated well until she's innocent.
He said as Jimin hesitantly gave him her address.
2 hours after the interrogation started....
Jimin flinched when the door of his cell shot open and a annoyed and mad Sehun entered the room with two other officers. He pulled Jimin up to his height by his collar as Jimin looked at him with confusion and fear.
Sehun: Do you think we are kids that you can fool? Are you trying to distract us from the case by fooling around with us? Huh?
He asked as the other two officers shot glares at the accused.
Sehun left him as he fell down groaning in pain.
Sehun: You gave us the wrong address or what?
Jimin furrowed his eyebrows as he shook his head lightly.
Jimin: I-I gave t-the right o-
Sehun: Stop playing around kid! There's no one in the house beside yours.
Jimin: W-What?
Sehun: Infact no one stays there for six years now according to the locals and your uncle.
He said with a annoyed look as Jimin shook his head aggressively.
Jimin: That's not possible. N-No...
Sehun: We have asked each and every local and everyone has said the same thing. And they don't even know who Y/n is.
Jimin's eyes grew wide out of shock as he couldn't process what's happening.
Sehun: Tell us the truth who she is. Where is she? Is she the murderer? Are you trying to save her? TELL ME!!!
He growled getting very impatient.
Jimin: S-She...she is in my school.
He blabbered out as Sehun gestured one of the officers to go and check and bring the details.
Sehun looked back at Jimin who looked pathetic. He somewhere felt that he wasn't the culprit but then he was a police. He can't just jump to conclusions just by seeing someone's face.
3 hours after the interrogation started....
Sehun was scrolling through his phone and was taking small glances of Jimin time to time. He was interrupted when the door opened and the officer came in. He handed him some papers.
Officer Han: Sir, these are the names of all the students in his school and no one named as Y/n studies there. His classmates denied to know someone with that name too.
He said as Sehun looked at Jimin who was attentively listening to everything but was looking away.
Sehun: What are you trying to do?
He asked calmly yet seriously.
Officer Han: And one more thing sir, recently a student from that school attempted su!cide. His bestfriend, Noah is here. I thought he can help us with this case maybe since they are classmates.
4 hours after interrogation started....
Sehun sat down infront of the boy, Noah. He checked him out with a serious gaze as he sat infront of him on the other side of the table nervously. He looked nervous and scared for obvious reasons.
He sighed as he kept his hands on the table and asked
Sehun: What relationship do you have with Park Jimin? Are you friends with hi-
Noah: No.
He said cutting him off as he raised his eyebrows and glanced at the officer standing beside him.
Sehun: Why? Is there any specific reason for that?
Noah gulped as he made an eye contact with Sehun and said
Noah: M-Me and K-Kevin u-used to b-bully him.
He said while fidgeting his fingers.
Sehun nodded as he rolled his eyes internally. These kids nowadays! -He thought
Sehun: So Kevin was also his bully?
He asked as the kid nodded.
Sehun: How did he die?
Noah: I-I really don't know. I-I am myself confused. H-He was my bestfriend. M-My brother...
He said as he looked down and sobbed a little. Sehun sighed as he extended the glass of water kept on the table towards him. Noah looked up as he quickly took the glass and gulped down the water. He wiped off his tears as Sehun continued.
Sehun: Umm..Do you know who is Y/n?
He asked as Noah looked at him with confusion.
Sehun: Is she in your class?
Noah: I-I don't know anyone with that name. A-And I'm sure no one with such name is there in our school.
He said as Sehun thought for a while. Was he being fooled? Or this girl is only the murderer who is trying to hide her identity?
Sehun: Okay..Tell me have you seen any girl with Park Jimin? Like, do you know his girlfriend?
Noah's eyes nearly popped out because of the question.
Noah: Girlfriend? No one in our school ever talked to him. No girl and from boys only we bullied her. He always sat quietly in class and zero interaction with anybody.
Sehun furrowed his eyebrows as he frustratedly massaged his temples when Noah said something.
Noah: B-But he always talked to someone when he was alone in the corridor or while going back home after school. I saw him few times talking to himself in the corridor. He never noticed me though.
Sehun: Strange.
Noah: F-Few days after Kevin died. H-He came to me to ask about Kev. And I also noticed something strange about him that time.
Sehun: What?
He asked getting curious.
Noah: He was reportedly looking at someone. As if someone was standing right beside him. I-I creeped me out, so I ran away from there.
Officer Han: Sir, I think there's something supernatural. Maybe a ghost?
He said with a fearful voice as Sehun glared at him to shut him up.
Being a person who believes in science, he never thought about all these no matter how creepy his cases were. For him, nothing is supernatural, it's just the human brain playing it's games.
Sehun: Okay. You can go.
He said as Officer Han took Noah out of the interrogation room.
Sehun pressed his temples with his index fingers as he thought about it.
He suddenly stood up as he exited the room. A while later, he called Mr. Park Lee, Jimin's uncle, for interrogation.
Sehun: I'm really sorry for your loss. We really need your cooperation at this point.
He said as Lee sat their with a blank face. He looked traumatized. Obviously, cause it's not easy to cope up after witnessing a brutal murder that too of your own wife.
Sehun: Umm tell me something about Park Jimin. Like his medical history and other details.
He got nothing but silence as a answer. He sighed as he asked the next question.
Sehun: What was his relationship with you wife? Like was it good or bad?
Another time, only silence as an answer.
Sehun: Uhh okay...umm...Have you ever heard him talking to himself?
Sehun sighed as Lee wasn't answering a single question. He didn't blame him though.
Sehun was about to leave his seat when Lee finally spoke with a low voice but loud enough for him to hear.
Lee: The relationship between them wasn't very good.
Sehun: Can you elaborate?
Lee: My wife hated him to an extent that she wanted him to die. She thought, he was useless and hopeless to spend money on.
Sehun nodded as he asked further.
Sehun: So, he hated her? That's the reason he k!lled her?
Lee looked at him as he looked doubtful.
Lee: H-He never hated her. He i-isn't a person to hate someone. R-Rather after all the torture my wife did on him. From not providing him food, to being unnecessarily rude to him. He never fought back. He always took in everything.
Sehun: Was he mentally tortured?
He asked while squinting his eyes.
Lee: Yes you can say. My wife was very harsh on him. She verbally abused him everyday.
Sehun: What about you? You never protested?
Lee looked down as he said.
Lee: I-I couldn't. My father in law used to send money for our expenses. I never got a stable job. So, my wife would always blackmail me that if I disobey her, she'll bring me on footpath. I-I was a coward.
Sehun nodded and felt a little bad for him. There's a reason why he is a Misogynist.
Sehun: Have you ever heard Park Jimin talking to himself? One of his classmates have.
Lee furrowed his eyebrows as he shook his head lightly but then stopped.
Lee: Yes. There was one time. I don't remember clearly but I heard him talking to a girl in his room. I went to apologise for my wife's behaviour.
Sehun: A girl?
He sat straight getting curious.
Lee: Yes. Cause he was using the compliments like "pretty" , "beautiful".
Sehun: So, Y/n was there in his room.
Lee: No, that's actually not possible cause there's no such girl of his age in our locality.
Sehun: Okay. This is getting way too complicated.
Lee: There is another thing which I missed out while narrating the whole scene.
Sehun: What?
Lee: When he was s-st@bbing my wife. I-I was h-hiding beside the bed but I-I clearly heard him saying, "For torturing my love", "For being so rude to him", "For being so inhuman to him", "For not understanding him", " For giving birth to me"
He said and he looked very sure. Sehun squinted his eyes when he heard the last line.
Sehun: "For giving birth to me"? What does that mean?
Lee: He acted like it wasn't him but someone else. Who was taking his revenge. H-He can never do that.
He said as he sobbed.
Sehun nodded as he understood what he has to do now.
7 hours after the investigation started...
Sehun, Lee and a few other officers were sitting outside the Hospital ward were Jimin was admitted. Sehun visited him before bringing him here when he offered him a bottle of water which had some sleeping pills. He had to do it. He stood up from his seat as moved back and forth waiting for the doctor to come out.
After like 15 minutes, the doctor finally came out as Sehun paced towards him.
Sehun: What is it doctor?
The doctor sighed as he took him and Lee to his chamber.
He made them sit as he too took a seat himself.
Doctor: The case is quite critical.
He said as both of them exchanged confused looks.
Sehun: What do you mean doctor?
Doctor: He is mentally unstable.
He said as Lee's eyes widened.
Doctor: It's not actually a split personality disorder but it's something like that. And it's dangerous.
*Time skip*
Sehun and Lee entered Jimin's ward as their body froze at their places. Jimin was tied to the bed. His hands, legs. His teary eyed went towards Lee as he cried for help.
He yelled as he desperately tried to free himself. He was aggressive. Lee sobbed seeing him like this and Sehun handled him.
Jimin: Y/N!!! I NEED YOU!!!! PLEASE SAVE ME!!!!!
He cried. For the first time, she didn't answer him. She didn't come. After that, she never came. She left him.
*Back to present*
All this time, Joe was attentively listening to his story as a drop of tear unknowingly fell from his eyes. Jimin rested his head back on the wall as he got flashbacks of his treatment. Those painful shocks, those scary nights he had spent alone in that dark room. He was used to darkness and loneliness now.
He glanced at his wrists which had red and blue bruises on them. Marks of being treated like an animal.
Joe: So who is she actually?
Jimin smiled a little as he said.
Jimin: She? She is a part of me.
Joe frowned as he allowed him to continue.
Jimin: A part of me but who's completely opposite. She is brave. She is confident. She intelligent. She is everything I'm not.
Joe: S-So she was your imagination?
Jimin: Maybe yes.
Joe: And what about those murders?
Jimin looked up at him as flashbacks hit him hard.
(The night, Mrs. Nina Williams was murdered)
Jimin was sleeping soundly in his room when his eyes shot open. He sat up straight as he got down from his bed and exited his room. He went down in kitchen. He silently stared at the knife stand for a while and then picked the bigger one from them. He looked at the clock, it was 3:00 am.
He walked towards their room. His steps were like a puppet and his face had no expressions. He was being controlled. By her.
He opened the door quietly as he saw his Aunt sleeping on the bed, while his uncle was sleeping on the floor uncomfortably. Maybe because he treated him well for once. He walked towards the bed tiptoed. He stood their staring at the woman who was in her dream world. Maybe enjoying a nice lunch at some fancy restaurant. She had a small smile on her face which made him think that.
Nina moved a little as her eyes fluttered opened because of a uneasy feeling. She looked around and a small scream left her mouth seeing Jimin standing there like a ghost and staring at her blankly. It creeped her out. Because of her scream, Lee woke up too. Seeing Jimin standing there, he frowned.
Nina: Oh gosh! What a creep! What the fvk are you doing here at this hour? I nearly had a heart attack.
She yelled at him annoyingly as Lee turned on the bed lamp.
Nina: Oh god tell something!!! Are you deaf?
She yelled again but her body froze at its spot when Jimin raised his arm high which held the knife.
Lee's eyes widened at the sight.
Nina: W-What do y-you think y-you're doi-
A loud gasp interrupted her when the knife pierced her skin and straight went inside her stomach.
Jimin: For torturing my love!!!
He yelled as his eyes were blood red. Burning with revenge.
Lee couldn't speak as his voice got stuck in his throat. He wanted to shout but couldn't.
Jimin took out the knife and st@bbed her again earning another gasp from her.
Jimin: For being so rude to him!!!
He took out the knife again and st@bbed her again for the third time.
Jimin: For being so inhuman to him!!!!
He yelled and st@bbed her again.
He stabbed her again and this time a few blood drops fell on his face.
He threw the knife away as he breathed heavily seeing her lifeless body laying on the bed with eyes open. Looking at him with fear. His vision became blurry as everything went black and he passed out.
*Back to present*
Joe: It was her who did this?
Jimin: We both did this together.
He said with a small smile.
Joe: What about Kevin? You killed him right?
Jimin's eyes turned sad as he went to that night again.
(The night, Kevin attempted su!cide)
Kevin was busy watching a horro movie on his phone. He was startled when he heard a knock on his apartment's door. He frowned as he went towards the door.
Kevin: Ye-
He opened the door as he saw no one outside. He rolled his eyes thinking that it might be some of those oversmart kids. He was about to close the door when he saw a piece of paper lying on the floor.
He picked it up and read the words.
"Meet me on the terrace if you think you're brave enough"
He crumbled the paper in anger as he mumbled.
Kevin: Kid is trying to challenge me?
He smirked as he locked the door and headed towards the lift.
He reached the terrace as he looked around with squinted eyes. It was dark cause it was past 7 pm.
He spotted a figure standing at the end of the terrace as he smirked and walked towards him. The more he went closer the more he felt a uneasiness. A dark aura was grasping him. He realised it was not a kid but a person of his age probably.
Kevin: Who are you?
He asked confidently but internally he was a bit scared because of the scary aura the boy had.
The boy turned around as Kevin widened his eyes.
Kevin: Jimin?
He was shocked to see him here all of a sudden.
Kevin: So you gave me that note? Acting smart huh?
He asked with a smirk but soon that faded when he saw Jimin giving him a evil smirk.
Kevin: W-What?
He asked as Jimin suddenly held his neck from the back and turned him around. His face was not towards the end of the terrace.
Kevin: W-Wait! W-What are you d-doing?
He asked as Jimin pushed him towards the end with all his force. Suddenly, he had more strength than his bully.
Jimin: Had fun bullying my man? Now I'll have fun.
He said with a smirk and pushed him a little more.
He said as sweat dropped from his forehead and tears formed in the corner of his eyes.
Jimin: What did you think? He'll not have anyone to save him from jerks like you????! I'll save him.
Kevin was confused as well as scared.
Kevin: W-Who are you?
Jimin: It's She.
Kevin: Who's sh-
Before he could complete, Jimin pushed him as he fell down. Jimin stood up on the edge as he smirked seeing Kevin's dead body lying in pool of blood on the road.
Jimin: I took care of him, babe.
*Back to present*
Joe sighed after listening to everything.
Joe: I'm happy that finally you're okay. And after few days you'll be released from here.
He gave him a smile as he stood up from his seat.
He crouched down infront of Jimin as he patted his head and said.
Joe: Poor child. Take care.
He stood up and went out of the room locking it after.
Jimin's sad expression suddenly changed and he smirked.
Jimin: I'll take care of him. Always.
-The End-
(The last but the longest chapter lol. Hope you liked this very short series<3)
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