"huh..." you held your mouth agape at the statement
"these will be the 11 starters who'll face the U-20 male Japan team" he pushed his glasses up with a mischievous grin
silence filled the room as all players sunk the information in
the players who hadn't been picked all displayed their different reactions
some were shocked
some seemed like they knew they weren't going to be picked beforehand
some were enerved
and some were REALLY enerved (Barou)
and then there were the people who had all expected a specific person to have already had a secured spot in the starters
"I have a question sir Ego" Yukimiya raised his hand "How come neither Shidou nor Y/N be part of the starters"
"They're among the top players, if not the best" he continued "They've scored plenty so their absence is quite confusing"
"Shidou Ryusei has an average of 2 goals per match during the tryouts" the screen above Ego displayed Shidou "this makes him only second to Y/N and Rin"
"Although his physical abilities are extremely high, his behaviour outside of matches cannot be overlooked" he continued "Even so, all his goals were all products of his own skill"
"This simply states that he is incompatible with Rin and therefore they share no chemistry" he pushed his glasses up "and with his continuous violent behaviour, he'd immediately get a red card putting our team at an overwhelming disadvantage"
"and for those reasons, I simply cannot let him be on the same pitch as Rin" he sighs "as a matter of fact also, none of you can handle an egoist like him"
"Y/N, however, was a different case..." his voice slightly darkened and this caught your attention
"as I had finalized the starters, I received a call from Buratsuta, the president of the JFU" he put his hand on his hip "he called me to inform me that Itoshi Sae was not satisfied with the forwards in Japan U-20 team"
"he said that if we didn't agree to Itoshi Sae's conditions, the match would be cancelled and Blue Lock would be shut down" he let out a grumble "his conditions were that he was allowed to pick any player in Blue Lock to add to the U-20 team"
"just a few hours ago, he went ahead and took Shidou away, but it wasn't enough to satisfy him" his gaze turned to you as he lifted his hand and pointed his finger at you
"you, Y/N, were chosen by Itoshi Sae to play as a member of the U-20 team."
total silence
nobody spoke
nobody moved
it was so silent that you could probably hear each other's heartbeats
you then felt an intense stare from behind but ignored it since you already knew who it was
"I was opposed to it but nothing could be done since it was either that or losing Blue Lock without a fight" he sighed as he scratched his head "your things have already been packed and a cab is waiting for you outside to join Shidou and Itoshi Sae"
and with that, you were dismissed
as you sat in the back of the cab, you watched the greeny scenery
as short as it was, it felt like ages since you had last seen the outside world
but that aside, you were in shock
the shock of not being in the starters and then finding out you were shipped over to the enemy team had finally been processed
'new interactions' you sighed as you closed your eyes
and then something else hit you and your eyes went wide as you jumped from your seat, slightly scaring the driver
you held your head with both hands and sweat dripped down your face
you were once again, stuck with Shidou
'what have I done to deserve this hell' you leaned back on the chair staring at the roof of the car with a gloomy expression
the rest of the car ride went with you counting down your few last seconds of peace and then proceeding to fall into a deep sleep
you were shaken awake by the driver as he informed you that you had reached your destination
you looked outside to see a large building with the letters JFU written on it (idk if that's what the building looks like but wtv)
you were led in by a woman in a suit who instructed you to leave your baggage as they were going to be picked up by staff and then you were brought to a room where you were told to change into a set of white joggers and zip up with the JFU logo on them
after you were changed, you were then brought to another room in which you were instructed to enter and take a seat
you opened the door and stepped only to be met with multiple pairs of eyes staring at your figure
"HEY, Y/N, OVER HERE!!" the familiar loud voice of your previous roommate came to your ears
you looked over at the male who sat in his seat with his feet up on the table, his hand high, waving you over
you desperately looked around for any other available seats but it seemed as if you weren't the only one who wanted to avoid sitting next to him as all the seats away from him had been taken
you sighed and made your way to the male as you took the seat next to him
as he was about to start a conversation with you, your saviour, the coach, walked in and everyone was ushered into silence
"the match is in two weeks!" he said enthusiastically "you lot are members of the national U-20 team who have been chosen to represent our country and bring us to victory!"
then he lifted his right arm in the direction of the door as it opened revealing the long-awaited guest "and here comes the newest addition to our team!"
the magenta-haired male walked in with his hands in his pockets and a blank expression as he stared down at everyone in the room
you could hear a few admirative comments from a few players while others talked about how he wasn't that big of a deal
the coach spoke a few more words before asking Sae to give the team a few words
"..." the male just looked over everyone in the room before coming into eye contact with you
no words were said, just staring
then the male opened his mouth and finally spoke "you should be thankful that you get to play football with me"
the entire room went silent as every member of the U-20 team stared at Sae with shock and hatred
he then told them how he had no interest in them and that they should savour this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
"get off your damn high horses genius" the salmon pink-haired male stood from his seat and slammed his fist on the table "you may be a bit famous and all but you're just second-rate in the end"
"I'm a regular forward in the team so you better watch what you say because I'm above you" he smirked
after that, let's keep it short and just say Sae annihilated him
as Sendo was about to try and have a comeback, Shidou jumped from his seat, grabbed his head and slammed it onto the table Sendo sat on
"DREAM ON SUCKER!" the male stuck his tongue out with wide eyes "BETTER LUCK IN YOUR NEXT LIFE!"
everybody got up and surrounded Shidou to defend their teammate
"I'm done helping him, he's on his own now" you muttered as you leaned back on your chair
"how about if I beat you all..." he started "I GET TO BECOME A REGULAR!"
he then attempted to send a kick to Sendo's face but before his foot could make contact, a hang grabbed his leg and slammed him onto the floor
you sat back straight to see the view as you whistled with slightly wide eyes "that's a first, someone who isn't me actually took him down"
"man you're really looking down on us" the unidentified figure looked up with a smirk
just realized Y/N spoke once the entire chapter but dw, interactions start from next chapter
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