"AH" were you really surprised to wake up to people screaming
not at all
but that didn't mean that it didn't bother you
Shidou had just screamed in Rin's ear causing him to jolt awake
"Shidou will you shut up" you groaned putting a hand to your eyes, covering it from the bright light of your room "and leave Rin alone, we've been playing all week and I'm sure we're all tired"
receiving no response, you took it as him listening to you
you then tried going back to sleep as you pulled the cover over your head and closed your eyes
but something felt wrong
then it came to you
this was Shidou
and silence was never good when it came to him
that's when you flung the covers off you only to be met with the sight of the blonde male hovering over you and it being too late to dodge
as your body's collided, you were sent back down into a laying position as you felt Shidou's weight on top of you
you groaned and opened your eyes only to realize the male was straddling you
then you felt it
the grabby hands squeezing your chest
you layed frozen as shock was present all over your face
and for Shidou it was a momentary shock before a mischievous grin was presented on his features
"so are you guys going to stay in that position or?" groaned Rin
"what, you jealous?" Shidou turned his head to Rin, finally removing his hands from your chest
"no" the male instantly responded putting a hand to his forehead"you can do whatever you want, just not when I'm here please"
"sounds to me like you're just jea-WOW" Shidou wasn't able to finish his sentence before he was shoved off you and fell to the floor on his back
"you psychopath" you clenched your fist as you glared down with such a menacing face even Rin couldn't help but feel sweat run down his forehead
all hell broke loose
Rin just walked out and went to wash his face and by the time he had come back, the two of you were still squabbling
he sighed before walking out once more to eat
and when he came back
guess what he found
the two of you still fighting
"do you guys not get enough?" he rubbed his temple in annoyance
"I'm not giving up to blondie here submits" you grit your teeth
"I'm just doing it for the fun of it" Shidou gave a wide smile
right now he was over you and the two of you were hand-to-hand pushing each other
"that's it I'm tired" you kicked Shidou back as he fell in front of you
you stood up, brushing the dust off your pyjama's
"I've spent too much energy on you for nothing" you walked away to the showers where you'd spend the rest of your morning on your personal needs
your day went pretty fast as you had done your usual
train with whoever was on the field and today was Hiori who's presence you very much enjoyed
eat again
and now you were back in your room, laying on your bed with a book in hands
Rin was on his side doing who knows what while next to him was Shidou's empty bed
Shidou tends to come back late since he's always out there looking for trouble
not that you minded cause most of the time by the time he had come back to your room, you were already asleep and able to avoid anything involved with him
"hey Rin" you called out to the male and he hummed back in response
"tomorrow's our last match before the end of out two weeks" you started "who do you think is making it onto the team
he put his phone down and looked up at you "I'm not sure about the rest but one thing for sure is that the top 6 are going to be in it"
"how so"
"even with the other players proving themselves to be somewhat useful, there's still a large difference in abilities and skills between us and them" he explained "which is why i'm certain all of us are going to be needed"
"that makes sense" you put your hands on your bed and leaned on them, putting all your weight on them "that still leave 5 open spots"
"I can guarantee Isagi and Bachira are going to be in it" he turned his lamp on before walking to the switch and turning off the lights "the rest i'm still unsure"
"that's pretty logical" you hummed "what worry's me though is how you and Shidou are going to play together"
"you barely get along during these practice game" you put a hand to your forehead, recalling all the fights that had happened between the two "an official game is practically impossible with the two of you together"
"I'll just ignore him" Rin shrugged while sitting back down on his bed "it's not like he's my only available option while were playing"
"yeah but it's be pretty useful if the two of you could cooperate" you tucked your legs in the covers but still sat up looking at the male across the room
"with him? that'd be a miracle" he laughed mockingly "only you can pull that off somehow. i still don't get how you manage to play with an unpredictable guy like him"
"I guess you could say our play styles are pretty similar" you smiled looking down and your hands
"anyways, I'm going to bed" Rin layed down and put the covers up to his shoulders "I'd rather avoid being awake when Shidou gets back"
"same" you layed down and pulled the covers up to your neck "goodnight"
"night" he responded, turning his lamp off
BANG the door slid open loudly
"who are you guys trying to avoid" Shidou smiled playfully
chaos erupted in the room after the blonde's appearance
rushed chapter but hope you enjoyed
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