"hm?" you looked up at the male tiredly
he walked up to you and continued whatever he wanted to say "join me for this 3 man team stage"
staring at him, you pondered for a bit before responding
"nah, i'm good" you closed your eyes
"listen, i couldn't care less if you passed the first stage before me or not. i'm not asking you to join me because i think your good or anything, i just want to pass this stage fast and get it over with" he declared harshly
"again no" you responded simply "you seem like a guy who only plays for himself which usually would be good because you know, this is blue lock, but i just don't like your character. you look like the type to look down on others based on first impressions"
"like even i won't lie, i can act like that from time to time. i've been told i'm very selfish when i play and that i don't consider others feelings" you smiled to the male "it's okay when i do it, but i don't like when it's done to me"
'hypocrite' the male thought
"shut up and come here" he sigh while pushing his hair out of his eye "you're annoying and you're wasting my time
"sorry donkey lashes" you smiled slyly "guess you'll have to wait for someone else to get here cause i ain't joining y'a"
right as he was going to give you a retort for your insult, the door opened, revealing a tall long haired male
barely a few seconds later another door opened revealing a shy looking boy
"and there's your team" you pointed to the two in a mocking tone
the male who's name you still hadn't learned scoffed at you before taking off towards the duo and basically forcing them to join him
as they left the room, the guy with long lashes didn't forget to turn to you and give you a glare while you simply yawned at his attempt to frighten you
they had officially left the room and you could finally go back to sleep
for this selection, you were planing on teaming up with completely new people
yeah you could've teamed up with this guy, but you two clearly didn't hit it off well at first 'hopefully the next ones to come in won't be as moody as this one'
as you were about to fall asleep, your eyes diverted to the TV that was on top of the door the three men had walked into
an icon of the trio had showed up with their names written under them
"itoshi rin" it came out as a mumble before you went back to sleep
"hey, (y/n)!" the familliar voice of isagi came to your ears
"isagi, meguru, you made it passed the first stage" you spoke in a normal tone
"of course we did! did you doubt us?" bachira smiled cheekly "alright! now that we have our team of three, let's head to the second stage!"
"huh? team of three?" you questioned
"yeah! you, isagi and me!" he put his arms behind his head
"yeah, bachira didn't give me a choice either" isagi smiled awkwardly "but either way, i was going to team up with him"
"no thank you"
"eh" came the confused voice of bachira and isagi
"sorry guys, i'm trying to meet and play with new people for this stage" you told the two
"huhhhh, but (y/n)! i thought it was you and i until the end of time!" bachira jumped on your still sitting form dramatically as he whined about how you should join him
"hey, isagi yoichi" a new familliar voice came in "i want you to join our team"
it was nagi
"so this is the guy you wanted to team up" reo said, judgement all over his face
bachira had stopped whinning and looked up to isagi, arms still around your neck "so? you accepting the offer?"
"of course not" he responded without hesitation "we're already teamed up"
"there you have it nagi" reo spoke before turning to you "either way, i had someone else i wanted to join us"
"hey (y/n), team up with us" he... asked?
'sounded more like an order than a request' you deadpanned at the male 'what? does he think i'm some puppet who's going to willingly follow him'
"i'm saying this for the last time since you weren't here" you sigh "i'm not teaming up with anyone from our building, so no, i'm not joining your team"
"why not? with my great field analysis and passing skill combined with yours and nagi's overall play, we'd absolutely dominate whatever this stage is about!"
"i know that, but still that doesn't change my decision" you shrugged
"okay now you are being unreasonable" he put a hand to his temple
"yeah i know, i get told i do that a lot" you shooed him "bye."
"whatever, you'll see that we were the better choice later" he looked away "nagi, let's go"
"sorry reo" the male spoke in his usual tone "i'll join isagi's team"
"eh" was what came from your former teammates
"solves the problem, right?"
you looked at nagi, then at reo
he looked like he had just witnessed a murder
"what are you talking about, nagi!?" he spoke in a distressed tone "you're with me, it's a must."
'glad i declined his offer' you sweat dropped at the male 'probably would've started acting like he owned me excatly like he's doing with nagi'
"what are you thinking? what about me!?"
okay drama queen.
nagi explained his reasonings as to why he wanted to team up with isagi while reo could only listen in a completely heartbroken expression
bachira asked isagi for his thoughts while the male only pondered at the offer
"join us, nagi." and with that, the three left, leaving reo behind
i'm still feeling tired. man, those 10 days of training didn't feel like much back then, but i'm feeling the after effects right now
you decided to go back to sleep for a bit more
it's good to enjoy your time alone while it last, beacause you weren't ready for what was going to come your way
"the hell is wrong with this guy!?" you woke up from the shouts of the men in the room
you opened your eyes to look at what was going
'okay there's a guy on the floor and standing above him is the guy who most likely put him in that position'
the guy on the ground didn't seem to be the only one who had been beaten, a couple more guys around seemed to have a few bruises as well
"can one of you losers just team up with me, i just want to leave this place and play some football" he exclaimed aggressively
"with your attitude, no one's going to want to team up with you" some random guy in the croud decided to be smart
the blonde gave him a glance before raising his leg and kicking him straight in the face sending him flying
the man slid till he came to a stop right in front of you
and the crowd including the aggressive male that were previously looking at him, were now looking at you
"hey, you" the previous male called out to you "join me."
"eh" you gave him a dead stare
"i want you to join since none of them want to" he emphasized as if you hadn't understood the first time
looking around the room, it was much more empty with just a few boys in it
'seems like i might've overslept'
"sure why not" you got up and walked towards the man
you also had to get out. the more time you waste on this stage, the less chances of passing this selection there is for you
there were 5 stages in total and you were still stuck on the second part
"FINALLY!" the males attitude made a complete 180 from his aggressive but bored state to a complete cheerful maniac. he jumped towards your figure, hooking his arm over your shoulder and smirked while looking at you "one more person and we're out!"
it took a lot of convincing because of shidou's previous intimidating impression before finally, a male named Haruhiko Yuzu agreed to join your team
"about time i got out of the place!" shidou sigh loudly, hands in pockets
"with your shitty attitude, you were bound to stay stuck there if i hadn't joined and helped" you didn't bother looking at the male
"it's not my fault those weaklings can't handle my explosion" he flipped his bangs out of his face dramatically before trying to land a hit on your head with his leg, but you simply ducked down and smashed your fist onto his head "hey! what was that for!"
"what do you mean 'what was that for', your dumbass was trying to hit me!" you gave the male a blank stare "you expect me to just let you do so? now you're out of your mind"
Yuzu could only stand a few feet away from you in hopes to not get caught up in your... business?
the walk was slow because of shidou's constant attempts on attacking you, but in the end, you made it into the a room filled with different groups of players
you looked at the TV placed beside the door you had come out of. it explained the concept of this stage where you had to play a three on three and winners get to steal a player while the loser are left in a duo
"alright" you turned to the two males and looked specifically at the wild blonde who seemed to be more focused on the other players in the room "if you want someone to actually willingly play us, you'll have to stop with your wild behavi-"
"hey you!" shidou cut you off and jumped into action "come play us!"
the group declined his offer instantly which did not please the male
if it wasn't for you noticing his soon-to-be attack and holding him back, the team would've been beat down by the blonde
"you do realize that if you continue acting like this, no one will be willing to play us" you stated firmly hoping Shidou could try and be reasonable for once in the few minutes you've known him
"yeah, whatever" he looked away with his pinky in his ear
"hey you" a males voice called out to you from behind
'what's with people calling me 'you' all the time' you thought annoyed turning to the person who had called for you
it was some tall intimidating male with purple and dark blue hair who wore a wide smirk on his face
behind him stood another tall male with dark brown-hair and glasses and a white-haired male with green bangs and green undercut
"yes?" you didn't want to rush too much into things and let him say whatever he intended to say
"i want y'a to play us" he said in an accent
"alright!" shidou cheered with a crazed expression "the people here are more ballsy than the ones back there! let's play em!"
"guess that settles it i guess" you shrugged and Yuzu simply nodded
you all went over to the touch pad to confirmed the match
they brought you to a door that led you to the third stage of the selection
"we'll be using a mini field customized to the number of players" the announcer spoke
the goalie was going to be one of the blue lock man we had seen in the first stage of the second selection
'looks like i got isagi's number' you looked at your jersey that had the number 11
"hey look" shidou dragged you to his side with a wide smile "we're matching, i'm number 111 and you're number 11!"
'i don't get this guy' you sigh 'aggressive and childish, what else?'
"anyways" you brushed off his previous words "i got the white-haired one cover, which one are you guys going for"
"i'll take the big one with the accent" shidou smirked
"guess only four-eyes is left" Yuzu shrugged
"alright then" you concluded. there wasn't much to say to guys you had just met
you all got in position so the game could start
"first to 5 points wins the match" was the final announcement before the starting whistle rang
team red was the one to start the game with yukimiya passing the ball to karasu
karasu made his way up but was stopped by shidou "you're well built, but you aren't getting anywhere past me!"
"is that so" karasu smirked putting his hand out in a seemingly protecting the ball motion
he attempted to feint shidou, but by the looks of it, it was backfiring on him since he was no longer facing the direction of the goal
you thought that before the male put his hand out, balancing himself off shidou and with some odd hand motion, he tossed the blonde to the side and got passed him
"heh, seems like you're good with your hands" shidou laughed
the blue haired male simply scoffed with a laugh and continued along his way, but shidou wasn't going to let him have it
just as fast as he was tossed away by the tall male, he got back in front of him
'he reacted fast' was what came to your mind
"looks i can't just toss you away" the male looked kind of annoyed
that was when Otoya that you had been joging with whilst keeping track of any sort of suggesting movements completely dissapeared from your sight
'what the hell'
"your turn, ninja" karasu smiled
one second the ball was in between karasu's legs, the next it had completely vanished
Otoya had appeared out of thin air and had taken over the ball
"Otoya, meaning, many shadows" the male spoke "i am like a ninja moving in the dark of the night. once you take your eyes off me, it's all over"
"yet somehow i still managed to keep track of you" your voice came to him from his side as you came in front of him
the man was pretty fast and you admit it, you did lose sight of him. but once anyone takes control of the ball, all attention is on them, there's no slipping by
the males eyes went wide for a second before going back to their original state "hey there pretty lady"
"up for a date once we're out of here" the male winked whilst trying to flirt
'this guy can't be serious' you deadpanned at his words
you ignored his words and he had taken the hint as he tried to get past you, but somehow, you managed to keep up with his movements not letting him go anywhere
talling for long enough, shidou managed to get to you and kick the ball away from otoya's feet
"hey, that ain't fair" he spoke with a calm voice "you guys came at me as a duo"
"nothing against a little help" shidou grinned
"i'll get the loose ball!" yuzu ran to pick up the ball, but someone had beat him to it. it was yukimiya
"even if you got the ball, you aren't getting past me" yuzu spoke
"is that so" yukimiya smiled "on a one-on-one, no one can beat me"
and he meant his exact words because when he launched at yuzu, the male didn't stand a chance against yukimiya's incredible control and speed
'aaaaaand... goal' you stared at the scene
0-1 for team red
yup, you guys weren't starting well
the bob cut in your team picked up the ball and brought it back to the center while apologizing
"it doesn't matter" you sigh "it's your first time playing him, how were you supposed to know he could play like that"
"it's just one goal anyway" shidou played with the ball, rolling it back and fourth "let's just get our point back"
the male nodded in thanks and went back to his position
since none of the male were willing to play as the passer, you decided to be the mature one and take over the role
shidou passed the ball to and you only got a few seconds of running before otoya had placed himself in front of you
"think i might just pick you when we win this" another failed flirt attempted
man this guy was weird
with the way the white hair male was positioned, it was as if he was initiating for you to pass the ball to your blonde teammate
'i don't know what they're playing, but i couldn't care less. no matter what they're doing, they aren't getting hold of this ball'
you passed the ball to shidou and a smile appeared on his face while his eyes went wide
even though he was running at a normal pace, his intence ball handling was pretty hard to grasp for the opponent
but of course, it's never that easy
karasu had caught up to him and as they had a stare down for a couple of seconds, he reached out his hand putting it on shidou chest
he attempted to get in front of shidou and take control of the ball, but due to both having a strong physique, it was just a battle of strength
now it was your turn to intervene as you came from the outer left side and with simple eye contact, shidou managed pass the ball to you
how many times does it have to be repeated, it is never that easy
he thought he was smooth and had gotten out of your sight once you had made eye contact with shidou, but he was terribly wrong
you could see otoya coming from the front in attempt to intercept the pass, so you cut straight for the ball instead of waiting for it to reach you
"even if you did manage to get the ball, you can't score from this position" he stated as if it was a fact while standing in between you and the goal
"i might have to take you up for that date you asked for" you smiled as he rose his brows at you
his defence was filled with openings and his positioning was off
"i'll teach you a thing or two about defending" you smirked
you stared at him dead in the eyes and he stared back at you
you were't going to give him the chance to predict your movements
left. right. left. right.
otoya kept up with your dribbling, focused on your footwork
you then suddenly dashed to his right side and he began running after you "you're really trying to compete with me in speed?"
"not really" you told the male as you came to a stop leaving him to take a few more steps
you then ran towards the goal, closing the distance
"if this is your attempt on brushing me off then you'll have to try harder" the male was back to the side and got in front of you
"and you seem to have lost sight of the most important piece in a soccer field" you replied to his mockery, not that he was mocking you in his point of view
"huh?" his eyes went wide when he looked down at your feet to see that the ball was no longer in your possession
in his momentary shock, you took that chance to run past him and reach the ball that you had flicked over his head
déja vue
"shit! cover!" otoya was one second too late
the ball was at your feet and you were within range
'top left'
your foot made contact with the ball
1-1 tied by team white
"nice girlie!" shidou pounced on you, putting you on a headlock
"get off, antennas" you gasped
"she's an unpredictable one" karasu wiped the sweat from his mouth
"yeah, she caught me off guard with that one" otoya simply stared at the female "simple tricks are always the least expected ones"
karasu hummed in response and his eyes narrowed while staring at the (h/c)-head. he stared at her getting dragged back to her side of the field by her blonde maniac-like teammate
as the players got back to their spots, team red had a little strategy discussion before letting the game restart
yukimiya passed the ball to karasu who was immediately invaded by shidou
"not giving you any space to do your hand magic mister assassin" shidou grinned and licked his lips
karasu scowled at the male "you think it's that simple to stop me?"
the male was moving around with the ball in attempt to feint shidou, but the blonde was still able to keep up with him
it was until the male had a change of gravity and spun around shidou's body whilst pushing him away
"switch!" shidou shout
you ran to karasu while shidou went ahead to cover otoya "my turn i guess"
karasu's eyes observed your figure with evident annoyance
"you've been bothering me since we've started" declared the male
what's his problem?
"why aren't you trying? your moves are sloppy and predictable, but i can just see from your figure and overall style that this isn't all you can do" he firmly stated
"analytical are we?" you laughed before you flipped the question back to him "why am i not trying? why aren't you"
"it's pointless fighting a person who is not giving it their all" he sigh as he tried to reach for your arm but you elbowed his hand away "see i want to crush people from their roots, it's no fun when you're acting like this"
"well that's too bad cause clearly, none of us is going to give in before the other" you stuck your tongue out "this is just a petty fight. plus i think i'm trying pretty hard right now"
seeing no point in arguing with you, he just kept trying to get past you
even you had to admit it, his ball control was the best you had ever seen so far. mixed with his physical strength, the ball was practically untouchable in his possession
karasu then came at you with extremly fast scissors in attempt to confuse you
he got closer and closer to you while you pondered on where he'd go
left or right?
'with his footing, it looks he'd for for the right' you went for the side you had debated on 'wait no, he's shifting his way'
you made a quick recovery and was about to change directions when you felt a hand on your stomach 'shit. he got me'
with that, karasu managed to push you away and make his way past you
"cover!" you shout in hopes someone could get to him
too late.
1-2 for team red
"man" you sigh as you stretched your back "this guy's annoying"
"you're just mad you couldn't keep up with my immaculate dribbling and ball control" he grinned your way
"i've seen better" you weren't lying. bachira's dribbling was definitely better than his, but you had to hand it to him, his ability to keep the ball and his control over it wasn't something to joke with
"yeah whatever" you weren't going to bother with him "let's just get back to it"
"sure then" he smirk as he threw the ball in your direction and you caught it
your teammates waited for you as you walked back to the center and placed the ball
"i want to score a goal" shidou childishly winned as he rolled the ball under his feet
"then you'll have to work for it" you stated the fact
he stuck his tongue out to you before resetting the game by passing the ball to you
"i'll take her on this time for you otoya" karasu's usal grin came to your view
'i don't have time for this guy' you closed your eyes and reopened them to stare at the tall male dully
he flinched at the sight of your dull eyes slightly backing off, the tension coming from your simple stare made it hard to breath
you analyzed the male in front of you 'his posture is off, his muscles are tense and his heartbeat is faster then a normal one'
you suddenly dashed towards the bluenette catching him off guard
he tried to stand his ground, but this time, he didn't look so sure of himself
the moment you saw his feet hesitate, you went for it.
the males legs were trembling and just needed one more push before he completely failed
you ran straight for him and he backed off
karasu then stubbled on his feet and his knees gave up, leaving him on the floor to stare up at your dead eyes
he could almost see a (f/c) glow coming from your eyes
"seeing through my opponents and breaking them.." you muttered before leaving the shocked male
never in his life had karasu ever been so intimidated by someone else, this feeling was frightening
his teammates were just as shocked as him, while yours shared a look of awe
you ran at a faster pace than usual
then came otoya charging at you
not bothering to look back at him, you continued along your way and he flinched noticing how you had completely discarded his existence 'she's not even acknowledging my presence.'
since karasu was too far behind from your group, he wasn't considered a threat on the field yet
"hey, (y/n)!" came the loud voice of shidou "pass over here, i'm completely open"
"didn't i tell you" you muttered at first which he couldn't hear "if you want a goal so bad then work for it yourself, this one's mine"
"not if i stop you" otoya tried to join the conversation
you glanced at the side, looking at the white-haired male with your still expressionless eyes "and you're going to stop me how?"
"you overestimate yourself. i know i fell for your last trick, but know that you won't catch me falling for stuff like that anymore"
"is that so" you came to a stop
he stood in between you and the net. with the distance he had given you, he was practically begging you to score a goal
you stared at him and analyzed his figure
'sweat running down his chin, he takes a step back, gulps a little saliva' you named out everything single movement to the detail of what he was doing 'he's hesitating, didn't he see what happened to his teammate when he fell a move behind me'
you then ran towards him in a slow pace, then made your movements faster
he went on guard as if not to fall for anything you would pull on him
you attempted to feint him, but he just wasn't letting you go
just when you thought he was keeping up with you, you notice him miss a step
you back up onto him, pressing your back against his chest
that was the last push before the male stumbled to the ground
"didn't you learn from your teammates results, that if you fall behind, no one's going to help you up" you looked down at his figure
you weren't going to keep wasting your breath on the male and went on ahead, leaving another one behind, to rethink about the whole situtation
next one up and last opponent, yukimiya kenyu
normally, this would've been easier if your teammates had been blocking them from getting to you, but they seemed not to enjoy your solo ride this round
yukimiya's style was for sure, street football
his legwork was more expressive and contained more movements than regular football
he came at you aggressively, no signs of hesitation in his moves
one-on-one's was his speciality so of course he'd try to close in the gap between the two of you to get hold of the ball
you weren't going to let him do as he pleased
you came to a stop, rolling the ball back as you backed away
"what, are you scared?" the male mocked with a grin
"no i'm just not stupid enough to run into something i'm still not familiar with" you argued back
"excuses" you knew what he was doing and you weren't going to fall for it
"i'm a female if you don't remember" you deadpanned at the male "you're not going to lure me in with your toxic masculinity bullshit"
you came to a stop once more and dashed towards the male
with your previous words, he would've thought that you were going to pass the ball off to one of your teammates since you wouldn't be able to get past him. guess he forgot he was dealing with a blue lock egoist
"thought you weren't going to fall for my earlier temptation" the male looked at you with a grin
"it's true that i can't beat you on a one-on-one, but in a two-on-one situation, you're completely vulnerable" you stated
you had noticed yuzu coming from the back to help you deal with yukimiya
you passed the ball to him and immediately dashed passed the brown-haired male who could only stand still at the initiation
yuzu passed the ball back to you and it was now just left with you and the goalie
and of course, these blue lock man are nothing but useless when it came to blocking shots
you looked back at the fallen team behind you with a dead stare
"this is why i wasn't trying, karasu" you walked up to the male and forcibly grabbed his chin to make him look up at you "it's boring when people are broken this easily"
the male could only glare back at the female while backing away due to the closeness of their faces
you let go of his chin and walked back to your position
"you've got your way to set sparks in this field!" shidou once again jumped on your back "i'll be the one being flashy next!"
"do whatever you want, this game isn't interesting anymore" you sigh
"huh?" the male let out a confused noise
"just do what you want" you didn't want to waste energy on the blonde
team red started with the ball. this time, they seemed more intense than they were before
karasu ran forwards, ball in between his feet
it had gone back to the original placings with you on otoya and the rest of your teammates on their players
shidou placed himself in front of karasu and instead of initiating a physical battle like he had been doing so far, karasu kept his distance from the blonde
suddenly, otoya made a dash for karasu and shidou's figures
you followed behind him, but he was way ahead of you due to your slow reaction
karasu then made a pass to the albino and dashed past shidou. unfortunately for him, you had placed yourself behind them to shut down whatever they were planning while shidou covered otoya for you
but they had thought ahead of you incase this were to occur
otoya made a pass to karasu, dashed by shidou and received the ball back from the male
they were making one-two passes
you were familiar with them but they were still pretty hard to counter on first experience
they got passed the both of you and it was left with a 3v1 with yuzu and the trio
and as called for, he was no match for the three of them
and they were once again ahead of you
"man i'm tired of these back and fourth goal scoring" shidou stretched his back as he faced upwards "if we keep up like this we'll end up losing"
you faced your teammate who was still staring up at the ceiling
his eyes then came down, staring at you intensely
"give me the ball next, i'll score us 3 points to end this" he commanded you
you shrugged and sighed and nodded in aggreement. whatever he was planning, you weren't going to question it
the game restarted with shidou passing the ball to you and you immediately passing it back to him
he ran forward and just like the second round, karasu came in aggressively in attempt to get in front of him and take over the ball
veins could be seen on shidou's forehead as a wide smirk made its way up his mouth
"you've been pestering me this whole matching, now won't y'a leave me alone" he spoke in a clearly annoyed voice despite his smile
"as if we were going to let you score a goal that easily, you make me laugh" karasu taunted
"of course i knew it wasn't going to be easy" his annoyed expression turned into a devious grin
he passed the ball to yuzu who had yukimiya on his back, not letting him pass through
'they aren't going to get anywhere playing like this
that was untile shidou made a dash for the goal, karasu following in trail
"hey shorty! pass it back here" shidou shout to the bob-cut
the hell was he doing?
his back was facing the net, how was he supposed to get a shot in front that posture?
yuzu hesitantly passed the ball to shidou who had karasu on his back
"now what are you going to do, antennaed freak" karasy smirked
without even the slightest glance at the goal, shidou shot the ball blindly
"what the hell?" you and otoya spoke in unision at the sight
"hehe, destroy them with your explosion" shidou spoke with his hands to his ears, blush creeping up on his face
your mouth opened in amazement
now that was a super goal for sure
"you see this miss selfish, i didn't need your help to score this goal" the male grinned your way as if to tease you
and just like that, your amazement was gone
'way to ruin the moment' you stared blankly at the male and turned to walk away
"hey, don't ignore me! you know my goal had you drooling all over yourself!" he ran to catch up to you
"what a pain" you muttered, scratching your forehead
shidou persetered you till you were back on your side of the field
"this match is being dragged longer than it should be" the brown-haired male spoke out loud to his teammates "whenever we score, they tie the score back up immediately. we have to find a way to steal the ball back"
"i agree" otoya spoke up "that duo have been pretty hard to deal with. specifically talking about their individual plays, they're hard to counter"
"yeah" karasu looked at the opposite team, the same duo they were talking about seemed to be arguing over something and things looked like they were about to get aggressive "whether it be individual or team play, it's practically impossible to get the ball out of their hold"
"we'll just have to work with what we have i guess" his gaze went onto the other male on their team who was attempting to break off the two players "we can take advantage of when he has the ball to steal"
the other two looked at who he was talking about and hummed in response
"cruel but whatever it takes to win i guess" otoya spoke in a bored tone
"what's taking you so long! start the game dammit!" shidou's aggressive voice shout to the team
"impatient insect"
"watch your mouth!"
getting back in position, yukimiya passed the ball to karasu and dashed forwards
'oh?' what are they up to now
karasu passed the ball back to yukimiya who was faced with yuzu "you won't be able to take me on by yourself"
"that's why i'll be here to help him" your voice came from behind as you kicked the ball away from in between his legs
"shidou!" "got it!" he responded just as you had finished calling him out
"you left me open by myself, cutie. big mistake" otoya took the ball and ran
"cover!" you shout to shidou and he had already understood his assignement as he ran to the male
meanwhile you left yuzu and yukimiya be while you ran to cover karasu for shidou
the male was running towards the outer left side of the net and then came to a stop. he just stood there, as if he was waiting for something to take place
meanwhile, shidou had cut in front of otoya and stood in between him and the net
"so what's the ninja planning to do now huh" shidou taunted the male
"i was just a tool used to bring the ball up" the milky-haired spoke calmly "my part is done"
just then, a hand came to your stomach while you were distracted and pushed off as if to give the person a boost
the motion caught you off guard and cause you to lose your balance and tumble to the ground
karasu rushed past you, not before giving you a side smirk
'ah. it's payback for what happened earlier' what a childish grudge
otoya made a pass to karasu who he immediately shot the ball in
karasu then came back to your fallen figure and put his hand out "need help?"
he was clearly mocking you.
"tch" you slapped his hand away from your face
the male couldn't hold back his chuckle at your action
you stood back up and brushed the dust off yourself before walk back to the center without a word
"last chance" yuzu spoke up as the three of you stared at the other team
"just pass me the ball and i'll destroy them with my flashyness" shidou smiled brightly in excitement
"you're too reckless" you sigh "they're already aware of what you're capable of, no way they're letting you back in the penalty area"
"it's not like that's the only place i'm useful at at" he giggled like some child
"honestly as long as whatever you do can get us to catch up, do it" you could only hope for the best
the game started once again
is team red going to score the last point and win or is team white going tie the game back up like they've been doing so far
shidou passed the ball to your feet and you began dribbling forwards
otoya immediately came onto your figure and immediately began pressuring you
he was pushing you back with his small attemps to take the ball from you
looking at your passing options, karasu had shidou completely unvailable
no matter how you looked at it, there was no way for you to get through his defence in your current position
to your other side, yuzu had yukimiya on him, but the male seemed to be slacking off and wasn't putting much effort on the boy
you weren't stupid enough not to know that they were purposely forcing your options down to yuzu
they were planning on getting rid of you and shidou by using yuzu due to him not being as physically cable as the two of you
despite the obvious trap, you still played with the odds
you made eye contact with the male, motionning for him to come over to you so the both of you could get through the defence using quick passes
yuzu came running to your figure, yukimiya following in trail
you passed the ball to the bob-cut and dashed pass otoya, but you were confused as the male hadn't followed you
yukimiya was still behind yuzu so he couldn't possibly intercept the pass and with otoya's position, he couldn't do so either
that's when it came to you
you had overlooked a single detail
brushing off karasu and shidou's presence, you hadn't noticed the male already placed in front of the ball taking control over it
'he ran all the way here when yuzu came for the pass' should've taken your own advice from the kuon situation not too long ago
just as he had gotten possession of the ball, karasu launched it to your side of the field
yup, you were screwed.
otoya dashed for the goal while all you could do was run behind him in hopes of somehow catching up
he was too advanced though so this effort was pointless
he caught the ball in between his legs and dropped it to the ground
as soon as the object made contact with the grass, he positioned for a shot and took it
man how many times have you sighed for just this game
"with a score of 3-5, team red wins and gets to advance unto the next stage" the automatic referee spoke "you may now choose which player you'll be stealing"
"didn't even give us the chance to process our lost" you deadpanned at the speeker who obviously didn't respond to your comment
you then felt a weight on your back which caused you to tumble to the ground
"(y/n)! i'm going to miss despite only knowing you for a few hours! just know that i loved playing football with you for the little time we got. when i get out, i swear we'll play together sometimes!" childish blonde wined on your back
'this moron's already got it in his head that he's the one that they'll pick" you gave the man a judgemental stare despite him not being able to see it
on the other hand, the winning trio stood a few feet away, staring at the scene in deadpan
these people we're straight up oddballs
"so who are we going to take" started off the glassed male
"i told the chick i was going to take her once we won" otoya pointed out "and she turned out to be a pretty good player."
"that's not a valuable reason eita" karasu gave the male a blank stare "but yeah, i guess she would be a great addition. her defencive and offensive gameplay is on point and there is no ignoring the stunt she pulled ealier"
the other two hummed in aggreement at karasu's statement
"then again tha antennaed freak sure knows how to move in the penalty area and you can't deny his physical strength as well" the two could simply nod as karasu kept on adding valuable facts about the players
"the player we'll be picking..." the bluenette began without completing his sentence
"stop with the tension and just get it over with" your bored voice filled their ears
"you'll always hold a place in my heart (y/n)!" shidou dramatically spoke as he finally stood off you "you and your explosive playstyle will remain in my most prized memories"
'just call whoever so i can get away from this idiot' all you needed was a shidou-free space
"yuzu haruhiko"
"huh!" "eh" came the reactions of shidou and you
they hadn't picked out of the two of you
"naturally thinking, you'd want a stronger player on your team right" karasu was the one to clear up the confusion "this is blue lock"
"we get rid of the stronger first"
"you guys might be too problematic if you were to pass this selection, so it's better off sending you back to the second stage so you have less chances on passing" he finished
"oh, that's smart" your surprised voice spoke
"yeah, i really didn't think of it that way" shidou put a hand to his chin with a grin "i knew i was good, but didn't think i'd scare you that bad"
the trio now quad deadpanned at your reactions, they had hoped for something bigger
time for departure came
while they left for the fourth stage of the selection, you and shidou went back to the second stage door
walking with shidou would never be boring due to the man's constant conversation initiations
despite you not responding, the male just simply wouldn't stop. he had been talking to himself for a while now
when you reached the end of the hallway, there was a poster right next to the door with information written on it
'you can only have a match 24 hours after your recent game, okay'
"so we'll be here for at least a day" you told the blonde as he began arguing and whining about the stupid rules
"maybe i shouldn't have teammed up with him.."
This should've came out at least 2 weeks ago, sorry for the delay
Also i don't proofread my chapters so please bare with my spelling mistakes
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