to say selene was tired would've been the biggest understatement of the century, the girl had stayed locked in the janitors closet for half an hour the night prior before isaac finally came and let her out. she hadn't even spoken to the boy once he dropped her off at home considering he had nearly basically risked his life . and now here she was expected to do some cross- country thing for extra credit.
"looked everywhere. It's like he just walked away-- left his car, his dog..." scott's voice snapped her out of her tired state, apparently a boy who took his dog to the clinic last night disappeared.
"okay, was he, like... could he have been a virgin, maybe? did he look like a virgin? was he, you know, virginal?" selene shot her eyes to stiles with a raised eyebrow.
"no, definitely not-- deaton makes me have sex with all of his clients. It's a new policy." scott's words making nicholas, selene and stiles all give the boy judgemental looks.
"no, I don't know if he was a virgin...and why are you talking like he's already dead? he's just missing"
selene and nicholas shared a look, they didn't want to tell scott how the possibility of the boy still being alive was low considering all that's gone on in town but decided to keep their mouths shut.
"missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, scott! and you know who else is a virgin? me. i'm a virgin, okay? and you know what that means? it means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life!" selene couldn't stop herself from giggling.
" okay, I need to have sex, like, right now. someone needs to have sex with me, like, today. like, someone needs to sex me right now!" stiles finished hysterically making danny who was besides nicholas slam his locker shut.
"all right, i'll do it." the hawaiin boy said
"what?" stiles asked confused, scott smiling into his locker as he listened into his locker.
"come to my place at nine. plan to stay the night. i like to cuddle" he said throwing an arm around selene's shoulder as she stood up
"oh, that is so sweet. are you kidding?" danny didn't even have time to answer as nicholas slapped a hand onto stiles' shoulder.
"obviously, stilinski" and with that the two boys left the locker room wanting to have a head start leaving selene, scott and stiles.
"okay, you know, you don't toy with a guy's emotions like that, danny! it's not attractive, all right?" stiles yelled making his voice crack which resulted in selene covering her giggles even more.
"haydes, i've told you this once already, no-" coach finstock's yells were cut off as selene walked to his side.
"coming into the boys locker room before or after class" she'd been getting told the same thing since the second week she returned to beacon hills, didn't mean she was going to listen though.
coach rolled his eyes before looking over to isaac who had just entered the locker room, selene looking to the ground to avoid his eyes "mr. lahey, happy to have you back! not happy that you're late"
"sorry, coach..." isaac said before going over to his locker to put his stuff away.
"I'll remind you all, cross-country is not optional for lacrosse players! i don't need you turning into a bunch of fat-asses in the off season..." coach said before looking around the room and clearing his throat "so, work on that..."
"why are you avoiding me?" isaac asked as he ran to keep up with selene's pace, it was a good question she told herself. but it was a question she didn't have an answer to.
"whatever do you mean?" she said not meeting his eyes but increasing her pace, unfortunately for her though, the boy was a werewolf.
"after last night, you didn't reply to my texts, my calls and now you're not even looking at me!" the boy exclaimed before grabbing the girls arm stopping her from running. they were already ahead of everyone else so isaac gave it a minute or two before people showed up.
"maybe, because, oh, i don't know, you could've died after that stupid stunt!" she said referring to how he took the flare from chris and made boyd and cora chase him. boyd and cora who at the time two blood- thirsty werewolves.
isaac felt a small smile cross his lips as she yelled at him, the boys face making selene slap him on the arm to stop. "ow!" he said as he grabbed his arm, the girls look not changing.
"it's not funny" she told him seriously, but apparently isaac didn't agree as he smiled again. what was wrong with him?
"seems like you care for me a lot more than you let on" the boy said slowly before picking her up by the waist and pressing his lips to her forehead.
selene herself couldn't stop the smile from hitting her face at his words as she tried pulling her lips back so it wouldn't strike her face, but as he kept peppering kisses to her face her lips deceived her as she let out a small giggle.
"shut up, you know i care" she said when he finally put her down. but it seemed their happy little moment was over as aiden and ethan ran past the two, aiden bumping isaac in the shoulder with a smirk.
scott and stiles soon then catching up, scott noticing the look on isaac's face before selene could. "isaac, wait!" but it was too late.
isaac had ran ahead of the three and tackled aiden to the ground, selene hot on his tail worried for what was about to happen. "isaac!" she yelled as she watched aiden flip the boy and begin punching him.
"ethan, i always forget - how many bones in the human body?" aiden asked as he kept punching isaac, selene made a split decision in that moment, the thought of someone running by not crossing her mind.
"phasmatos morsinus pyrox allum" she chanted as she shut her eyes and focused all her energy onto projecting it onto aiden and ethan. it had started working as she heard their groans and whimpers before opening her eyes and seeing them fall to their knees.
isaac pushing himself off the ground as he wiped his hand across his bloody nose. a scream in the distance cut selene's concentration breaking the spell as all four teenagers turnt to where the sound had come from.
isaac and selene sharing a look before making a run for where the sound had come from, selen stopping in her tracks at the sight before her. she could feel her stomach twist from the inside out and felt the sudden urge to throw up.
"it's him, isn't it?" stiles said from behind the two, isaac turning to see scott and the boy staring closely at the body strung up the tree, dark red bruises around his neck as blood poured from the mark and his ears coating his body.
"that is gruesome" nicholas' voice grabbed their attention as the boy joined the group, his face pulled into one of disgust. sure he'd seen a dead body at the pool the night before but now here was another in bright daylight.
"hey, get out of the way!" sheriff stilinski's voice broke through the crowd as cop cars started showing up. "get back! get this area cordoned off before they trample every piece of evidence"
stiles had run out to get closer to his dad before trying to pull the man off towards the body probably to show his theory. selene watched as sheriff stilinski obviously pushed the boys idea down before turning to coach "coach, can you give us a hand, here?"
"i think i'm going to be sick" selene muttered out to the boys who were still currently around her, isaac and nicholas sharing a look before nicholas wrapped an arm around her shoulder and began leading her away from the body.
"you heard the man! nothing to see here! probably just some homeless kid..." coach yelled making scott approach him quickly.
a scream caught selene's attention as well as everyone else's as a girl ran close to the body with large amounts of tears running down her face "kyle! oh, god, kyle! oh, god!"
"you see the way the twins looked at him?" isaac asked as he joined stiles, nicholas and selene, scott still speaking to coach
"yah, you mean, like, they had no idea what happened?" selene wanted to slap the boys, speaking about a murder case right out in the open especially when the boys body was right there and the "suspected murderers were in a close proximity"
"no. no, they knew." isaac argued, nicholas and selene sharing a look
"kyle was was strangled with a garrotte. not very werewolf-y of them, don't you think?" nicholas asked making stiles nod his head rapidly in agreement.
selene wanted to laugh a bit, nicholas and stiles didn't even like eachother this time last year and now here they were agreeing with each other over a murder of all things.
"oh, you think it's a coincidence they turn up and then people start dying?" isaac argued with the boy, making selene place a hand on his wrist to keep him from doing something he'd regret.
"i mean, i still don't think it was them. this is like some criminal minds shit" nicholas said making the boys turn to him with raised eyebrows "it's a good show!" he said in defense as he threw his arms up.
"how 'bout you?" isaac said ignoring the boys rants to turn to scott and selene, scott slightly wincing well selene tried avoiding nicholas' and stiles' eyes.
"...i don't know yet" scott said at the same time selene said "i just think it's a bit too odd"
stiles looking at scott incredulously "you don't know yet?"
"well, he's got a point... seriously, dude? human sacrifices?" the idea wasn't that bad selene thought, it was just a bit absurd for beacon hills
"your eyes turn into yellow glow-sticks, okay? selene had glowing hands and can cast spells. hair literally grows from your cheeks, then will immediately disappear your eyes glow fricking green. if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal, but you're telling me that you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?" stiles pointed out as he continued pointing between scott and selene.
"he has a good point" selene said as she turnt to isaac with a small frown knowing he would want her to agree with him.
"i don't care. they killed that kid. they killed the girl that saved me. i'm gonna kill them, too" isaac said before storming off.
"he's a bit dramatic this morning" nicholas said under his breath which stiles slightly nodded his head towards. selene just sighing knowing this day wouldn't end well.
the boys were in chemistry class, and selene had been called to the main office before the start of the lesson. she highly doubted she'd miss anything important and left happily considering she didn't want to be stuck with harris for an hour. although, she didn't know why she was called.
"ms. haydes" the office lady said once she had entered through the door "call from home" she said gesturing to the telephone on the desk. the girl nodding before walking closer and furrowing her eyebrows but picking the phone up none-the-less.
"chris?" she asked confused on why he didn't just call her phone. the voice on the other side of the phone shocked her momentarily.
"who's chris? what are you doing after school?" it was ophelia. ophelia gray, her little sister, half- sister. thanks to her dad. why she was calling selene though confused her.
"wait, wait. what's wrong, where's celia?" celia was ophelia's mom, she was a good woman and had been nice to selene on the few occasions they met. she was similar to her own mother in some ways and wasn't surprised her father had fallen in love with her.
"can you come and get me?" ophelia asked through the phone, selene could tell she was smiling on the other side making selene mentally roll her eyes.
"what have you done now?" selene said to herself as she pushed the phone to her chest before sighing and picking it back up "where are you?"
"sheriff's station" selene felt her eyes widen slightly hearing she was in beacon hills in the first place, she certainly didn't want her sister in beacon hills during everything that was currently going on.
"when i see you, you're so dead" was all selene said before she ended the call and put the phone down. a large breath leaving her lips as she explained to the office lady how she had to go the sheriffs office to "sort something out"
the girl rushed out of the office and was about to make her way to the school entrance but stopped in her tracks after hearing grunts and lockers banging round the corner, ophelia could wait a few minutes she told herself as she ran round the corner.
she came faced with isaac standing over a beaten ethan, scott's chemistry class pouring out from another door as well as harris, more students filing into the halls until isaac and aiden were the only ones left in the middle.
"what's going on here?" harris asked as danny ran to ethan's side, the boy lying bloodied on the floor and isaac looking down with scared eyes.
"he just.. he just came at me!" ethan said as danny helped him up, the boy looking worse once stood up making selene slightly wince. her eyes meeting isaac's as the boy gave her a pleading look.
"isaac, what the hell did you do?" harris asked, but by the look on isaac's face selene knew the boy hadn't done anything in that moment.
"so aiden beat up his own brother to frame you, totally makes sense" selene nodded as she leaned against isaac's chest, the two across from scott at his locker. she had to leave soon she reminded herself.
"don't let it bother you. it's just lunchtime detention. if all they want right now is to piss you off, then don't give in. they're just trying to get to you" scott said as he seemed calm. "it's.
"it's not just me" isaac pointed out as he nodded across the hall to aiden who was leaning over lydia with a flirtatious smile.
selene knew aiden liked lydia and no matter how much lydia denied it she liked him as well, and she knew that lydia could protect herself but it didn't stop the worry that something bad could happen to the girl. "what.
"what?" scott asked once tearing his eyes from the duo across the hall, isaac smirking slightly.
"now they're getting to you" he said satisfied as if he had just won, selene rolling her eyes at their childishness.
the girl pushed herself forward before turning to isaac and pressing a kiss to his cheek with a smile and then turning to face the two boys "i have an issue to sort out at the sheriff's station. see you later" she didn't give them time to question as she began speeding across the hall to catch up with lydia.
"my sister's in town, don't tell anyone" she said as low as possible knowing scott and isaac wouldn't even be able to pick up on it.
lydia just giving her a look before nodding, she knew how much selene worried for her little sister when she was across the country and now worried for how bad it would get since she was in town with the current threats they were facing.
"love you" selene said quickly kissing the girls cheek and then leaving the school.
"i'm telling you my sister will be here!" ophelia gray's voice rung throughout the sheriff's station, which was fairly empty considering the body found earlier.
"well until she's here, you're there" the man who had handcuffed her to a bench pointed out as he smirked before walking away.
selene pushed the doors to the station open as quickly as possible as she walked past the front desk not even bothering to ask for help before seeing ophelia in the flesh sitting out of sheriff stilinski's office. a flood of emotions hit her in that moment but the main one overruling all the others was annoyance.
"why the hell are you in beacon hills?" selene's voice grabbing ophelia's attention making the fourteen year old girl wince at her tone.
"surprise?" ophelia said with a lopsided smile knowing how much shit she was about to be in, she tried pushing the large bag by her feet under the bench as her sister walked closer.
"of course you're the sister" officer wayne said with an eye roll as he walked towards the two teenagers, selene remembered the man from the amount of run ins they'd had during summer due to scott and stiles' escapades which she'd been dragged on.
"how's your day been, ian?" selene asked with a plastered smile as she turnt to the man, trying to hide the current annoyance she'd felt.
"was doing well until i got a call reporting your sister was caught stealing the man said making selene's smile drop as she turnt to ophelia with wide eyes.
"you were stealing?!" she nearly yelled as she gave her sister a scolding look, similar to the one that her mother used to give her when she'd done something wrong.
"i'll let her off this time, partially because i don't want to deal with you right now" ian said as he released the handcuffs from ophelia's hand making the girl let out a small 'thank you'
"we'll be out of your hair now" selene said thankfully as she grabbed ophelia's wrist getting ready to drag the girl away, ophelia leaning down to grab the large duffle bag off the floor.
"not very nice welcome, sis" ophelia said sarcastically as she let herself be dragged out of the sheriff's office and towards selene's car.
"you're not meant to be here" selene said dropping the girls wrist as she stared her sister over with a confused look. she didn't even give herself a moment to look over her sister.
ophelia hadn't changed that much since the funeral, not unexpected selene thought. she had a new nose piercing though, a septum which really suited her nose. her hair was a bit longer and now reached her elbows. it looked like it had slight pink strands in it making selene internally roll her eyes. but now instead of a black dress she was dressed in denim shorts, a white long sleeve shirt with cherries on it and black combat boots.
"i got kicked out of boarding school, and i can't let mom know so let me just stay with you till i start highschool. please" ophelia rushed out but selene understood every single word, the girl extending her 'please'.
she could either send her sister back to celia and let her get into a shit load of trouble, or she could keep her in beacon hills with a pack of angry alphas who were trying to kill virgins, werewolves and other supernatural creatures. what a hard choice.
"a week. you get a week then i'm calling your mom" selene said before ophelia smiled widely and threw her arms around her big sister, selene shaking her head but hugging back.
"get in the car" selene instructed with a smile before pulling back from her sister and pushing her towards the open passenger seat door.
after dropping ophelia off at the argent's apartment selene had made her way back to school. she didn't expect to see isaac and allison in the parking lot near the twins' bikes though. she had been gone, what, maybe an hour and they already had death wishes.
"do i dare ask?" the girl spoke up as she approached the two, an eyebrow raised in their directions.
"do you want us to lie?" allison asked as she tried holding back a smile, figuring it'd be best to keep selene out of this one little thing.
"you know what, i don't want to know. i've already had enough drama for today..." she trailed off as she tilted her head thinking back over the past few hours.
isaac grabbing the girls hand from off the bike and interlocking their fingers, "you alright?" he asked softly as he rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand.
"i will be" selene promised before bringing his hand to her lips and placing a soft kiss before dropping it and turning to allison giving the girl a smile "see you guys in english"
"so i heard ophelia's in town" nicholas said from his seat beside selene, the girl leaning her forehead against the desk trying to drown out everything. she was tired.
"for now, i don't want her around when all of this is happening" she said turning her head so she faced the boy. nicholas and lydia were two of the only people to have ever met ophelia.
"i wanna see her, it's been ages" the boy said with a wide smile, nicholas had always been protective and a sort of brother to the younger girl. selene blamed it on her close friendship with the boy.
"after school" selene nodded making the boy let out a small sound of accomplishment. the small moment was ruined though as ethan's voice yelled out "aiden, wait!"
aiden was up and already out of the class before anyone could say anything, everyone rushing up from their seats to see what was happening outside of the class. selene and nicholas being first seeing aiden's bike in the middle of the hall, his helmet in his hand.
selene turning down the hall to see isaac walking over to join her side with a smirk, the girl putting two and two together and scoffing slightly before smiling and rolling her eyes. "gonna get yourself killed" she said softly
"as if you'd let that happen" isaac countered before wrapping an arm around her shoulder. ms. blake running out of the classroom right after.
the woman looked seriously pissed selene noticed "you have got to be kidding me! you realize this is gonna result in a suspension?"
selene smiling to herself before looking back up to isaac "you're right, i won't" she said to him, the boy just copying her smile and kissing her on the head.
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