"nick, i love you and everything but why isn't selene here?" lydia asked turning to glance at the boy who sat in the backseat of the car.
"she's with lahey. and also i'm the one who saw the pattern on your wrists and im here to make sure you're both safe" he said as though it were an obvious answer as allison and lydia simultaneously looked at him through the rear-view mirror only to see the boy looking at his muscles.
"we can protect ourselves nick" allison said as a small grin tugged at her lips at the boys words. the boy shrugged in response still not wanting to leave the girls alone.
"i may not have any cool powers but that doesn't mean i can't protect you guys" he stated as his voice turned serious, crossing his arms and leaning back in the car. he had selene and selene had lydia and allison, which meant he had lydia and allison.
"get it yourself!" selene complained as she slapped isaac's leg, the girl giving him an annoyed look. she had started getting sick of his dramatics around five minutes before.
"i'm injured, and i thought you were meant to be taking care of me" he complained as he felt the girl remove her head off his chest and look up at him with an annoyed look causing him to give up. he was a sucker for her he thought to himself.
"don't be such a baby, and hurry up i want to finish the movie" she urged as she felt the bed rise from where his body was laying.
"we've watched this at least twenty times, you know the words of by heart" he countered, thinking back to all the times during summer she'd force him to sit through it.
the two were in derek's apartment as she had been put on isaac watch duty by the others to make sure he didn't do anything stupid like go and try and find the girl who saved him.
"isaac" she suddenly spoke without thinking, the boy turning from where he stood in front of his drawer, she tilted her head to just stare at him for a second. she couldn't believe he was in her life the way he was at this moment. the boy shifted his balance from foot to foot as she watched him, it was like she was staring into his soul.
he couldn't bring himself to speak and break whatever was going on between them, he felt like she needed this. she needed whatever was going on. she needed to see him, take him in, after everything that had happened.
"never leave-" selene started before sound of a door slamming caused her to stop whatever she was saying. she shot up from her comfortable spot on the bed and ran to the front of the apartment, the sight she saw made her roll her eyes in annoyance.
"selene, my favourite witch" peter said with a smile as he opened his arms to welcome the girl with a hug making her scoff before flipping him off. "you wound me"
"what's he doing here?" the girl asked derek as she noticed the man pull a wooden chair from the kitchen to where isaac was walking over. derek only folded his arms and ignored the girl making her roll her eyes.
"i said-" she started before running up behind the man and jumping onto his back "what's going on?" she pestered as he spun around trying to pry her off. isaac came up behind her pulling her off the man making peter chuckle.
"can you act your age?!" derek exclaimed in annoyance as he fixed his shirt and hair, not noticing the small smile that tugged at the girls lips.
"thought you'd know me better by now, derbear" she said using the nickname she had given the man a few weeks prior, which she knew annoyed him.
isaac dropped the girl onto her feet as he put an arm around her neck to keep her in place, "peter's going to stab me in the neck to get into my memories" the boy said sarcastically making selene's eyes widen. she did not trust peter.
"i'm only going to do it for a few seconds, it won't hurt" the man said as he flicked his claws out and made his eyes glow, a smirk crossing his lips as he watched selene's face drop.
"you people are insane" selene muttered as she tookherself out of isaac's hold and took a seat on the couch.
"i don't see anything" derek said sceptically looking between the symbols on the girls arms as the pack sat in a empty classroom somewhere in the school.
"look again" nicholas demanded from his place on one of the desks next to selene, refusing to let derek leave unless he figured out what it was considering it had been bugging him the whole night.
"how is a bruise going to tell me where boyd and erica are?" derek asked frustrated looking at scott who looked like he felt bad since everyone looked stressed.
selene had been taking in parts of the conversation as she was slightly dazing off considering how long she had been awake last night with isaac as she let the boy talk about what he remembered from being in the vault. if it wasn't for nicholas sitting next to her she'd be passed out on the floor.
"it's the same on both sides! exactly the same!" scott exclaimed as he gestured between the girls arms trying to make a point.
"it's nothing" derek said sternly crossing his arms standing his ground.
"pareidolia" lydia said making everyone give her questioning looks "seeing patterns that aren't there?" she said as she slowly watched their faces morph to one of recognition. "it's a subset of apophenia..."
"they're trying to help" scott sighed out to derek as the man looked even more bored than before.
"these two?" derek asked incredulously as he looked between the two girls he had a small hatred for. "this one, who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle--" he said pointing to lydia "thank you--" he said sarcastically "this one, who shot about 30 arrows into my pack?" he said turning to allison.
"okay, all right, now, come on... no one died, all right?" stiles said sighing as everyone turned to him "look, there may have been a little maiming, okay? a little mangling, but not death! And that's what I call an important distinction" stiles tried arguing.
"my mother died" allison said quietly as derek turned to her with a harsh glare. nicholas and selene winced considering they knew the truth.
"your family's little honor code killed your mother, not me" derek scoffed not giving her any pity.
"that girl was looking for scott. i'm here to help him, not you" allison said honestly not even giving derek a second glance.
"you wanna help? find something real?" he said before walking towards the door forcing nicholas to stand up, quickly grabbing his and selene's bags and selene's hand and pulling her with him after the man.
"derek... give them a chance. okay? they're on our side-" selene tried convincing the man before nicholas interrupted her.
"and, it's too much of a coincidence to be nothing!" he argued before the man rolled his eyes and began walking out of the room again.
selene sat on the counter in deatons clinic as she watched the men in the room pace around and get everything ready for what was about to occur.
the girl wasn't on board with the idea at all, she thought it was irresponsible, dangerous, had a 50% chance of working. she wasn't willing to lose the boy again, not even for a second.
"obviously, it's not going to be particularly... comfortable. but, if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance-like state" deaton said with an unsure look as they all looked at the tub full of ice in front of them.
"i don't think we should do this" selene spoke up as she made her voice heard, "isaac do you think we should do this?" she asked the boy hoping he'd agree.
"if it finds boyd and erica, we have to" isaac said as he tried shaking away all of his nerves, the girl cussing him out in her head at his response. he had a hero complex she thought. "so it's like being hypnotised?" isaac asked now turning to deaton as the man sent him a large fake smile.
"exactly. you'll be half-transformed. it'll let us access your subconscious mind" the man said making selene begin to calm her nerves.
"how slow does his heart rate have to be?" scott asked the question they all wanted to as he looked between the tub and the beta.
"very slow..." the man said as he didn't let any more on, making selene sit forward as she scrunched her eyebrows.
"how slow?" her and isaac asked at the same time as they shared a quick glance.
"... nearly dead" deaton said making selene jump up from her spot. "you're not doing this" she shook her head as she walked over to isaac putting her hands on his shoulders.
"i promise i'll be okay" the blonde said as he looked down at the shorter girl who held nothing but worry in her eyes. the girl shook her head but said nothing else, knowing she wouldn't be able to stop him.
"it's safe though, right?" isaac asked turning to deaton as the man sent him a frown.
"do you want me to answer honestly?" deaton asked knowing the answer was not one any of the teenagers in the room wanted to hear.
"no, no. not really" isaac sighed out as he could only stare at the water and only the water. derek noticed how reluctant he looked and put a hand on his shoulder.
the silence was cut short by stiles slapping a pair of blue gloves onto his hand, the sound hitting all of their ears making them all turn to him with open mouths. "what?..." he asked not understanding what was wrong.
"look, if it feels too risky, you don't have to do this..." derek said only to stop talking as isaac grabbed his shirt and lifted it off himself effortlessly.
selene could only stare at his body, she knew it wasn't the time so she quickly cut her attention away as she walked over to the counter again and lifted herself up to sit down again.
isaac threw his shirt at selene who caught it before tilting her head at him "if i die you can sleep in it" he joked making the girl give him a stern look. "i'm joking" he said as he threw his arms up in defense at the look she gave him.
as more seconds passed the girl began to hate the idea more and more and didn't want him to go through with it, but it was his decision and she'd let him go through with it.
isaac stepped into the tub as he shook violently already feeling the water beneath him freezing his body, derek and scott put their hands on the boys shoulders as stiles put his on his legs pushing his body beneath the water. isaac began shaking violently as they tried keeping him still, he had even burst up and growled before they pushed him back under.
"get him back under. hold him!" deaton yelled as the boy and man sent him a look to say 'we're trying' after isaac stopped moving they let go and watched as his body floated silently with his head sticking up.
selene let out a small whimper before slapping a hand over her mouth not wanting anyone in the room to hear. her eyes were stuck to the boys body as he now floated.
"now, remember... only I talk to him. too many voices will confuse him and draw him out" deaton warned the people in the room as selene only let her eyes stick to him.
she pushed herself off the counter before walking out of the room not being able to watch the scene. it was too much for her to handle. she had lost too many people and if she had to watch isaac die in front of her eyes she was sure she'd go on a rampage and kill everyone.
she let all the bad thoughts fill her brain and was sure she was close to crying. the dread she'd been feeling since the disappearance had to have been a sign, a sign of something much worse than what they'd ever been through. it couldn't have been for nothing.
" his heart rate... he could go into shock!" deaton yelled out pulling her out of her trance as she rushed into the room to see derek holding the boy who looked scared in the water.
"derek, let go!" she screamed rushing up to the man trying to pull him off the teenage boy before something irreversible happened.
selene knew death, she also knew there was never a way to come back from it. either your soul travels through limbo for eternity or it shrivels up and decays till there's nothing left to hold onto for the one's who grieve.
" isaac, where are you? what did you see?" derek asked not listening to the others warnings as isaac continued thrashing around snapping out of the trance.
selene hadn't even noticed how the lights had flickered out and how the wind picked up outside as she was more focused on what isaac was saying "a vault! it's a bank vault!" he said.
suddenly his body flew forward making everyone step back as he focused on the ice in front of him panting "i saw it! i saw the name" he clarified before scott and derek helped him out into a towel deaton was offering.
"it's, uh, beacon hills. first national bank. it's an abandoned bank, and they're keeping them locked inside the vault" he stuttered as everyone stayed quiet except selene who threw her arms around the boys neck not wanting to let go.
"what?" isaac asked looking between their sullen faces, selene being the only one who spoke up.
"someone's dead aren't they?" she whispered as she let one of her arms fall off his neck looking to someone to answer.
"she's not dead" derek argued as stiles stood in front of him trying to convince the man, selene was leaning against the tub on the floor as she couldn't stop thinking of the girl.
"derek, he said, "there's a dead body. it's erica." doesn't exactly leave us room for interpretation" stiles said pointing behind him to isaac.
"then who was in the vault with boyd?" derek asked in resistance as he took a step forward. isaac gestured for selene to sit next to him on the counter, the girl complying.
"and maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle. the one who saved you?" scott suggested as he tried to think of any other explanation.
"no, she wasn't like us. and whoever was in the vault with boyd was" isaac said as his voice became softer remembering the woman who saved him.
"what if that's how erica died? they pit them against each other during the full moons and see which one survives" stiles said thinking "it's like werewolf thunder dome" this recieved a punch a glare from selene.
derek wasn't ready to accept the fact that erica was dead. so instead he thought of other reasons as to what isaac had seen. because if erica had died, it meant he failed. he failed at being an alpha, at protecting his own pack.
"then we get them out tonight" derek said sternly as selene wanted to roll her eyes at his stupidity.
she was just as hurt that erica was "dead", she hadn't even begun thinking of how she'd tell nicholas. she had gotten to know the girl a bit and although they had their issues they could be considered friends.
"be smart about this, derek. you can't just go storming in" deaton warned turning back to look at the young man.
"if isaac can go in, then so can we." derek said with certainty, sure with his plan.
"but he didn't get through a vault door, did he?" selene contradicted with a tilt of her head as she crossed her arms. she looked between the men in the room knowing she was right.
"we need a plan" scott said as selene let out a sigh knowing they wouldn't listen to her.
"how are we going to come up with a plan to break into a bank vault in less than 24 hours?" derek asked with an annoyed expression.
"uh, i think someone already did. "beacon hills first national closes its doors three months after vault robbery" doesn't say here how it was robbed but it probably won't take long to find out" stiles said looking up from his phone.
"how long?" derek asked wanting answers then.
"it's the internet derek" stiles scoffed as the man looked at him not understanding what he was getting at "okay? minutes" he said smugly.
selene groaned into isaac's shoulder as the boy began to softly stroke her hair well whispering comforting words into her hair, knowing she wasn't in a good mind state.
"i can't take waiting around like this, you know? it's nerve-racking" stiles complained as he stared out at the full moon in front of them. "my nerves are racked. they're severely racked. racked" his voice wavering near the end.
nicholas was in the room with peter, stiles and selene as isaac slept in his room. selene insisting on leaving the boy out of it right now. the raven haired boys emotions were messed up as he sat quietly by the table thinking of the blonde girl.
"i could beat you unconscious and wake you when it's over" peter offered making selene nod in agreement with the man.
stiles whipped around seeing her nod making him frown before she shrugged "i love you with my whole heart" she said before adding "but you're annoying me"
"you think erica's really dead?" stiles asked looking down at the ground making selene grimace. nicholas staying quiet.
"you think i really care?" peter asked as he shut his eyes seeming like he was content with the whole situation.
"i just... i don't understand the bank, though, okay? like, why wouldn't they chain them up in some underground lair or something? they're an alpha pack right? so shouldn't they have a lair?" stiles asked confused.
"they're werewolves not super villains" nicholas scoffed out before nodding over the map once more as selene stood over it trying to figure something out.
"wait a sec. wait a sec. maybe they're living there. you know? like, maybe the bank vault reminds them of their little wolf dens" stiles said throwing his arms up as if he had solved it.
"wolf dens?" peter repeated to himself.
"yeah. wolf dens?" stiles asked spinning around to face the man "where do you live?" he asked making selene scoff.
"in an underground network of caves hidden deep in the woods" peter lied with a straight face as stiles let out a small gasp of excitement.
"he's lying " nicholas said out loud making stiles' frown "he lives in an apartment downtown" the boy explained considering the amount of times he and derek had driven there.
"okay, fine, but still that just proves that there's something up with the bank. and why wait around for the full moon, huh?" stiles asked walking forward. "why not just kill them whenever they want to?"
"maybe they think it's poetic?" peter asked sarcastically to himself as everyone began thinking.
"they've already had three full moons to be poetic" stiles argued with peter. three full moons, nicholas suddenly stood up quickly before making his way over to the map.
"and here you've only had one full hour to be so annoying-" peter stopped himself as he realised what nicholas had.
"stiles, phone now!" nicholas yelled as selene tilted her head confused on what the boy had figured out.
"wait, what's going on? what did i miss?" stiles asked as he noticed peter also jumping up and selene looking the two men urgently.
"what are the walls made of?" peter asked walking over to the table the the blue prints urgently.
"what? uh... i don't know like, wood and brick or..." stiles asked looking up at the ceiling of the loft. and that's when it hit selene.
"no, no, no, the vault, the vault. "peter clarified as selene's heart picked up scared her thoughts and idea were right.
"where would it say that?" stiles asked a peter began flipping through the blue print, selene rushing to his side to help as she scanned the pages.
"doesn't say anything" she muttered to herself as she felt her eyes flash meaning something was going to happen.
"derek and scott are in trouble" she muttered to herself making the males snap their attention to her.
"where would it say the materials, the type of stone?" peter asked snapping to stiles as the boy stood confused before flipping to his satchel urgently searching through it grabbing more blue prints.
"here. it's gotta be in there" he said as peter slammed down a large book of information on the vault.
"they're going to attack them" nicholas told the men as he began running to the other side of the table to grab his phone.
"hecatolite" peter mumbled under his breath as he read over the information. if only lydia were here, selene thought.
"is that awful? that sounds awful" stiles mumbled as peter stood up straighter.
"nicholas ! call them quick!" selene repeated as her face became one of urgency.
"why do you need to call them?" stiles said raising his voice so he could get an answer.
"because, boyd and that girl aren't going to kill each other. they're going to kill derek and scott" peter explained to the boy as his eyes widened.
scott picked up on the first ring "nick now is not the best time-" scott was cut off by nicholas' demanding tone.
"scott! scott" listen to me" he rushed out before he hung up on him"get out of there, the walls of the vault are made with a mineral called hecatolite. it scatters the moonlight." he explained knowing he wouldn't understand.
"what does that mean?" he should've known the boy wouldn't understand what he, selene and peter were insinuating.
selene groaned before grabbing the phone being more persistent this time "it keeps the moonlight out, okay? they haven't felt the full moon in months." she nearly screamed as she felt her hands begin to shake.
"think of it like the gladiators in the roman colosseum. they used to starve the lions for three days, making them more vicious, more out of control. decaulion has kept them from shifting for three full moons" peter said taking over explaining it in an easier way. "diminishing their tolerance to it"
"scott they're gonna be stronger..." stiles yelled "more savage. more bloodthirsty" peter added. "scott, they're the lions. they're the starved lions, and you and derek just stepped into the colosseum" selene said slower this time hoping the boy understood.
"derek, we got a problem. a really big problem" she heard scott say after a minute of silence, she also heard growling.
"scott! i swear if you end this call on me!" she yelled out angrily as she could no longer hear scott speaking into the phone "scott!" she yelled once more hearing the growls continue before the phone ended.
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