✧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨✧
Kits mom was bullshit.
Kit always thought so anyone, now worse then ever. Her image was all she truly cared about, what people thought about her being the most important thing to her. The robbery that happened at the Clairmonts a few days ago was kept quiet because of her, because she didn't want people to think differently of her. Kit hated her for it too, hated that they didn't call the police to at least have them looking for the two guys that broke in.
Kit didn't sleep knowing they could break in any night again.
Annalise drug Kit out to the beach club that evening to socialize, to smile and fake a mother daughter relationship so everyone thought she was a perfect mother. She'd always been like this, Kit never realized it until middle school. It made her hate her mom, truly, she hated the person she was. Kit hated the diets she'd be forced to go onto for her mother's sake, hated having to act a certain way when she was in the presence of the public eye.
Kit thankfully got a chance to slip away, taking a seat at the bar and ordering a Cuddles On The Beach.
Tory had been heading back to Aisha with the stolen bottle of vodka, stopping as she saw Kit sitting alone in a yellow baiting suit.
"Not having a good time?" Tory asked with a laugh as she stood before her. Kit looked over, dropping the straw from her mouth as she cleared her throat, "I don't think i've ever seen you alone in my life."
"Well, you have now." Kit said with a shrug before she gave a smirk, "You like what you see?"
"Don't flatter yourself." Tory scoffed as she sat down infront of Kit, "Some skill you have."
Kit gave a confused look before Tory nodded to Kits nose, seeing the bruise from earlier had bene concealed completely.
"Oh, my mom would kill me if she found out I was doing karate." Kit said honestly as she sipped her drink before shrugging, "I don't think i'm gonna go back though."
"Why? Because you for once don't have the upper hand?" Tory asked her in disbelief. Kit bit the inside of her mouth as a answer, "You know you're not better then anyone else in there, don't you?"
"I do now." Kit spoke with a shrug, hoping the conversation would stop. Kit glared on instinct, "You don't even know me."
"Maybe not, but I know the type of person you are." Tory spoke as she looked Kit up and down, "Ive seen what you do around school, the way you are to everyone. You think you're hot shit."
Kit stared at her as she glanced down, "Not anymore."
"That mind set doesn't just go away over night." Tory said as Kit held herself back from arguing with her, "Something happened to you, didn't it? A reality check."
"Something like that." Kit sighed as she stood up, clutching her drink, "Now if you excuse me, i'm leaving this conversation."
"Don't quite." Tory said as she caught Kit by the wrist, "If you really want to show that you're changing, quitting is only gonna piss them off even more."
"Everyone hates me there." Kit spoke with a shrug, pulling her wrist away from Tory as she stood up. Tory and Kit stood on the same exact height, both above average for their age, "I don't want to ruin this for them."
Tory laughed, "Since when do you care about ruining things for people."
Kit didn't say anything as she messed with her bracelet.
"No ones gonna just forgive you over night, Kit." Tory spoke honestly. Kit looked at her in questioning as Tory pulled her drink closer to her bag and pouring a swig of vodka in it, "Have you ever heard the phrase apologizing?"
"Hilarious." Kit said unamused as Tory gave her the drink back, "You were really good today."
"You think so?" Tory asked, a small grin on her face, "That last move was risky."
"Yeah, but it was cool." Kit said honestly with a nod, "Can you teach me?"
"Isn't that what you're going to karate for?" Tory asked with a laugh. Kit shrugged her shoulders as Tory cracked a grin, "Yeah, i'll help you out."
"Looks like someone misplaced the Cheetos." Kit mocked as she circled Aisha who was eating her carrots, "You sure you picked up the right thing?"
"Never though it'd see Fuglisha eating healthy." Yasmine mocked. Kit looked back as her as she gave Kit a nod. Kit slapped the carrots out of Aishas hand with a laugh.
"Oops, guess it slipped." she said while squatting down and grabbing the carrots, "Eat it!"
"Kit, stop." Sam spoke up as she watched Kit shove the carrot in Aishas face, "Thats enough."
"Eat it! You know you want it!" Kit shouted as she pushed Aisha on the ground and tried to shove the carrot into her mouth, "Bet you would if it was a cheeto!"
Yasmine laughed as Moon walked over, "Kit, teachers are coming!"
Kit stood up and threw the carrot down to hit Aisha with it, "Butter fingers I guess."
Kit rocked on her heels slightly as she stood a few feet away from Aisha and Tory. The sand was sinking in her between toes as she slowly walked over with a clear of her throat, "Hey."
Tory looked up at her again, not expecting Kit to come around again so soon. Aisha eyed her with a huff, "Come back for another flinching lesson?"
"If you want." Kit shrugged as she rocked on her heels slightly, "I deserve it."
Aisha looked to Tory as she stared at Kit, "What do you want?"
Kit hesitated as she looked down at her, "To apologized."
Aisha scoffed as she stood up to be on the same level with her.
"I'm really sorry, for everything." Kit said, her eyes sad. They even seemed to water, "The way I was... I don't want to be like that anymore."
"Yeah?" Aisha asked with a scoff, "What made you change your mind?"
Kit didn't answer her, only looking down, "I'm sorry, Aisha."
Aisha went silent as she stared at Kit in disbelief for a moment, "Something happened to you, didn't it?"
Kit nodded her head hesitantly as Aisha huffed, looking back at Tory before Kit again, "I'm not one to hold a grudge."
Kit peeked up at her in disbelief, "Really?"
"If I forgave Moon, I can forgive you." Aisha spoke as she sat back down and held up a bag of chips, "Want some?"
"Moms got me on a diet." she answered while sitting down with the pair, "On Monday I can though."
"Girl, just eat it." Tory laughed as she threw the bag into Kits lap, "No ones gonna tell your mom."
Kid hesitated before opening the bag and popping a chip into her mouth with a sigh in content. Aisha handed her the bottle of vodka to swallow it down with, "How come you joined karate?"
Kit shrugged, "Long story."
"Secretive." Tory said with a raise of her eyebrows, "You keep dodging that question."
"It's a long story." Kit laughed her off with a shrug, "To defend myself, I guess."
"I know right now it's kinda tough, but that's how Sensei was to all of us at first." Aisha spoke to the pair before she looked to Kit, "You know Miguel and Hawk are probably gonna tell him about how you were in school."
"They have ever right to." Kit nodded with a sigh, "Did it make you feel better punching me today?"
Aisha went silent for a moment, "Honestly? Yeah."
Kit nodded in understandment.
"Miguel is easy to get on his good side, you could probably just smile at him and all is forgiven." Aisha said as the three laughed, Kit was well aware Miguel was a lot more of a softie then he put up.
"What a pussy." Tory laughed as she pulled the bottle from Kit and took a gulp of it, coughing slightly.
"I just don't want to rush anything, they don't have to forgive me." Kit said honestly as she crossed her legs and pushed her dark hair behind her ear, "I just don't want them to think i'm here to ruin all of this for them."
"Then don't." Aisha said honestly as she looked to Kit, "Guys are weird, they don't understand words like we do. Show them rather then tell."
Kit nodded honestly as she gave a grin before looking to Tory, "I think i'm ready."
"Are you?" Tory laughed with a laugh as she stood up with a smirk, "You sure about that?"
"What's happening?" Aisha said as Kit stood up and backed up some. Tory followed after her as the pair stood a few feet away from Aisha who watched intensely.
"Want me to be gentle?" Tory asked with a smirk. Kit nodded her head quickly, "Too bad."
Before Kit could react, Torys leg wrapped around hers and brought her down into the sand. Aisha ouued as Kit groaned in pain and opened her eyes, "You gave me no warning."
"You think everyone's gonna give you a warning?" Tory asked as she got off of Kit and pulled her up. Kit dusted herself off as Tory grabbed her hips slightly, pulling her closer. Tory grabbed the inside of Kits thigh and wrapped it around her own leg, "The key is to wrap your leg around mine."
Tory pulled her closer in again as Kit gave a breathy inhale at the sudden content. Tory eyed her slightly, Kit hoped she hadn't thought anything of it. Tory reached over for Kits other leg, "Swing with one around me and try to pull us down."
Kit nodded quickly as she looked Tory in the eye a moment before throwing her leg around her and taking them down. Instead of landing on top of her, they landed side by side. Tory and Kit laughed as they laid on the sand.
"You almost had it." Aisha laughed at the pair as Tory stood up.
"I landed on my ass." Kit said as she spit out sand and stood up.
"Let's try again." Tory said as she pulled Kit in as her voice dropped to a whisper, "Maybe try not to get distracted this time."
Kit swallowed hard as she nodded quickly, avoiding looking Tory in the eye as they practiced again.
kylie speaks
gotta love the
sexual tension
also kits character
development is going
to be so beautiful through
out this season.
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