✧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 ✧
"What? Is this yours?" Kit asked as she help the personal essay in her hands. The kid she stole it from sat in the back row, she hadn't even known his name, "Looks real personal."
"Ohh." Kit laughed as he tried to snatch it from her, "Getting a little handsy? Let's see what you wrote... divorce parents, bummer. Cheater uncle? Even worse. Oh! And your girl left you? Dude, that's just a cherry on top."
Kit laughed alongside some of the Cobra Kais she got close with over the past few days, making sure to speak loud enough for the whole hallway to hear about his personal essay. Sam glared from across the hall, slamming her locker shut, "Kit!"
The Clairmont girl scoffed as she eyed her, "What do you want?"
"Give it back, it's not your." Sam snapped as she tried to take the essay, only for Kit to pull it back, "Give it back or i'll take it."
"What are you gonna do?" Kit asked with a raise of her eyebrows, "Cry over who's fighting fair again? Oh, here a better idea. Maybe you can mess around with another guy and have him kick me off the staircase?"
Sam inhaled angrily, "Just give it back unless you'd want someone sharing your personal paper everywhere too."
Kit narrowed her eyes down at her, slamming the paper into the boys chest, "Get out of my face, virgin."
He ran off without thinking twice.
Kit stood above Sam, a good three inches but five today due to her shoes, "You better watch yourself, LaRusso. You might have gotten off clean while Tory faces the consequences you caused in the first place, but i'm still here."
Sam stared up at her as Kit cracked a grin and backed up, "Watch your back, Princess."
"No, Tor, it was nuts." Kit said as she helped her make the sandwich in the kitchen, "He threw Bert and like six others off the team."
"If they can't even feed a rat to a snake, how are they gonna win a fight?" Tory asked in disbelief, cutting the sandwich in half as Kit laid it down on the plate.
"Yeah but a animal is a animal. I'd rather kill a person then a animal." Kit spoke honestly, placing the chips on the plate before Tory took it and handed it to her younger brother.
"Take that to mom." she nodded as he grinned, walking down the short hallway.
Kit put her head in Torys neck, "You're a good person."
Tory scoffed in disbelief, "Right."
"I'm serious." Kit spoke as she wrapped her arms around Torys waist, "Not everyone would step up like you have, you're doing a lot and i'm proud of you. You're one of the best people I know, inspiring even."
"Now you're just being cheesy." Tory grinned as she kissed Kit on the head, "I've gotta get to work soon, you wanna come?"
"My shift at the ice cream shop is in a few minutes, I just wanted to spend time with you before I go." Kit said, kissing Tory on the shoulder as she circled her, "My room or yours tonight?"
"Mine, moms not doing good today." Tory said as Kit nodded understanding, leaning over and kissing her, "Be carful."
"I will." Kit nodded, pulling her bag on her shoulder and blowing her a kiss, "Text me when you get there."
"We are only as strong as our weakest link." Kreese spoke to the class. Kit had gotten in barley two minutes before, hurrying from her job. Hawk said she smelt like vanilla ice cream but always took her as more of a mint chocolate chip type of girl, "When we remove these links, this is what's left."
Kit took notice of how ridiculously small their class was.
"We are one unite. With one united purpose." Kreese lectured them, the bell rung as the doors opened. Heads all turned to see who it was. Kits face lit up as Tory stood in the doorway, "Nichols, welcome back."
"Thanks." Tory spoke up as she eyed the small class, "That issues I was having... got worked out."
Kit frowned her eyebrows, glancing toward Kreese. She could sense there was something she didn't know, something Tory wasn't telling her.
"Is that right?" Kreese asked with a faint grin. Tory fell in next to Kit, giving her a wink as Kit reddened in the face, "Forward strike. Ready..Ai!"
Kit swung her fist forward on sync with the rest of the class.
"After hours? What are you? A housewife now?" Tory asked as she walked into the ice cream shop. It had been closed nearly a hour, Kit stayed to work late. Tory saw the clear exhaustion on her face.
"You wanna cone?" Kit questioned with a grin, dipping one of the vanilla cones into the blue hardening, "Was I suppose to pick you up?"
"No, I got off early so wanted to come get you so you didn't have to walk home alone again." Tory nodded, putting a dollar in the cash register and jumping over the counter. Tory pulled Kits waist, making her drop the cone.
"I dropped your cone." Kit frowned before Tory took her off guard with a kiss to the mouth. Kit hummed, feeling her stress from the day slowly leave her body as Tory kissed her.
"I don't wanna cone." the Nicholes girl whispered to her, backing Kit up into the counter and untying the orange uniform, letting it drop. Tory looked at what Kit wore under, "Are you wearing my flannel?"
"My flannel." Kit corrected with a giggle as Tory kissed her again, her hand squeezing Kits hips tightly.
The bell ringing made the both of them drop to the floor with a minor yell, laughing in humiliation.
"I just, ugh, left my phone." Kits co worker spoke up, "I'll get a new one."
And she left, making the pair on the disgusting floor laugh together.
kylie speaks
ew this was so
short and for what?
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