✧ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧✧
"You look pretty." Hawk complemented Kit, meeting her near the fences as he leaned over, "Nervous?"
"A little." Kit nodded her head, looking back at the football team and her cheer squad, "Non of them like me anymore."
"So what? Knock their noses in." he shrugged, giving her a grin toward the end. Kit cracked a smile as she looked around again, "Looking for Tory?"
Kit nodded her head, feeling the glitter start to already form acne on her face, "She said she'd try and make it if she can get here before her shift, I don't think she will."
Eli saw the frown on her face. He knew she wanted her girlfriend here for the first game at least, "Don't worry, i'll video it for her."
Kit gave him a small smile, looking over her shoulder as the whistle blew, "I gotta go."
"Go look, kick ass and take names." he called out to her. Kit gave a slightly embarrassed look his way as she jogged over, Hawk laughed at her and took a seat on the front bleachers.
Kit took her positions on the track, waving her pompoms as the game played behind them. The first kick scored them a point. Kit cheered as she grinned widely, waving her pom poms in the air and beginning the chant with the rest of her team.
"Hey." Tory greeted Hawk as she slipped in next to him, pulling her hood around her better, "How's she doing?"
"Good so far, cheery." Hawk mocked slightly with a grin, "What're you wearing that for? She's not gonna be able to see you."
"I'm not suppose to be on school grounds at all so.." Tory trailed off, grinning as Kit did a back hand spring and waved out to the crowd, "Shes insane."
"I know." Hawk agree with a nod, "I hope she doesn't take that school offer."
"What school offer?" Tory asked with a frown of her eyebrows. Hawks face went red as his eyes widened, looking her way before an annoying voice echoed infront of them.
"Excuse me, you can not be here."
"Woah! Go Mountain lions!" Kit cheered as she waved, her cheer uniform sticking to her as the sweat got worse.
"What? So I can't even come and support my girlfriend?" the familiar voice rung in the air, causing Kit to turn quickly and see Tory face to face with her coach. She dropped her pom poms, hurrying over, "God, this is such bullshit!"
"Tory." Kit spoke as she got to the fence with frowned eyebrows, "Coach, what's going on?"
"She can not be on school grounds, the principle was very clear about that." Coach said sternly as she looked to Kit, Kit looked over at Tory quickly.
"This is bullshit." Hawk confirmed as he joined Torys side.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, you're distributing our first game of the season." the middle aged woman spoke to Tory, looking at Kit with a sigh, "You get it, don't you, Kit?"
Tory and Hawk both looked toward the darker girl. Kit hesitated slightly, "She hasn't done anything, can't she just sit there for the game? At least until half time?"
"No, she can not." her coach said sternly, "And you need to get back out there, i'll escort her out myself."
"No." Kit said quickly as she stared at her coach. Tory looked over with a shocked expression at Kits sudden snap, "This is ridiculous, coach. She just wanted to come and watch."
"Are you talking back, Clairmont?" she asked her in disbelief, "You wanna be doing suicides all next week?"
Kit looked as weak as she use to for a moment before she held her head up better, "Let her stay, or I walk too. And believe me, with the new freshman this year, you need me."
Her coach didn't say anything for over ten seconds, making Kit drop her pom pom with a shrug, "Guess i'm off the team then."
Hawk grinned proudly as Tory stared, not sure how to react. Kit walked off, leaving the three well behind her as she jogged toward the locker room in no time.
Kit took advantage of the shower here before she had to leave, standing undefthe water as the locker room door swung open. Kit looked over her shoulder, Tory paused at the door, "You didn't have to do that back there."
Kit shrugged a moment, turning back to face the water as it ran down her body. The whole locker room was steamed up, Kits apartment shower never got this hot and she missed it, "It wasn't a big deal."
"It's a huge deal." Tory snapped at her quickly. Kit turned around to look at her with a eyebrow raise, "You love cheer."
"I don't love cheer." Kit rolled her eyes, "It looks good on my college applications and i'm good at it, that's all. I'll just join another club."
Tory eyed her slightly as she turned back around, grabbing the bottle of soap, "I heard you got a school offering? Where you just not going to tell me?"
Kit pause her movement, looking over her shoulder again. Tory was the one to raise her eyebrows, leaning on the wall a she watched Kit. The Clairmont girl shrugged ones more, "Its a school up in Santa Barbara. I just found out this morning, we didn't get a chance to talk."
"I've been working a lot." Tory said as Kit kept her back to her, "I'm sorry I haven't been able to be talk to you as much as I use to."
Kit waiting a moment as she turned around once more. Tory thought she looked gorgeous in all the steam, goddess like. Kit stared at her a moment, "You're here now, aren't you?"
Torys frowned slowly uplifted into a smirk, holding her head up as she eyed Kit a moment, "Guess we could talk a little."
"Or not." Kit offered, her voice low as she grinned. Tory narrowed her eyes a moment, matching her girlfriends gaze as she peeled her top off. Kit watched her every move, flicking her eyes toward the door, "You wanna lock that?"
"No." Tory said, pulling her hair out of the ponytail it was in, dropping the final piece of clothing, and walking closer toward Kit, "Scared someone is gonna walk in? Are you shy?"
"No." Kit lied as Tory cupped her face harshly, "Are you?"
"Funny." Tory grinned, kissing her firmly on the lips and sneaking a hand around her to pull her in close. The burning water poured down on the pair, their bodies mending together and pressed so close they could appear to be one. Kit ran her hand through Torys hair, her other hand holding the sides of her face. Tory kept Kit close with her strong arms, making sure she wouldn't squirm away.
Kit leaned back, pushing her neck toward Tory. The Nicholes girl laughed at her way slightly, leaning in and kissing her neck, sucking in certain areas. Torys hand came up to trace Kits tattoo on her chest, the design becoming memorizable from how many times she'd done it.
Kit gave a shaky breath, "I'm not-"
Tory pulled back to listen to her, holding her face with a single nod. Kit stared into her eyes as she swallowed, "I'm not gonna take the school offer."
Tory grinned, "Because of me?"
"Always because of you." Kit spoke back, smashing her lips into Torys again, harsher and needier this time around."
kylie speaks
such a hot chapter,
everyone say thank you
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