✧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ✧
"On the bright side, we can just sleep at each other's house every night." Tory spoke as she attempted to make Kit feel better, helping her set up stuff in her new room. Her house over in Encino was taken away from them when her and her mother couldn't afford to pay it anymore. The only thing they could afford with Kits low paying job at the ice cream shop in the store and Alexis' job at the local diner, was a two bedroom apartment that was barely eight hundred square feet. Tory was the one that spoke about it, not being completely against the idea of Kit stayed with her.
"Will you stay tonight?" Kit asked, her voice low. She tried not to be sad, tried not to look like a spoiled rich bitch that thought so poorly of where her own girlfriend lived. But Kit had lived in her four bedroom, two store, marble floor home for as long as she could remember. It was a big change, no matter how she looked at it.
Tory pulled Kit into her, holding the back of her head as Kit dropped her head into Torys neck. Kits apple music played lightly, barely above two notches up. Alexis had her night shift at the diner, leaving the pair alone at the tiny apartment, "Listen, if the landlord messed with you, i'll kill him."
"Why? Does he mess with you?" Kit asked, pulling her head out of Torys neck to look up at her with sad, curious eyes.
Tory hesitated a moment, "No."
Kit put her head back in Torys neck, nuzzling in and earning a small laugh, "Sorry our date ended up being a complete loser."
While Kit and Tory had planned on seeing a movie and grabbing something off the one dollar menu, it all went down the drain when Kits mom called and said she took the night shift to avoid anyone seeing her and that Kit needed to unload the rest of the boxes. While Tory hasn't minded helping, Kit felt almost embarrassed and ashamed.
"Cmon, we're still on a date." Tory said with a small grin, "I'm finding out plenty about you."
"Like what? That I use to have a obsession with rocks?" Kit laughed in disbelief, nodding to the boxes of rocks she kept in her closet from the collection she had when she was little.
Tory grinned, "That and..."
Kit watched Tory walk over and sit on her bed, flipping through a journal. Kit breathed in, feeling slightly protective over it. Because Kits mom refused to put her into any therapy after the accident over the summer, Kit resulted into scribbling her feelings. Tory flipped through the pages, harsh marks from dark pencils all over the pages, "I can see what you were attempting."
"It's just scribbles." Kit spoke with a minor frown of her eyebrows.
Tory looked up at her with a odd look, "No, look. You were drawing a face."
Kit walked over with confusion in her eyes, sitting next to Tory and looking down at the violent and angry scribbles she'd marked all over the page. Kit remembered doing this one, it was first night she finally slept after the accident. When she woke up with a yell, it was the first thing she did.
"Look, I can see it." Tory said, tracing her hand over darker scribbles. Kit turned her head, looking closely and making out the masked face of the man that held a gun to her head that night. Kit stared a moment before a shaky inhale came to her, standing up and walking away. Tory shut the notebook in worry, "Kit?"
"Can you just.." Kit trialed off, not knowing what she was wanting or trying to say. Her hand came up to wave Tory off, turning around on her heels to hide her face. Kit looked up as she tried to contain herself, feeling the horrible weight on her chest as she held her tears in, "I'm sorry."
Tory held a pained face when she heard Kits voice break. She rose to her feet, hiding the notebook in her own bag as she crept forward. Kit breathed out as Tory wrapped her arms around her, hugging her from behind. Kit fell back into her on instinct, letting Tory hold and rock her in the slightest, "You never told me everything that happened that night."
Kit didn't say anything, she didn't know if she wanted to. Tory was her person, her only person for a while. Tory was her rock, her anchor, her light at the end of the tunnel. Of course Kit trusted her, she was the only person she'd ever trust enough to tell, "I want to tell you."
"You don't trust me." Tory stated, Kit spun around in her arms with a crazy look.
"I trust you most." the darker skinned girl corrected her, scanning her face, "You're the only person I want to tell, the person I can feel safe with."
Tory stared at her, "You feel safe with me?"
Kit cupped her face quickly, "You're the only person I feel completely safe with, completely content. You get me in ways I wish I understood but probably never will. You see me, under the way I act, you see me. No ones ever done that before, I've never felt more safe with anyone then the way I do you."
Tory blinked, Kit took notice of her watery eyes as she panicked, "I'm sorry, I didn't-"
Tory grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips. Kit relaxed into her as she leaned farther into Torys touch, holding her wrist as Tory held her face before pulling back. Kit whipped one single tear that fell from her eye, "Why are you crying?"
Tory hesitated, "No ones ever said that sort of thing to me."
Kit gave a small, half smile as she pressed her forehead into Torys, "You want me to say more?"
Tory nodded as she leaned her head onto Kits again, the blue and pink lights from the small radio illumination their faces. Kit grinned a moment, "You bring me back, when I feel like i'm slipping back to who I use to be. I hated that version of myself, but I can feel it somewhere still in me, like it's still who I'm supposed to be. You make me better, I want to be better because of you, Tory. You're my favorite person ever."
Tory leaned into Kit better as she grinned, pulling back a moment as she stared at her, "I hate everyone in the world but you."
Kit smiled as she pulled her cheer hoodie off, pulling Tory over toward her recently downsized bed. Kit climbed in first, getting closer to the wall as Tory got behind her. Kit scooted back as the Nicholes girl wrapped her arms around Kits middle, pressing up behind her. Kit held her hand that was wrapping around her, squeezing it a moment as Tory cuddle up into her back better, "You're my favorite person too."
kylie speaks
a very sweet filler
chapter of my favorite
girlfriends. they make
me wanna cry, hard
like just thinking about
if y'all. tory was all kit
had for a while, she was
the only person that saw
her. kit saw tory too, she saw
who she was and always
took her side because she
understood and cared for her
that much. they're all each
other truly has deep down
and they know that.
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