"Ah, crap, the tide." Pope huffed as they pulled up to the once small water hole, seeing as though now it has risen and looked like it had been apart of the creek, "Oh, this doesn't look good."
"How deep is that?" Kie questioned, looking past JJ.
"I dunno. The roads gone." John B nodded his head, looking at the water.
"Yeah." JJ spoke from the front, "Tide rose faster then I thought it would. How high are the spark plugs?"
"They're good. We're fine." John B spoke hesitantly.
"No, how high are they?" JJ and Pope said on sync.
"I hope you know we're gonna slide and go off into the water, having it immediately seep through the Twinkie doors, infect us, then drown us." Joey nodded her head as she looked out the window. "Just a minor thought to have."
"Thank you." John B hummed.
"So, how high are they?" She slapped the back of his head.
"Oh, just above the tail light." the curly haired boy gave a tight lipped smile.
"Okay, so that's, what, three feet?" Pope questioned.
"That's three feet. Yeah." JJ hummed with a odd look.
"That water can't be three feet deep." Kie shook her head.
"Then whats the problem?" John B rose his eyebrows.
"Not a problem. No, we're good. She'll make it." JJ nodded as he leaned back with a clear of his throat.
"Ladies and gentleman, fasten your seat belts. Hold on to something." John B announced. Joey took a deep breath, latching onto the door to prepare for a jump, the tires spinning but the Twinkie stuck in place. It suddenly flew forward, making it out of the mud and through the deep waters.
"Speed is your friend! Speed is your friend, John B!"
"We got it! We got it!" Sarah hollered as they made it to the end, the tires suddenly turning and bringing them into the creek.
"No, no, no, no." John B panicked.
"I think we miscalculated." Pope spoke up as Sarah gave a sarcastic look.
"Yo, we gotta get out of here!" Joey yelled. "The waters gonna get in!"
"I knew I should have driven." JJ shook his head.
As they climbed out, Pope took a look around, "Okay, maybe we can walk from here."
JJ and Sarah got Joeys arms and legs to carry her onto the hood of the Twinkie to avoid touching the water.
"What? And leave the Twinkie? The tides coming in." John B said, adjusting his jacket.
"So then what are we suppose to do?" Sarah questioned.
"Not stay here." JJ spoke up.
"Absolutely not stay here." Joey agreed with a shake of her head. "Absolutely not."
"I can take my dads truck." Kie sighed in disbelief, cutting the two off.
"Kie, are you sure?" John B asked with questionable eyes.
"How much worse can it get, you know?" she shrugged.
"We need something to pull her out with. There's the winch at the Chateau." JJ went along with her words, a nod of his head, "That's like two miles."
"Yeah, good idea." Sarah nodded.
"If you're gonna do it, let's go, okay?" John B nodded quickly.
"All right." Kie nodded as she headed around.
"Tides coming in. Twinkies going underwater." John B panicked.
"Good luck, Kie." Joey frowned as she gave her a little fist pump when she walked past.
"So..." Joey started as she climbed higher on the Twinkie with Sarah. "You know, at the Bonfire, nothing was happening with John B and I."
"We're broken up." Sarah looked at her.
"Doesn't matter." Joey shook her head. "I'm not the type of girl to go off and get with a guy the day of a break up. I just want you to know, I wouldn't do that to you."
Sarah nodded with a smile. "I know that, nothing I said was directed toward you."
"And vis versa." Joey agreed, crossing her legs. "Are you guys still...."
"Oh yeah, not going well at all." she shook her head. "Topper told me everything."
Joey looked over. "What?"
"He told me how you guys have been really close, how you've been staying at his place." Sarah nodded as she met her eye. "I want you to know that there isn't anything going on with us either."
"Yeah, not on your end." Joey agreed.
"Well, on your end there's nothing with you and John B either." Sarah pointed out. "But on his and Toppers end..."
"Like, make up your freaking minds." Joey said in disbelief as Sarah laugh. "You know?"
"Oh, yeah." she agreed mid laugh.
"Okay. Okay." Pope panted as he walked around the Twinkie. "So, here's something I think we can do. We can maybe find something to leverage the Twinkie, and you can drive it out."
"Let's do Driftwood." John B hummed.
"Driftwood will work." Pope agreed.
"Yeah, you guys have fun." Joey nodded her head. "I totally support this plan."
"Hey, Pope?" John B called. "Hey, nothing smaller than three feet, all right? Big pieces."
"Got you. Yeah." Pope nodded, looking around.
"What are the chances this plan goes absolutely terrible?" Joey asked Sarah.
"Like, 101%." she nodded her head.
"Hey, Pope, come help me out!" John B called as he headed for a log.
The girls watched as John B flew under the water, the two sitting up. Sarah gapped. "John B?"
"John B!" Joey yelled as she panicked.
"Help!" he came back up.
"Pope! John B!" Sarah called, hoping off the Twinkie.
Joey hesitated, panicking as she looked at the water. "Sarah, here!"
She threw her a knife as Sarah started to stab at the alligator that
had him.
"John B!" Pope yelled out as he tried to hurry their way.
Joey panicked, looking around before she took her chances and jumped off the Twinkie. Hitting the water, her entire body was set on fire and her heart was racing. She ran through the water. "John B!"
"I can't get it!" Sarah panicked.
"Let me see." Joey took it, inhaling shakily at the water. She yelled out with each stab, coming down on the gator each time violently, like she had anger to take out, the the gator had destroyed her life. It swam off, bleeding. John B shot up. "I gotta get outta here! I gotta get out!"
The trio helped her get onto the Twinkie again in no time, Joey standing up as she tried to whip water off her. John B dipped into the Twinkie. "Here, here Jo!"
He threw three water bottles up at her, Joey yanking her cardigan off and throwing it down as she lost her pants too, not bothering to care that she was half naked. She poured the water bottles on her, ridding the disgusting swamp water off her body with a yell. "I hate this!"
"Yeah, tell 'em Jo!" John B encouraged her.
"I'm pretty sure that's infected." Pope stared at the gash on John B's leg. He'd given Joey his jacket and Sarah gave Joey the leggings she wore under her jeans because of the cold day.
"You're lucky it didn't cut into muscles too much." Sarah said honestly.
"Lucky I got bit by an alligator?" John B asked in disbelief.
"Where are those two." Joey huffed.
"Do you have something to wrap it with? Stop the bleeding?" Sarah asked John B as she looked for the exact source of blood. He hesitantly passed the bandana in his pocket to her.
The car heard as Pope looked up, "Oh, and speak of the freakin devil. Look who it is, the tortoise and the tortoise. Just a couple hours late. Where the hell were you guys?"
"Paternal complications." Kie sighed as her and JJ got out of the truck.
"Luke was at the Chateau." JJ said, avoiding looking at anyone. Joeys face fell.
"Oh, great! While you were having family time with your pops, John B got bit by a gator and Joey stabbed it, gave herself a panic attack, almost got naked infront of us, and is now wearing our clothes!" Pope announced, stressed as hell.
"What the hell happened?" Kie spoke up as she looked at John B's wound with crazed eyes.
"I got bit by a gator!" John B and Pope yelled her way.
"I dunno why i'm being yelled at. I put my ass on the line." Kie shouted back at him.
"You said twenty minutes!" Pope shouted.
"We got here as fast as we could!" Kie argued back.
"Oh- yeah, great, great-"
"Shut up!" JJ suddenly hollered over all of their yelling, making them look his way, "Seriously, guys, I can't take it anymore, all right? Everyone just cut it out for a second."
Joey frowned her eyebrows as she watched him.
"Look, I just helped my dad leave this island for good. Like, he's not ever coming back. He straight up like the Spanish, just, Bon voyage." JJ waved his hands around, the pogues sharing a slightly odd look.
"That's not the right language." Sarah whispered.
"All we got... and I know for a fact all I got is you guys, okay? You're it." JJ announced as he looked around at each of them, "And I've come too close to losing you, all of you!"
He pointed at Kie suddenly, "I mean, shit, like you almost drowned."
He glanced Popes way, "Pope, you were kidnapped."
His eyes set on Sarah, "Sarah, you've been shot."
John B next, "John B, you were almost dinner for a freaking gator."
He looked at Joey next. "Jo, you literally have put yourself in the hospital from panic attacks trying to help us, when we don't even deserve it half the time."
"True." she hummed.
"So, this blaming each other is some Kook-ass bullshit, all right? We don't do that. Okay? We're pogues." JJ announced before throwing his hands up, "Sorry, that was a lot right now."
They all shared a look, clapping their hands together for him as JJ scoffed in disbelief, flipping them all off with a shake of his head.
"That was the best freaking speech you have ever given." John B announced his way, "Also, you should think about, like, a Rosetta Stone because your spanish and french are flip-flopped."
"We should bon voyage out of here." Sarah nodded.
"Gimme a hand." Joey held our her hand as JJ helped her off. "You like the new get up?"
"You look a little homeless, but I like it." he nodded his head.
"I gotta find a shower soon." she said honestly, getting in the truck after John B.
kylie speaks
i keep thinking about how
kie jj and pope were all
anti joey in season one and
now love her to death
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