Joey had driven her moped to Toppers later that night, things settling down around the island after Wards death. She parked it by the fountain, where she always had. She'd picked up a thing of Iris's, his mom's favorite, but she secretly thought he'd been the one to like them. Joey walked up to the door, going to knock before seeing him the the window. Leaning in closer, he's been in the kitchen.
Joeys face fell slightly as she watched him get her some food on a plate, a blanket wrapped around her. She bit the inside of her mouth, leaving the bouquet of flowers at his door as she left.
John B opened the chateau door when he heard the knock. "Joey?"
"Can I crash on your couch?" she gave a curious look. "I don't wanna be home alone tonight."
"Yeah, okay." he opened the door. "JJ's in the other room, you can take mine if you want it."
"The couch is fine." she shook her head, dropping her bag onto the cushions. "How are you doing? You know, with what happened earlier?"
"I'm fine." John B exhaled. "But, Sarah and I broke up."
"What?" Joey looked in disbelief. "Because of her dad?"
"She thought I looked glad that Ward died." he said down on the couch with a loud exhale. "I don't know. Like, what did she expect me to do? Cry?"
"I get what you mean." Joey nodded, sitting down too. "But, keep in mind that it's her dad. He just died, she probably need a minute to just clear her head."
"Guess so." John B shrugged. "It's just...all ridiculous."
"Tell me about it. And fucking confusing." she agreed, leaning back on the couch with an exhale.
"Extremely." he agreed. "Wanna smoke?"
"Are you kidding? I'm not trying to get lung cancer." she gave him a stupid look.
"You could ear it." he suggested, getting a disgusting look. "In a brownie."
"That sounds disgusting." she said in return.
"It's not." he stood up, heading for the counter. "After the past two days, we need this."
Joey figured it was that or start to over thing everything about Sarah and Topper. The smart part of her brain said he was being a good friend, letting her stay with him, feeding her. But, the insecure and hot headed part of herself said the opposite, made her over think it all. And what right did she had to? She didn't, and she also knew that too.
"Thanks." she took the small brownie. "I met someone."
John B looked over. "A special someone?"
"I don't know. Kinda felt like that sometimes." she admitted with a shrug. "But, there's another girl I think he'll always want to choose over me, even if we were like that."
"Well, he sounds like an asshole." John B said in return, biting into the brownie as Joey did the same. "Don't settle for anything, Jo. You'll just regret it down the road and end up miserable."
"It's hard to meet people that understand me. Like, on a really deep level that I didn't even know someone could see." Joey leaned her head back on the cushions. "And you know, I don't even have the right to be acting like this, either. We weren't together, it's not like that, literally at all. And all he's doing is hanging out with her."
John B looked over at her. Joey stared with an exhale. "It's not even about who he talks to. It's just her. And there's nothing even wrong with her, non of it's her fault. But she's just....it's not the first time i've been a second choice to someone because of her."
"You don't deserve to be someone second choice." John B looked at her, Joey exhaled as she faced him. "You're funny, and so fucking rude, but you learn to like it about you."
Joey laughed slightly. "With wild hair."
"That clogs up the drain." he agreed with a half grin her way. "But, you're not a terrible person. I would know, you know?"
"Yeah, anyone would run for the hills if they knew all the shit I did." she nodded in an inhale. "I was destined to ruin peoples lives from the day I was born."
"Why do you say that?" John B looked oddly. Joey ignored him. "I mean, yeah, you're kinda crazy. Maybe boarder line psychotic. But when we met, even when you tried to ruin my life, I wouldn't have regretted meeting you."
Joey looked over, blinking as she stared at him. "You don't think i'm a total fuck up?"
"Nah, not total." he joked, getting a sad smile. "If anyone thinks you ruin their life, they're fucking weird."
Joey looked forward again, passing him the rest of the brownie. John B took it. "And you shouldn't be anyones second choice, either. Coming from someone who's an expert in dating Josephine Findlay."
Joey grinned. "I think the weeds hitting me. I'm starting to think you're not half bad."
"Oh, really?" he placed a hand on his heart. "That's so sweet."
Joey laughed, crossing her legs. "Sorry for freaking out about that whole wedding thing."
"Nah, I should have told you." he shook his head. "We said we wanted to still be friends, help each other move past our past for the sake of our friendship, but that's not gonna work unless I treat you equally."
"Friendship, huh?" she inhaled. "That's new."
"Yeah, we gotta start surfing and borrowing clothes." he confirmed with a nod.
"Braiding each other's hair." Joey added in with a nod. "Should we get friendship bracelets?"
"I vote yes." John B agreed.
"John B, I think I might know something important." Joey sat up better with a look his way. "I didn't think it was true until the cross was confirmed to actually be a real thing though. I thought it was just a myth until Pope talked about his ancestors and how it might genuinely not be just a tail old people are following."
John B rubbed his eyes. "What is it, Jo?"
"You know how we gave the wrong key?" she nodded her head. "I don't think they're gonna stop until they get the real one. I found out when we were in Charleston that multiple people have been on the search for the cross. I figured, okay whatever they'll get over it because it belongs to Pope. But, John B, I think it's a lot deeper then that."
"You knew about the cross?" he frowned his eyebrows.
"No, I just knew the myth. Someone told me that it was just a tail, I figured it was but Limbrey was taking it too seriously." Joey shook her head. "What i'm saying is if we do find the cross, if it's actually real and the key isn't just another myth that has been passed down into Popes family, I think we're gonna be in a lot of danger."
John B exhaled, narrowing his eyes. "Josephine Findlay?"
She looked his way as he gave a half smile. "When have we not been in a lot of danger?"
kylie speaks
ew sorry this is lowkey
too short but the bonfire
is next chapter and it's a
very good one
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