"So, we going to the Bahamas or what?" JJ spoke up as Joey exhaled, looking toward Kie for answers.
"I can be ready in five minutes." she said honestly.
"There's no way we're getting to the Bahamas." Pope cut the idea short.
"John B's gonna get nabbed sooner or later. So if we're gonna clear his name, we needed it done by yesterday." Kie spoke honestly as she crossed her legs.
"Yeah, but he didn't give us much time." Joey cocked an eyebrow. "Typical of him."
JJ cut in, "I'll tell you what we're gonna do."
"So you have it all planned out?" Pope asked with a cross of his arms.
"As a matter of fact, I do." JJ said as he popped his hip out with a point of his finger, "We kidnap Rafe."
"Yes." Joey agreed. "You know he tried to steal me right on the street? The night the cops were going for John B."
"I'm sorry, what?" Pope was next.
"Yeah, just straight up lifted me off the ground and tried to steal me." Joey confirmed, thinking Pope had been speaking to her.
"We kidnap Rafe, tie him up, and stick a gun in his mouth and just wait till he starts squawking." JJ explained, making a gun with his hand.
"You know, torture is a war crime." Kie pointed out as JJ looked her way.
"Payback for trying to steal Joey." JJ pointed out with a shrug. "Just a little more."
"I could always shoot him like he did the sheriff." Joey pointed out.
"Then we'd never get a confession." Kie rose an eyebrow her way. "And aren't we trying to prove that we aren't murders?"
"Uh, hello, with all my cleaning supplies, I can have that place spotless before they had a clue we set foot near him." Joey shook her head with a knowing look. "You know i'm right."
"Yeah, so how exactly do you plan on clearing John B's name from a prison cell? Because that's a felony." Pope hummed as he put a hand over his mouth with a shrug, looking toward the two. "Both of your options!"
"Well, what do you got Pope?" JJ asked as he looked over.
Pope huffed, "Guys, all we need is a material witness. We saw Wards plane fly right over our heads with the gold inside of it. He didn't fly it. If someone else flew, they were there on the tarmac. They saw Peterkin get murdered. We just have to find whoever that was and get them to confess on record."
"How do we do that?" Kie asked.
"A little light espionage." Pope smirked her way.
"A little ghost recon." JJ added in.
"I can get the records for that day and figure out who was flying that plane."
Joey rose her eyebrows knowingly. "Just have to figure out Wards email password."
"And you obviously will for obvious reasons." Kie hummed in agreement.
"You knew me so well." Joey placed a hand on her heart.
"Woogity Woogity?" Pope suggested.
"Give me some Woogity, baby!" JJ called out, holding his hand over.
"Come on, come on." Joey tapped her foot impatiently, sitting in the computer room at the hotel JJ use to work at, not having her own. She was texting back and forth with Kie, digging for any possible thing she could find to get into Wards private emails. She typed a few in, getting it wrong, digging deeper in anything she could find on Ward Cameron.
"Joey?" a voice made her look up, staring at the figure in the doorway. Her heart jumped, feeling the blood rush through her body. That was a funny thing about this feeling. In some situations, this feeling was good. In others, it was the worst. It was hard to know which one this one was. "What are you doing in here?"
"Online shopping." she lied, exing out of everything and clearing the history, standing up. "But, it's not free shipping."
Topper exhaled. "I've been trying to call you."
"I turned my phone off for a while. Just got it back on a few hours ago." she had to confirm, avoiding his eye at all cost. "Uh, h-"
"How are you?" they asked on sync, getting a minor smile from the other.
"Sorry, you go first." he shook his head, urging her on.
"I'm okay." she nodded her head, she immediately felt guilt take over her body. Topper still thought Sarah was dead. Sarah was his John B. "How are you?"
Topper shook his head. "Fine."
He wasn't.
Joey exhaled. "I know-"
"I'm sorry for what I said." he cut her off, his voice low and quiet. "When we were in jail. That wasn't cool."
"It was kinda racist actually." she had to corrected him.
"No, I- no. That wasn't what I was trying to say." Topper cut her off with a shake of his head. "There's something you don't know, Joey."
She gave an odd look. "What do you mean?"
Topper met her eye. "We shouldn't talk here. Can you come to my house with me?"
Joey frowned, scanning him over. "I can't, Top. It's just not a good time."
"Oh okay." he cleared his throat. "I just- I don't wanna lie to you."
Joey was lost, confused, just wanting some sort of explanation. "Can I come by tonight?"
"I don't want you to hate me for it." Topper cleared his throat, looking away. "More then you already do."
"I don't hate you." she stopped that thought with a frown of her thick eyebrows. Topper met her eye. "I could never hate you, Topper. You reminded me too much of myself."
"Yeah." he cracked a minor grin, shaking his head. "I'll talk to you tonight?"
Joey frowned, guilt swarming her. "Top."
He met her eye. "Yeah?"
She waved him over, looking around slightly. Topper frowned his eyebrows, walking closer to her so they stood close. Joey met his eye, exhaling with a shake of her head. "I want to tell you something, but it's really important that I don't right now."
Topper frowned his eyebrows. "What are you talking about, Joey?"
"Don't plan a funeral." she said back, the saying confusing and made no sense. "That's a saying, you know?"
"I've never heard that." Topper said back with an odd look. "How is that a saying? It sounds literal."
Joey stared into his eyes. "Because it is."
He still wasn't sure, but he was suspending she knew something. He didn't get the chance to say anything before Joey had cupped his face. "I'm really wanting to trust you right now, Topper."
His mind was racing.
"I'm trusting you with my entire life." Joey blinked, holding his face as she gave a little nod, Toppers eyes going wide.
"I still don't know what you're talking about." he confirmed for her.
"I know." Joey swallowed harshly. "But, you will. And when you do...I just hope you can protect it, for my sake."
Her hands were off his face, Topper stared at her a second longer. "Okay."
"Can I ask you something?" Joey rose an eyebrow, pulling out her phone and hitting on the email account. Wards email was typed in, but no password. "You wouldn't happen to know it, would you?"
"Why do you need Ward Cameron's email?" Topper gave an odd look, getting nothing back. "I can't know this either?"
"Could you just trust me on this one?" she begged slightly, a hopeful look in her eye.
Topper hesitated, typing in one and handing it back to her. Joeys eyes widened, staring at the open account. "I'm trusting you too, okay? Don't get me in trouble."
"I wouldn't. You've got my word." Joey grinned, smiling at him with a minor cheer. "You're a lifesaver. And i'm gonna prove it to you!"
Topper turned as he watched her hurry toward the door. "Joey! Where are you going?"
"I'll see you tonight!" she called, sprinting down the hallway, leaving him with his own thoughts.
kylie speaks
haven't forgotten how
his phone password is
her name.
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