A/N: Hi lovelies! I know many of you are concerned that you do not want Y/N to be a replacement of Nicole. Please know, Y/N never was, and will never be a replacement to anyone in my books. Happy reading :)
Tears simmer from my eyes as I clutch the side of my seat in between my fingers, digging my nails deeper into the leather material. I'm looking outside as me and Jimin ride in silence. I glance up at the night sky with swollen, teary eyes, few stars highlighting the moon, merging from the depths of clouds. Even the night is more brighter than my life.
Engine revs as Jimin smoothly drives his Kia Carnival on the highway. The emotions I am feeling at the moment are beyond explainable.
Is it guilt?
Is it pain?
Is it remorse?
I don't know but, I, for sure know one thing, that everything that happened today have shook me to the core. I feel, I am a sin myself that no one wants in their life. I thought, I deserved to die, I thought I had no right to live but those little but loving memories with dad and Taehyung forced me to push the shard away.
I closed my eyes then, thinking about all the time dad went out of the way just to make me happy, just to make me smile. The way he was always ready to give up on anything to keep me beaming. The way he had kept the truth hidden from me, which maybe he remembered every time he saw me that I killed his another daughter.
Crying, I swipe the next picture on my phone that is placed in my lap. If dad can't be here, his memories are, in my heart and they will keep me going, at least they could motivate me to stay alive until he wakes up. I slip my fingers on the picture as few tears land on the screen. This picture was taken by Hoseok.
I remembered I whined all day long to go to amusement park to have a family timeout. In the picture, I am standing beside dad, eating ice-cream as he wipes the side of my mouth with a tissue. Beside dad, Taehyung stands with a book in his hand, without even caring what's happening around him as his full focus remained on the printer words.
I remember the deadly looks he gave me when I asked him to put the book away. He even bought his iPad which I managed to hide in the car and he wasn't able to find. He didn't take me seriously until dad asked him to hand his book over to him and go on rides with me.
"Dad, I'm not a kid!" I still recall his words clearly.
"Yes, you are... my kid. Now, go with your sister."
I remember him sighing loudly at dad's words but he knew, dad don't take no for an answer. I took him to most dangerous rides with me, but that stupid ass just sat with a poker face while I shouted my lungs out. My hair were all messy and my eyes were super teary when I got off the roller coaster and Taehyung walked out as if he didn't just experience the near death experience.
I smile at the memory as I swipe the next photo on the screen. My insides burst with joy when I looked at the next image.
In this picture, dad's giving me a piggyback ride as I laugh into the camera. Dad's dimples are on full display just like me as sweat shines on his forehead. I remember, Taehyung clicked this picture when we went for hiking in summers last year. I remember making plans all winters for this camping trip and then ended up being on dad's back most of our hike.
I remember Taehyung complaining that they should have left me back home because apparently, according to him, Y/N and hiking are not made for each other. I remember cussing him out loud but stopped when dad scolded me for using bad words. I just said him 'jerk' but dad maybe heard 'motherfucker' because he kept on asking who taught me such words throughout our trip.
He even said, I'm learning such things from Jimin which Taehyung went in defensive mode right after, exclaiming that Jimin is a good guy as he has personally met him many times. I wanted to ask if there's something going on between them but I shush my mouth in front of dad, making a mental note for myself, to ask Taehyung about this matter later when dad won't be around.
My smile fades, when the reality seeps back into the corner of my mind and I press the lock button at the right side of my phone. I know, life is unpredictable but never in my life, I imagined it to be taking a path this ugly. I touch the side of my forehead, wincing. Jimin put a small bandage on the small bruise I got after Jungkook's dad pushed me on stairs and my head collided against the corner of the stairs.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Jimin asks when he saw me touching my wound. I nod at his words.
If not for Jimin, I couldn't even have survived. From the moment I heard him rang the doorbell to the moment I hugged him after running upstairs, I have no clue what happened. I was so scared and anxious that I don't even know when I sat inside his car and we drove away from Jungkook's home.
Only when my instincts told me that I was safe, I fetched my consciousness back to reality. It's like I just detached myself from the present time for some moments. In psychology, it's called Depersonalization disorder. As me and Jimin are both psychology majors, he knew, I needed some time to get myself back.
I never experienced this before, maybe because I didn't know that I was a murderer back then and today, the revelations shook my insides, not only mentally but physically.
"I'm taking you somewhere special."
Jimin announces beside me, trying to grab my attention.
"Somewhere special...?" I asked being confused.
"Yes, and you'll like it!"
He said enthusiastically as he parks the car in dimly illuminated parking lot. I looked around and saw people walking around drunk, some making out, while others shouting and dancing.
"Shh, you need this, Y/N. No one's going to know."
"But Jimin..."
"No buts!"
He interrupts me as he slides out from his seat, and walks down to my side.
This is Jimin's dad's club which most of the people have no idea about. His dad is some member of the parliament and he owns many clubs, pubs, hotels and bars throughout South Korea. I remember Jimin telling me this as a secret because if media gets to know about this then it could possibly affect his dad's image.
His dad keep this business a secret, no doubt why my dad doesn't own anything like this. Dad has always said, 'respect and image goes side by side, once you loose the one, the other vanishes eventually.'
Maybe Jimin's dad doesn't really care about it. Maybe because he knows that even if he remains a parliament member or not, his other businesses could feed his future generations just fine.Wealth and money have never been a concern to me, or to of course, all students studying in RSU (Royal Seoul College).
Jimin opens the door to my side in next few seconds, asking me to come out and have some fun. Maybe I do need some alcohol in my system to cope up with this stress. As Jimin sad, no one's going to know and with me wearing this skirt and t-shirt, I'm pretty sure I can't even get an entry inside if it wasn't Jimin's dad's club.
I slide out of the car and Jimin jumps up from excitement. "That's my girl!," he said fist bumping the back of my hand with his.
"Don't tell me you told Taehyung about this?"
As if he wouldn't know if I won't tell. He mutters under his breath.
"What? I heard that," I ask narrowing my eyes.
"Nothing bitch. Stop using your cat ears. Focus ahead."
He directs, pulling me with him as we walk into the club. Jimin just had to nod at guards at the front as they let us in while people standing in the line outside gave us a side eye.
This club in particular is crowded with enough humans to populate a continent. Blue and violet lights cover the dome structure of the ceiling like laser beams as a trendy DJ plays one hit song after another.
Bodies wiggle, shake, and slither like snakes all over each other. The stench of strong perfumes, sweat, and musk mix together.
Jimin drags me directly to the bar, ordering two drinks for us as we both take seats at the counter. The bartender nods as he begins making drinks by showing off his extraordinary skills, throwing one glass in air followed by another.
"Now tell me, he fucked you, right?"
I froze at Jimin's words, eyeing the bartender to see if he heard or not but he's busy making drinks and I'm pretty sure he cannot hear us in this loud music.
"Why the hell are you so curious?" I ask Jimin as the bartender slide our drinks in front of us.
"Because I want your stupid ass to have some fun. Do you remember, I told you about my own research that sex reduces..."
"99.9% stress. I know that. Now shut it." I complete the sentence for him and gulp down the liquid as it burns down my throat, the liquor hitting right inside me.
"One more," I tell the bartender as Jimin nods at him in acknowledgment.
We drink few drinks in silence. "Y/N, I will be right back," Jimin said as the fun look on his face vanishes. He's looking at his phone and it take everything in me to not snatch that device out of his hands and see who dared to make my chim chim scared. "Please give her whatever she asks," he tells the bartender before walking towards the further end of the club. Probably going to the bathroom.
"One more!" I ask the bartender again and he gets to work right after. My phone vibrates in front of me, and my fingers tremble on the screen as I look at the name that pops up.
My cheeks heat, travelling the blush all over my neck and chest. Is it because of him, or is it because the alcohol is working faster and I'm actually getting tipsy.
"One more," I keep the empty glass on the counter before asking for another drink which the bartender gives me right after. I click on the notification which takes me to my husband's chat, sorry sorry, fake husband's chat but fake husband's don't fuck their wives. At least that's what I know.
'Where are you, Y/N?'
I read his text and giggle before typing, 'Heyyyyyy Mr. Fake husbandddd...'
'Are you drunk?' His reply comes in an instant. He didn't care what I was doing throughout the day and now, when it's almost nighttime, he remembered me? Maybe he was busy with his girlfriend 'Ava,' in the day that he forgot about me.
'Nopeeeee. Are you with your girlfriend Avaaa...?'
'What the fuck, Y/N. Where are you?'
'Where am I?'
'Yes, Y/N. Where are YOU?'
'I'm at the clubbbbb...'
'Which club?'
'Ask someone. Now.'
'Okay. I'll ask the cute bartender.'
'Cute bartender?????'
'Yes, he's been really sweet to me. Unlike you.'
'The name of the club?'
'Why do you even care? Aren't we enemies?'
'Then we are over,' I type as a throb shoots down my heart. He thinks we are enemies. I mean why wouldn't he think like that? I killed Nicole who was his hope. I deserve to be everyone's enemy.
'That's where you're wrong, my creature. Being enemies doesn't change the fact that you're fucking mine. My wife.'
'But you hate me. Don't you?'
He types something, then stops and then type again, 'The name of the club?'
'I don't know. I'm here with Jimin.'
'Is it right outside the city?'
'How do you know?'
'Stay right where you're. If you move an inch, it won't end good for your virgin ass. Understood?'
My eyebrows frown at his words. It won't end good for my virgin ass? Is he planning on taking my other hole as raw as he took my womanhood? My body still hurts from his violent hits last night. My arse still hurts whenever I sit. I spotted more blood in middle of my inner thighs when I washed myself away today morning.
He's big, he's so huge and god forbids, I somehow know, the night he'll take my arse will be the most painful night of my life. I scoots away from my seat. I need to find Jimin and leave from this place before Jungkook gets here. It's not safe, neither for me, nor for Jimin. And where the fuck is Jimin now?
My feet feel sloppy on the floor as I wiggle myself through the crowd, going straight to the furthest end of the club. My eyes feel suddenly numb as I look at two doors in front of me. One says exit and the other says men's bathroom.
I open the door with poor moves, but there's no one there except for two or three men who looked at me awkwardly. I mouthed sorry before shutting the door to the restroom. I glanced over to the other door, maybe jimin went outside.
I push on the exit door which takes me to the back side of the club. It's dark here as a chill ran past me, jerking my body with cold. I step down the stairs, rubbing my palms against my shoulders, "Jimin?"
I shout searching for him all around. Before I could turn around completely, I spot a gang of men, hovering over a man who's all alone. Their faces are covered, as one of the gang members punch the man on his jaw who's all alone.
Oh no.
I should run back inside but instead I step towards them. Maybe its the alcohol speaking but dad always told me, people can always stand with a crowd but the real power lies when you take stand for someone alone, someone in need. I cannot turn blind eye onto something like this.
Just when he was about to punch him again, I slide my body in front of him. His knuckles stopped right in front of jaw and my eyes almost popped out from my sockets.
"Move, girl!"
"Waaitt!" I scream at him, "do you know this is illegal?"
All of them laugh at my words, looking at each other's faces.
His hand reaches out to grab my hair, but is stuck in middle somewhere that I have no idea where until I look to my side. The man at my back has stepped up as he twists the hand in his hold, earning whimpers of pain from the man who was just laughing with his teammates.
His other hand reach over to my waist as he turn me around, tucking me to his front. He's not that tall but his chest is full of muscles. I felt a jerk when he push the man away. Before his teammates could react, he slides something from his back and shoots. My body shivers and goosebumps erupts all over my body when I make out what the sound is. It's gunshots.
He shot, not once, not twice, not thrice, but four fucking times.
"Nothing is legal in our world."
The man spoke in his dark, deep voice. Maybe I should have saved the other four men from this man instead. He tucks his gun back in his pants as I slowly lift my head up from his black leather jacket.
My eyes turned teary and my lower lip trembled as I saw the bodies of the men laying limp on the ground. He really killed them.
Fuck no!
And what the hell am I doing here?
I pull my body away from his hold, but his hand catches my wrist before I could completely break free from his hold. He's not alone anymore. More than twenty men stand behind him.
"She's going to be my wife. Bow."
He tells them as they bow their heads down at me. Who the hell is he? And what the hell does he think I am?
"Leave me. You don't know who my father is."
"I don't want to know. You tried to save my life, and I'll give you the gift of marrying me."
"I'm already married."
"Then I'll kill your husband in front of your eyes and then marry you."
He said as two of his men came forward. My phone rang in my pocket and he stops them before taking it out and looking at the name flashing on the screen.
I thought, he will throw my phone away but he smirks up at me. "Is he your husband?"
I nod and his smirk widens. He picks up the call and I shout my lungs out, "Jungkook, help! I'm at the back of..." before I could finish my sentence something stings in my neck. I look to my side as the guard pushes a needle into my skin. Did he drug me?
"I'm taking your wife with me. If you want her back, come meet me at the same place you killed my dad."
"There you go. You cannot forget a good man like me, now can you?"
"She has nothing to do with us. Let her the fuck go and we will sort it out."
"I asked you the same thing five years ago, and remember what you did?" Jungkook pause at his words as the man spoke again, "I'll do the fucking same. You'll beg me for her life."
Those were the last words I heard before he hangs up the call, those were the only words I focused on before the drugs rushed in my veins all over, forcing me to close my eyes and drift into a world that's darker than Jungkook's world.
That's more wilder than Jungkook's wrath.
Why does the women in men's life are put on stake for their irrelevant revenges? Maybe that's the fate that god had written for me. To Die.
A/N: Hi lovelies! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Till next update, take care ❤️
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