viii. she's f*cked in the head
Morning had soon settled upon the small island. Slowly everyone began to wake. Fishermen, setting off past the waves. Tourist with sunscreen-stained noses readying for a day at the beach. Shops began to unlock their doors. The island began to wake up. And then there were those who hadn't gone to sleep at all.
The morning settled too soon for the liking of Nova Scott. Her skin burned under the rays of the sun. Muscles ached. Eyelids feel heavy. She'd been in John B's backyard all night, and now, well into the morning. The house John B. hadn't even bothered to show at. He was no where to found. Dodging calls and texts while his friends worked overtime.
Nova shook her head, hands firmly placed on her hips, "Yeah, no," she said, looking at Pope. "There is no way I'm getting in that thing."
Pope rolled his eyes, groaning in annoyance. He'd been trying to convince her to climb into the large bin he'd showed her and Kiara last night so that he could test his pulley system invention. But Nova shook her head, not agreeing to step into that deathtrap of a plan.
"And why not?" Pope asked her.
"Why don't you ask JJ," Nova suggested instead of telling Pope that she was afraid. "He hasn't done anything all morning."
His grace period had expired. Last night Nova allowed JJ to sulk, but now, she was over it. It was time to work, and she expected him to contribute now.
"Untrue, Nova Scott!" JJ yelled.
Still from his place in the hot tub. Which had sense been turned off. And that he was supposed to be cleaning, for multiple hours now. Which he'd only thrown the pool toys he bought of the edge and into the grass.
"Very true," Nova argued.
"Oh my god!" Kiara cut in. "Pope, I'll sit in your stupid bin."
Neither, Pope or Nova put up a fight. And While Pope helped Kiara into the metal bin, Nova turned, making her way to JJ who still sat, feet resting in the hot tub. The jets had since been turned off, leaving still water, that only moved with the wind, allowing leaves to drift on the surface.
"Real nice work you're doing over here, JJ," Nova smiled, sarcasm lacing her tone.
JJ smiled, placing the can of cheap beer in one of the cupholders beside him, "You're new here, Nova, so let me fill you in on something" he offered. "I am more of an observer. I watch to make sure everything is being done correctly."
"Oh," Nova nodded with raised eyebrows. "Is that right?"
"No, he's a liar," from afar Pope had stood, listening in on their conversation, only piping in to make sure Nova didn't fall for JJ's obvious lies.
JJ rolled his eyes, thanking Pope for the help. Nova flicked up her middle finger at JJ, who feigned hurt by clasping his chest and pretending to wipe a tear.
"I'm serious, JJ," Nova reached into the cool water and brought water up to splash on JJ, sending him falling backward, off the machine, in an attempt to shield himself. "Start helping, now!"
The beer JJ had been holding spilled with him. The foamy content coating the grass behind the tub. JJ sat up, glaring at Nova. Once up he reached his own hand inside the hot tub, bringing water up to platter across Nova's face and shirt. She gasped, backing away.
"Look, it's not my fault John B's pulling a Houdini," he mumbled, obviously annoyed by his best friend's absence.
They all were.
"Yeah, where is he anyway?" asked Pope, finally getting Kiara back to the ground in one piece.
All heads turned to Nova. Each of them expecting an answer, despite her being vocal about being ignored by him too. All Nova had was a text from before sunrise with John B. telling her that he and Ward were heading to the boat. That was all. She hadn't even got to text him back because she'd left her phone in the car for most of the night.
"Why is everyone look at me?" Nova scrunched her face, becoming uncomfortable with all the staring. "He hasn't replied to any of my texts, either."
"I've got my scholarship interview tomorrow," Pope reminded all of them, for the millionth time. "So, we have to get this finished."
Nova nodded, agreeing. Then slowly, they all got back to work. Pope turned, to perfect the slight mishaps in his invention. Kiara stuck around the give notes. And Nova went on to take the decorations strung up all around the yard down.
JJ also decided to help. Walking behind Nova, chest touching her back as he reached over her head to grab onto a string of lights she was struggling to reach. Her eyes widened at their closeness, and then the lights fell down, tangling around her. She turned, JJ helping her spin out of the tangled mess, laughing at her while doing so. She stopped, finally free, face before his, still the same distance apart. She swallowed, looking up.
"Thanks," she managed a whisper.
JJ smirked, looking down at her, "No problem."
And then he went on to another tree. Leaving Nova to catch her breath and go on about her own business.
"Well, well, well," JJ yelled, just as Nova began to untangle streamers from a nearby bush. "Speak of the devil."
Everyone stood up, just in time to see John B. making his way toward the house. Finally. Nova thought. She became to worry.
"Hey," JJ ran up to meet him. "Dude, I set up the entire winch to pull up the gold and everything."
Pope shook his head, "No he didn't."
JJ shot a glare at Pope from over his shoulder.
But John B. didn't seem to take in any of what JJ was tell him. Walking fast toward his house, he ignored all who called out to him. Not even bothering to glance in their direction. Not a look not a word. And Nova was back to being worried.
Pope flinched as John B. made his way up his porch steps and into the house, door slamming behind him, "Uhm, what was that all about?"
John B. had literally blown past them. Like a strange wind. A faraway look in his eyes. Nova knew something was wrong.
Standing on the steps where John B. left him, JJ turned back to look at Nova, "Did the two of you have a fight you didn't tell us about?"
"No," Nova shook her head.
They hadn't even been dating long enough to have their first fight.
With that they all filed into the small home after him. The door had become loose on its hinges after being slammed shut. They found John B. in the living room pacing the floors and rummaging through messes left by previous parties. He threw open drawers, cleared desks, sorted through papers.
Still, he didn't even acknowledge them. And they knew that he knew they were there. As he shouldered past Nova and Pope in order to get to a small desk beside the couch, pulling the drawer completely from its tracks.
"John B, you alright man?" Pope asked, turning around to face him. "Tell us what's up?"
But he ignored Pope as he moved on to another counter on the other side of the couch, this time pushing past Kiara to get to it.
"What're you looking for?" she yelled at him.
He didn't tell her. And he didn't find it in that desk either. His gaze turned to the old, ripped couch, that had been pulled out into a cot. Nova learned that JJ occupy there a lot, and so she'd never made any move to sit on it.
But John B. tore into it. Running his hands along it. Throwing blankets and pillows to the floor. He tore away the back cushions, hands running along the cracks. And then his eyes widened. And he stood up, pulling something with him that he found inside the couch.
"A gun?" Nova questioned, her eyes going wide.
She was confused. They were supposed to have gotten rid of the gun. But of course, JJ didn't listen.
He stepped forward, JJ did, meeting his best friend, "John B..." he whispered. "What do you need the gun for, John B?" he asked, getting no answer. "You have to tell us something, man!"
John B. was angry. That much was clear. He was in no mindset to be carrying around a loaded gun. And JJ knew that. So, he moved around, slowly to try and pry the weapon from John B's hands. But at the slightest touch, John B. flipped. He pushed JJ aside, sending him falling onto the bare cot.
"John B!" Nova yelled at him, shoving past to help JJ off the cot.
He was angry. Nova could understand. Everyone gets angry. But there was no excuse for him to go after the friends who were only trying to help him.
"Would you chill out?" Kiara yelled, shocked by his behavior.
Fear was also present in her yell. Same with Nova. Neither of them had ever seen John B. like this. JJ, they expected. But never John B, never like this.
John B. turned away from them again. Moving into the kitchen. Pope following close on his heels. He ran, pushing in front of him, trying to stop John B. from leaving out of the door he moved toward.
"Man, come on," Pope plead. "Just tell us what you're doing."
But he just shoved Pope out his way, like his did with JJ.
This time Nova ran after him. Following him out the door and down the front steps. She called after him, but he didn't even turn back. He lifted his old dirk bike off the driveway ground. The engine roared to life.
"John B. don't you dare leave with me being afraid of you!" Nova yelled over the engine. John B. stopped, though his bike was still shaking with life, his feet remained planted on the dirt ground. "Please just stop, for a second..." she plead with him, her voice shaking. "Tell me what is going on. I'm so confused. John B, we all are."
Finally, he turned, and his eyes she saw the pain, "Ward knows about the gold," he told her, and her breath hitched in her throat. "And he killed my dad."
And John B. didn't even give her a second to digest. To wrap her head around his words before he sped off away from her. To where, she didn't know. To do what? To kill Ward Cameron.
JJ ran past her, "We have to go after him," he said in a hurry. "We can't let him find Ward first."
But Nova couldn't move. Still, she stood there frozen in shock. Confused. Ward Cameron wasn't a killer. He was the guy who she'd ride with to little league soccer games. He'd take her to dance recitals with Sarah. He hosted slumber parties. He'd been to all the birthdays Nova could remember having.
And yet, he killed her boyfriend's father.
"Nova come on," he called after her.
But she shook her head.
"I can't," she blurted. Everyone turned, confused. "I have to go ─ I have to go find Sarah."
"You can't be serious?" Kiara asked.
"Nova, we have to find John B. before he does something stupid," JJ tried again.
But she shook her head again.
"You find John B," she told him. "I need to find Sarah."
"This is crazy," Pope shook his head.
"John B. is your best friend," Nova reminded them. "Sarah is mine," she said, shrugging. She couldn't help it. "I have to talk to her. I have to tell her. See what she knows."
JJ ran a hand through his hair, still not liking the idea. But Pope and Kiara began to understand. Sarah was there first. Kiara knew best. They chose each other every time.
Nova looked to JJ, the only one who didn't understand.
"I will find you after, I promise."
Nova stopped on her way. Pulling into an empty parking lot. And she cried. Pulling her knees up, under her chin, she sobbed. Thinking about what her life had become in the past week. She didn't go straight to Sarah. She couldn't. Not like this. Not with her mind racing. The thoughts screaming at her. There was too much. It was too loud. She just needed a second where she could cry as loud as she wanted so that her head would quiet a little.
It'd been hours spent crying. Longer than she hoped. And the sun had begun to set when she pulled into the familiar driveway of her best friend's home. Her heart clenched at the sight of it. So many memories made here. So many memories made with the family who lived within the walls.
She walked into the home without so much as knocking. Knowing she didn't need to. This is Nova's second home, or so, it was. She couldn't see herself in this house ever again after today. After talking to Sarah.
Climbing the stairs, Nova made her way to Sarah's bedroom. Having memorized the pathway. She could find it blindfolded. And in that doo, she walked right in.
Sarah spun, wearing sweat pants with her hair tied back, she sat at a desk before a mirror. A bag of cotton balls spilling on the floor beside her, and her nails looking fresh with a new coat of nude painted over them.
She stood up as soon as Nova walked inside, "Nova?" she asked, watching her shut the door. "You look pale, is everything alright?"
But Sarah already knew the answer to that. The study of Nova Scott was her best subject. So, she knew everything was not alright.
Nova shook her head, "Sarah, did you tell your dad about the gold?"
Please say no. Please say no. Please say no.
"Where is this coming from?" Sarah questioned her.
That wasn't a no.
"Just answer the question, please!" Nova snapped.
"Jesus, Nova, no, I didn't!" said Sarah, finally. "I wouldn't do that."
Nova nodded. She knew that. Of course, she knew that. And yet she just accused her of doing so.
"He knows," she told Sarah. "Your dad knows about the gold."
Sarah's eyebrows furrowed, "How could he know?"
Nova shrugged. She didn't know. John B. didn't stick around long enough to give her any information. That's why she was asking Sarah.
"Sarah? Honey?" Ward called through the house.
Nova's eyes widened. And she backed away from the door. She heard his steps running up the staircase. She looked at Sarah, panicked. He couldn't see her. He couldn't even know that she was here. He'd know John B. would've told her by now. Or at least he'd suspect it.
"Shit..." Nova cursed.
She had to get out of there, now. She moved for the window. The same way she and Sarah would sneak out.
"Wait, Nova," Sarah caught her wrist. "What the hell is going on?"
"I want to tell you, Sarah," she whispered. "But I can't. Not here."
She looked at the door. Ward was knocking.
Sarah nodded, "Okay, then let's get out of here."
Opening the window, Sarah let Nova take the lead. Making sure it was shut behind them, they began to scale down the roof, dropping feet first onto the porch roof, then rolling into the bushes below the house. That'd been their way of sneaking out since before their freshman year of high school.
They ran. Nova and Sarah holding hands. They ran to end of the Sarah's yard. Far enough away from the house where they wouldn't be caught.
"Okay, please," Sarah stopped, pulling Nova in front of her. "Please, tell me what is going on."
Nova opened her mouth. Then closed it. She couldn't. She didn't know how to do it. How does she tell her best friend that her dad murdered her boyfriend's dad? She shouldn't have to. Never should Nova be having this conversation with her best friend.
"Sarah..." Nova whispered, her gaze dropping. "It's your dad. He doesn't only know about the gold," she told Sarah. "John B. said that he murdered his father."
Sarah laughed. A breathy, confused laugh. Her eyebrows furrowed and she shook her head. She dropped Nova's hand, stepping back, away from her. She didn't believe it. Nova could feel it.
"How does your dad know about the gold, Sarah?" Nova questioned, trying to get her to see the evidence already there. "How else if not for Big John?" she continued. "Just think about it."
"No. No ─ no that can't be..." Sarah shook her head again. "Nova, John B. attacked my dad on the boat," she explained. "He told me John B. stabbed him."
"That doesn't make any sense," Nova told her best friend. "Why would John B. attack your dad? He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't risk being moved away," Nova knew that much. After their shared time in the church, she knew he wouldn't do anything to leave her. "John B. is scared ─ terrified. He fought JJ and Pope because he was in so much shock."
"He fought JJ and Pope because he's a violent person," Sarah corrected.
"He's not ─ John B's not a violent person," Nova shook her head.
They were going around in circles. Neither girl believes the other. Neither girl wants to believe the other.
"You're blinded," Sarah told her, sounding so confident. "You don't want him to be that guy, but he is," she said. "And Nova, I'm scared for you. I don't want him to hurt you!"
Nova rolled her eyes. Now Sarah was sounding crazy. There was no way she really believed John B. would ever hurt her.
"Listen to yourself, Nova," Sarah jumped in, seeing the doubt on her best friend's face. "My dad, the man you've known for half your life... do you think he's capable of murder?" It didn't make sense, Nova would admit. But why would John B. lie? "Do you really believe John B. over someone who has helped take care of you?"
She turned, running a hand through her hair. Sarah couldn't be right. She just couldn't. But she didn't want her to be wrong either. Because that would mean a man that Nova considered family was a murderer. A cold-blooded murderer.
"He can't ─ John B. wouldn't lie about that!"
"Why are you so set on believing that?" Sarah asked.
"Because I'm in love with him..."
Home was the only place she wanted to be. She had nowhere else to go. Sarah couldn't even look at her. And no one was answering their phone. She was alone. Pulled her heavy duvets. Willing herself to wake from this nightmare. While also waiting for her phone to ring, not caring who was on the other end.
Softly, she heard her door creak open. Nova pulled the cover from over her head, hair standing with it. Leaning against her painted doorframe, Nolan stood, arms crossed over his chest as he looked on concerned.
"You going to come in or stand there and stare all night?" Nova asked, raising her eyebrows at him.
Nolan laughed, stepping into the room, closing the door behind him. He moved and sat down on the end of Nova's bed with a sigh.
"Something's wrong," he noticed. "Isn't it?"
Nova nodded, seeing no reason to lie, "Yeah..."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Nova shook her head, "I don't think that I can."
Nolan looked confused.
"It's just..." Nova started to explain. "It isn't my secret to tell."
She began to pick at the loose threads sticking out of her duvet. The paint her nails beginning to chip.
"Do I need to kick John B's ass?" Nolan asked.
Only assuming that her mood had something to do with him. And he wasn't totally wrong for thinking that.
Nova laughed, shaking her head, "No," she told him quickly. "There'll be no need to kick anyone's ass."
"So, what can I do?" he asked, feeling useless.
She shrugged. Nova couldn't even figure out what to do herself.
"You can tell me everything is going to be okay," she sighed, looking up at her big brother.
Nolan nodded, shifting his weight on the bed so he was facing her, "Nova," he looked at her, expression serious. "Everything is going to be okay."
She sucked in a sharp and shaky breath. Those few words were enough to make throat burn with the want to cry. She needed to hear that.
"It's true," said Nolan. "You're going to alright."
"I hope so," she smiled.
And she really did. She hoped, despite the mess, things would work out. And she'd come out of it. Even if her boyfriend is seeking bloody revenge, and her best friend won't even look at her. She hoped things would be okay. Because she needed them to be. She couldn't lose this time.
Nova didn't remember falling asleep last night. But the sunshine peeking into her drawn curtains burned her closed eyelids. She'd waited for so long last night. Just hoping for her screen to light up with something. But in her waiting her eyelids fell and the black sleep overpowered her worry.
She yawned, reaching for the phone that was hidden beneath her pillows. A sigh escaped her lips as she noticed a text from JJ flash across her screen. Sent to Nova only minutes ago.
JJ: Coming for you. We have John B! What's the gate code?
Her fingers hovered over the touch screen keyboard. Then quickly gave him their seven-digit gate code. It was received in seconds. JJ read the message. But never replied.
Rolling out of bed, Nova changed out of the clothes she'd been in for almost two days now. The dry-rotted shorts caked to her skin. Nova had to stand under the showerhead to pull them off her. Sand poured out of her, despite having not been to the beach. Luckily it washed down the drain with her soap and shampoo.
Nova wasted no time in doing her hair. Though still wet, she used the scrunchie on her wrist to tie her still dripping her up off her neck. Her outfit was quickly grabbed from the closet, and on her way out of the room, she grabbed her shoes and phone. Then, the door latched closed behind her, and she was running down her staircase.
She pulled on her shoes as she downed a granola bar in just two bites. Her pills were swallowed dry, as Nova saw no time for water before she went running out of her front door. Where the great pumpkin of a van was already waiting for her.
"Well, just look at you," JJ's head poked out of the driver-side window. An amused grin written on his face as he took in her sloppy appearance. "Becoming more Pogue every day, little miss Scott."
Nova furrowed her eyebrows, stepping into the back of the van where Kiara had held the doors open for her, "What do you mean by that?"
"Your outfit," Kiara rolled her eyes.
Looking down, Nova looked at her outfit. The first she really did. Having ignored the mirror on her way out of the room. But she didn't see anything the matter with it. A pair of old, black shorts that rose rested on her waist. And an old t-shirt from some random souvenir shop that'd been cut and rolled to fit it. Likely stolen from Nolan's closet and never returned.
"No tiny dresses today?" he asked, finally driving away from Nova's house.
She had to admit. JJ was right. This outfit did stray from what she usually wore.
"I never thought you'd be so worried about what I wore, JJ," said Nova, laughing.
Kiara laughed too. A smile finally showed through their worry-stricken expressions. But seriously, Nova thought JJ was noticing her outfits.
Through the rearview mirror, she caught JJ's eye. He grinned, even laughing a little.
It was good that they were able to laugh. Despite everything. At least Nova thought so. It was comforting. Not to ignore the problems around them but to not dwell on them, either. It was something she'd begun to learn to do while being around the Pogues.
They didn't find John B. ─ John B. let them come to him. He'd texted JJ early this morning. Finally telling him where he'd been hiding out. An old dock, apparently. From where JJ parked. She followed the others down the long wood path. Stopping under a gazebo sitting at the end of the dock, right near the water.
John B. lay beneath it. Staring up. Not even bothering to greet them. And the anger boiled inside Nova. He'd offered her nothing. Complete silence. He'd left her. Letting her sit in worry. She would've at least liked to of heard that he was alive last night.
But she didn't vocalize this anger. While making her way toward him she let it drift away with the wind. There was no time for that anger. They had more to worry about now.
"Jesus, did you sleep here?" asked JJ, taking in his surroundings, or lack thereof.
John B. shrugged. His friends took in the sight of his sleeping arrangements. A bookbag as a pillow. His weight on dry-rotted wood. It was sad. John B. had spent the night completely alone.
"Couldn't be at my house."
Kiara sighed, "Are you sure Ward took everything?"
"Every last bar..." he told them, having been to check, only to find the well cleaned out and the property bought. "The whole enchilada..."
Nova watched as John B. began to fumble with the blue cast around his hand and wrist. There to mend the bones that had been injured during his fall. He twisted and pulled, trying to loosen the cast from his skin. Eventually, it gave and he managed to tear it off, wincing when he did.
He tossed it aside carelessly. It fell right at Nova's feet.
"It's not like I expected a happy ending or some shit," he began to stretch and wiggle his fingers back to life. "
Nova kicked the cast back at John B, brows raised, "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
John B. rolled his eyes, "It's a hairline fracture," he told her. "Who cares?"
She sighed, "Do want you want to, then..."
Noticing the tension Kiara glared at John B, "You should care!" she yelled at him. "Your wrist is going to be messed up for life."
Nova sighed. She had to remind herself. John B. was grieving. Grieving his father all over again. She knew how grief worked. She knew what it was like to lose a parent. That's why she couldn't lose her patience with him. She had to be here for him. John B's just sad.
So, no matter how much she wanted to, Nova couldn't yell and scream at him for being a big baby. Because today, he was allowed to feel everything.
Sounding over the silence that had fallen over the small group were fast approaching footsteps. Footsteps padding across the wooden dock. Nova turned, quickly followed by the others. Was it Ward Cameron? Oh, please don't let it be Ward. Nova silently pled.
"Guys! Guys! Oh my, God! Guys!" a familiar voice yelled, echoing off the empty skies. Pope appeared, dressed nicely in a suit, but sweat streamed down his face. He stopped, just beside Nova, panting. "I ran all the way here."
"Yeah, we can see that," Nova scrunched her nose, backing away from the smell of sweat. "Are you okay?"
He waved, "Fine."
"How was your interview?" JJ asked.
Nova nodded, just now remembering that his scholarship interview had been scheduled for today.
"Don't ask," Pope warned him.
JJ nodded, asking no more about the interview.
"John B, look, I'm sorry about everything," Pope turned, finally starting to catch his breath.
John B. shrugged, "It's fine..."
Clearly, it wasn't.
"Look, I don't have a lot of time, but I have information that it totally tactically relevant," Pope told him, sounding desperate. "Before my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron's big plane," he began to fill them in. "Because it was too heavy and it needed a longer landing strip to take off."
They all nodded, urging Pope to continue as his movements became more animated.
"So, there I am, just sitting in my interview, thinking to myself..." he began to paint them a picture. "Why would Ward Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh a plane down?"
And then it dawned on them all.
"Gold..." JJ whispered.
"A whole lot of gold..." Nova added.
Then, John B. sat up. For the first time since they got there. A sense of his old self back.
"This is our chance, guys," Pope told them. "But the plane leaves tonight, and we have to go now."
"Pope's right," Kiara jumped, looking down at John B. "We can't just give up now!"
JJ grinned, looking down where John B. still sat on the dock, "So?" he asked. "What's the plan, big man?"
John B. smiled, "We're going to steal that shit back."
Hope. That was the best word to describe what they were feeling. Hope of change and redemption. Hope of something more. Of achieving something greater than themselves. Hope for the future and the past. Hope to finally win the game they'd been playing all summer.
Watching the others run ahead, Nova lingered back. She watched, smiling as the others jumped and cheered, clapping as the possibility of their new lives was back in their grasp. Turning, she looked back at John B, offering her hand to him. She helped pull him off his butt and back onto his feet. She smiled at him and moved to follow the others back to the van, still having a hold of John B's hand.
But she wasn't able to take more than a few steps forward. He was holding her. Not letting her away from him. She looked back just as John B. yanked on her arm. Nova stumbled over her own two feet and crashed into John B's chest. Before she could move to take a step away, his arms snaking around her waist.
He was hugging her.
"Thank you for sticking around," he whispered.
Smiling, Nova wrapped her arms around his neck. Cheek pressed against his shoulder.
Nova was most familiar with the road to the private airport. Being that's where her dad kept his private planed boarded. And he'd mostly travel from there too if on short notice. He had an all-access pass to the airport. Meaning Nova and Nolan did too.
"Okay, I say we go in there, guns a-blazing," JJ voiced the plan he'd thought up to the others in the van. "Make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible, and vamanos, get the hell out of there."
He sat beside Nova in the back of the van. She watched as she moved the handgun around in his own. Loading and unloading it. Treating it like his own personal goldmine.
"We'll send that shit right down the Intracoastal," John B. entertained JJ's plan.
"We wait for the weather..." added Kiara.
"And we exit to Cuba," Pope yelled.
But JJ's eyebrows furrowed. Something about the plan didn't sit right with him. He looked up from polishing his gun.
"Cuba?" he asked, shaking his head. "No man, Xcalak. Jewel of the Yucatan," now he was smiling. "Lobsters so thick, mangos, and no word for money."
Nova stared at JJ in complete awe. He had a plan for everything. An escape plan for all his friends. Everything so intricately thought out. And still, he was always dismissed. Never listened to.
"How do you know all of this?" she asked, turning to JJ. "I mean seriously, your geography grade must be phenomenal!"
JJ shrugged, "Never took the class."
And Nova's eyes widened. All his knowledge was from his own teachings.
"What will you do, Nova?" Kiara asked, turning to her, changing the subject from geography. "What're your plans for when the gold is stolen?"
She stopped. Nova hadn't actually thought about that. Maybe she should've since today she's likely going to become a criminal. But running away never crossed her mind. She couldn't imagine leaving like that.
"I mean, after everything, I'll probably have to tell my dad what went down," she sighed, not looking forward to having that conversation with him. "So, it's likely I'll be grounded for the rest of my life."
They all laughed, even Nova. Except she wasn't really joking. Nova dreaded the thought of this getting to her dad. And she dreaded the thought of having to run away from him.
"Just come with us," JJ suggested. "There's room for you too."
Nova laughed, appreciated the gesture. And for a moment she properly considered the idea. Because at least then she wouldn't be completely alone. John B. would be there. But deep down, Nova knew she wouldn't leave her dad and brother like that. Not without a proper explanation.
The game of make-believe dreams ended when they pulled onto the airport road. The tension settled thick among the four of them. Piling out of the van they ran toward the chain-link fence that separated them from the runway.
Nova wanted to go in through the front, knowing she had the connections to get through. But she would've had to of gone alone. And John B. wouldn't even consider it.
Holding a pair of large, black binoculars to his eyes Pope surveyed the scene, "They're loading up the gold. I see it."
Looking on, the others could make out the crates being rolled onto the plane. That must be where the gold is being kept.
"Oh no," said Pope. "Oh no, oh no, oh no," he shook his head, everyone's gaze now turned to him. "It's Sarah. She's with him!"
"What?" Nova questioned.
She didn't even ask before snatching the binoculars from his hands. Pressing them to her own eyes she followed the direction where Pope was looking. And sure enough, she was there. Wearing her favorite pink skirt and long blonde hair, Sarah was walking behind her dad. Much slower than Ward. Quite the distance had been put between the two. Sarah would look around her, constantly checking over her shoulder. Her arms were crossed. Nova watched as Ward turned to say something to her. She couldn't make out what it was, but she watched Sarah shake her head.
And before she knew it, Sarah was wrapped up in Ward's arms. Her toes barely scraped the blacktop. She struggled to kick free of him. From where she stood Nova could hear the faint protests of Sarah. She was yelling.
"Here, take these," she handed the binoculars back to Pope. "I have to go," Nova studied the gate. There was no way she'd be able to climb it with the barbwire tied around the top. She wouldn't make it in time if she ran back through the airport. Then she noticed the fence, slightly lifted off the ground. A small entrance. "I think he's hurting Sarah."
"And what're you going to do?" Kiara asked.
They watched as Nova fell to her knees and began to bend the bottom of the gate upward so to make the hole big enough for her to slide through. She dropped to her stomach. She studied the space. She might just barely be able to make it through.
"I'm going to help my best friend," she told Kiara.
Army crawling, Nova winced as the edges of the gate dug into the exposed skin on her back. Dirt coated the front of her shirt. Mud and soil got stuck under her nails. And the back pockets on her shorts, she heard a tear.
John B. ran to the gate, shaking it to get Nova's attention, "Nova, are you crazy," she stood off the ground, turning to face him. "You can't go alone. No!"
JJ shook his head, "Looks like you're a little late."
He nodded between the gate now standing between them and Nova.
"Nova..." John B. ignored JJ. "Please, don't do this. Don't get yourself hurt."
"I'll be fine," she promised him. "Just get your gold."
She turned before John B. could try to talk her out of going anymore. She ran down the long field. Inching closer to the runway. She pushed herself to run as fast as she could. She couldn't let him get away with her.
"Sarah!" Nova yelled through her burning lungs.
She was just barely there. Nearing the end of the field. She'd soon step onto the blacktop.
Sarah heard Nova yelling. Her head turned, hair whipping into Ward's face. And harder than she was doing before, Sarah struggled to free herself. Kicking and punched at her dad who wouldn't budge.
He turned, following his daughter's gaze, eyes falling on Nova, "Don't get involved," he warned her. "You don't know the whole story."
Nova ignored Ward, looking at Sarah, "Are you hurt?"
She shook her head. Tears staining her cheeks. Eyes red and puffy. Mouth turned downward into a pout.
"Ward please, just let her go," she pled with him. "I won't say anything. If you let her go, I didn't even see you here, okay?"
"So, John B's gotten to you, has he?" seethed Ward, suspecting she was talking about the incident with Big John. "Or is this another one of your episodes, huh?" he was taunting her. "Which is it, Nova?"
"Maybe you need a vacation too," he suggested, throwing Sarah into the plane, and standing before the entrance to keep her from running. "Your dad wouldn't mind. You'll be safe in the Bahamas with your best friend."
Ward stepped down toward her, suddenly seizing her arm.
"Ward, what're you doing?" she yelled, trying to yank her arm out of his grasp.
It didn't work. He was squeezing, holding too tight. He was stronger than her.
His nails dug into her. Tearing through her skin. His knuckles whitened as his hold on her tightened. He pulled, but Nova refused to follow him, planting her feet firmly onto the concrete.
"Ward, stop it," she yelled at him. "Ward, you're hurting me. Please, let me go!"
But he never let up. He kept inching her closer and closer to the steps of the plane. She kept fighting against him. Using everything she had. She punched and kicked and tried to fall onto the ground. But what would she do if she got away? He had Sarah; Nova couldn't just leave her.
Nova moved to look over her shoulder. Her friends were all still there. Still behind the chain-link fence. Pope with his binoculars up to his face. So, she knew he was relaying what was happening. And because of that, she felt safe enough to stop. Nova stopped fighting Ward. Letting him pull her up the steps of the plane. Because she hoped that they'd be there to save her. Somehow, they'd get her off that plane.
And then she lost sight of them. Now behind the walls of the private plane.
The engine was loud, making Nova's ears pop. She was thrown down into a seat with Sarah. Crushed against the window. They wrapped their arms around one another. Nova soothing Sarah. Assuring her that they'd find a way out.
Ward sat beside them. Piloting the plane. It jolted to life, slamming her back into the seat. Slowly, it began to move down the runway. They'd soon be lifting off the ground. Soon there would be no way off this plane.
"Oh my god!" Sarah yelled, pulling Nova from her thoughts. She was watching out the window she'd been sitting beside. Eyes wide. "What the hell is he doing?"
Nova gasped when she turned her head. One of relief. She was right. He'd come for her. John B. was going to get her off this plane.
"We have to go now," Nova yelled so that he'd be able to hear her over the roaring engine. "It'll take off soon."
"I have you," John B. told her.
Ward turned. Catching John B. driving beside the van, talking to Nova.
"Get off the runway! Get out of the way!" he yelled.
The van sped up, passing the plane. Nova watched as he drove a little in front of them, before slamming on the breaks. She heard them squeal, and the van wobbled to a stop. But the plane kept going. Ward didn't want to let up. The girls were screaming at him. Pleading with him to stop the plane. Eventually, Ward knew he'd have to stop. Unless he wanted another murder on his hands.
But he was determined to get off the ground.
Pulling the lever back, Nova could feel the plane beginning to tilt. The screams of Nova and Sarah echoed inside the small room. They reached, grabbing for Ward and the lever. Both of them pleaded for him to stop.
And John B. wasn't moving, either.
"Stop!" Nova yelled. Again, reaching for Ward's arm and hand to pull him away. "You're going to kill him! Stop!"
He had to stop. There was no way that Ward was going to run John B. over. He wouldn't do that. Not with the witnesses. Everyone would know that it was him.
The plane halted. Nova fell forward. Sarah with her. It stopped, just narrowly missing the van in front of them. Nova gasped. Her heart raced. Hands were shaking. Actually, her entire body was shaking. Without thinking Nova stood up, pulling herself out of the window.
She fell to the ground with a thud. Landing on her feet and hurting her ankles.
"Nova! Hey, Nova!" John B. ran for her, wrapping her in his arms, kissing the top of her head.
She could hear his heart. It beat against his chest. Just like hers.
Hearing Sarah, Nova turned. Reaching for her best friend she held onto her, keeping Ward from pulling her back.
"Stop! Don't touch me!" Sarah yelled, shoving her dad's hands away. "Get away from me!"
"You're really sick," Ward's gaze snapped to Nova. "You need help, Nova."
"No, you're the sick one, dad!" Sarah spat at her father. "Trying to convince me that Nova's having a breakdown to get me away from her?" she scoffed. "What is the matter with you? Why are you always lying?"
Sirens wailed in the background. All their heads turned in the direction of the fast-approaching police car.
"Do you really think that this changes anything?" Ward turned back to them, talking to John B. "It doesn't," he laughed. "A delinquent boy and a girl who is fucked in the head. Who had the power here?"
The sirens rang loud. The car squealed to a stop in front of them. Then it was silent. Ward grinned, turning to the officer who stepped out of the vehicle. Nova moved, taking a protective stance in front of John B. and keeping ahold of Sarah's hand.
"Thank God that you're here," Ward sighed, walking toward the officer. "Susan, I told you he's lost his goddamn mind."
"Put your hands on your head..." Susan took slow, careful steps toward them.
Ward nodded, agreeing. But it wasn't John B. that the woman was looking at.
He turned, glowering at John B, "I'd do what she says, boy..."
Susan pulled the gun from her holster, stopping before Ward, whose head was still turned.
John B. nodded, "She's talkin' to you, Ward."
Ward turned back around; his eyes wide. He began to sputter, confused. The gun was aimed right at him.
"You're under arrest for the murder of Big John Routledge... put your hands on your head."
"Are you kidding me?!" Ward argued.
"Put your hands on your head!"
Ward attempted to plea himself out of this mess. Trying to yell even, to intimidate the woman before him. But he had no more power. He'd been found out. And Ward was smart enough to know that as he began to slowly raise his hands to rest them behind his head.
"Turn around," she ordered him.
And Ward obeyed.
"Drop to your knees!"
Ward did.
"I don't like to be used," she told him, walking up behind him, moving to holster her gun so that she good could the cuffs from her belt.
It seemed as if Ward had one last fight in him. Swinging back, he went for Susan, but she was too quick for him, already aiming her gun. He fell again, defeated.
And then the gunshot.
But Ward never went down.
Susan panted. A crimson stain began to spread over her uniform. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't catch her breath. Ward Cameron looked up, safe from the gunshot. He watched as Susan fell to her knees, grasping at her stomach.
And once she fell completely, Rafe Cameron walked out from behind the plane. A silver gun held tight in his hands.
"Holy shit..." Nova breathed.
Her eyes had gone wide. Ward seemed to be just as surprised.
He looked at his son, "Rafe... what did you do?"
Laughing, Rafe shrugged, "I saved you, dad."
Nova began to shake. Tears streamed down her face. She couldn't look away from Susan. Still gasping for air, she lay at Rafe's feet. If she died. If she stopped breathing, they'd have no one. No one would be there to protect them.
"You shot her, Rafe!" Nova yelled at him.
He looked up, gun raising to her. He stepped forward.
"And whose fault do you think that is?" Rafe asked her.
Nova shook her head, her throat burned, "No," she told him, voice cracking. "You did this all on your own."
He laughed. Of all things, Rafe began to laugh. As if proud of himself. Proud of the possible murder he'd committed. Nova couldn't handle it.
"You're fucking crazy, Rafe!"
Suddenly, the cold metal of the gun was pressed to her head. Sarah gasped and John B. fought to take her place. But Nova wouldn't move. She wasn't going to back down from him. She wasn't afraid of Rafe Cameron.
"Do it..." she whispered. "Pull the trigger, Rafe."
But he never did.
nova's outfit inspos
author's note://
into the action, now.
Hope you all are enjoying yourselves!
edited: 01/18/2022
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