𝐢𝐯. 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬
warnings: childbirth complications
"ANOTHER girl my prince," the Maester announced, "twin daughters, congratulations."
Father of three, when he once thought children were such irritating creatures, that the very notion of being a father was a jest that he would make with his paramour Mysaria. But now, he stood, eyes darting between the two babes whom he already loved, who were now cleaned and draped in bundles whilst their mother was wrecked by the double birth.
There was more blood this time, Laena wasn't conscious and the milk of the poppy had sent her off into a painless slumber.
Daemon rendered her like this, and so he forced himself to look away and focus on his newborn daughters who he noted took after their sister, although the eldest twin was slightly plumper than the youngest was, both inherited their mother's delightful complexion, but sadly they were small, almost sickly, but fought for air like the dragons they were.
If it wasn't for the Maester he would not know who was was who. It was almost impossible to tell them apart, as their faces were almost identical.
He softly smiled when they gurgled in unison. Dragon twins, he thought to himself. A wetnurse had fed them after they were taken to a solar that was built in their honour - there was only one crib, but there will be another, just like Daenys'.
Word had been sent that the Lady Laena had bore twins girls and Daemon's mind drifted back to her in her limp state, suffocated by the smell of the Maester's herbs and the metallic stench of blood. Her blood. There were times he returned from tourneys, quarrels, battles or nights as the Commander of the City watch drenched in blood and he loved it, he lusted for it, but now, he did not think blood would make him so sickly.
The hold Laena had over him was stronger than he ever thought. He loved her, he craved her company and appreciated her opinion. She was second wife, and mother to their three pure children, their three little dragons.
Someone knocked on the door, briefly halting his growing worry.
A maid rushed in, quickly bowing her head, Daemon didn't look up as she spoke, continuing to peer into the crib.
"Pardon me, My Prince, The Lady Daenys is restless," she paused, gulping, "She hears that she is now an older sister and inquires about her mother's condition."
Daenys' patience fluctuated between that of her father's and mother's. It depended on the day.
"She is not to see her mother," he commanded, "it is not a sight a young girl should witness."
She nodded in agreement, "Yes, my Prince."
"Bring her to me."
She bowed and then left.
It was seconds before the door cracked open, Daenys poked her head around the corner, eyes darting around until they landed on her father's amused ones. Her face lit up and she sprinted around the corner, to hell with the Septa's teachings.
Daemon caught her before she could reach the twins who peacefully slept inches away from each other. A blush spread across his pale face when set a sloppy kiss on the cheek, causing his grip on her to tighten.
"Kepa, do I have brothers?"
A handmaid explained to her that her mother had given her twin siblings, but Daemon told them that he wanted the sex to be a surprise to Daenys so they were not allowed to give in to her adorable pleas.
"Sisters," Daemon corrected.
Daenys was even happier at the fact, she stared in awe at the gurgling twins, whose eyes were glued shut, but she knew they'd sparkle with faint purple like hers.
She tried to scramble forward.
"Careful," Daemon said.
"Where's Muña?" her young eyes were glued to the twins as she mumbled how pretty they looked.
Daemon swiped his tongue over his tongue before answering, "Your mother is resting."
Daenys frowned, "Can I see her?"
"Leave her be," he needed his eldest distracted. "Do you wish to know their names?" Laena had declared them before she wailed in pain. Daenys eagerly nodded in response, "This here is Baela, the eldest," he paused, "and Rhaena Targaryen."
She excitedly clapped, then pointed to herself, "Mandia." Daemon hummed, proud that her High Valyrian was improving. "Lēkia," she then pointed at her father, whose smile faltered.
Daemon Targaryen was a middle child, a younger brother to Viserys and an older brother to Aegon who never lived passed his first nameday. He peered down at his twin daughters, hopeful they'd lived to adulthood and his wife would beat her condition.
Fortunately, Daenys had begun telling him of her promises to share her toys with her sisters.
Her favourites were miniatures of her grandsire Corlys' fleet. When she received her second name-day gift, her mother excused herself and shortly began to cry, she did not understand why.
Laena blamed her tears on her pregnancy, but Daemon saw through it.
Daenys had plenty of other toys, dolls that Daemon had brought from local merchants, Laena had given her and plenty of other relatives had bequeathed her.
"I will prot... protect them, I swear it," she vowed, repeating the words she overheard her father say to her mother, "in Fire...and..."
"Blood," Daemon corrected, with a warm feeling attacking his chest. He too had made that same vow the day she was born, and every day after that.
Daenys nodded along, smiling widely so Daemon could see her growing teeth, she almost had a full set.
"In Fire and Blood, Daenys."
Prince Reggio was a man of average stature and a bulky build. His hair was short and his beard was thick, with skin lighter than most he knew. Although his aim of protecting Pentos from the lustful eye of the Triarchy had been successful, it could've failed if not for the admirable outcome of the War of The Stepstones.
So when the Rogue Prince requested an audience with him, he did not hesitate to jump at the chance to do his bidding.
The Princes stood at a respectable distance, overlooking the free city under the night's warm sky.
Daemon had only offered him a quick nod, before taking in the lively nightlife of Pentos. Like other free cities, people weren't bound by suffocating pressure like the Six Kingdoms united together by Aegon the Conqueror. The Street of Silk did not come close to the atmosphere, nor would he contest the thought of someone who thought differently.
"I hear a congratulations is in order my Prince, three daughters," Prince Reggio smiled. Acting as the city's figurehead prevented him from seeking out Daemon before. "I will not jest about the impending offers that you'll receive," In the years he knew the Rogue Prince he was wise not to press him on matters or he'd present himself as Dragon and not a man. "I'm saddened by the Lady Laena's condition. I do hope my Maesters are as accommodating as what she and yourself are used to."
"She is fine, thank you, Prince Reggio," Daemon hummed, having checked on his wife after he caught word that his eldest was resting.
"Why did you request my presence?" they were never ones to speak for long.
"As you said, I have three daughters. The maids... my eldest daughter's runs them jaded." Like a true Targaryen.
"Are they not for your liking?" Reggio raised a brow, "It'll be in your best interest to identify whom and they'll be out of your sight."
"My children deserve an adept handmaiden."
"One more comely?" Reggio's amused tone was not Daemon's suit.
The Rogue Prince quickly snapped his head towards the Pentoshi Prince.
"My lady-wife is in critical condition. A lay is not what I desire, nor do I like your insinuation," Daemon gritted, eyes flashing with fury, sobering Prince Reggio's teasing.
"Apologises, my Prince," He was mistaken, he had heard of Daemon's whoring. It was a legend and that was how it seemed to stay, in the past. "I ask for you to excuse my poor choice of words, as my intention was not to insult your marriage. I'll see to it that you have a more experienced maid for your daughters."
Prince Daemon hummed, watching as the Prince of Pentos left, allowing him to retrieve the blue flower from his Pentoshi coat.
His lips twitched as he twirled the winter rose between his fingers.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen: The Queen Who Never Was. A fearless and clever woman, with eyes that came from her father Prince Aemon Targaryen but hair she inherited from her mother Jocelyn Baratheon — black locks that were streaked with white.
She was not a fan of her son-in-law and cousin Daemon Targaryen: The Heir Who Never Ascended. He lost his heir status over a crude jest, told amongst the people of Street of Silk.
But with that loss, he gained an itch, one he couldn't scratch as it was so far out of reach. And so he attempted to block it out, eloping and travelling Pentos soothed the itch but it would always be there.
Laena helped dull the pain, but she was kept to the Pentoshi sheets, where her children were brought to her. She sobbed when she laid eyes on her twin daughters and cried harder when her eldest daughter pressed a kiss to her face, as sloppy as always and yet put a sad smile on her lips.
The sadness that filled her eyes confused Daenys, she begged her father to the nearest shore to go searching for shells to bring back as a gift for her mother.
My sweet dragon, Daemon agreed but could not accompany her, leaving her to their new maid Odessa. A lowborn woman of course. A Pentoshi youth with hair as dark as night and eyes as brown as bark, she was copper-skinned and slender as a knife. She wore tanned dresses, stitched from her own making and thinly strapped shoes. Her gentle smile was enough for Daenys to grow accustomed to the woman. Daemon commanded the maid who could speak a common tongue and Pentoshi to do what was expected of her and nothing less and if he discovered a hair out of place of his eldest, unspeakable things would take place.
Therefore, Odessa kept a firm grip on the young Lady Daenys' hand, heart hammering when she wondered, but the guard who usually observed the little Targaryen insisted she would never stray far unless Seablade was nearby. The weather they were experiencing caused a small sweat to form on the young Targaryen's face but it went unnoticed because she was too focused on finding the perfect gift for her mother.
"Shell?" Daenys held up a white shell for judgement.
"It is perfect milady," the maid replied, accent was thick and tone always tender.
Daenys stared into her brown eyes, with an incredulous look that Odessa was shocked someone so young could possess before she shook her head and placed it down.
She continued searching, squinted at the different textures she could see and favoured and tutted at what she did not.
Moments passed, and she frowned when she looked up at her handmaid.
"What troubles you Lady Daenys?"
Daenys said, "Kepa loves me, Muña loves me."
"They do," Odessa eagerly agreed, recalling the scowl plastered on Prince Daemon's face when they left.
"They love my sisters... will they still love me?"
Odessa softly gasped and shook her head, "Oh Lady Daenys, they will, they always will. I swear it. The love they hold for you shall be written in books of Targaryen History."
The young Lady nodded, reassuring the worries that had been taking over her mind.
Odessa offered her a wide smile as she returned to the task at hand. The maid never knew a child could be so forward with their feelings. It was clear Daenys was very unique.
Daenys then held up the shell to her ear, letting her eyes flutter at the soft sound of waves passing through and smiling when she thought it was perfect, captivating even. And when she offered it to Odessa, the handmaid was honest and agreed as did the guard.
Daenys giggled and rocked on her heels, looking back at the sea and waving to it and with its unpredictable force a surge pushed the water forward, and waved back.
Although she was a Targaryen, she still carried the Velaryon blood. The Old, The True, The Brave — and that could not be attested or speculated.
That was gospel.
in the show, the twins were roughly 6/7 when laena died, so i'm glad this matches up, because originally i was going to have daenys be 5 when they were born, but it didn't fit, my timeline so i changed it and shorted daenys dialogue.
also, I know there were insinuations daemon cheated on laena, i order the notion he would be tempted but won't cave because he is focusing on his family.
how is everyone liking the story so far?
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