'Hey! Hey! Get up, guys!' Thomas screamed. 'I see something!'
I opened my eyes and got on my feet. 'What is it?'
Thomas motioned at the mountains. Lights had appeared and I could see some buildings. Then my attention got drawn to something behind us. Lighting hit the ground and I heard the sound of thunder.
'Great.' Minho sighed.
'Let's go!' Thomas grabbed his stuff and we started running toward the lights. I could hear the thunder getting closer to us, so we had to run faster. 'We're getting closer!' Thomas yelled after about five minutes. We ran past some old cars and small buildings.
'Get in!' Thomas opened the door and some of us went in, but suddenly I heard a loud bang. My body was thrown onto the floor and it felt like my eardrums exploded. For a few seconds, I had to recover, but when I noticed someone lying next to me, I immediately got up.
'Minho!' I shouted when I saw who it was. Minho got hit by the lighting. 'Shit!' I started dragging him towards the door, and Thomas helped. Minho's eyes were closed and I couldn't tell if he was breathing. I didn't have much time to think about it, though. The thunder got closer to us.
Finally, we got ourselves into the building and Thomas closed the door behind us. For a few seconds, it was silent, but when the others saw Minho unconscious, we began to talk.
'Put him down.'
'Watch his head.'
'Who's got a light?'
Frypan turned on his flashlight and shined it into Minho's face.
'Come on.'
'Come on, man.'
I was scared I was going to lose Minho. 'Come on, Minho.'
Minho groaned and his eyes slowly opened. Relieved we all sighed. 'There he is.'
'Here you are. Are you okay?'
'What happened?' Minho groaned.
'I think you got struck by lightning.' Thomas said.
'Oh.' Minho grinned. I almost smiled at his reaction. At least he was still the same.
'Come on, let's get you up.'
We helped Minho get up. 'Hey.' Teresa started. 'What's that smell?'
I noticed it too. It was the smell of something rotten and it was awful. 'Behind you!' Thomas screamed. Teresa shined her flashlight and a screaming Crank appeared. I flinched and let out a yelp, but the Crank luckily couldn't reach us.
'Oh my-.'
'I see you've met our guard dogs.' A female voice said. A light went on. I saw a dark figure and dozens of Cranks.
'Who's that?' Thomas quietly asked.
The person walked through the crowd of Cranks. They were all tied to chains. The person, which I assumed was a girl, didn't look afraid in the slightest. Once she got closer to us I could see she had short dark hair.
'You guys look like shit.' She commented.
'Come on, follow me. Unless you want to stay here with them.' The girl started walking away and we quickly followed.
'Jorge wants to meet you.' The girl said as we walked up some stairs. People were sitting in chairs or couches, watching us.
'Who's Jorge?' Thomas asked.
'You'll see.'
'Who are you?'
The girl stopped walking and turned around. 'Brenda.' She glanced at me. 'No one's come out of the Scorch in a long time. You've just got him curious. And me too.'
As we kept walking, a few men appeared behind us. One grinned at me, revealing his ugly teeth. Some teeth were broken and some were brown. Newt grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.
'Anyone else starting to get a bad feeling about this place?' Newt asked.
'Let's just hear him out.' Thomas replied. 'See what he has to say.'
'Jorge, they're here.' We stopped walking. A man stood in front of a table, his back faced us. He had brown, just a little shorter than Brenda, curly hair.
'Quiet.' He held his finger in the air. 'Damn it.' Jorge said after a few seconds. Then he turned around. 'Do you ever get the feeling the whole world's against you?'
Trust me, we do.
'Three questions. Where did you come from Where are you going? How can I profit?' Jorge looked at us. No one replied.
'Don't all answer at once.'
'We're headed for the mountains.' Thomas carefully started talking. 'Looking for the Right Arm.'
A few people chuckled. 'You're looking for ghosts, you mean.' Jorge started pouring some liquid into a glass cup. 'Question number two. Where did you come from?'
'That's our business.' Minho answered.
Jorge nodded at Brenda, who grabbed a device from the table. Brenda walked over to me and pushed my head down.
'Hey!' Newt yelled. 'Don't touch her! I will-'
'Shut up, you big baby.' Brenda snapped. I felt something on my neck. A small tingle, but then it was over. It didn't hurt, but it didn't feel comfortable either.
'You were right.' Brenda looked at the screen on the device. I glanced at the screen too.
A10. The Blamer.
I frowned at the name. The Blamer? What's that supposed to mean?
'Right about what?' Thomas asked. 'What is she talking about?'
'I'm sorry, hermano. Looks like you're tagged.
You... came from WICKED.' Jorge said. My heart started beating faster. What was he going to do with us?
'Which means... you're very valuable.'
A/N: I'm sorry this is so short and it's not very detailed.
I feel like the story is getting boring. Do u know something I could add to make it more interesting?
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