𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 [𝐄𝐍]
𝟏𝟐𝟒 𝐝.𝐂., 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔'𝑠 𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
Shortly after Visenya celebrated her tenth name day, the Red Keep was once again filled with the cries of a new born after princess Rhaenyra gave birth to her third male child. Her firstborn had spent the majority of the birthing hours in the company of her most faithful friend, Lady Cerissa Tully, at Rhaenyra's own behest. According to the heiress to the Iron Throne, her daughter was not yet old enough to witness the birth of her younger brother; although it was well known that the real reason she did not want her daughter there was her aggressive nature with her midwives.
Cerissa, only a couple of moons older than Visenya, had first arrived in King's Landing when they ere both three years old. The young Elmo Tully, representing his grandsire and Lord of Riverrun, had been summoned by the Hand of h¡the King due to a conflict in the Riverlands and the two girls had quickly bonded. Cerissa became Visenya's first friend, considering that the princess had only been able to enjoy the company of her uncles and brothers. Having this in his mind, king Viserys did not hesitate to extend an invitation to the grandson of the Lord of Riverrun: House Tully would bring order to the Riverlands, as it had been done since the times of Aegon the Conqueror, and he would allow Cerissa to grow up alongside the princes at court as Visenya's lady in waiting. Only a fool would refuse such an offer from the king; much less if it was a matter which involved Visenya.
That was a common topic of conversation among the noblemen of the Seven Kingdoms and their wives: the favoritism of king Viserys towards Rhaenyra and and her oldest descendent; some even dared to claim that the king preferred to spend his time with his granddaughter than with the children he shared with queen Alicent, showing her the replica model of old Valyria and the language of her ancestors. As the years went by, time only proved right those bold enough to judge Viceroy's preferences.
"The Realm's Delight", as the king had named her after her mother, gradually won the hearts and the affection of those who watched her grow up and got to know the future heir to the Iron Throne. Her charisma and character were so magnetic that event the most misunderstood and lonely child at the Keep was drawn to Visenya. Her uncle, prince Aemond, was comfortable in the company of very few people, but Visenya seemed to understand and love him, no matter —according to the young prince— that he did not have a dragon. The sight of Visenya in the company of her mother's half-brother became a regular occurrence for the residents of the Red Keep, and there was even speculation of a presumed engagement that would put an end to the quarrels that had pitted Rhaenyra and queen Alicent against each other.
Visenya and Cerissa were in the princess's chambers, waiting for septa Amyra to arrive to begin her lessons, when a knock on the door caught the girls' attention. The wood creaked as the door opened, revealing a robust figure wearing a golden cloak and a large smile that lit up the room.
—Ser Harwin!
The Lord Commander crouched down to the little girl's level, taking her hands in his as he gave her a tender smile. Behind him, Rhaenyra's children were arguing to see which of the two would enter their sister's chambers first.
—Princess, I bring good news. Your mother has given birth to a healthy boy.
Visenya smiled broadly, receiving an affectionate squeeze on her hands from the Commander of the City Watch. The girl turned and looked at Cerissa, making sure that her friend had also heard such magnificent news.
—Is she well, Ser Harwin? Do you know how the birth went?
—Your mother is the strongest woman I know. I have no doubt everything went wonderfully —said the son of the Hand, assuring Visenya before shifting his gaze to the two girls— I hope the septa won't mind if you do not attend your lessons today.
Cerissa and Visenya looked at each other in confusion at the Commander's words, but before he could continue, Jacaerys and Lucerys pushed their way into the room.
—Senya! We're going to the Dragonpit to choose an egg for the baby! —Luke exclaimed, running to his sister to pull her arm— Come on, hurry up!
Visenya accepted her little brother's hand before seeking Ser Harwin's acceptance with her eyes. The Lord Commander laughed in amusement at the scene and waved the children out of the room. Cerissa, with her usual rosy cheeks, waited for the princes to cross the doorway to address the Commander.
—I don't know if it is a good idea for me to go too, Ser Harwin. Perhaps I should look for septa Amyra?
—You need not fear the dragons, Lady Cerissa. They are very well trained and the young princes know how to handle them.
—It is not because of the dragons...
Ser Harwin frowned and leaned towards the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder as he scanned her with his bright eyes.
—Would you care to tell my why, then? —he said softly.
—Queen Alicent —the girl whispered, as if she was afraid of being heard—... The Queen prefers that only the princes enter the Dragonpit.
—Did the queen say those words to you herself? —when Cerissa remained silent, the Commander of the City Watch snorted under his breath— Well... What her majesty doesn't know, won't hurt her.
—If the queen has a problem with that, she can tell me herself —Ser Harwin said, taking the girl's hand gently—. Besides, Princess Visenya considers you part of her family. I am sure she will be extremely happy to have had a hand in choosing her new brother's dragon's egg.
Just as if she had heard her name, Visenya reappeared in front of them, still holding Lucerys' hand. The princess smiled when she saw that her friend would accompany them to Dragonpit, for Cerissa had only been to the grandiose building on a couple of occasions. The little girl did not know that the Tully girl's reluctance had been provoked by her grandfather's wife —and perhaps, it was for the best that it was so.
The kids spent nearly twenty minutes in front of a clutch inside the Dragonpit, spellbound by the majestic eggs that housed the most marvelous creatures in the world. As the Valyrian caretakers explained to Visenya which dragon they belonged to, the princess translated the meaning into the common tongue so that her siblings and Cerissa would understand what they were saying. After all, the hours learning High Valyrian with her uncle Aemond and her grandsire had paid off. Back at the Red Keep, Lucerys had insisted that Visenya taught him some words in High Valyrian that were not related to the care of dragons —those he did know, according to the little prince. Ser Harwin laughed every time Luke made up the word his older sister had taught him and she, with the patience of an experienced mother, repeated the pronunciation over and over again. The Commander of the City Watch could not have been prouder of the children walking in front of him. For although Visenya did not share his brown hair and bright eyes, he adored her as if she were his own daughter.
The children trotted briskly in the direction of Princess Rhaenyra's chambers, dodging the servants and knights who crossed their path and laughing at the faces of the lords who stopped to watch the scene. The princes, however, changed their expression of excitement to one of confusion when they saw that their mother's chambers were empty, with no sign of the heiress to the Iron Throne or her newborn.
—Where is mother? And the baby?
—Princess Rhenyra should be back soon, young prince —one of his mother's maids answered Jace—. The queen requested that the baby was taken to her chambers upon hearing the good news.
—But she should be in bed, getting her strength back —Visenya said with annoyance—. Besides, if the queen wanted to see my brother, why didn't she come herself?
The maiden looked down, unable to give the princess a coherent answer. She herself had insisted Rhaenyra that she should be resting, not crossing the Red Keep in search of the queen on a whim. But the midwives had suffered the wrath of the heiress for hours and dared not contradict Rhaenyra any longer.
A few minutes later, a pair of silver-haired figures made their entrance into the room, drawing the attention of the children and Ser Harwin. Visenya was the first to get up from the carpet where she was playing with her siblings and Cerissa and ran to her mother, hugging the princess around the waist.
—Hello, my sweet child —Rhaenyra greeted, stroking her daughter's hair. Visenya looked up, trying to find out if her mother was well and, as if she could read her mind, Rhaenyra laughed sweetly—. I'm fine, my dear. You must not worry about me.
—Mother, look!
—We've chosen an egg for the baby.
As Rhaenyra spoke to her children and sat down with the Commander's help, Visenya advanced toward her father. The little princess stood on her tiptoes to see her brother, but Laenor's height prevented her. Reaching up, Visenya tugged on her father's sleeve, signaling him to introduce her to her new brother. Laenor smiled when she saw the girl's violet eyes looking up at him with excitement and was quick to deposit a kiss on her daughter's silver hair.
—Hello, my little dragon. Do you want to meet Joffrey?
Visenya nodded and grabbed her father's forearm as he bent down to her height, allowing her to see her brother's face. The baby slept peacefully and Visenya made a sound of surprise, smiling broadly as she saw her brother's face for the first time. It did not seem to bother the little princess at all that the baby was not as pale-skinned as she was, nor that his fine hair was as dark as the night. However, and even without seeing the color of his eyes, one would have to be blind to not notice that Joffrey looked more like Ser Harwin than Visenya herself.
—He's a beautiful baby, father.
Laenor laughed and kissed his daughter's head again, straightening his back. The heir to the throne of Driftmark nodded, watching the newborn's face without letting go of Visenya's hand.
—Yes... What a fine knight you are going to make, eh?
—Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffrey.
Laenor and her daughter turned to Rhaenyra, whose instructions had been clear. Laenor was quick to oblige her wife's whishes and deposited the baby in the Lord Commander's arms. The scene was rather idyllic, though anyone who dared to view it from outside the princess's chambers would opt for a rather "scandalous" appellation.
—Father, may I take Joffrey?
—No, no —Laenor interjected as Luke raised his arms towards the baby—Back to the Dragonpit for you two.... Before they send out a search party.
—Come on!
—As for you two, young ladies —Laenor spoke again, turning to his daughter and Cerissa—. Septa Amyra was in for one hell of a scare when she came looking for you. I have no doubt she won't mind starting today's lesson a little later.
—But father, can't I stay and help mother with the baby? —whined Visenya— Cerissa can help too...
—No way —ser Laenor replied quickly—. If you don't go I will be the object of her wrath, and you know I am not persuasive. Now, come on.
—I will be here when you return, Visenya —Rhaenyra said with a smile—. I promise.
And so it was. When the septa's lessons were over, that day a little earlier than usual due to the birth of the new prince, Visenya ran downstairs in the direction of her mother's chambers. Rhaenyra took her firstborn on her lap and they both spent hours looking at the newborn sleeping in the cradle next to his dragon egg. The sun was beginning to set when Visenya decided to leave her mother's lap and search for the person with whom she shared most of her time in the Red Keep, especially when Cerissa left for Riverrun. With two guards always following her steps —by explicit request of the king—, the princess headed towards the library, where she hoped to find her uncle sheltered in one of the ancient Valyrian tomes that her ancestors managed to get out of Valyria before the doom.
—There you are! —exclaimed the girl, running towards the silver-haired boy— I would have come earlier, but I was helping my mother with Joffrey....
—Don't bother.
Aemond's murmur was almost inaudible, but Visenya was close enough to hear it. The girl frowned and sat down next to her uncle —or half-uncle, as Rhaenyra liked to emphasize. The princess quickly noticed that Aemond's eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks were moist.
—What...? —Visenya gasped— Oh, Aemond. Skorion massitas?
What happened?
—I already told you. Don't bother.
Aemond rejected his niece's touch when she tried to grab his hand, a gesture that was so common between them that sometimes it seemed they had come into this world together. Pain was visible in Visenya's eyes, who did not understand why her uncle would shy away from a gesture of affection from her. Aemond was quick to notice the sadness he had caused in the sweet girl and the bitterness that ate at him inside vanished completely. He could not take his anger out on Visenya for the actions of her younger siblings.
—I'm sorry —murmured the prince, dropping against the back of his chair—... They've done it again. Your brothers and Aegon.
Visenya frowned, thinking over Aemond's words before they made sense in her head. The girl sighed, shaking her head before resting her head on her uncle's shoulder. This time, the prince did not renege on the contact.
—I'm so sorry, Aemond. Is there anything I can do?
—Do you have a spare dragon?
Visenya laughed softly, raising her head to look at her uncle. The prince had regained his small smile, returning to the natural state that characterized him whenever he was in Visenya's presence. Both children were silent, basking in each other's company for a few minutes. They had had this conversation before, and though Aemond had blamed Luke and Jace directly for the pranks he was the victim of, the princess knew that the mastermind behind each and every one of them was Aegon.
—We can share Rhaegar —the girl whispered, settling her head back on Aemond's shoulder—. It wouldn't be the first time we've ridden together, and he clearly likes you. He could be our dragon.
The prince sighed, resting his cheek on Visenya's head. "I wish it was that simple," Aemond thought, though he had occasionally imagined it. He and Visenya, the both of them on Rhaegar's saddle —who was on his way to becoming a dragon of great size and fierceness— crossing the Narrow Sea to the Free Cities, never to return. Aemond was only a boy of thirteen, but plots to bring Aegon closer to the Iron Throne were sometimes gestated in front of him and his siblings. It was not unknown to him, therefore, the annoyance that it had caused in certain members of his maternal family that Rhaenyra's firstborn was the spitting image of Valyrian blood. Visenya was only ten years old, but the Red Keep and the proximity to the Iron Throne made any child abandon their childhood much earlier than they should have. She, too, had heard —though she would not admit it— what was rumored about her mother and her younger brothers. And, like Aemond, she had heard that she was her mother's only lifeline to remain the rightful heir of Viserys.
There was only one person who seemed to turn a deaf ear to the rumors that rumbled through the walls of the Red Keep and who, coincidentally, was the only one who was delighted with Visenya and Aemond's closeness. The king, a keen promoter of fostering a bond between his children and grandchildren, was delighted every time he saw his granddaughter in Aemond's company, laughing and running to the Dragonpit whenever they had the chance. Viserys had once mentioned how beneficial a union between the two children would be for the Kingdom and House Targaryen, but neither Rhaenyra nor Alicent had approved.
—We could have dozens of dragons if we wanted, Senya. Just for ourselves.
—Why would we want dozens of dragons?
Aemond held the princess's hand tightly, closing his eyes as he took a breath of air; as if that act would cause him and Visenya to be transported to Pentos, far from the aspirations and entanglements of their families, when he opened them again.
—To give you Westeros and all that lies beyond the Narrow Sea.
That was the last conversation Aemond and Visenya had alone. The Red Keep was shaken by the sudden departure of Ser Harwin Strong and his father, the Hand of the King. The subsequent death of both of them and Laena Velaryon giving birth in Pentos just a couple of days later turned Houses Targaryen and Velaryon upside down. What happened at Driftmark is known by all the Maesters who took it upon themselves to write the history of the Targaryen dynasty in the decades that followed, but none came to know the details of the rift in the relationship between Visenya Velaryon and Aemond Targaryen. The princes were seen arguing in the early morning of Laena's funeral, and it was apparently because Princess Visenya intended to talk some sense into her uncle about claiming Vhagar; but that is the last that is known until the loss of King Viserys' son's eye at the hand of Lucerys Velaryon, a scene at which Visenya was present. The princess was seen in shock in the throne room of Driftmark, faithfully clutching the hand of Lord Corlys, her grandsire, and staring at the floor. That changed radically, however, when the question of her siblings' birth entered the discussion.
—I understand that you are frightened for Aemond, your Grace —she had said to Alicent, who had addressed the little ones in an ill manner— But that does not give you the right to treat my brothers like that.
—They are not your brothers, Visenya. They are bastards.
The blood chilled the fire that ran through the veins of the little princess. She had heard those words from the mouths of many people in King's Landing, but they had never come from Aemond. The boy, with his face bloodied and his brow furrowed in pain, looked at Visenya with rage and grief at the same time, as if he could not conceive that the most important person in his life had not taken his side.
Shouts and unintelligible answers were exchanged between the greens and the supporters of Princess Rhaenyra in the throne room of Driftmark, sides that were finally gestated that morning after the attack of Queen Alicent to the heiress of the Iron Throne. The next morning, the king and queen of the Seven Kingdoms and their sons would depart with their retinue for King's Landing and Visenya and Aemond would not see or hear from each other again for many years. Visenya sent no raven to her uncle to inquire about his health or his eye; and the prince would not write to his niece, not even to ask about the death of Ser Laenor, by which the girl was devastated.
The Visenya they knew in King's Landing would disappear forever, giving way to a facet repressed by the girl for years. Laenor's death, Aemond's disappearance from her life and Daemon's appearance in it would serve to complete Visenya's transition into the dragon she was born to be. The relationship between Visenya and Aemond was the talk of the realm for years to come, but few knew that on the very day the prince lost his eye, Rhaenyra and King Viserys had agreed to their betrothal. For a few hours, the princes had been engaged, but it is unknown to the Maesters whether they knew of this agreement.
Visenya Velaryon was questioned by many and adored by others; for her actions, decisions and the people she surrounded herself with. She gestated her own future and looked out for the welfare of her family, her houses and the Kingdom.
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲.
Disclaimer! Some dates and events will be altered to make Visenya and her story fit better with what happened in both the series and the book. Thank you!
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