CHAPTER ONE───reunited
❛ he's got my past
frozen behind glass ❜
( it's time to go, taylor swift )
THE PALACE OF Elfhame looks the exact same as she remembers it. The thick branches of trees entwine together at the top to create a large mound of earth, littered with twigs and leaves and small flowers. Large oak trees surround the mound as if acting like guards. The enormous tree at the top has roots so long and sturdy that not even a natural disaster would be able to tear it down.
Aurora's eyes briefly flash a shade of murky green as disgust coils in her stomach.
She had not been planning to ever come back here. The Court of Ashes is mostly independent from the High Court. As the ruler, Aurora has not pledged fealty to the High King—nor does she plan to. Really, she has had no reason to step foot in the Palace of Elfhame ever again.
And yet, here she is. Standing right outside of the front entrance where the guards are getting ready to welcome her in.
Her feet stop moving as her eyes catch on a stray bare piece of land. Just a patch with no grass or flowers covering it. Just dirt.
It is just to the side of one of the outer trees surrounding the palace. Aurora didn't mean to stop and stare at it, but that's exactly what she does.
Because that is the spot where she had her first kiss.
A light touch brushes her spine. Startled, she turns to find Calix sending her a concerned look.
"Okay?" he whispers quietly enough for just her to hear.
She nods, looking away from the dirt that scarred her abandoned heart, tainting it with the blood of the love she once thought she knew.
The palace front gates are soon opened, and the six members of the Living Council appear before Aurora.
She is instantly on guard.
Her back straightens even more than it already was, a cool, regal look appearing on her face as she regards them all through cold eyes.
If there is anything she has learned in these last three years, it is to never show vulnerability. Ever. Act as if you are the most important and powerful person in the room even if you aren't.
Attitude gets you everywhere. Status gets you nowhere.
Aurora waits for the six to reach her. She does not move toward them.
Show your power through your actions, through your body language.
Aurora may not be more powerful than the High King of Elfhame, but she is definitely more powerful than the Living Council, and she is not afraid to show it. It is the only way to pave her way in this brutal world.
The six council members come to a stop right in front of her, each of them bowing politely to show respect, though Aurora knows better.
"Queen Aurora," greets the old hob at the very center of the group. "We welcome you to the High Court of Elfhame."
Of course, Aurora knows this is Randalin, the Minister of Keys. The two to his left are the Seelie and Unseelie Ministers, Mikkel and Nihaur, while the three to his right are Fala, the Grand Fool, Baphen, the Royal Astrologer, and Madoc, the Grand General.
Aurora does not supply a response. Instead, she stares at each of them coldly, making most of them shift in discomfort.
Eventually, the Grand General takes a step forward. He is the only one who wears a wide grin.
"Let us go inside the palace, my queen. The High King waits for you."
A sense of dread washes over Aurora, but she keeps her composure. If she doesn't, her body will react in a way that will make it known to everyone that she is terrified of what is awaiting her. She cannot show such weakness. She did not spend the last nineteen years of her life mastering the ability to disguise her emotions for nothing.
When she was younger, when her emotions got the better of her, her hair and eyes would turn the color of what she was feeling. As she got older, it became easier to mask these feelings and not let them show.
There was only one person in the world who was able to see straight through her.
And that is the reason, as she follows the Living Council into the Palace of Elfhame, that each step is more difficult than the last. Calix stays close beside her in an attempt to comfort her, but even he cannot calm her racing heart.
They reach a large set of gold-plated doors that touch the ceiling. Baphen opens them and allows Aurora to head into the throne room first.
And that is when she sees him.
For the first time in three years, Aurora's heart stops the same way it used to. Her breathing grows rapid as she fights the urge to spin around and run out of this godforsaken place. But she cannot show him he still holds such power over her. She won't.
Even from across the room, she can feel the burn of dark eyes dragging across her skin, marking her as if to say that she is his. Her eyes lock onto his in an attempt to show him that he does not affect her though he so clearly does. His features are blank, nonchalant. But there is an unmistakable tension that seeps through his entire being that Aurora seems to be the only one to notice. But then again, there is no one who knows him better than she does.
Or she used to, at least.
He reclines lazily on the throne, the Blood Crown tilted just to the side as it rests on his head. He seems entirely relaxed and not at all shocked nor anxious to see her. It is infuriating that the last three years ruined her but don't seem to have even caused a sleepless day for him.
As Aurora comes to a stop right in front of him, she and the rest of her guard bow down to him. She wishes she didn't have to, but not doing so would be treason and she is already trying to figure out a way to get out of this engagement without any repercussions on the Court of Ashes.
A slow, lopsided smile unfurls around the High King's mouth, his eyes following her as she lowers herself in front of him. She wishes she could smack that smug grin right off his face.
"Your Majesty," Aurora gets out with much difficulty, still curtsying to him.
Cardan doesn't make a move for her to get up. Instead, he just watches her with a frustrating tilt at his lips.
"Queen Aurora Shante Renaud," his familiar, deep voice rings in her ears. She struggles to keep her composure. "It has been a long time."
Not long enough.
For the briefest moment, as she's staring up at him, her eyes flash bright red. And for a second, it seems like his expression falters at the sight. But then his smile brightens and he makes an off-handed motion with his hand for her to get up.
She does so with clear hostility in her gaze. She keeps her head held high even though she feels like she is drowning.
How can he act so dismissive when he is the reason behind the destruction of her heart?
"Queen Aurora," comes another familiar voice.
Aurora's eyes flick to the side, catching on the familiar figure of Jude Duarte. She hadn't even noticed her there in her inner turmoil over the boy sitting in front of her. She had forgotten that Jude had become the High King's seneschal.
The brunette bows politely, and Aurora smiles at her. Although Cardan had never liked her back when they were in school together, Aurora had always been quite fond of her. They had mutual respect for one another after an incident when they were fifteen. They weren't friends, but there was an unspoken trust between them that still seems to hold up now.
"Hello, Jude," Aurora greets, tipping her head down slightly.
Jude smiles before her gaze drifts to the boy standing beside Aurora. Her eyebrows furrow slightly as she takes him in before her eyes widen.
Confused, Aurora looks to the side only to find the corner of Calix's mouth lifted into a small smirk.
Before she can dwell on it further, Cardan speaks again.
"You were not at the coronation," he states, an edge to his voice that no one notices but Aurora.
"I was not," she agrees through gritted teeth.
Cardan raises a brow. "And why was that?"
Her jaw flexes before she answers, "I was unable to make an appearance. The Court of Ashes was experiencing a crisis I could not leave unfinished."
"I see."
His eyes never once stray from hers. The way he's looking at her now makes her stomach drop. It's as if he has been starved for the last three years and he is hungrily drinking her in though it will never be enough to quench him.
Neither says anything more as tension grows in the room.
Finally, Randalin steps forward.
"Let us meet in the Council Room so we may continue our discussion about the letter we sent you, Queen Aurora."
Tearing her gaze from Cardan, Aurora nods and gestures for the Living Council to lead the way. She doesn't look back at the boy she used to know as he stands from his throne and follows them through the castle with Jude beside him.
The entire way there, her skin prickles with the heat of his stare.
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 !
took 5 months but i finally updated! sorry it took so long guys
also for reference: aurora and cardan are both 19 and jude is 18 in the wicked king
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