It was a fine evening tonight.
The temperature was perfect. Not too cold, yet not too hot either. Perfect for late night strolls or outings. Many seemed to collectively agree if most people went out instead of staying home.
The Royal Hotel, however, seemed to be hosting a party. The floor was reserved for just them for a few days and many were invited by the host. However, it seemed one person who never received an invitation seems to head towards the festive event.
The elevator pinged through all the levels, before setting onto the designated floor. The metallic doors opened, a man stepping out in the process. The men guarding the floor turned towards the mechanical doors, curious eyes watching every move of the mysterious man.
"Apologies, sir. This whole floor has been reserved." One of the men spoke up towards the boy, giving his statement to him. However, the male stayed silent as he stepped out of the elevator.
Another guard looked around, trying to look for an answer. "Did anyone call for this dude?" He asked, which only got a shrug from someone else. After what seemed like an eternity, the male finally opened his mouth and spoke.
"But I've heard..." He paused for a moment, lifting up his arm to reach for something under his suit. One man gasped under his breath as the other reared his head with widened eyes. "...that a traitorous scumbag is staying here."
He finished. The men's blood ran cold, freezing out of fear after noticing the mysterious male pulled out a sharp weapon. Before they could say anything, they were suddenly thrown across the room and crashed onto the large doors, breaking the hinges off completely.
The room full of men gasped, turning around to notice the two guards lying unconscious with debris under their bodies. "Wh-What in the world?!" One sputtered out, looking completely shocked at the sudden crash.
One of the guards ran toward the room, trying to warn them. "It's an ambush! A lone man–" Before he could muster another word, he was stopped. The men flinched as he gurgled, before toppling over and fell to the ground.
They gasped and shook with fear, noticing a golden blade impaled in the man's back. They slowly looked up, noticing the man that they were warned about stepping in the room. "Um... Excuse me. Vice Minister Brennan from the auditing department, I presume? I am terribly sorry if I interrupted anything..."
The male apologized, his tone soft in contrast to the deadly weapons he is wielding. His scarlet eyes bored into the males in the room, his cheeks warming up in embarrassment. He brought the weapon closer to his face, blood slowly rolling down the sharp dagger.
"But may I have the honor of taking your life on this fine evening?" He asked politely, trying to be respectful in their last moments. The lights were cut off, only screams and slashing could be heard from the dark room.
After a few moments, it was silent once again. Suddenly, the bathroom light turned on, presenting the crimson liquid splattered on the walls with multiple corpses added to the decorations.
The sink turned on, cool water pooling out of the faucet. The male rinsed his hands, rubbing off the blood coating his fingers. After thoroughly making sure his hands were cleaned from the sinful deed he committed.
He sighed, turning off the faucet as he watched the red tinted water drain. In the corner of his eye, he noticed something different about his outfit. He gasped, grasping onto the fabric. There seemed to be a large tear.
His fingers pinched the fabric, bringing it up for a closer look. He sighed with frustration, his hand palming his face. He was so careless that he ripped his only nice formal attire. He only shook his head softly and took a deep breath.
He could always patch it back up sooner or later, no biggie. He simply closed his eyes, indulging in the comforting silence. A few moments later, he gently opened his eyes once again. His fingers slowly trailed towards one of his daggers, the cold metallic material tickling his skin.
He grasped the handle, before suddenly swerving and throwing the weapon. The sharp metal lodged into a head, the large man falling to his knees before fully collapsing. The male huffed softly.
'Just as I suspected.' He took his sight off the bleeding body and looked up to notice he was surrounded. His eyes hardened, already feeling annoyed with the newcomers. He just washed up and now he might have to do it again? How irritating.
Within just a few seconds, he was able to take in their appearances. Night-vision goggles, full on pitch black suits, even some protection. Initially, he thought he killed an officer, but they seem different. They're not recognizable in any corporation.
"Get him!" The presumed leader ordered, causing multiple of his men to charge forward. The (H/C)nette grunted under his breath, his fists clenching tightly to the point his knuckles started to change color.
He suddenly charged forward, ready to pick a fight with them. Thus, the battle with this mysterious group began. The male was able to throw in some good hits with his strong force, even blocking and dodging without any effort.
The group all grunted and cursed under their breath. They didn't even know this man would be so strong. It almost felt like he was shattering their bones. The leader groaned with irritation as he watched his troops get easily beaten by their target.
They should have really expected this, but whatever. He signaled his other members who were watching their buddies get their asses beaten, gesturing them to move forward. They caught on, nodding before creeping behind the fight.
Man, they just keep on coming. But the male didn't seem to mind, trying to fend off the relentless attacks. He was so lost in the fight that he didn't even notice someone creeping up on him.
The male widened his eyes, finally noticing the presence. However, he was too late to do anything before he felt electricity jolting his whole body. He grunted before falling face flat. Embarrassing...
He twitched, black spots filling his vision as a loud ringing was heard in his ears. Everything was blurry and muffled. Damn, he felt toasted. He looked up weakly, noticing a blue blur walking inside the room.
"You finally got him?" The voice piped in, looking over the leader of the gang, "Yes, sir. It took quite a while, but we were able to tame the target." He filled in his supposed boss. The man nodded.
"Good. We can finally bring him over."
Those were the last things the male heard before fully blacking out.
How long has it been exactly?
You felt light headed, groaning softly to yourself as you tried recalling the events from before. Right... there were these mysterious groups of people suddenly barging in on your mission. "Alright, you can take it off of him."
You only hummed in confusion, feeling your head tilt back slightly due to somebody yanking off a blindfold. You blinked, groaning to yourself from the after shocks. After a few moments, your vision cleared up, noticing that this was a whole different room.
"Wha... huh?" You weakly muttered out, looking all over with hazy eyes. You tried moving your limbs, but they felt stuck. Looking behind you, you notice that your wrists and ankles seemed to be trapped within the metal chair.
You gasp, squirming in your seat as you relentlessly tried to break free from the steel grip. You were stopped when you heard a click and felt something press against the side of your head. You swallowed thickly, your eyes looking over to the side.
Someone was pressing a gun against your head. A fucking gun. "It seems you're awake now." You gasped, your focus now settling in front of you. A man with glasses sat in the middle behind a desk, his fingers holding up his chin as he peered at you.
You scrunched your brows, confusion pooling in your head. "What- Who are you?" You questioned meekly. He smiled at you. "J.R. Scheimpough, happy to be your acquaintance. And... you're Y/N Briar, I presume?"
Your eyes widened at the introduction. J.R. chuckled at your reaction, seeming to hit the jackpot. "You have an interesting job, Y/N. Not many clients seem to be a professional assassin anymore."
"How- How did you know my name? How did you–!" You stumbled on your words, absolutely baffled at the situation. You were cut off by J.R. who continued speaking. "You know, it's not that hard to know someone's position in this fucked up world."
You only cocked your head with confusion, waiting for an explanation. Luckily, it seemed J.R. noticed your confusion. "You see, we run a deep state business here. Conspiracy theories, monsters, all that type of shit to cover up the real truth."
You shut your mouth, finding that a bit hard to believe but he did know your name and deadly job, so I guess it makes sense. "Apologies for electrocuting you, but we needed one of the best assassins who are still, well, young and glowing." J.R. apologized, gesturing his hand in a motion in a shaking tone.
You only sighed under your breath at the lazy apology. That electrocution did fuck you up pretty good. J.R. only rubbed his forehead while sighing. "You see, here's the deal. We sorta need a body guard for this one person who going to join us."
J.R. explained to you, suddenly disappearing for a second under his desk. J.R. reappeared, now holding a remote in his hands before pressing the button. A screen behind him turned on, causing your eyes to widen at the sight.
There seemed to be a man who was almost in the same position as you, just... had ropes as a hostage tool instead. "Pretty sure you recognize him." He spoke after a few second of silence, turning back to look for your expression.
"Oh my god..." You mumbled. That was Brett Hand, fucking Brett Hand! That one person who wouldn't stop talking with you at your civilian job! You glared at J.R., your eyes even darkening at him. "You– Why the fuck do you have him?!"
You shouted at him, even moving your body forward to try to reach any closer to J.R.. You heard the screen gasp. Wait- can it hear you? "Y/N?! Oh my gosh, you're here too?!" You had to close your eyes and groan under your breath with annoyance, already recognizing the familiar squeal. Yup, that was the Brett Hand you knew.
J.R. smirked softly. "So you do know him. Here, tell you what? Just try body guarding him for a few missions and then you can work here in the assassin department! You did show you enjoyed in that killing spree."
J.R. proposed to you. The gears in your head turn before clicking. You blinked at him, raising a brow as if you were asking him something. 'That's it?' J.R. smiled with amusement at your expression. "That's right. Easy peasy. We can't let you go since you know to much and you might try to murder me– so why not try it for just a few months?"
You looked down, scrunching your brows together as you weighed out your options. If you declined, you'd most likely get killed after already knowing what these people are doing in this world. You can't have that, you'll worry your younger brother about your sudden disappearance. Hell, they might even harm Brett during the process.
If you do take the job, Brett would be under your protection and you will be able to kill more people. But, you'd have to be more discreet and one slip up could lead to your fatal doom. However, you did promise your brother that you would get another job...
You screwed your eyes shut, coming up with a resolution in your head. "So... are you in?" J.R. chimed in, watching every move. You paused, before looking up to meet him directly in his eyes. You swallowed, mustering up every courage you could to say a few simple words.
"I... yes. I accept your offer." You firmly answered. J.R. chuckled under his breath from your answer. He leaned back in his chair before sitting up properly.
"Well, in that case..."
"Welcome to Cognito Inc., Y/N."
A/N: Netflix took another massive L
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