↳ chapter five
↳ spider-boy
the alien came closer and closer, roaring loudly. stark activated his iron man suit while he stepped forward, shielding the aliens first attack.
he attacked him first with weapons that flew out of his suit shooting the alien back quiet a few feet
"where'd that come from?" asked banner surprised
"it's nanotech, you like it? a little something-" stark was interrupted when the slim alien broke off the ground below him and let him fly upwards. the next thing evi saw, were ripped out trees, flying in their direction.
wong reacted quickly and blocked them off with his magic shield.
"doctor banner, if the rest of your green friend, won't be joining us..." said strange, opening a portal right beneath banner
"and what about you?" he asked turning to look at evi "do i have to worry about you too?"
"me?" evi asked surprised he hadn't heard about what she could do "i can fight"
"are you sure? you seem a little young"
"definitely" she said before splitting a car in half, that was just about to hit them.
stranges' eyes grew big "alright" he muttered "then let's fight this thing"
behind them came back stark. "you gotta get that stone outta here, now"
"it stays with me"
"exactly, bye" stark flew off towards the alien thing, the sight being shielded by flying objects and open ground, evi could only see, how the alien threw him away.
"alright shit" evi said as she registered the big alien following stark, she wasn't sure but she thought that the central park was in that direction, which was also the place strange had teleported banner to. "i'm gonna take care of this" she explained lamely, before taking of the ground and flying in the direction of said alien.
"and she can fly too?!" exclaimed wong, turning to strange, who just sighed deeply and turned his head back forward
evi landed on the parks ground, she saw how the alien had nearly caught both stark and banner with his hammer/axe thing, but stark was fast enough to save them both.
while stark shot electric lasers at the aliens shield, evi flew beside him, trying to take it apart, but whatever that thing was made of, it definitely wasn't something from earth.
they were fighting at a water fountain now, and evi was sure she had nearly cracked the shield, when the alien suddenly fought if stark hitting him with its hammer and transporting him to the ground, he followed behind and trudge his hammer down, but evi couldn't hear any impact.
she landed on the ground, wondering why it had suddenly stopped in the middle of his movements, when she came to realise, someone had made it stop.
it was ...something..a man?..a boy? wearing a red and blue costume.
"hey man" he said addressing tony directly "what's up, mr stark?"
"kid where'd you come from?"
"a field trip to MoMA"
before they could talk any further, the boy had spotted evi. the eyes on his costume turning.. bigger? as if he recognised her
"oh my god, you're evina maximoff, how is that possible-" he spoke, the rest getting lost in a scream, he had been so distracted by her, that he didn't see the alien grabbing around its hammer and throwing him away towards the fountain
both stark and evi simultaneously attacked again. "uh what is this guys problem, mr stark?" the boy asked before he shot a web?
"u he's from space, he came her to steal a necklace from a wizard"
"yeah that pretty much covers it for now" concluded evina
the alien caught the boy with its hammer, which had now apparently turned into a pair of tongs, turning and throwing him off towards a tree.
while stark kept him preoccupied, they boy caught a flying taxi and threw it at him again.
evi flew up and turned herself invisible, going back to destroy the aliens shield again
her eyes were caught by strange flying by them.
"kid, that's the wizard. get on it" stark advised watching as the boy swinged behind strange
"maximoff, it would be nice if you could help him"
evi turned herself visible again and nodded "i'm on it, call me when you need me, i presume it's still the same channel"
she answered, pointing at the little nob, that was still in her ear.
they had used it in the battle of sokovia to keep in contact, the comms system turning out to be more helpful than evi had expected.
evi rose into the air and followed. when she arrived, the boy was holding onto strange with a web, clinging onto a lantern, which was being ripped out off the ground be the slim alien.
"shit" she muttered, as she saw the bright blue light of the spaceship hitting the ground and drawing strange and the boy upwards, she tried her best to hold them down, but she wasn't fast enough.
she landed on the ground next to the light and debated what to do. she certainly could not leave the boy alone. going in there with doctor strange wasn't particularly dumb, but when said doctor was unconscious, the situation was definitely different, also because the alien followed them inside. the boy had some kind of powers, she was sure of that but he seemed naïve and probably could use some help.
evi was torn between doing the right thing, following the boy and strange, making sure that thanos would not get the time stone and they would all make it out alive, or doing the easy thing, running away and finding her sister and vision, saving them by staying with them.
they didn't make it out the last time, but maybe that was because she wasn't there to protect him- them, to protect them.
maybe evi would never see wanda again, she couldn't be sure that steve's plan would work, bringing them back, it seemed a bit too optemistic, but that was just what he always was like.
she sighed before she rose up from the ground and let herself be beamed up onto the spaceship.
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