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After making sure they were all okay, Jim, Silver and (Y/N) make their way towards the portal. They run through, slightly staggering as they catch their breath. Jim slowly turns to the cyborg, his eyes wide in shock.
"You..gave up the-" he's cut off by Silver, the man shaking his head with a light smile. "Just a lifelong obsession, Jimbo." He says, his smile not faltering once. "..I'll get over it."
(Y/N) smiles as Morph rubs against Silver's face. Their attention is grabbed when a voice calls from behind.
"Aloha, Jimmy! (Y/N)!" BEN's voice rings out. They all watch in awe as the Legacy rises from the edge of the cliff. BEN lowers it, looking at his compass, that was now changed into a clock.
"Hurry, people! We got exactly two minutes and thirty-four seconds till planet's destruction!!" He yells, Delbert trying to steer the ship.
"You're doing fine, Doctor!" Amelia yells over the explosions. "Now ease her over gently-!"she's cut off as the ships jerks towards the ground, "GENTLY!" She exclaims, holding on so she didn't get hurt. The boat rams into the side of the cliff, the sound of metal scratching against the wall.
Jim hauls (Y/N) up the boat, Silver following closely behind. "Take us out of here, metal man!" Amelia orders, running to the top of the deck.
"Aye, Captain!" BEN salutes, pressing few buttons into the panel, flicking a lever down, making us start to blast off. "Captain!" Silver nervously greets, cautiously stepping towards Amelia. "You dropped from the heavens in the nick of-!"
"Save your claptrap for the judge, Silver!" Amelia cuts him off, the cyborg nervously chuckles, looking down with a sigh. They all gasp as one of the main sails ripped off its spot, ducking as debris begin to fall and lands on one of the ship's turbo jets. The jet sputters before dying, the ship beginning to move considerably slower.
"Missile tail demobilized, Captain!" BEN shouts, looking at the ships panel. "Thrusters at only 30% of capacity!" Delbert's eyes widen, nervously looking at the robot.
"30%.. That means we're-!" He's cut off by Jim. "We'll never clear the planet's explosion in time." He runs towards the edge of the ship, looking at the map.
(Y/N) makes her way next to him, looking to her left and catching sight of a part of the jet. They turn to eachother and nod, jumping down and turning towards the three adults.
"We gotta turn around," Jim says to them. "What?"Amelia demands, leaning over and watching Jim and (Y/N) work.
Jim grabs a long chunk of metal and drags it as (Y/N) explains, "There's a portal back there. It can get us out of here!" She yells, pointing a finger towards the fire induced portal.
"Pardon me, but didn't that portal open onto a raging inferno?!"Delbert shouts, his hands shaking from how hard he was gripping the wheel.
"But we can change that!" Jim argues back, dropping the metal in front of him and pointing to the jet. "We can open a different door!" BEN looks at them nervously before turning twitch Amelia.
"Captain,I really don't see how this is possible-" he gets cut off by Silver, the cyborg finally speaking up. "Listen to them!" Silver interrupts, causing the robot to jump back in surprise.
He joins (Y/N) and Jim on the main deck. Quickly helping them assemble whatever they were building. "One minute, twenty-nine seconds till planet's destruction!" BEN screams, waving his arms around in panic.
"What do you two need?"Silver asks, kneeling down next to the two teens. "Just some way to attach this," Jim says, looking around before Silver pushes them away gently.
"All right, stand back, now." His cyborgs arm changes into a torch and he mends the two metals together. "There you go." He says happily, both men lifting it over the edge of the ship.
Jim hesitates for a moment, turning around and taking quick strides towards (Y/N). He grabs the sides of her face, bringing her into a long awaited kiss.
The kiss was clumsy, his teeth gently grazing against her top lip. (Y/N) tenses at the action, her eyes shutting tightly, they inhaled sharply before fully pulling away, their breaths uneven and faces flushed.
"Be careful.." (Y/N) whispers, Jim nodding before running back to a smug looking Silver. He rolls his eyes playfully before slamming his foot on the pedal, the jet sputters as he shoots off.
Silver turns towards (Y/N) with a grin, his brows wiggling slightly. The girl averts her attention to the floor, the blood rushing to her cheeks again. "..shut up." She mumbles, Silver chuckling and shaking his head.
Silver turns and watches Jim speed off before facing the rest of the adults. "Well! You heard them! Get this blasted heap turned 'round!"he yells at Amelia, making her ears perk. "Doctor, head us back to the portal," Amelia orders, Delbert nodding and spinning the wheel.
"Aye Captain."
Jim breaths deeply as he flies through debris, dodging incoming explosions. He grunts as the jet dies, slamming his foot against it and starting it.
He laughs as the board spins, flying under metal and through rocks. Jim narrows his eyes, swerving his board to a floating wall, scraping the board along it to avoid an explosion and he sighs, focusing ahead.
Delbert harshly turns the ship to the side, Amelia yelping and screaming as he does so. "Go to the right! The right!" She yells, her claws digging into the wooden railing. "I know!
I know! Will you just let me drive?!" Delbert yells back, surprising the feline.
Delbert maneuvers around debris and rocks as BEN shouts, "Twenty-five seconds!!"
The engine dies out again, Jim yelling in frustrating and slamming his foot on the pedal again. His face falls and he looks down, the engine not starting. "No! No!" He yells as he begins to plummet towards the the ground, hit liquid lava waiting for him.
"Seventeen seconds!!!" (Y/N) yells, making
Morph squeal in concern and cover his eyes. BEN crouches down with his head in his hands, whimpering slightly. "Hurry up Jim!" (Y/N) shouts to no one in particular, her eyes glaring at the numbers as they slowly count down.
Jim looks around frantically as he continues to fall, his eyes widening as he catches sight of the cave wall, small drops of water latched onto the rocks.
Jim gasps as an idea comes to him. "Of course!" He yells, twisting the board and slamming it against the wall. The water touches the gasoline, immediately igniting and shooting off.
Jim whoops as he shoots out of the cavern, and he continues racing towards the portal.
"Seven!" (Y/N) shouts as they pass through the portal, Delbert flinching slightly as the ship hits the edge. He dosnet stop, his eyes strained forward as he continues.
Jim tilts the board, his arm stretching towards the portal's panel.
His fingers graze the image of the Montressor spaceport. The portal quickly shifts as the ship gets pushed out of the portal, flying into the open space.
The portal explodes, Jim laughing in relief as he flies towards the ship. The crew all cheer as he flies around, hollering and laughing. "You've done it, Jimmy!" BEN yells in delight, steering the board to fly near Silver, he flies closer and high fives him. "You've done it!"
Morph shifts into confetti and fireworks, Silver laughing as it lands in his face. "Didn't I say these two had greatness in em'?!" The cyborg yells, bringing an arm out and wrapping it around (Y/N)'s shoulders. The girl laughs, wiping a small tear from her eyes.
Jim flies thirds the deck, skidding to a stop at the ledge. He jumps off and watches as the board flies away, yelping as he gets knocked back, a small body landing into his chest. He looks down, a small smile on his face when he catches sight of a familiar set of (H/C) hair.
"I'm okay..I'm okay." He whispers, bringing his arms up and wrapping them around (Y/N)'s shoulders, bringing her close. "I'm glad..really." The girl says softly, stepping back and sniffling. Jim chuckles, wiping her eyes with his thumb. They both breath deeply, their shoulders relaxing, happy that they were both safe.
Small chittering breaks them apart, Morph flies towards them, licking Jim's cheek happily before doing the same to (Y/N). They both chuckle, scratching the little creature under his chin.
Amelia's voice calls out, all eyes turning to her. "Unorthodox, but ludicrously effective."
She grins, complimenting Jim. "I'd be proud to recommend you to the Interstellar Academy. They could use a good kid like you."
Jim smiles at the Captain, nodding to her in thanks. (Y/N) looks up at him and smiles wide, turning around before Amelia speaks up again. "And Ms (L/N)?" The girl quickly turns around, tilting her head in question.
"They could absolutely use a hard headed women like you to help in the navigation program." The Captain smiles gently, nodding her head before turning around and walking away.
(Y/N) watches her leave with wide eyes and a slack jaw. "I can't believe this.." she whispers, turning to Jim, a big smile makes it way to her face. "Im gonna be in the navigation program at Interstellar Academy !!" She yells happily, jumping up and down in excitement. Jim laughs, patting her on the head and congratulating her.
"Just wait until your mothers hears about this!"Delbert's voice suddenly perks up, both teens turning to him. "Of course..we may downplay the life-threatening parts.." he says with a chuckle, Jim's and (Y/N) laughing with him.
They look towards BEN, watching as the robot makes his way towards them. "Jimmy, (Y/N)! That was unforgettable!"
The robot looks towards Jim with a nervous chuckle, "I know you don't like me touching you, but get ready for a hug you two, cause I gotta hug ya!!"
He squeals in delight as Jim picks him up and hugs him tight, reaching over and pulling
(Y/N) into the hug as well. They all laugh, squeezing eachother with affection.
He sets them both down, BEN looking at Jim with a wide smile. "Hey! You hugged me back!" He says happily, "Oh I promised myself I wouldn't cry.." he begins to sob loudly, both teens patting his back in comfort.
Jim looks over to where Silver was standing only moments ago, nudging (Y/N) and gesturing towards the empty space.
The girl nods, both teens quickly making their way towards the gallery. Meanwhile, BEN continued to sob.
"Does anyone have a tissue?"
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