Episode 20 - Who Is Harrison Wells?
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"Where's Barry?" Eddie asked as he rubbed hungrily at his stomach.
"He should be here any second I sent him out for—" Joe answered taking another swig at his beer.
Caitlin sat perched at the bottom of the stairs watching silently. She still wasn't okay with this. Yes, she was glad to see some of the weight of the world fall of Barry's shoulders when he finally told them the truth... but that's the thing. Was it the truth? Caitlin bit down on her bottom lip as she struggled to accept that the man they admired... the man who was their friend was the Reverse-Flash. There had to be another explanation to all of it she declared to herself.
In a flash, the front door flew open and shut as if nothing had happened. Barry stood giddy in the middle of the room carrying three trays of pizza in his hands.
"PIZZA!" his voice proclaimed as he sped in finishing Joe's sentence.
"W-What?" Cisco smiled as the warm aroma of the pizza filled the room.
"Is it stuffed crust?" Sophia asked.
"Of course just the way you like it."
"Yay! Come to MAMA!" Sophia stated as she greedily took a box to herself.
Caitlin remained where she was her eyes glued down to her hands knotted in front of her. How could they act like everything was okay? How could they be alright with any of this?
"Caitlin?" Joe offered.
"I'm not hungry." She declined politely waving her hand at Joe.
Seeing the look on her face, Caitlin saw Joe's expression turn sympathetic as he nodded a small smile in her direction before his face tightened into a serious expression.
"Okay... six months of investigating Wells, Harrison Wells has led us nowhere... so we are going back to the beginning, to see what we can find out." Joe proclaimed.
Caitlin peeled herself off the stairs and pulled down her jumper as she stepped in to join the rest of the family in the living room.
"What does that mean?" Eddie asked.
"Road trip baby!" Cisco reached over and clinked beer bottles with Joe.
"Joe, Sophia, and Cisco are going to Starling City."
"Starling City? What for?" Caitlin wrinkled her nose confused.
"To investigate the car accident Wells was in with Tess Morgan fifteen years ago," Joe said.
"I... I don't understand. Why?" she asked as she placed her hands across her chest defensively.
"Dr. McGee said that after Well's accident he became like a stranger. Just a different person entirely." Barry said reaching over to Eddie for another slice of pizza.
"Because the love of his life died. You of all people should know how grief can change a person." She directed at Barry.
Caitlin looked into his eyes, having a silent conversation with him as he stared back in hers. He of all people should know how much losing a loved one can change people. Caitlin closed her eyes and turned away knowing it wouldn't change his mind about Dr. Wells.
Caitlin, we believe that Wells is the Reverse-Flash. And killed Barry's mother and he may have done the same thing to Tess Morgan."
Caitlin's mouth grew in a tight straight line as she listened to Joe. But she wasn't buying any of it. They had no proof.
"We need to learn everything we can about that night. See where it leads us."
"Oh, can you cover for us... with Dr. Wells?" Cisco pleaded.
"You mean lie?" Caitlin said upset.
"Ye-e-e-e-ah?" Cisco squeaked.
Caitlin shook her head and turned toward the door she felt dizzy like the entire world was falling around her shoulders. "I need some air." She whispered.
"Caitlin!" Barry called after her but she was already out the door.
Sophia too was conflicted about all this. Dr. Wells was her mentor... her friend. She just couldn't believe it was true but right now she needed answers and she was going to find them in Starling City.
~ The Next Day ~
"Good Morning," Barry said warmly as he approached Caitlin with a cup of coffee.
"Hey." She replied flatly.
"Hey look can we talk about last night?" he whispered offering her a cup.
"There's nothing to talk about." She retorted.
"There is actually. Cait look I know that after everything Dr. Wells has done for all of us it is hard to wrap your head around this but I need you to see the truth."
"The truth!? The truth is that he's saved your life multiple times..." she argued pushing out of her seat walking away from him.
"I know but if I'm right about this-"
"If Barry... if!" she raised her voice cutting him off.
"And before I can believe any of this. I am going to need to see some proof." She replied angrily.
"Proof? Proof of what?" Barry startled at his voice spun around slightly disoriented and off-balance.
Wells stared curiously at them as he waited for an answer.
"Ugh.. we.. may have another metahuman case on our hands" Barry lied.
"Well, we're always happy to help, Barry, as you know," Wells said with a smile.
"Have you heard from Cisco and your sister yet? They haven't arrived to work. I'm a little worried." Dr. Wells asked.
"Umm... Cisco... has to take care of Sophia. She's been feeling a little sick lately." Caitlin answered.
Wells wheeled away, leaving the two of them alone. "Snowflake..." Barry murmured, and leaned down to kiss her.
She felt like an awful person, but she looked away so that his lips connected with her forehead instead. "I'm sorry, Barry." She whispered. "I just need some more time."
~ Starling City ~
~ Sophia POV ~
"This is all you have?" Joe asked as he looked over the files.
"Well, it's a pretty cut and dry case, Detective. Harrison Wells, Tess Morgan is out on a Sunday drive, the tires blow, Wells loses control, and, uh... sadly Tess dies on the scene." Detective Lance says.
"Couldn't imagine carrying that kind of guilt around," I said.
It reminds me of Barry even though he was just a kid he still blames himself for what happened that night. Just like Wells Barry lost someone he loved too. I just can't believe that Wells, the man I looked up to... the man I trusted, could be possible of murder. It couldn't be true. But something deep inside me knew Barry would never lie to me. Never.
"So, uh... what are you two hoping to find?" He asked.
"We're not exactly sure yet," Joe said.
"You come all the way from Central City and you don't know what you're looking for?"
"Just following a hunch."
Yes, a hunch it's hard to believe all this but that's why we are here to find more evidence. I'm desperate for answers and need to find out the truth about this man.
"Uh, can you take us to the accident site?" Cisco asked.
"It's been 15 years. I think the pictures will serve you better."
"Still, we'd appreciate a look," I said.
"Whatever you need."
"Captain, I need those witness statements for the Joshua Brown trial."
"Um, yeah, well, like I told you, end of the day. Sorry, uh, Detective West, Cisco Ramon, this is A.D.A. Laurel Lance."
Joe shook her hand and smiled.
"Actually, we've already met before."
"You have?"
"Yes, they both work for S.T.A.R. Labs along with Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow-Allen," Laurel answered.
"Nice to meet you two again."
"Can I talk to you two privately for a minute?
"So, how have you two been since our last team up?"
"Pretty good actually. We are together." Cisco said lacing his hands with Sophia.
"That's great news," Laurel said hugging both of them.
"Thanks. So what do you need?" Cisco said.
"I need your help repairing my choker. It got damaged during a fight with Count Vertigo."
"What does it do?" I asked curiously.
"It helps me to control my canary cry. If I don't have it on me at all times then I could end up hurting someone I care about," Laurel explains.
"All righty then. I think I've got some ideas," Cisco said.
He smiles at me and then winks as I let out a giggle getting the reference immediately.
Laurel looked at us weirdly and raised a brow.
"What's that about?" She asks us.
"Well as you know our Cisco likes to reference pop culture in everything. So we decided to make it into a game if I can get all the references and impressions correctly by the end of the day then I am rewarded with a drink and pastry at Jitter where he will be paying obviously." I explained.
"And what did he reference?" Laurel asked.
Cisco and I looked at her dumbfounded.
"Uh, well, only the funniest Jim Carrey movie ever," Cisco said.
"And that is?" Laurel asks.
"Ace Ventura. Pet Detective. Alrighty then." I explained.
"Oh, right. That line. Well, that's not even his best comedy movie." Laure said.
Cisco and I gasp in shock. "You take that back madam," Cisco said.
Laurel smirks. "No. Liar Liar is personally my favorite and is his best comedy movie."
Cisco and I fake a stab to the heart like it's a betrayal.
Laurel shakes her head smiling and giggles.
"Aw, you two are so nerdy. It's cute." She said.
I blushed and smiled.
"But seriously Laurel. Get a better taste in movies. Maybe we can do a double date. Me and Sophia and you and Oliver. Have like a movie night at our apartment." Cisco said.
"I'd love that. But let's do it at mine and Oliver's place instead as we got a whole theater built-in. Also, food and drinks are on us." Laurel said.
"Cool. As I can't say no to that." Cisco said.
I then see the wheels turning in Cisco's head while he looks at the device already starting to think of ways to improve her choker.
"Great. And I can't wait to see what that smart brain of yours comes up with," Laurel said.
~ General POV ~
As the cab departed Caitlin gathered up the courage to talk to Wells and made her way up the long-deserted driveway to the front porch of his house. Caitlin let out a deep cool breath as she extended her hand, her finger hovering over the doorbell.
It's the only way. She reassured herself. I need to know for sure.
Caitlin started to shake as she pushed and rung the doorbell. But just as the bells of the doorbell chimed and the sound of the motorized chair could be heard near the door, Caitlin is flashed away into the middle of a deserted street hundreds of miles away from where she last stood.
"Wha- Are you spying on me now?" She raised her voice in anger.
"Caitlin, what were you doing at Wells' house?" He interrogated her.
"I- I was going to talk to him... get some answers of my own." She replied honestly. As Barry spun away from her rubbing his hand over his face she knew this wasn't what he wanted to hear.
"You can't. You cannot talk to him!" he ordered.
"Oh, So, I'm just supposed to stand by and watch all of you ruin this man's life... Ruin my life?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Those nine months you were in a coma... were the worst of my life. I lost my reputation. I lost my friend Ronnie and I thought I was gonna lose you too and through all of that Harrison Wells stood by my side. He told me everything was going to be okay. If Dr. Wells is who you say he is... everything that I've done since the minute I stepped foot into S.T.A.R Labs... Has all been a lie."
"Cait... if I am right about all of this and you tell him what's been going on I'll never be able to get by dad out of prison."
"If not for me then just do it for him."
She sighed heavily. "I can't believe you're pulling the dad card."
Laughing Barry pulls Caitlin into his arms.
"That's a dirty pull, Barry." She nudges him in the chest before allowing herself to rest her head where the sound of his heart beating in a steady beat melted away her problems.
As his chin rested on her head, Barry pulled back, guiding his hands from her waist up to her face where both his hands cradled her face. Barry lifted her chin guiding her eyes to meet his. Caitlin stared deeply into his eyes as they burned with intensity.
"I love you, Snowflake."
Barry drew her closer to him she closed her eyes and they shared a kiss.
"I Love you too, Teddy Bear."
"Let's go back home." He whispered before picking her up off the ground and cradling her in his arms as he sped off into the night.
It turns out Joe and Barry were right all along about Dr. Wells. When we made our way to the accident site we found a body and it belonged to the real Harrison Wells. Barry and Caitlin walked in to find us already there in Barry's Lab. In front of them, on the examination table, is Harrison Wells's body. It was decayed and partially dissolved. I wanted to throw up just looking at the body.
"Look, Caitlin." Cisco led her over to his computer layout. "It's- It's Dr. Wells."
"This isn't possible." Caitlin breathed, staring at the computer screen.
"It's human. I ran tests. It's a perfect match." He said.
"This body is the real Harrison Wells." Joe sighed, moving toward the table.
"If this is Dr. Wells, who have we been working with this whole time?" Caitlin said.
"Dr. McGee said that after the accident, Wells became a completely different person," Barry said.
"It's because he is a different person," I murmured.
"Let's get back to S.T.A.R Labs I need to check something," Cisco mumbled.
"What are you doing?" Caitlin questioned as Cisco jumped on the computers and began running a diagnostics test.
"After the accelerator exploded I built a 3D model of S.T.A.R Labs so that I can pinpoint exactly where or what caused the malfunction."
"And you've never run this test?" Barry asked his expression serious as he watched the computer screen.
"Of course I did. I just never had any reason to look at any areas outside the pipeline or the cortex. It's a big building some many places for Dr. Wells to hide something." Cisco defended.
Suddenly the computer pinged highlighting a red area on the schematics.
"What is that?" Barry pointed out.
"That... shouldn't be there," I said
Caitlin stepped back as Cisco jumped out of his seat grabbing the tacion device and switching it on. We followed Cisco down to where the area was highlighted in red.
"I'm picking more activity up here." He whispered slowing down as they got closer.
"Tacions. Here." Cisco pointed out.
A door opened up for Barry. Taking a deep breath I grabbed Cisco's hand and followed after him and Cait. As we set foot through the doorway, a single beam of light illuminated the haunting yellow suit of the man we were chasing. The Reverse-Flash.
"Oh, Mylanta," Caitlin whispered.
I stepped even closer. I just couldn't look away.
"Harrison Wells is the Reverse-Flash," I said stunned.
"Guys...." Barry's voiced us over.
Where Barry stood was a giant projection of an article which read.
"Flash Missing. Vanishes in Crisis. Dated April 25, 2026," Caitlin said.
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