"Morning, Beautiful." Barry groaned as he woke up and turned around to see Caitlin staring at her engagement ring.
"You know if you keep on staring at that ring you'll go blind." Barry teased.
Rolling her eyes she lightly smacked him in the chest and got on top of him
"So, how much time do we have before going to work?" Caitlin said seductively and kissed him on his neck and chest.
"Hmmm, about half an hour." Barry grinned.
"Good. More fun for us." Caitlin grins back and they kiss passionately.
~ S.T.A.R. Labs ~
"It seems you're improving, Mr. Allen." Dr. Wells commended him with a smile of approval.
"It's still not fast enough," Barry stated flatly.
"Keep working like you are. Keep focus like you are and you will be ready the next time the Man in Yellow turns up." He encouraged.
Then I can go home and you can live on with your friends and family in peace. He said in his mind.
"I think you mean the Reverse-Flash!" Cisco tested.
Barry and Caitlin both turned to look sternly in Cisco's direction.
"What he said it not me and he's right yellow suit red lightning and evil. The reverse of Barry."
"Eh, Actually, I kind of like it." Dr. Wells smiled coyly as he stared back down at his computer.
"Okay, I'm up for another round. How many drones do we have left?" Barry said unfazed by the sudden direction of their conversation.
"Two and these got lasers." Cisco beamed.
"NO!" both Dr. Wells and Caitlin yelled.
Sophia was on her computer, scouring the internet for any signs of Firestorm. That was what Ronnie had called himself. He had said not to look for him but how could she not?
"Hey." Barry's voice startled her so much that she shrieked. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"No, it's okay."
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Gotcha. What's Firestorm?"
They had talked a little about Ronnie coming back to life. Barry had been slightly upset that she hadn't told him when she found out, but once he heard her reasons he understood, knowing he would have done the same thing.
"Hey, I just thought of something. What if Firestorm..-"
"-..What if Firestorm isn't a word, it's an acronym." Her fingers then flew across the keypad. "Fusion Ignition Research Experiment and Science of Transmutation Originating RNA and Molecular Structures." Barry raised an eyebrow. "It's... 800 pages." Sophia sending her best puppy dog eyes looked up at him.
He leaned over the screen. Words and pages flashed across it at super speed, and Barry's eyes flicked back and forth until they were a blur. A second later he blinked and stood up.
"There's a lot of stuff in there, but it mostly focuses on Trans-Mutation, which is the process of altering the structure of an element but unzipping the elements-"
"-And recreating it to make an entirely new element." Sophia completed with a frown.
Barry nodded. "The article was co-written by Jason Rush, who's a grad student here, at Hudson University. So if anyone who knows what happened to Ronnie..."
"...Maybe he does" She breathed hopefully.
~ Later that day ~
"Jason Rush?"
"Uh, yes. Sophia, I presume?"
"Thank you for meeting me," she said.
"Oh, happy I'm happy to. Although totally upfront if this is about the resume I emailed into S.T.A.R Labs... I've already accepted a position at Mercury Labs," he stated.
"No... Actually, I wanted to talk to you about F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M."
"Um, I'm sorry... this was a mistake. I have to go," he said all of a sudden, leaping out of his seat.
Jumping out of her seat Sophia blocked him from going anywhere.
"No! My Fiancé is in trouble and you're the only clue I have to help him. I need answers... Please," she begged.
With a sigh of defeat, she relaxed as he slid back into his seat offering her to join him.
"What's the line? I never got paranoid until they started to plot against me." He sighed.
"Why would they be plotting against you?" she quizzed.
"Because of our work. Because of F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M."
"Transmutation. The ability to alter matter on a molecular level."
"Yes," he cut her off.
"We had some rudimentary success with our stage one testing... working with sand grains. But Professor Stein said that we should -"
"Hang on wait. THE... Professor Martin Stein. He was the co-author of the paper?"
"Yes, he was our team leader. He didn't believe in baby steps. So, we skipped staging three."
"Which was?"
"We melted a concrete wall. But the university threatened to shut us down. So, Professor Stein published his paper without them giving permission and they went nuts. So, he went to go talk to a friend of his to secure private backing."
"And who was that?"
"He didn't say... he just said he'd call me later and no one has seen or heard from Professor Stein since."
"What do you think happened to him?" she asked.
"All I know is that the army showed up the next day and confiscated all of our research. So, tell me. Do you think I being too paranoid or not paranoid enough?" he asked her rhetorically.
"Look that's all I know. I got to go." He finished jumping back up scanning the area around them.
"Thank you so much."
Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco were all in the Cortex talking. Barry was telling them about Sophia's breakthrough with Jason and then his phone buzzed and he picked it up.
"Barry! it's Sophia!" Joe yelled.
His smile immediately faded, and he flashed off, leaving Caitlin and Cisco to wonder what the hell had just happened.
Barry ran to the crime scene.
"Joe!" He called, running to meet his stepfather. "Anything?"
"There's no sign of Sophia," Joe said worriedly panic in his voice
Barry's face turned pale as he saw the thick ice covering the side of her car.
"Snart messed with the wrong man. We're getting her back. We have to find Snart NOW!" Barry said gritting his teeth
"Damn right we do." Joe agreed. "Come on, let's go."
~ CCPD ~
Eddie ran down the stairs calling them, "Joe! Joe! Oh, Allen, thank goodness." He placed a hand on Barry's shoulder staring with concern into his face. "You've probably already heard. Man, I'm so sorry we'll get her back."
Captain Singh walked out of his office.
"Turn on the T.V. It's on every station."
"Salutations people of Central City. I am Leonard Snart, but you can call me Cold... Captain Cold." Barry could barely hear him. In the back of the corner, Sophia was struggling against Mick, Snart's partner.
"I'm gonna make this very simple for everyone. He's real. He calls himself..." Snart laughed. "The Flash. Porter and Main. Tonight. Sundown. Or this woman dies." Sophia pulled against Mick. "Just wait till The Flash gets here he's gonna kick your ass," she said and Snart killed the feed.
"That's my little sister," Barry said smirking.
It was nearing sundown and they still weren't any closer to finding where Sophia was then his phone buzzed.
"Okay, you're on. Good luck, Son." Joe voiced through the other end of the line.
In seconds he was in his suit and at the place was Sophia was being held. The entire police force stopped and stared. He looked back silently and gave them a nod.
"Well if it isn't The Scarlet Speedster!" Cold yelled. He approached Barry, guns drawn, Mick at his side. "Any preference on how you'd like to die? The flame? Or the frost?"
Instead, Barry whizzed around the two of them, and they fired their guns. Snart ran to a car, "Cover me!" He yelled at his partner. Mick blasted flame unto the air.
Snart hit a fire hydrant with his gun, and the water shot into the air, freezing immediately. Barry didn't have time to slow down. He crashed into the ice, rolling to safety behind a car.
"Barry," Caitlin spoke in his ear. "Please, be okay?"
"I'm okay," Barry yelled back, shivering. "I need to cross their beam or I can't take their guns out wait... I know."
He flashed off again, and up a building, the beams of both the guns following him. Barry leaped down from the apartment, landing in a crouch, and Snart shot him.
Blood pounded in his ears as he tumbled a few feet backward. He lay on the pavement, groaning in pain, and froze at the sound of Snart's gun firing up again.
He didn't freeze to death. Eddie threw himself to his knees, holding up a Cisco-made shield to block the wave of ice and fire that rained down on them. "Go go go!" Eddie bellowed, and Barry flashed them both away.
"Okay." Barry took a few deep breaths, Then flashed to the spot in between both Snart and Mick. They fired their guns up, and he was hit by two streams of agony.
He fell to his knees.
But his plan worked. The guns started to overload each other, and Mick and Snart were blown backward by their own weapons. Smart scrambled toward his gun, but Barry struggled to his feet and laid a foot on it. "Ha." Snart began to laugh. "I didn't see that one coming. I guess you win this time."
"There won't be the next time," Barry growled. Eddie came up behind him, leveling his gun at Snart. "Thank you, Detective," Barry said, vibrating his voice so that Eddie wouldn't recognize it. Eddie nodded. Then Barry raced off.
~ CCPD ~
Joe was talking with her, and she had a shock blanket over her shoulders.
Barry ran and Sophia hugged her. "Are you okay?" Barry asked.
"A little bruised. But I'm fine." she smiled.
"Are you sure you are okay?" He asked again.
"Barry, I'm fine. Stop worrying so much."
Hearing Joe's laughter behind him, Barry tilted his head in confusion.
"She'll be okay, Son. Now quit worrying. That's my job."
"Yeah, I just need some rest." she yawned. When they got out of sight from people, Barry picked her up and flashed off.
~ Sophia's Apartment ~
She changed into her pajamas in the bathroom and then Barry tucked her in.
He leaned down and gently kissed her forehead. "You get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"
"Okay..." Sophia murmured. She then dropped off almost immediately and Barry quietly left the room and turned off the light.
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