Bruce and Harleen are slow dancing along with the rest of the couples in the ballroom. Jazz music is being played. She was starting to miss her little bundle of joy and it showed all over her face. He noticed and asked.
"What's wrong, My Love."
"I'm worried about Damian. I miss him." She said sadly.
"I miss him too. This is the first time in months we've had to ourselves. But we'll be back home soon in no time besides Barbara is taking good care of him. Let's just enjoy this moment." Bruce said and slowly leaned in and kissed her.
"You always know exactly what to say, B-man," Harleen said smiling.
"It's one of my superpowers well besides being rich," He said and they laughed.
"Hello, Beloved." Bruce knew who that voice belong to and he turned around to face her.
Talia al Ghul
Portrayed by Moran Atias.
"Talia, what are you doing here?" He asks gritting his teeth.
"Can I borrow Bruce for a few minutes, Harleen?" Talia asks.
"Sure thing," She said gritting her teeth as well and stared daggers at Talia.
"I'll be back. I promise." Bruce said and kissed her cheek. He leaves with Talia.
Caitlin, Sophia, and Laurel gathered around Harleen.
"Who's that?" Caitlin asked curiously.
"Bruce's ex-girlfriend, Talia," Laurel said in a disgusted tone.
"Are you okay?" Laurel said putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I'm fine... Okay, maybe I'm not... I-I'm just worried." Harleen confesses.
"Why would you be worried?" Sophia asks.
"Because the last time they were alone Talia forced herself on him and kissed him. What if he realizes he made a mistake and leaves me," she said and did get a with her hands.
"He will always love you, Harley. No matter what no woman will come between you and him." Caitlin reassured her.
"Yeah, besides you have a kid with him. He won't leave you and if he does he'll have to answer to Oliver." Laurel said.
"Sorry, to break it to you honey but Bruce has kicked Oliver's ass before," Harleen said.
"Yeah, but you get the point right," Laurel said.
She nods and lets out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, I'm just being paranoid. Thank you girls for cheering me up." she smiles.
"We've got your back and each other," Laurel said.
"I have a name for our new girl squad. The Birds of Prey." Sophia said.
"That sounds badass." Laurel comments. The rest of them nod in agreement.
~ The balcony of Wayne Tower ~
"What do you want, Talia?" Bruce demanded getting right to business.
Talia doesn't say anything and then looks at the Gotham skyline.
"So, you married that blonde-headed bimbo. I'm surprised you would lower yourself so much and having a child with that, Bitch." Talia said spitting venom in her voice.
Bruce clenched his fists.
"Don't you dare talk about my wife or my son like that ever again or so help me you will regret what you said." Bruce snapped getting in her face.
Talia smirks knowing that she got under his skin.
"I have a proposal for you, Beloved. Leave that clown and come back to me. We are fated to rule this earth. Accept your destiny. Accept our destiny." Talia pleads. She grabs his hands and puts them near her heart.
"Not a chance in hell," Bruce said and yanked his hand away from her grasp.
"Then, Beloved. You have left me no choice. You broke my heart now I break yours." Talia said coldly and walks away.
Kaboom! Screams of people are heard and The League of Assassin's encircled Team Flash and Team Arrow.
"I suggest all of you leave unless you wanna feel the wrath of my sword." Talia threatens and the people rushed out in a panic.
Talia then turns towards the heroes.
"Like I said leave. I want her!" Talia said pointing at Harleen with her sword.
"Barry, go!" Caitlin whispered in his ear.
"Like hell, we would!" Oliver said and aimed his bow and arrow at her. The Flash appears flashing in his suit along with Batman who crashes through a window.
"Oh, Beloved. I always like seeing your entrance makes me hot." Talia said rubbing her body.
"This ends NOW!" Batman orders.
"I won't leave till I have her head on a plate," she said.
"Wrong answer!" Batman growled. He then stepped forward but got punched by Clayface.
The battle was on. Oliver shoots arrow after arrow at the ninjas and Laurel used her canary cry. The Flash and Batman are fighting Clayface. Barry tried to punch Clayface and got squished Oliver shot an explosive arrow at Clayface but it didn't work and got a fist full of clay. Batman was the only one left and he took out a freeze blast gadget and threw it at Clayface freezing him completely. Harleen then takes out an explosive Batarang from her purse and churches it at Clayface blowing him up into pieces.
"Give it up, Talia. It's over." Batman ordered.
"Oh, Beloved. You should know by now that I always get what I want." Talia said with a sinister smirk. Then one of the ninjas throws some smoke pellets on the ground and a thick smoke surrounds them. A muffled scream is heard and Batman turns on his detective vision but it's too late. Once the smoke is cleared Talia was gone and a wounded ninja is left behind as well as some ninjas that are unconscious.
"Bruce! she's not here Harleen's gone." Oliver yelled as he and Laurel looked for her.
"What's our next move?" Barry asked.
"We have to go to the Batcave but first..." Batman walks up towards the wounded ninja that was left behind. An arrow is sticking out of his leg and he is in pain. He grabs him by the hair and drags him to the balcony. Bruce then dangles the ninja from the balcony.
"W-What are you doing!?" the ninja said scared. "Y-You don't kill. You can't!"
"If you don't shut the hell up then I'll drop you," Bruce threatened.
Team Flash was getting uncomfortable with this side of Batman. Flash goes to stop him but Oliver grabs his shoulder. "He knows what he's doing," Oliver whispers.
The ninja nods frantically. "Now listen. I know Talia has you wired and can hear or see this. So, Talia. If you even lay one finger on her then you are gonna pay for it." Bruce said and then he drops him.
"Ahh." the ninja screamed
"No!" Team Flash said horrified.
"You just killed a man!" Barry said angrily.
"Check again," Black Canary said. He then looks and sees a rope tied to the ninja's ankles and Batman had tied the rope to a pole earlier. The ninja is unconscious as his head had hit the glass when he was falling. Batman then walked away with Green Arrow and Black Canary. Team Flash looked on in shock at Batman's methods.
~ The Batcave ~
Team Flash and Team Arrow are at the Batcomputer looking for information on Talia Al Ghul.
"I saw the news. Are you okay?" Barbara asks cradling Damian.
Holland Roden ( Batgirl/Barbara Gordan)
"I'm fine. But Talia took Harleen and we're trying to find any leads." Bruce said.
"Caitlin, could you check on Alfred? He is a little banged up from the explosion." Bruce said.
"Sure thing," Caitlin said as she walked over towards the medical table where Alfred is currently sitting.
"So, who is Clayface?" Oliver said.
"His real name is Basil Karlo," Bruce answered.
"He killed some cast and crew because a classic film of his was remade with a different actor in the lead role," Sophia added.
"My foster dad Joe stopped him but he escaped Iron Heights and got affected by The Particle Accelerator," Barry said.
"We've been trying to track him for weeks now but we've been busy with other Metahumans that are in our city," Cisco said.
"And it looks like he made his way to Gotham," Oliver said.
~ Unknown Location ~
Harleen awoke with a pounding headache. Slowly she opens her baby blue eyes that are blurry and unfocused.
"Fuck!" Harley groans and tried to move but couldn't because she is restrained by chains and shackles embedded in the wall behind her. As her vision started to clear up she looked at her surroundings and she started to panic.
"Okay, Harleen. Don't freak out you can do this. Bruce will come for you and you'll be back home in his arms safe and sound with Damian."
As she was contemplating how to escape that's when the steel door on the other side of the room opened inward, revealing a smug-looking Talia in the doorway.
"Ah, I was wondering when you were going to wake up. I was beginning to think my men had hit your pretty little head too hard. I suppose they thought you were tougher than you actually are." Talia said walking towards the hero.
Harleen responded by spitting in her face "Fuck you!" She said.
Talia then slaps her cheek hard leaving a bruise "I'm going to enjoy torturing you. As I said to Bruce earlier I'm gonna break his heart just like he broke mine." Talia said as she patted Harleen's wounded cheek laughing.
~ Batcave ~
Caitlin is fixing up Alfred.
"You have a broken wrist but I'm gonna reduce the swelling now," she said and applied ice on his cast.
"Thank you, Dr. Snow," Alfred said.
"It's my pleasure," Caitlin said.
Bruce walks over towards them.
"Is he gonna be okay?" Bruce asked.
"Yes. He'll be alright but it's gonna take 4 to 6 weeks for his wrist to heal." Caitlin replied. Bruce nods. "So, no physical activities or moving around. Have Bruce do the work around the house while you are resting." Caitlin said.
"You hear that, Master Wayne. I guess you'll have to be my butler." Alfred teased.
"In your dreams." Bruce teased back.
Caitlin laughs. "I bet he doesn't even know how to cook," she whispers to Alfred. "He bloody can't even do the laundry," he said and Bruce rolls his eyes.
"You know I can still hear you," he said smiling.
Barbara then walks up towards them cradling a crying Damian.
"I tried everything. Feeding him. Changing his diaper and nothing. I think he wants his Mommy." Barbara said and hands him over to his Father.
"It's okay, Little Man. It's okay. I'll bring back your Mommy home. I promise." Bruce said. He then kissed Damian on the forehead and held him close rocking him gently to sleep.
"I got it. A ninja was seen going near the Gotham Docks. It may be a trap. So, bring back up." Cisco said typing on the Batcomputer.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Barbara asked.
"No, stay with Damian," Bruce said.
"I'll take him. I can handle being alone with Damian. I am a Doctor after all." Caitlin said smiling.
"Okay, then. Let's suit up." Bruce said and puts back on his cowl.
He hands Damian over to Caitlin. She smiles softly at the baby as he's sleeping. Barry speeds towards his girlfriend, kisses her goodbye, and leaves getting a head start.
Barbara suits up changing into her batsuit. She then gets in the batmobile with Batman and they drive off. Oliver and Laurel ride on their motorcycles and follow the Batmobile to the location.
~ Gotham Docks ~
"What took you guy's so long?" Barry said smirking.
"Some of us don't have super-speed like you, Barry." Oliver spat getting off his motorcycle. Laurel gets off her motorcycle as well.
"Ohhh, someone's jealous." Batgirl teased. Laurel giggles. "He has a huge ego. So, yeah." she teased. Oliver shakes his head but smiles not denying it.
"Focus!" Batman said and gets their attention. He turned on his detective mode and scanned the area.
"Oliver, Laurel, and Barry. You take out those 5 big men there guarding the door to Talia's hideout." Bruce said pointing towards the middle and they nod leaving.
"Barbara, you take out the left side of the docks and I'll take right."
"On it," Batgirl said and grappled to the area and Bruce did the same. They are successful and take out the goons.
"That was way too easy." Barry grinned earning a glare from Batgirl.
"What?" he said smiling.
"You never say that," she responded as the group crept along the corridor, moving as quickly and silently as possible and Barbara was right when they went underground the docks they were instantly surrounded by Talia's men.
"I've been waiting for you, Beloved," Talia said and had a rope tied up around Harleen and a piece of duck tape on her mouth.
Harleen and Bruce's eye's met. Hers a mix of happiness and pain. His was of worry and anger. Anger at himself for not protecting her.
"Let Harleen go. Now!" Batman ordered
"And why on earth would I do that? Instead, watch as I slice her pretty little throat." Talia said and brings her sword to the hero's neck. Bruce gave the signal to Barry and he ran up to Harleen freeing her and took her to Batman.
"Are you okay?" Bruce asks examining her for any cuts or bruises.
"I'm fine. I knew you'd come for me." Harleen said smiling and hugs him tightly. Bruce smiles and holds her close.
"Enough kill them all!" Talia orders her men. The ninjas leap towards the group.
The battle begins. Batgirl throws a smoke pellet that surrounding the area with thick smoke and it distracts the ninjas. Oliver shot multiple arrows at the ninjas while they are in the air. Black Canary using her martial arts and went head to head with those that dogged Olie's arrows.
Clayface turned into a giant ball and jumped at the group covering them and Talia's men in thick clay. Black Canary then used her Canary Cry and freed them. Batman throws multiple capsules filled with cement and Clayface instantly hardened. Batgirl then throws an explosive Batarang and blows him to pieces.
"Give me your grapple gun. She's mine." Harleen said to Bruce and locks eyes with Talia. He gives her his grapple gun and she shoots the claw into the ceiling above the ledge where Talia is standing watching the fight and knocks her down with a kick to the chest.
"It's payback time, Bitch." Harleen growled.
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