BELLA, JACOB, AND RENESMEE WENT OUTSIDE TO PLAY IN THE SNOW. Evangeline couldn't help but worry, she felt as if something would go wrong, and she just couldn't shake the feeling off.
Jasper is by her side, massaging her shoulders, trying to remove the tension from her body by using his gifts.
Now the three are back, and they are in the living room telling the rest of the family what happened in the woods.
"I called them. Tanya convinced Irina to come and reconcile with all of you," Evangeline tells them with a sigh.
"It looks like she changed her mind," Edward tells them.
"Seeing Jacob must have been too much for her," Esme says, her face worried.
"Wish I could have spoken to her," Bella says while shaking her head.
"She's family. She'll come around," Carlisle assures them.
Edward begins to play the piano with Renesmee, and Jasper and Evangeline are just watching the daily news.
Alice enters the living room holding a vase filled with fresh flowers. She suddenly gasps, her eyes are dazed. She was having a vision and dropped the vase.
Theodore speeds towards her, holding her arm, and questions, "What is it, Alice?"
"The Volturi, they're coming for us, Aro, Caius, Marcus, the Guard, and Irina," Alice tells them. Evangeline looks at her, confused about why her sister was mentioned.
"Irina? Why Irina?" Evangeline asks worriedly.
"What did Irina see in the woods?" Edward asks his wife.
Bella and Jacob tell them that Renesmee is catching snowflakes.
Evangeline suddenly has an idea of why the Volturi are coming for them, and Edward looks at her and nods.
"Irina thinks Renesmee is an Immortal Child," Evangeline tells them, Jasper placing a hand on top of hers.
They proceed to the library as Carlisle tells Bella information about Immortal Children, and Evangeline still remembers what happened to her sisters and what happened to their original coven leader.
"Well, Renesmee is nothing like those children. She was born, not bitten. She grows every single day," Bella argues.
"So, can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jacob questions, and Evangeline scoffs.
"The Volturi doesn't listen once they have proof, and Irina's thoughts are enough proof," Evangeline tells him as she looks at Jasper worriedly.
"So we fight," Jacob declares.
"Their offensive weapons are too powerful. No one can stand against Jane," Jasper tells them while holding Evangeline's hand for comfort.
"Her brother, Alec, he's even worse," Evangeline adds, and Jasper just holds her waist tightly.
"Well, then we convince them," Bella says confidently.
"They're coming to kill us, not to talk," Emmett interjects. The Volturi will not just listen to them that easily.
"No, you're right, they won't listen to us, but maybe others can convince them. Carlisle and Evangeline have friends all around the world," Edward suggests while looking at the two people who he just mentioned.
"I won't ask them to fight," Carlisle says, and Evangeline agrees.
"Not fight. Witness, if enough people knew the truth, maybe we can convince the Volturi to listen," Edward continues.
"We can ask this from our friends," Esme tells her husband and Carlisle nods.
Evangeline and Jasper look at each other they already know where they will ask for help.
THE FAMILY IS NOW PACKING. Evangeline and Jasper are going to Houston, Texas, and seek out Peter and Charlotte and proceed to Sweden and Greece. Evangeline has made some friends with nomads over the years.
They see Sam walking towards the house, and they go outside. The Alpha hands them a note and says, "Alice asked me to give you that. She and Theodore crossed our lands to the ocean last night."
"Carlisle," Esme calls out.
"They've left us," Carlisle announces, and Evangeline questions, "Why?"
"She didn't say," Carlisle answers.
"Can I see that?" Bella asks, and Carlisle nods, giving the note to Bella.
"We can't do anything. We stick with the plan and gather witnesses as Alice says," Evangeline says, and they nod.
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