9- Meet The Wheelers
——7:04 pm——
Will stood in the middle of the street, he fixed the wig on his head tapping his foot up and down nervously shaking his leg, holding the large bouquet in his hands he scratched the sleeve of his arm. Will wore a white shirt and large tie as well as tight black jeans with chains
He was nervous, Will looked around the street waiting for Mikes car. He took a step forward, searching for his car to arrive
Honk Honk
A black car rolled up beside him, Mike parked jumping out the car towards the smaller boy who met him with a smile. Mike wore a classic black and white suit, opening the passenger side door for Will, he got in struggling to fit himself into the car,
"Oops" he mumbled to himself as his flowers got stuck in the door frame. He rearranged the bouquet to fit inside like a jigsaw. Chuckling he sat comfortably attempting to buckle the seatbelt but struggled due to the flowers that covered his face.
"Do you need some help?" Mike chuckled slipping into his seat,
"Yes please" Will nodded
"Okay just give me a second" Mike attempted to grab the buckle, bringing it towards him
"It's stuck" he added, crouching above Will who remained stationary slightly ducking down covering his face with the flowers, with one swift motion Mike clicks the buckle in. Will blushed being this close to an attractive guy. As mike just sat back in his seat doing his own seatbelt. Will composed himself sitting up straight in his seat, clearing his throat
"Thank you" he cheeped
"It's fine! Anything for my 'boyfriend'" Mike air quoted, he giggled, taking out something from his pocket he placed it into Wills hand
"Your phone" Mike grinned
"Oh thanks... it looks very clean" Will said furrowing his brows
"Yeah, I saw the screen cracked so I went to fix it for you" Mike smiled at the smaller boy
"Oh gosh! You didn't need to do that" Will reprimanded
"Haha, it's fine! I have the money for it" Mike smiled, he started the engine placing the keys into the ignition driving towards his parents' house, he doesn't know why but he felt like a bundle of nerves introducing Will to his parents even if they weren't really dating, he shook his head snapping out of thought
"Why do you have a bouquet?" Mike spoke to break the uncomfortable silence
"Umm it's for your family, I thought I should bring something and well I think it would be a little inappropriate bringing wine, but then again I'm not really sure what else I could give" Will rambled tripping over his own tongue. Mike smiled at him, keeping one eye on the road with the other on Will
"Will it's okay! I'm sure my parents will like you" Mike honestly hoped that would be the case
"Sorry, sorry" Will jumped in his seat
"You have nothing to apologise for" Mike said turning the wheel to make a right turn
"Haha sorry" Will nervously giggled, Mike rolled his eyes chuckling
"don't I get a flower?" Mike joked
"Aww! Of course, I got you a flower hubby" will joked taking the rose out his bouquet placing it into mikes front pocket. Mikes eyes widen a small blush nervously giggling shifting both eyes strictly to the road.
"Oh, umm thanks" Mike chuckled, the ride was silent, Mike drove carefully glancing at the smaller boy. They approached the Wheeler household parking in the driveway, his car rolling to a stop, Will opened his door, stumbling out to the floor, he stood up straight cleaning the specs of dirt off his pants. Mike ran over to him gripping his arm to help
Holding the bouquet close to his chest, Will nervously shook; a sweat dropped down his head, he used a hand to wipe his forehead blowing the hair out his eyes. The mullet remained in his face,
"Don't worry" Mike attempted to calm Will's nerves, he placed an arm on Will's hair, stroking it gently to calm the smaller boy. Mike knocked on the door, the pair stay quiet Will breathes deep, he smiled. The door swung open revealing an old couple. The woman ran to Mike enveloping him into a small hug as the old man stood idle. Will hid behind Mike, uncomfortable from the situation. The old woman stopped hugging him smiling bright
"Hey Mum! Dad! This is Will" Mike grinned pointing towards Will walking out from behind Mike, he awkwardly smiled waving at the old couple, he watched as Karen's face dropped, she eyed him up and down while Mr Wheeler unchanged his expression just walking to the couch, he followed the old man with his eyes
"Mike, can I talk to you in the kitchen please?" Karen uncomfortably smiling directing Mike to the kitchen
"Will why don't you go to the sitting room" She pointed to the next room walking away with Mike, he nodded stepping to the living room taking a seat on the couch. He twiddled his thumbs looking around the room noticing the paintings that littered the walls seeing the landscapes of the photos decorate the room.
Two people flew down the stairs, a woman a few years older than Mike with a smaller girl about five years old, she had blond pigtails and pink overalls. They walked into the living room a bright smile on both their faces, Nancy placed the little girl down on the couch, sitting on the seat next to Will watching him intently. Will awkwardly smiled at the two girls, he could hear noises from the kitchen, Will turned his head toward the sound listening to the conversation; two people argued, he heard Karen shout at Mike disputing his choices about Will. He felt awkward scratching his left arm, his bouquet stationed on his lap. He looked down unknowing what to do in a situation like this. Nancy looked at the small boy a twinge of sadness hit her eye, she felt bad for him trying to start conversation
"So how did you meet Mike?" Nancy asked trying to divert the boy's attention, she smiled facing her body toward his
"Oh, umm we met in NYU" Will lies just repeating the words that mike had written in the binder
"Oh, you went to NYU too?" Nancy tilted her head a bright smile on her face. Will nodded trying not to seem nervous during the whole interaction
"I like your hair" holly said
"Can I braid it?" Holly added, tilting her head coming closer to Will. He nodded facing away from the young girl allowing her to play with his hair braiding it joyfully smiling. His body faced Nancy as she asked Will many questions to which he answered with full confidence repeating back the answers that were written in the binder, simple things as favourite foods and colours were written in there. Mike had also written a section just for a cover story for Will changing the occupation of his parents and older brother Johnathon, for the family to be more 'acceptable' in his parents' eyes. As the questions where being asked; two figures emerge from the kitchen, the lady opens her mouth to speak
"Umm okay let's all eat dinner" She directed the group to the kitchen carrying Holly who just finished braiding the Wig on Will's head. His hair was now neatly braided behind his head. Will jumped up with his bouquet he walked over to Mrs Wheeler holding the flowers in front of her
"Umm this is for your family Mrs Wheeler" Will politely said passing the bouquet to her, she looked down at the large bouquet in her hands asking Nancy to fetch a vase for her to place them in, she does so running back with a blue vase large enough. Karen placed them on a side table decorating the living room slightly moving it to obtain the best angle; walking back to the dining room sitting down at the set table. She sat at the head of the family while the rest of the family surrounded her. Mike sat beside Will placing a hand on his; as Will breathed deep calming his nerves passing food to the family. Karen looked at them noticing the two staring into each other's eyes, placing her fork down.
"So, Will! Mike tells me you did art in Uni" Karen cleared her throat
"Oh yes! I enjoy art very much, even when I was little, I used draw on the walls a lot" Will chuckled
"I guess that's why you dress so... Uniquely" Karen plastered a smile on her face, but Will could tell it was fake
"Oh well! They say the best form of art is self-expression" Will nervously tried
"But I do really love art in general, remember Mike! When we went to the Greek islands and stayed outside all night that one time to draw the night sky, it was so beautiful" Will gushed wrapping an arm around Mike
"Do you love Mike, Will?" Karen spoke in an attempt to trip Will up; he almost chokes on his food as Mike handed him a glass of water
"Excuse me?" Will questioned
"Oh, I asked if you love Mike" She asked nonchalantly
"Oh umm! Yeah, yeah of course I love him that's why I'm dating him" Will said, fidgeting with his fingers under the table
"So then why did you break up with him a few days ago? He almost got married to someone else" she spat judgmentally
"MOM!!" Mike and Nancy shouted in unison
"What? I just want to know" Karen asked innocently, Will could tell she wanted him to make some sort of mistake, he laid down his fork and knife wiping his face with the napkin
"It's just... I just felt like Mike cared more about his work then me as if I was second to everything" He acted sad
"Is that all? I hope you know that won't change in the future" She chuckled
"When we talked over it, I understood that his work is a priority" He continued
"And I actually avoided all his calls after I asked him to break up, but he changed his schedule just to run over and apologise to me" Will softly spoke
"It was cute" Will mumbled, remembering the events from yesterday he looked down, Mike watched him with awe slightly smiling at the smaller boy; face softening
"Oh, umm okay" Karen said changing her face a bit. She picked up her fork again remaining silent. Will awkwardly ate the food served to him; finishing the plate. When everyone finished eating Karen got up going to the kitchen while everyone else ran to the living room. Will helped clean the table picking up the empty dishes carrying them to the kitchen. Karen looked at him helping her when nobody else in her family did, seeing a different side to him
"Soo what type of things do you like to draw?" She asked attempting to make conversation; placing some dishes in the dishwasher
"Oh, just whatever comes to mind, but I guess more specifically landscapes" Will nodded smiling bright
"Oh! I like landscape paintings too; I painted that one" Mrs Wheeler points to a random painting on the wall it consisted of a mountain companied by the sea and the setting sun
"Woah! You made that?" Wills eyes widened
"Yeah" her eyes brightened looking at him face softening as the boy cleaned the table
"Umm Will? I want to apologise" Karen added causing Will to turn his face toward her
"For what?" He tilted his head
"For judging you..." She started
"When Mike said he was dating someone, I expected a girl to walk through the door and that's why I already had a bad impression of you, and I guess I judged you for the way you dressed" she added
"Mike has always been a 'work first' type of guy! I'm glad he's dating you" She grinned placing a hand on his back. She smiled. Karen trusted this boy looking toward her son on the couch then toward the boy by her side
She knew her son had finally found his Mr Right
2035 Words
Stay Safe <3
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