4- Scoop Me Up
"What did you do? I told you not to make him interested" El whined, throwing her arms around herself
"I ran away from him; I don't think that's very 'call me later' behaviour" Will insisted stepping back from El, running a hand through his chestnut hair, he looked around turning his attention towards his two friends watching from the table. Max looked at the pair arguing a grin plastered on her face encouraging El. Then panning his attention to Dustin sitting by Max's side, he shrugged
"You have to go and tell him no" El argued
"What, you said only one date" Will protested, stress visible on his face.
"But you made this mistake" El blamed
"It's not a mistake, he must be insane for wanting to date me" Will tilted his head up in annoyance
"Marry!" Max chirped; a grin on her face
"Yes, thank you Max" Will scowled
"You're welcome" she mouthed flipping her red hair behind her head
"Just tell him the truth" the chestnut-haired boy whined
"I can't do that; my dad will be furious" El admitted sighing
"Please Will! You know I'd do the same for you" she added
"Fine... But this is the last time... I mean it!" Will sternly admits defeated
"Thanks, Will you're the best" the brunette wrapped her arms around the chestnut-haired boy knocking the breath out of him
"Ahem" Max called
"Of course, after you Maxi" El turns to face her girlfriend, placing a hand on her red hair
"Never call me that again" Max scowled
"Anyway, tell him to meet me today, I'll meet him after work" Will sighed
"And I'll just say I don't wanna see him anymore" Will added
"Okay" El nodded, throwing two thumbs up, the chestnut-haired boy rolled his eyes sitting back in his seat.
——2:35 pm——
Will quickly went home after school to collect his disguise knowing he won't have time to come home and change after his shift, he sighed throwing the wig in his bag. El waits outside the house in the car with Max, the two girls chat in the front seat Holding hands lovingly gazing in each other's eyes. He jumped in the back seat, bag in hand smiling buckling his seatbelt
"Excuse me people! some of us can't be late for our jobs" he chuckled placing the bags next to him, the two girls flinch while Max blushed leaning herself back into the seat. The drive was full of chatter Max spoke about every topic on her mind while the brunette listens lovingly, a smile creeped on El's face
Upon reaching the parking lot Will jumped out immediately checking his phone for the time, he would almost be late but if he ran now, he could make it, waving goodbye to the two girls he ran towards the entrance of the building that read Starcourt. He sprinted to the stairs practically flying down them rushing to Scoops Ahoy, pass the counter to the backroom hearing the faint lullabies of the store fill the air.
Robin stood in the middle of the room checking the clock,
"Ooo! One more minute and you'd be late" Robin tuts
"But I'm not!" Will struggled out of breath. Walking to the bathroom he changed his clothes to his uniform, he detested the sailor dress code but it's company policy so not much he could do, his breathing returned to normal noticing the two twenty-four-year-olds playing UNO on the table of the break room he sighed walking pass them to the front counter.
Behind the counter stood a small girl only a few years younger than him, she smiled
"Hi Erica" Will unenthusiastically said
"Can I sample the peppermint stick?" She smirked, a cheeky look on her face
"Haven't you already sampled the peppermint stick yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that" He mocked crossing his hands over his chest
"Yes, and I'd like to try it again" Erica rolled her eyes emphasising her words
"I assure you we have not changed the recipe" Will joked
"Listen how about this- you leave me alone for the week and I'll give you free ice-cream today?" He added, Erica pondered the proposal, she placed a finger to her lips
"Deal" she smiled, like light work Will clutched his scooper using it to grab a scoop of peppermint. Hastily passing the cone in Erica's direction
"Pleasure doing business with you" Erica winks walking out the store; a prep in her step. Will leaned against the counter lifting his head to the sky, he closed his eyes listening to the soft melody of the store overcome him.
"UNO! HA! I win Robin" Well that was short lived, he opened the sliding window
"Why have two managers and one employee?" Will asked rolling his eyes
"It'll be zero employees if you continue complaining William" Steve complained, eating a packet of peanuts
"Try it Steven" Will felt brave mocking him
"Never call me Steven" Steve joked, throwing a peanut in the air catching it in his mouth
"And you never call me William" Will retorted sniggering.
"Yeah, yeah! I'm coming" he sighed, turning around to see a familiar raven-haired male, in shock Will ducked down below the counter, hoping the man did not notice him
The man rung the bell again furrowing his brows, he peaked over the counter finding the small boy crouched behind it
"Umm excuse me?" Mike asked scratching the back of his head, if he wasn't confused already, he definitely was now watching this debacle take place in-front of him.
Will bit his lip debating whether he should answer Mike or not, mustering up the courage he lifted his head only enough for his eyes to be visible.
"Hi" Will peaked his head from under the counter, gripping the counter standing up to wave
"Sorry I thought I dropped a thing" he tried his best to come out with an excuse but even Will knew his excuse was shit
"Umm okay... can I just get a vanilla ice cream cone please" Mike simply stated, Will nodded covering his face just in-case being this close Mike would recognise him as his disaster date from last night. Clutching his scooper once again he scooped the ice cream handing it to Mike in a small tub
"Anything else?" He asked in a monotone manner
"No thank you... although I have a question. Do I know you?" Mike placed his ice cream on the table getting a closer look at Will's bowlcut
"Umm... No! No! I don't think so" Will panicked, hoping that he didn't recognise him
"I'm pretty sure I've seen you before" Mike pondered, placing a hand on his own chin
Will could feel the heat rising to his cheeks, he felt sick but terrified at the same time
"you're in my English class, the one that was sleeping" Mike raised an eyebrow
"Oh! Yeah! I mean I wasn't sleeping just resting my eyes" Will exhaled
"Sure, you were... it's nice to meet you... Will" Mike squinted reading his name tag.
"See you in class tomorrow" the ravenette placed the money on the counter walking out. Will let out a breath, he'll actually be seeing Mike a lot earlier then tomorrow morning, he clutched the table using it as a support feeling his knees go weak, if he didn't have to throw up before he sure does now,
"What was that all about Byers?" Robin joked sliding open the window resting both arms on the tall counter
"Oh, it's just nothing" He answered as normal as possible
"doesn't seem like nothing" robin asked inquisitively, she always had a sixth sense when it came to these things, Will knew she would get the truth out of him eventually.
"what's going on?" Steve joined the conversation pushing Robin slightly out the way
"Wills hiding something" Robin bursted, pushing back at Steve
"I'm not" Will tried to defend himself but he already knew they had already made their own speculations in their minds
"Hmm do you have a crush on him?" Steve questioned, he got straight to the point
"What no no of course not" Will defended himself not doing a particularly good job
"Seems like it" Robin smirked exchanging a knowing look to Steve
"Ughhh fine I'll tell you! that was my teacher... and also my blind date" Will whispered the last part embarrassed of even saying it
"Your blind- what now?" Robin eyes widened, now that she was not expecting
"Why are you meeting strangers on blind dates! it's not safe and plus that guy seems way too old for you I'm going to give him a piece of my mind" Steve ranted angrily throwing his hat on the table. Will always felt like he was like a second mum to him.
"Calm down macho man, it's not that deep I'm going to tell him today I don't want to see him anymore" He let him finish before speaking.
"But your only 21 Will, that guy is like 30!" Steve pained on his point
"He's actually 26!" Will admitted embarrassed; staining his face a red hue, "He doesn't know... I kinda went in disguise"
"So, your catfishing him" Robin raised an eyebrow
"Yes, no... kinda" Will answered not exactly sure if it counts as catfishing
"I mean El was supposed to go but I went in her place but as a guy, and I thought that me just being there would deter him, but I guess it didn't and then I tried to act crazy and flirty like I offered to sleep with him and stuff" He added waving his arms around
"You SLEPT with him?" the pair shout in unison, Will could see the vein in Steve's head ready to burst
"What ew gross no I was just flirting, and he brought me to a hotel" Will waved his hands about continuing his story
"A HOTEL!" Steve looked as if he was about to faint
"But I ran out saying I never wanna see him again and it didn't work obviously" He spoke placing a hand between his eyebrows
"I have a bad vibe about him" Steve admitted standing up straight
"Chill its fine I'm going to tell him to leave me alone today! So don't stress" Will attempted to sooth the two managers but they obviously were not convinced
"If you say so... but we'll drive you there out of the kindness of our hearts" Steve placed a hand to his heart nodding his head with a pout
"You only want to know how I act on a date" Will crossed his arms, leaning on the counter
"That's the secondary reason" Robin joked
Will walked to the bathroom, in his hand was the bag of punk clothing. He changed his clothes, walking out taking a seat by the table that centred the room
"Robin! can you help me put this wig on" he called for Robin
"You really go all out on the catfishing, huh?" She joked, walking from the front of the store to see him, a giggle escaped her lips
"Hey, it's a tough climate out there" Will only half joked back
Robin snatched the wig from his hand, she held his head straight. Will found her technique a lot rough then when El did it; he winced in pain.
"There you go, with minimal head injuries" Robin chuckled hitting him over the head
"You call that minimal?" Will remarked, she nodded taking him to the front. She stood in front of him
"May I present to you El Hopper" she moved out the way; showing Steve Wills new design. Steve remained quiet for a small moment, then bursting out with laughter
"It's not funny Steve" Will sent a glare to him
"I swear it's not- it's just so unexpected to see little Will Byers dressed like that" Steve struggled through laughter.
"Let's go" Will said walking out the store first, this way he didn't have to close up today. He thought of what to say to Mike and exactly the tone to say it in.
He took a deep breath; He was ready.
2029 Words
Stay Safe <3
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