16- Tick-Tock Clock
The chestnut-haired boy ran to the library finding a seat secluded from the sounds of others, wanting to be alone to contain himself from what just happened. He didn't know why Mike acted the way he did or why he was unable to defend the work he had spent countless hours on finetuning it to be the best representation of himself, banging his head on the table, producing a large noise echoing through the library. He lifted his head grasping the essay in his hands, the edges crumpled laying it flat on the table attempting to smooth out the creases. Placing his headphones in his ears blocking out any sound from passers by
Taking out his pencil case emerging a blue pen; pursing his lips, roughly crossing out any sentences he would think Mike would deem as 'Useless' or 'Bullshit', frowning. knowing that he would only have to go home and edit it on his laptop to rework it to be shorter, aiming to complete it at least a few days before the deadline. Lost in thought as the time ticked by, glancing at his watch seeing the time it read '9:04'
"Shit" Will muttered out loud, jumping up from his seat throwing his pencil case and essay in his bag, running out the library down the stairs to his first lesson, he was a few minutes late but so was his teacher usually. Seeing the door of his class in sight he slowed down, stopping in front of the door taking a deep breath, entering the room, calmly walking to his seat as his teacher had not arrived.
"Woah you look like shit" Richie pointed at his face
"Good morning to you too Richie" Will lowered his eyebrows placing his bag under his chair
"Hot shit though" Richie added pointing finger guns toward the chestnut-haired boy, he giggled under his breath being called hot by Richie, even if it was meant as a joke; he savoured it. The door swung open, revealing his Art teacher; her hair tied into a messy bun and her apron the same as always strutting in, placing her bag onto her desk engaging in chit chat with one of the students before abruptly clapping her hands to get the classes attention. Will turned his head to the teacher shifting his thoughts from this morning
---- 9:56 AM ----
"If your phone buzzes one more time I'm gonna bang you on the table" Richie leaned over whispering in the smaller boy's ear
"Don't you mean my phone?" Will asked
"No, I meant you" Richie simply stated
"What?" Will furrowed his brows honestly just confused with Richie at this point, turning his head noticing that he was mere inches away from his face, he blushed slightly; looking at his pink lips, not trying to be obvious while gawking
"You heard what I said" Richie only shrugged moving back to his seat, Will blinked profusely, feeling the phone in his pocket vibrate again taking it out under the table, seeing the wall of notifications on screen flash in front of his eyes
"Shit" Will says aloud, his eyes widening as Mike tried to contact him so many times only continuing to grow
"Oh, so Byers does swear! Do it again, it was hot" Richie joked looking at the chestnut haired boy
"Not now Richie" Will spoke. Although wanting to entertain him; he needed to get to the bottom of why Mike was texting him this much, feeling confused standing up from his seat,
"Where are you going?" Richie questioned, grabbing the hand of the smaller boy. Will looked down his face flashing a red hue, his heartbeat increasing, feeling his palms get sweaty. His phone buzzed again shocking him out of his trance
"Umm bathroom" Will answered sounding unsure of himself, if this was any other moment, he would have turned into a bumbling mess but he remained steady, sneaking out the class and around the halls passing students in the hallway, some chatting; others bunking off; looking for a quiet place to speak to Mike; hoping no one would disturb him or expose his disguise, ever since the date on Saturday Will was paranoid of Mike finding out who he really was, feeling as if his mind was slipping, like when he thought he lost his wallet only to find he dropped it outside his house.
Finally deciding to just take the call in the bathroom, making sure no one was in the stalls he locked the front door to the bathroom ensuring no one could walk in. He unlocked his phone to the contacts, hovering his finger over the call button taking a deep breath pressing it
One ring
Two rings
"Ugggh! He calls me then ghosts me?" Will mumbled to himself slightly angry; but regardless called him one last time giving the benefit of the doubt.
"Hello" He picked up almost instantly
"You called me so many times, is there an emergency? I'm at work" Will lied but concern laced his voice
"Where do you work?" Mike avoided the question
"Excuse me?" Will responded
"You told me you had a job... Where is it?" Mike repeated
"Umm why?" Will furrowed his eyebrows
"Because I need to talk to you" Mike said, Will panicked from the other side; not knowing what the ravenette needed to discuss
"Oh umm... it's far out the town; in Orson. So, I don't think it would be a good idea, to- to come here with your busy schedule. Why don't you tell me now?" Will quickly spoke, tripping over his own words hoping that saying his work is out town would deter him
"That's fine! I have a car; I can meet you" Mike chirped from the other side to Will's shock
"I'm sorry?" Will responded, eyes widening
"I'll meet you near your work at 11:15" Mike spoke with a smirk from the other side knowing there would be no way the smaller boy would agree to turn up
"Okay..." Will scrunched his eyes knowing that declining would only enable Mike to turn up to Orson anyway looking for him. Also thinking about how it would only be a few more dates before Mike agreed to find someone else. The ravenette on the other hand was surprised hearing this but took advantage of the situation
"I'll text you where to meet" Will added blandly
"See you there" Mike said inconspicuously before switching off the phone not even waiting for Will to reply
"Umm bye" Will awkwardly replied, hearing the dial tone hum. Leaning against the wall, he switched to Google finding a café place in Orson; eventually just stopping after finding a generic Starbucks, sending Mike the location to it. Glancing at his watch noticing that ten minutes had already passed, he slumped back to his lesson already dreading the meeting
"Why are you so tired? Were you taking a massive dump?" Richie joked seeing the smaller boy sit back next to him
"Haha very funny Richie" Will rolled his eyes,
"Or where you..." Richie chuckled opening his mouth placing a finger on his chin
"Whatever you're thinking about, no I was not" Will cut off already knowing what Richie thought he might be doing in the bathroom stall
"Oh, that's disappointing... But if you ever do that, be sure to invite me" Richie pouted
"I'd rather eat cement" Will joked, on the surface appearing cool but a jumbling mess on the inside, periodically glancing at the clock tick, planning on jumping up as soon as the lesson ends; only five minutes left and it felt like a lifetime for Will,
Five minutes
Four minutes
Three minutes
Two minutes
One minute
"Okay! Get out my class now" The teacher joked releasing the students, Will jumped up shoving his pencil case into his bag running out the door
"So Will do you wann-" Richie asked turning his head to the chair of the chestnut-haired boy who wasn't their anymore, he seemed sad frowning. Will however was already out the door to the parking lot to his motor bike, taking the helmet out placing it on his head riding back to his house. His mind filled with disorientating thoughts.
Bouncing off his bike, Will jingled his keys placing them in the door throwing his bag to the ground running to his room, grabbing the wig placing it on his head turning to pull on a black hoodie with a white crystal skull on it also wearing the necklace Mike had gifted him. He opened his eyes looking in the mirror thinking he looked good enough as he glanced at the clock. '11:09'. He is supposed to meet Mike in six minutes, his eyes widen running out the door locking it.
He vaulted to his motor bike again taking the fastest route to Orson, knowing the route off the back of his hand due to having the best library; containing a whole section just for graphic novels and comics. He shook his head riding pass the sign of Hawkins, passing the farmyard countryside, being unable to take in the sights as he kept his eyes straight on the road riding as fast as he can under the speed limit. Seeing the Orson sign come into view Will rejoiced hoping he could get to the Starbucks in time.
---- 11: 29 AM ----
He reached the store parking behind it throwing the helmet inside the bike, he ruffled his hair ensuring he looked presentable enough as if this was what he was wearing all day. He took a deep breath turning the handle of the door opening it. Scanning the area, he saw the familiar raven-haired boy sitting at a table, his arms crossed in a closed off position, Will gulped thinking that the reason he was called here might not be a pleasant one. None the less he charged toward Mike.
"Sorry I'm late" Will apologised, taking a seat opposite him
"It's fine... I don't mind waiting, I assume work is busy" Mike questioned hoping to stump the smaller with his question
"Oh yeah! All work is like that though" Will nervously chuckled, keeping a fake smile on his face
"What work do you actually do?" Mike asked
"What? I work as a..." The chestnut-haired boy stuttered thinking of a job that Mike wouldn't ask too many questions about
"As a?" Mike stretched his words, taking a sip from his coffee mug, Will panicked looking around the room noticing a random woman reading a book
"A... A librarian" Will splattered, taking a small breath diffusing his mind, Mike looked unamused taking another sip of coffee
"I hope you don't mind me asking... But why did you want to meet me?" Will added before Mike could ask any more questions
"I just wanted to know where you work" Mike smirked
"That's a bit random... couldn't you have just asked me this over text" Will emphasized still awkwardly smiling
"It seems like a big waste of time coming all the way to Orson to just ask me one question" He added pushing a tuft of hair behind his ear. Mike scanned the boy seeing the necklace he had given adorned around his neck; it filled him with anger.
"Yes! We should go" Mike sharply spat, standing up from his seat grabbing his coat out of the store, leaving the chestnut-haired boy sitting alone at his seat
"Did he drag me all the way to Orson for this?" Will muttered to himself, getting up running after Mike
"Sorry to leave so abruptly, I'm giving my students an exam today and if they are late, they won't be allowed in, so I must be early" Mike insincerely apologised, attempting to scare the chestnut-haired boy. Will looked at his watch seeing the time read 11:36. He forgot he had an exam today, he even studied for it but needed to be on time or his revision would be useless.
"Shit" Will muttered under his breath
"Would you like me to drop you back to your work?" Mike asked the smaller boy smirking sinisterly
"NO! I mean no thanks" Will nervously chuckled running away from Mike to the back of the store to his motor bike, throwing on his helmet he rode back to Hawkins
---- 12:07 PM -----
Will rushed back to the university after detouring to get his bag from his house and removing his disguise; approaching his class visibly out of breath straddling. Will walked into the door turning the handle but it didn't budge, the door was locked from the inside. Will breathed deep knocking on the door hoping Mike wouldn't be too angry at him. Standing idle observing the ravenette approach.
"Why are you late?" Mike questioned pushing Will away standing in the middle of the hallway, his back away from the door
"Umm... I umm was in the bathroom" Will lied wishing Mike would accept it
"I sent an email to everyone to be on time... you're the only one who failed to" Mike scolded crossing both his arms across his chest
"I know but-" Will attempted
"It's obvious you don't care about your education" Mike yelled
"You're not doing the exam; you're failing this unit" He added harshly, Will's eyes widened hearing this, a bunch of thoughts passed by his head in that moment
"What? But that's not fair!" The chestnut-haired boy claimed
"That's life" Mike shrugged his shoulders, turning his body around to face the door, a steady grip on the handle
"I've been doing this module since last year; I've done so many essays for it. I can't fail for missing just one" Will complained, in most circumstances he would never dream to ever talk back to a teacher, but Mike has really been ticking him off all day. First with the competition, then with Orson, now this
"Excuse me?" Mike replied, loosening his grip on the handle
"It's the truth and you know that! I don't understand what I've done wrong" Will defended himself looking at Mike with rage
"Of course, you don't think you've done anything wrong" Mike retorted with the same amount of anger
"What?" Will replied throwing his hands in the air
"You're still not doing this essay, now go away" Mike spat, walking back to the class leaving Will mouth agape in the hallway. He took a step back digesting what just happened, taking a deep breath, Will walked to the library; honestly, he didn't want to be here right now but sucked it up beelining to a computer, taking out his USB placing it into the slot, scanning the files to open his essay.
"Okay Will! You can do this!" He cheered himself on, reworking the essay for the competition, attempting to cut the pages by half. He was going to prove to Mike that Will Byers is not one to be easily dismayed by a minor setback, he would rework this essay and hand it to him by the end of the day. And in turn somehow also convince him to let him do his exam. That was a promise.
2531 Words
Stay Safe <3
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