10- Oddly Endearing
——10:48 PM——
The pair stand outside the Wheeler household finishing the dinner date, Will brightly smiled; watching Karen stand in the doorframe, Holly in hand. Both waving with one hand. Mike wrapped an arm around Will, awkwardly closing the gap between the two
"Uhh what are you doing?" Will furrowed his eyebrows
"I'm making us look like a couple" Mike whispered into his ears; Will rolled his eyes, they turned around to face Karen seeing her watch the pair. Mike directed him to his car opening the door outstretching an arm to let him in. Will slipped in looking out the window of the car, buckling his seatbelt. Seeing Mike sat in the driving seat adjusting the rear-view mirror, running a hand through his raven hair Will watched him intently taking in the details of his face as he turned the key into the ignition he reversed his car, allowing himself onto the flat road, the pair sat in silence
"Your family is nice" Will smiled, breaking the quiet that enveloped them
"You don't have to lie" Mike mocked
"I mean it" Will giggled
"Can I ask you something?" he continued, shuffling in his seat turning his attention toward Mike not even waiting for the him to nod
"Why exactly don't you actually date anyone? I'm sure girls and even guys would foam at the mouth for you" He added
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Mike raised an eyebrow
"Take it how you want" Will joked
"And to answer your question; I guess it's just because it takes up too much valuable time, it's too much of a commitment for something that might not work out and I'm a very busy man" Mike tightened his grip on the steering wheel
"So, then what are you planning on doing with me then? Isn't this fake dating also wasting your time?" Will reasoned
"This is different" Mike said
"Different how?" Will threw his hand in the air
"It just is" Mike spoke
"And besides it's not like I even like any of the people my parents set me up with" He mentioned
"Why? are they that bad?" Will replied
"Worse than you" Mike mentioned
"Don't push your luck Wheeler" the boy rolled his eyes
"But what I was saying before is why don't you do it for real?" Will tilted his head
"Do what?" Mike questioned
"Date someone for real, someone you actually want to be with. I know you might think that it would waste your time right now, but in the long term it will be more efficient for you. And plus, you might be able to get married like your mum wants you too" Will blurted
"Married?" Mike questioned, furrowing his brows
"Yeah, and besides dating me kind of ensures that you won't meet someone else, so if you think about it this might be a bigger waste of time for the future" Will softly explained
"I could help you get someone you like; I could be like your teacher of sorts" He suggested, chuckling as he finished his sentence
"Are you breaking up with me?" Mike joked
"Not this time" Will giggled
"But just think about it, okay? I'm glad to listen to whatever is on your mind. I've been told I'm a good listener" He added
"Well from what I see you are always talking" Mike rolled his eyes
"Hey! I was acting" Will responded
"I'm surprised you aren't famous yet" Mike remarked
"I know, right?" Will chuckled
The pair then fell into silence once again, Will sat quietly watching out the window counting the cars that passed them; Mike watched the smaller boy, looking at him intently, the mullet on his head perfectly fit his frame, his light skin illuminated by the night sky and his hazel eyes appeared green in the night light, Mike turned to an unknown road
"Umm... where are we going?" Will looked out the window onto an empty road
"Don't worry! I won't hurt you" Mike joked
"Mike? That doesn't fill me with confidence" Will remarked
"Why? Do you want me to hurt you?" He joked
"Is that your attempt on threatening me?" Will rolled his eyes
"Did it work?" Mike spoke aloud
"My timbers are shivered" he chuckled placing a hand on his face, moving his bangs out his eyes
"But seriously where are we going?" He added
"Oh, I need to pick up my friend Lucas, he was eager to meet you" Mike excitedly smiled
"I'm just so popular everyone wants to meet me" Will joked
"Yeah definitely" they reach the parking lot. Sitting in the comfortable seats taking in the silence that enveloped them
"Do you want to be friends?" Will added
"Friends?" Mike raised an eyebrow
"I mean if we are going to 'date' wouldn't you rather have it with a friend then a random boy you met?" Will explained
"I mean yeah I guess your right" Mike simply responded
"What about you though?" he blurted
"What about me?" Will shuffled his body turning his attention to Mike
"Loving someone, how come you aren't in a relationship?" The raven-haired boy questioned
"Eh! I gave up on falling in love long time ago" Will sighed
"What why? Anyone would be lucky to have you" Mike exclaimed
"Oh, just because" Will dismissed the question not allowing Mike to see who he really was, he didn't want to get that close to him, looking down at his lap; allowing himself to fidget with his fingers not knowing what to respond with if Mike asked further questions
"Thanks for picking me up Mike and... who is this?" The mysterious Lucas entered the back of the car popping his head pass the gap of the two front seats, he held his head high analysing the small boy in the passenger seat
"Umm I'm Will" The boy choked out
"Yeah, this is my fake boyfriend" Mike blurted out loud
"What happened to El? He was bat-shit crazy" the boy in the back seat chuckled making a hand gesture to determine his point
"Umm I was El... Nice to meet you" Will awkwardly waved
"Oop" Lucas only simply replied placing a hand over his face
"it's fine! I don't care" Will chuckled, slumping in his seat. Lucas began asking questions to the smaller boy laughing and joking. Mike watched the two feeling a small twinge of jealousy run through him, thinking the reason for his jealousy was due to being left out. He huffed rolling his eyes tightening his grip on the steering wheel. The trio arrived at the park alerting Will to unbuckle his seatbelt, launching himself out the car
"I could drive you home, you know?" Mike joked rolling down the window
"It's late" He added glancing at the watch on his wrist
"Aww, is Mike worried for his boyfriend?" Lucas mocked; Mike scowled hitting his leg. Will leaned onto the frame of the window
"I'm fine Mike, I am a grown-up remember" He mocked, turning around to walk under the streetlamps skipping home; a bright smile graced his face. Mike and Lucas watched the smaller boy walk till the end of the street, turning the corner hidden behind the tall building.
"Isn't there something oddly endearing about him?" Lucas spoke watching as Will walk down away
"What? I thought you called him crazy the other day?" Mike raised his eyebrows
"Well, the way you described him, I thought he was off his rocker" Lucas joked throwing both hands in the air
"I mean he is" Mike quietly mumbled, softly smiling to himself, Lucas looked at him seeing the tall boy's expression through the rear-view mirror. That smile on Mike's face was significant to Lucas, he had been best friends with Mike since they were babies in diapers and that was a smile only reserved to friends and close family. Never to people he just met a few days ago. He knew that Mike had always been one to divulge himself into work, seeing it as a top priority with romance at the very bottom of that list. The only friend he really had was Lucas with everyone else being mere acquaintances
"Well, I like him! He's fun, and plus I've never seen you get along with anyone like that before" Lucas cooed, chuckling to himself
"Why? what's that supposed to mean?" Mike looked offended, turning his body around to face him
"You know exactly what I mean" Lucas replied wiggling both eyebrows
"Shut up Lucas" Mike joked rolling his eyes turning the key into the ignition and driving toward Lucas's house, He stepped out; to the house waving at the raven-haired boy, Mike returned the wave driving off back to his house, opening the door entering his home and breathing a deep sigh
1397 Words
Stay Safe <3
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